I see Rainman does have the capacity to use the English language instead of idiotic rhymes.
Nice. So do you always label anything that you don't understand as "idiotic"? (That is a question for our "time traveler" friend). Let the record clearly show that our "virtuous time traveler" (or so he would like us to think) has decided to throw out the first flame. I guess even in 2047 you haven't overcome the hypocrisy problem, eh? Excuse me, let me address Pamela while this is on my mind...
Pamela: Here is you chance to show that you are consistent and not just another hypocrite. Are you now going to scold your friend Bruce for throwing out the first flame? It seems I was reading several posts ago how you were passing some pretty severe judgments on... what was that term? "Rotten vegetables". But perhaps your script doesn't allow for you to scold "Bruce", because that would get in the way of the plot development where you, once again, become the TT'ers love interest.
Back to Bruce: You're lucky I cultivate a bit of patience. But go ahead and insult me one or two more times and I would be more than happy to give you a lesson in this worldline's culture of verbal assaults.
I state things explicitly.
Yes, you do... except when you avoid stating things explicitly that would reveal your hoax or show you didn't do your homework very well in the "evidence" you present.
It doesn't take an idiot to figure that out.
Again with the idiot references. Yes, it is quite clear that you have really cultivated an appreciation for love, understanding, and patience in your worldline of 2047.
I guess common sense was tossed out the window along with morals in this worldline.
Now that is funny! For I guess you don't see the lack of common sense that is all over your "operating manual". And as for morals... I guess you will remain "in character" to the bitter end so you don't have to face your own moral dilemma in your attempted hoax.
For the record, I think I should tell you that there are quite a few people here who are NOT idiots. Such people collect data as events develop, and we really love it when a verbose TT hoaxer shows up. You see the more you write, the greater potential for the people of this forum to catch your contradictions and your own lack of common sense. Your posts are already littered with several juicy ones which you, no doubt, cannot even see. It is almost like "trick or treat". I can't speak for others, but I am just letting my bag fill-up and then I will enjoy the treats at a later time in a later post.
It's too bad you just decided to insult my code instead of seeking to understand it. But there is still an opportunity for you to do so. In fact, if you are successful in decoding my statements, you will be treated to a preview of some of the non-sequitors and contradictions you have already left us.
Have a lovely day there in WV. Hey, you are not that far from Pamela! Perhaps a romantic tryst may yet develop in this RPG!
Although, as an Ohio boy myself, I must say Pamela is not doing much to portray the citizens of my home state as critical thinkers. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif