Yes, I know that seeds have several modes of transport. You should recognize that a large number of species do infact disperse their seeds near themselves. I do know that all the seeds I am collecting will not grow up into a tree elseware because none of what I am collecting are trees. Trees are not herbs and forbs which I indicated earlier as what I am collecting. You are right that I can not know exactly which seeds I have collected would actually sprout. However, since the areas I am collecting from are areas where the earth is going to be disturbed by construction and strip mining there is a high probability that none of the seeds I have collected would actually sprout. I don't ever recall a seed of the Spring Avens sprouting through concrete. Most of the seeds I am collecting are typically dispersed within a few meters from the parent plant and there are no nearby sources of water to carry any of the seeds.
I do understand what things can be used to calculate divergence. And you are correct I can not describe this area nor my own completly by 'metric description' anymore than you can, but I do make a note of the geographic co-ordinates where I collect seeds from. An initial level of divergence was calculated by the processors on my device upon arival. There are obviously things that will raise the divergence such as, my being here and the actions I take while I am here. Would you rather I collect seeds from areas slated for strip mining and construction where there is a reasonable expetation that most of the seeds would not survive or would you rather I take them from a National Forest where it is expected that most of the seeds would sprout?
I do know somewhat more of how to describe the area I am in and where I was from "metricly." Some of the items I brought with me were maps. I have even used the map I was given by our archives of 2006 to compare with one my great-uncle has of 2006. I can tell you that right now that I am 392 meters above mean sea level. I could also tell you my exact location to the nearest milisecond, but I am not going to post my co-ordinates because I don't want hordes of people showing up here (provided they can read a map and find co-ordinates).
I have told you previously that divergence is the amount of difference between two worldlines. In this case this 2006 worldline and the 2006 from my worldline. I have also told you how my actions would minimize further divergence. An initial level of divergence was calculated by the processors on my device upon arival. There are obviously things that will raise the divergence between two worlds such as, my being here and the actions I take while I am here. If I were to murder an important person who was not murdered in 2006 in my worldline it is rather obvious that my action would create more divergence between the two worldlines. Let me ask you a question. Would you rather I collect seeds from areas slated for strip mining and construction where there is a reasonable expetation that most of the seeds would not survive or would you rather I take them from a National Forest where it is expected that most of the seeds would sprout? If I were to take seeds from an area where it is expected they would sprout, such as a National Forest, then by taking them I will raise the divergence between the two worldlines. I can not help it if you fail to understand the concept.
In regard to your question about genealogy. We are not talking about just a few years, if a generation occurs every 35 years then 3 generations would be 105 years. 105 years from 2047 is 1942. As I indicated earlier, most do know their genealogy upto 3 generations (their great-grandparents). Do you know who your great-great grandparednts were? Do you have a record of your family tree back to say 1600? I have previously explained that most genealogical data is stored on internet servers and computer databases. Since most internet servers, mainframes, databases, etc... were destroyed then so were the genealogy records. I am currently retreiving data from Rootsweb which I will take back with me. I don't know why this is so difficult to understand. Re-read the 6th post of this thread! If people can't bother to actually read the posts, which I am begining to think people in this worldline can't do, I'm not going to endlessly repeat myself.