Hello, This is an interesting worldline.

Ok, Pam, no problem.

To RainmanTime:
Well, at this point, do you Remember, another Time Traveler from Federal Franklin State, that included Mexican Territories...

And what if after The Great Catastrophe (commonly to many timelines), somehow given data in an example: alas 09 september 2009, The Continental US is no more..A huge new Sea...,in front of Canada and Mexico, the survivors will went to these borders, like Atlantida. And these countries easily become Superpowers...

and in the process the real rotten veggies are wiped out of the Planet!!!, and the IAM RPG game is no longer Remember. LOL

Just Thinking...

To Bruce: Thanks, for the answers
I see Rainman does have the capacity to use the English language instead of idiotic rhymes.
Nice. So do you always label anything that you don't understand as "idiotic"? (That is a question for our "time traveler" friend). Let the record clearly show that our "virtuous time traveler" (or so he would like us to think) has decided to throw out the first flame. I guess even in 2047 you haven't overcome the hypocrisy problem, eh? Excuse me, let me address Pamela while this is on my mind...

Pamela: Here is you chance to show that you are consistent and not just another hypocrite. Are you now going to scold your friend Bruce for throwing out the first flame? It seems I was reading several posts ago how you were passing some pretty severe judgments on... what was that term? "Rotten vegetables". But perhaps your script doesn't allow for you to scold "Bruce", because that would get in the way of the plot development where you, once again, become the TT'ers love interest.

Back to Bruce: You're lucky I cultivate a bit of patience. But go ahead and insult me one or two more times and I would be more than happy to give you a lesson in this worldline's culture of verbal assaults.
I state things explicitly.
Yes, you do... except when you avoid stating things explicitly that would reveal your hoax or show you didn't do your homework very well in the "evidence" you present.
It doesn't take an idiot to figure that out.
Again with the idiot references. Yes, it is quite clear that you have really cultivated an appreciation for love, understanding, and patience in your worldline of 2047.
I guess common sense was tossed out the window along with morals in this worldline.
Now that is funny! For I guess you don't see the lack of common sense that is all over your "operating manual". And as for morals... I guess you will remain "in character" to the bitter end so you don't have to face your own moral dilemma in your attempted hoax.

For the record, I think I should tell you that there are quite a few people here who are NOT idiots. Such people collect data as events develop, and we really love it when a verbose TT hoaxer shows up. You see the more you write, the greater potential for the people of this forum to catch your contradictions and your own lack of common sense. Your posts are already littered with several juicy ones which you, no doubt, cannot even see. It is almost like "trick or treat". I can't speak for others, but I am just letting my bag fill-up and then I will enjoy the treats at a later time in a later post.

It's too bad you just decided to insult my code instead of seeking to understand it. But there is still an opportunity for you to do so. In fact, if you are successful in decoding my statements, you will be treated to a preview of some of the non-sequitors and contradictions you have already left us.

Have a lovely day there in WV. Hey, you are not that far from Pamela! Perhaps a romantic tryst may yet develop in this RPG!
Although, as an Ohio boy myself, I must say Pamela is not doing much to portray the citizens of my home state as critical thinkers. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif

I am still up in the air about you being real or not as I am naturally skeptical

Yes, Pamela. What is the old saying? "I can see you but I just can't reach you."

Your skepticism is all over the web.

Is it getting cold in your part of Ohio? My relatives on the west side of Cleveland already had some decent snow. Ever been to North Olmsted or Bay Village? I grew up in a house on Lake Erie that was only 5 doors down from the infamous Sam Sheppard where the murder of his wife occurred. And I went to St. Edward High School, which I am sure you must know is the wrestling powerhouse of the state! Just a little trivia for you there.

Aw, I had hoped I would have received a letter about Scannell's legal action against me from California today. Oh, well perhaps I will get it tomorrow. It will be a wonderful thing to take with me.
Hello all,

This is my very first posting here and I would like to say this is a very interesting crowd. I've read many of the topics and replies and love the diversity! I've read many of this sites topics and replies, but not all. That being said, I've some questions of my own on this current topic of Bruce2047.

Why reveal yourself? Wouldn't you learn more by keeping your true identity a secret? Why hash it out with everyone here?

Which leads me directly to my second question. Why didn't your uncle shoot you? I don't mean to sound rude, but we are talking about West Virginia, right? In this "worldline" a lot of men don't like surprises. It may sound presumptious of me, but a man on my doorstep claiming to be a time traveler would constitute as being a surprise. Eerie personal information divulged or no. Around here, even if you had lights beaming out your arse, you would have found yourself eating shotgun shell. Maybe especially so.

Who determines divergence?

If our histories do in fact contain small, or large discrepancies, who says which are important ones? You trip here may not include human murdering, but what if it's supposed to and you don't? I would venture a guess and say the very fact of you being here cannot be an unlawful against the universe... causing divergence. Therefore, anything you are whatsoever inclined to do you have free reign to do. (aka- murder, multiply, play the lottery, go on Oprah... )

What's your biology like? Do they still innoculate for the same diseases in 2047? Do you worry about our bacteria? What if there were a strain here that was not found in your time-worldline and you took it back with you? Is there some disinfecting procedure you follow?

Lastly, if you're looking for cultural interaction, why not the 3d kind? Has your uncle taken you to a bar?
Welcome Aboard Jet,
I think that if more traveleres are allowed in this time frame 1998-2008, and they always said that this time-frame is like the dark age (no social and cultural records), and this is the main attractor to them:
try to dig and recover many knowledge, from first, second, and third hand...to gain social and technological balance one more time,to their present Circa 2030 and beyond.

Is like we are the Lost Generation...that went gone in the Great Catastrophe (Nuclear, Natural, or Alien made) and ¨cause "this" there is no Paradox Problems...LOL

By the other side, they said that in their present the bird rate drop dead for Radiation, so who knows..about the biohazzard in the future...
Regards... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Who determines divergence?

Yes, thank you, Jet! I think more people should be fixating on this question. How is it calculated - what sort of computer systems are available in 2047 to the private/civilian sector that can handle this kind of maths. Does the Military bring out Dual instruction booklets for these systems too?!!!

What information are you putting into it to get your results, Bruce?

In just 40 years time you are claiming that non military computers are powerful enough to handle data regarding parralel universes and 'Event' divergence percentages! I think that this is in fact, just a big a claim as Time travel. Perhaps even more so.

Why dont you elaborate on this point seeing as people are repeatedly asking you. And i'd like to ask Ray to look at you answer. But be warned - Bruce - It better be good.

Don't tell me though, "you just press the buttons on the unit" and here you are, right?"

Kind regards,
I think that if more traveleres are allowed in this time frame 1998-2008, and they always said that this time-frame is like the dark age

Dark-age, or perhaps we are just about to enter the 'Golden Era'.
I wanted to point out that the Hand Held Unit looks like a muti-meter. It's just a device that reads current, voltage, resistance. etc etc.
This is the multimeter model used for the top of the hand held: Howard piA Digital Multimeter


There are even buttons with the same name!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif You take the instructions manual of the multimeter, scan it, do a little "photoshop magic" and voila!

Don't you think that an operating manual from the year 2047 would certainly include full-color, photographic representations of the multimeter (errr... I mean TT device control unit)? I mean really, even TODAY we see that operating manuals for hi-tech devices include actual, color photos of the unit itself!!! Operating manuals for the commercial aircraft I have worked on (from wayyyyy back in the 90s) were already including full-color, hi-res, glossy photos of the panels and instrument displays that the pilot actually uses.

Why is Bruce's operating manual so crude that it can only have a schematic, and not an actual color photo of the hand-held unit???

Now Bruce will probably say "actually, it is in color, but you only see black and white because I had to scan the operating manual's page before I could post it."

And to that I would say: Is West Virginia of today (OCT 2006) SOOOOOO far behind the times that you cannot find a Fedex-Kinkos where you can scan the page in COLOR before you post it here????

I mean... we do live in 2006, where we can even take color photos of anything with our freaking cell phones...

Isn't anyone seriously skeptical of this part of his "evidence"? Why can't Bruce provide a high-quality picture of his device? One which does not have the obvious doctored legends that is apparant on the JPG file he posted?

I can't wait to hear the excuse for this... but I can see Bruce is already ignoring me, so he probably won't answer my questions... they are too relevant!

Hmmmm...the Howard piA Digital Multimeter
looks almost identical to the handheld.

Its got the 4 buttons on the top with the exact same functions listed.
The two buttons below that are the same.
The dial is the same.
Its got a positive and negative indication.
a calculator like number thing.
As I look at them both they just look too similiar.
At this point I would have to ask myself why would it look almost exactly the same
with all of the same buttons in the same places?
I would have to conclude the functions would have to be similiar.

Calculators all have the basics too even though they may vary in what they look like
but they are still calculators. If there is an -,+,= and numbers 1 through nine most
likely its another type of calculator and not a washing machine.

It looks too similiar to me.

Bruce, why does your handheld look like a Howard piA Digital Multimeter ?
Where are you Bruce?


Any-way, the Bioengineered Plague has just started...

The beginning of the alteration of nature and it's lovely bugs. The devil is in the details: http://www.promega.com/applications/genexp_reptr/default.htm?WT.srch=1&src=google

Altering Plants, grass, forests, and the companies involved: Some scientists are concerned.


"....Risks are increased by the fact that the genes inserted into GM food not only survive digestion, but transfer into body organs and circulation.


"Some GM crops create their own pesticide called Bt. -Snip-
What if Bt genes transfer to gut bacteria like soya genes do? They could turn our internal flora into living pesticide factories. "


Regards... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif
Hi Ray,

I must agree with your attempts to address the "TT unit" sistuation. Even JT came out with 'something', to feed the flocking fans. I guess there are not so many people behind this one eh?

I still would like to focus in on this Divergence % issue. This is a fairly simple question if it is a real ability for people in 2047 - however quite complex for us in 2006. Personally i'd be Very surprised if there are 'civilian' systems capable of processing this sort of infomration in only 40 years time.

We are talking about technology that can tap into the consciousness of a "timeline"....obviously it would need what we might term 'radionic' properties, if i might use the term.

I'm guessing that Bruce must be currently 'logging' findings though...Again.

Kind regards,
If you may have noticed I don't post on Saturdays because it is the sabbath. In regard to the "multi-meter" I have previous stated earlier that there are times where similar appearing objects in this worldline appear like those in my worldline, but have different unrelated functions. When I arrived here I mistook my great-uncle's dishwasher for a microwave oven. The hand held unit which I use is actually bright yellow.

Several have asked how divergence is calculated. My knowledge of the specifics is limited, but I know of some things that go into the calculation. One of those items in the calculation is small differences in gravity recorded by the VGL.

In regards to "civilian" systems; Is it not true in your worldline that major universities have computer systems which rival those of the military and the government? In my worldline in 2047 most major developments happen at the university level and not the military level.

Why is the manual not in color and why aren't there photos? I could ask the same question of you in worldline. You have the capability of printing any manual in color and include photos. Why are so many manuals in your worldline printed in black and lack photos? I can tell you some of the reasons why some manuals in my worldline in 2047 are printed in black and lack photographs. Our government doesn't have the seemingly endless wealth that your government aparently has. The sources of income for my government is fees collected through import tariffs and from the Personal Transit System fares. The manual in question was printed by my government (if anyone bothered to look). It is far more inexpensive to produce government publications printed in black.

Those are very good questions. One of the reasons I have decided to reveal myself is that of being honest about one's self to others and by knowing some of my background others can understand why I have the questions about your wouldline that I do.

My uncle has explained much of West Virginia to me and how outsiders perceive it. What you have just asked would be considered a stereotype and my uncle would likely be offened. I actually have not seen anyone here with a gun and my uncle doesn't own such things. No one lives in shacks nor do they wear burlap, and the women aren't running around barefoot either. My location seems very cosmopolitian since it is 49 miles from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. How would you like it if I assumed you were a liberal wacko because you live in California? I don't mean to be rude, but we are talking about California.

Yes, it is true that just my being here has altered this worldline slightly, but no matter the worldline one still has morals. Murder is wrong no matter the worldline! Why would I want to cause severe damage to your worldline? That would be terribly immoral! I have heard the "murder" senario from several others. I can say I am very glad this worldline does not yet posess time travel as it appears everyone would want to go murder for the shear sport of it.

We innoculate for several diseases that you may or may not have here such as Whooping Cough, Dipthera, Polio, Malaria, etc... We do not however, over innoculate people for nuscence diseases such as Chicken Pox. One should develop a natural immunity instead of preventing every illness. Do you not think that the reason why people, children especially, have strange allergies to things such as peanuts, or the reason why so many people suffer from asthma is because of over innoculation for every virus thus preventing the body to develop a natual immune system. It is possible to carry a previously unknown strain of bacteria or virus into my worldline, but most strains of bacteria and virus don't actually cause any illness or only cause illness if the immune system is severly damaged. You are likely infected with Cryptomeglovirus and Toxoplasmosis, but yet you show no signs of illness. Any strains of bacteria or virus in which the people of this worldline have build up immune defences to we would build up the same defences and if there was a deadly strain of a disease
unknown in my worldline I would have likely already been exposed to it and wouldn't be writing here.

I have not been to a bar. I watch what I consume and there are probably many chemicals in the ale brewing process in this worldline that I would not want to be exposed to.
We do not however, over innoculate people for nuscence diseases such as Chicken Pox. One should develop a natural immunity instead of preventing every illness. Do you not think that the reason why people, children especially, have strange allergies to things such as peanuts, or the reason why so many people suffer from asthma is because of over innoculation for every virus thus preventing the body to develop a natual immune system.

First of all, is using spell-checker a rare habit to acuqire in your future/worldline?

I can only imagine what your CV looks like.

I would probably feel embarrassed for you, if it were to be passed by to my desk for consideration in hiring you.

Second. Now you’re attempting to speak in medical terms.

While it’s obvious you’ve never taken any introductory courses on immunology or pharmacology, other then by an internet search; can you even tell me which immunoglobulin becomes stimulated in an allergic reaction?

You are likely infected with Cryptomeglovirus and Toxoplasmosis, but yet you show no signs of illness.

There is no such use of the -meglovirus suffix for the root word Crypt-. Nor would it seem appropriate to give a “sac” such a term, seeing as how it would not make any sense when diagnosing a patient with this ailment.

I believe you must mean: cytomegalovirus.

Perhaps had you spelled it correctly, and added HPV (Human Papillomavirus) as one of the other commonly found & potentially low-to-moderate symptomatic diseases, then maybe, just maybe the TTA wouldn’t have become involved in your hoax.

As for your device. It’s obvious you attempted to import the image onto a picture editing program, altered it to pass off as a “temporal device” of sorts. Not very seamless, very poor results. The text is a dead give away as well, you simply used word to type the text of your manual, and either print screened or copy and pasted onto MS paint or used another cheap picture editing program.

You should try investing some money on some real professional multimedia programs; they always get you the best result

But alas, I’m afraid yours is not a very convincing hoax… and your time here is just about up.


I have one more question.

Bare with me, I need to explain this.

If the Earth is moving at a speed of 107,300 km/h (or if you prefer 67,062 miles per hour) revolving around the sun.

One could safely say that in the year 2006 or any other year you time travel to, that the earth is not in the same position as to when you were in 2047. How do you time travel and not land in space somewhere in a car?

Can you explain this to me?

There has not been one supposed time traveler explain this.