future is here

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Dear TimeTravelRoomie;

You are not John Titor or in any form whatsoever related to "John Titor". You are a fake- one of scores of other fakes who have come and gone on this site.

Now shoo.
This guy is all over the map! He can't even keep his own story straight... not only as Darby has pointed out, but also: At first he said he WAS looking over "jester's" shoulder, since I pinned him on his poor grammar and spelling. But now today we see him tell us:

Look I cannot lie about this, jim used to do whatever he could to score some @$$ online. So no one ever looked over his shoulder.

So now he WASN'T looking over his shoulder? This story has more holes than swiss cheese, and every one of those holes is obviously trying to plug a problem he has run up against in trying to prove his nonsense.

Jmpet and I may have our disagreements on some things, but I am 100% in jmpet's corner on this waste of forum space. This guy has got to go... he is pitiful. Euthanasia would be a kinder and gentler way than having him continue to screw-up! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif

And? i made mistake.

What? So I was apparently mistaken of jims age. What am I writing an A&E biography?

Look I never said I was perfect. I wish everyone would stop holding me out to this crap like I'm up on a soapbox, and claim jesus is my daddy, blah blah blah.

I was a drunk, womanising, slacker. But something happened. Yes I was permitted basicly to look over his shoulder so to speak, even though most of my time was spent on the couch, behind him. And I meant to say, when it came to broads, No one looked over his shoulder. I am sorry and I have been pointed that out.

Look people, I'm not mental. No in my family history has had a case of it as far as I am aware. But I have memories. Some weak, some strong. But memories of this. if I was out to dupe, why would I choke up like this? Don't you think even I would have enough common sense to read everything about the subject before I tried. I mean my gods people, you are making me out to be some sort of goon, who is going to tell a bold face lie with no ounce of research. Who do you think I am George W. Bush??????

Dammit. I don't spend that much time online. I'm one of those people who use yahoo and click the top searches. I go once a week or so with my wife to the mall. We go to home depot in the summer for projects. YES I AM ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!

And I am proud to be..... but dammit, I have memories of this. And you people just want to pick apart every aspect of anything... but if a person makes one small mistake.... "oh well he said cookie monster is the same color as grover, which is false because john titor said grover was darker, so therefore you are lieing"......

Yes I know grover is darker blue, and no I don't think jester.... jim...... titor said that.

You guys win..... for now, you know my target. As to darby, I don't care if you think I am incorrect, letters or not, I'm going to what I know. But I will probally spend every waking moment digging for this. You have the option to perform your own investigation. And you have the option not too. I am.

So from now on. Expect no more. To the ones who have pmed me about this, no I am not giving up, just not caring to keep getting smack everytime I reach for door to the next level. To those who have pmed me about helping to investigate, thank you for your info, I apreciate it.

To the haters... goodbye you bums, G.F.Y.


And? i made mistake.

What? So I was apparently mistaken of jims age. What am I writing an A&E biography?

No. At the time that you made the statement about your age and Jim's age you were supposed to have been talking about your ex-roommate and friend with whom you lived for two years. Yes, you said that he is about 36 years old now. Even friends can be a year or so off in knowing each other's ages. But the 2003 photo that you provided appears to be of a man in his early 40's. That's four years ago. He's in his mid 40's now.

Somehow I have to believe that a person in his mid-20's in 2000 would have noticed that his friend and roommate was about 10 years older than him. That doesn't require an A&E Biography episode. All that requires is a statement of fact from someone who says that he's talking about his old pal.

You guys win..... for now, you know my target. As to darby, I don't care if you think I am incorrect, letters or not, I'm going to what I know. But I will probally spend every waking moment digging for this. You have the option to perform your own investigation. And you have the option not too. I am.

So from now on. Expect no more. To the ones who have pmed me about this, no I am not giving up, just not caring to keep getting smack everytime I reach for door to the next level. To those who have pmed me about helping to investigate, thank you for your info, I apreciate it.

You have to put the doubt into the perspective that we see this from.

If you really are who you say you are, and if for the past seven years you had no clue about how the story took on a life of its own then you've missed out on the causes of all the doubt.

I wasn't fudging the numbers when I said that you are about the fiftieth person to come along and say that s/he is Titor or was a member of Group Titor. For the longest time we would get that story one a week. It went on for over two years.

It got so bad that on Anomalies Network, where I am both the TT Forum moderator and an Administrator we had to ban all registrants who tried to use the name "Titor" or any permutation of the name. We had a dozen people a day trying to register with the same name. It was crazy.

Now I'm going to PM you. If you want to chat without the crowd being persent I'll do that. There is some small bit of credibility to certain aspects of your story. How about that?

But even in those tid-bits you have some huge holes in the information that makes me believe that you obtained the information from other than "insiders". I'm willing to listen to what you have to say.

Check your PM.
I hope someday John does come forward and I can finally say "ladies and gentlemen ..meet John Titor." /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
But its obvious this guy doesn't know a darn thing unfortunately.
Sorry kiddo

.....yaup...... I doubt Titor will ever come back.....

And I am dissapointed in Brick. From the sound of his last PM I thought that maybe Just maybe he had come clean and I hadn't read about it yet...Teenagers....I tell you what...I read his words and I think to myself was I ever like that?..sorda is the unfortunit answer....

I be ya five cyber bucks that brick is 17, comes froma single mother family, and has blonde hair.
No kids no marriage...he probably had a friend lined up to play the role of jester who backed out and left him to hang on his own......He really needs to learn the important lesson of NOT trying to save someone who isn't drowning. It wouldn't kill him to be a little more honest with people and pay beter attention in math class either. 34 from 2007 is still 1973 Rick

OH well

But lets not be sad about this let us rejoice and reflect on happy things
Yanno Pamela . . .

I've often thought for some reason that if John Titor ever came back to this forum... he'd of remained true to his original style and value set too. He wouldn't make a game of this now, because the game is well past being up. He would have thought nothing of contacting either you or Darby straight away: to provide you each with verifiable proof he is - who he claims he is.

One other feeling became apparent to me, I would like to share with all of you - from reading some of JTs postings made several years back - is a sense that John molded himself to be the central focus of everyones attention within a discussion. Being able to draw people in - and feed off these same people who are participants, is a fine art in communcation and is something JT was very reasonabily skilled at doing up to a point.

The dude who started this thread is a bloody fool - by comparison.

What I've found seems very frightening, when you go back and take at look at other individuals in the past who've employed similar (manipulative) forms of communication en masse - to one degree or another: Rasputan (The Holy of Holies), Jim Jones (The Peoples Temple), and David Korresh (The Branch Davidians.) President George Bush... LOL ... Okay, we won't go there.

If Titor came back here now ... he almost certainly would have to employ the same methodology again; he worked exhaustively to gain peoples trust in perpetuating his hoax - so it makes sense to me he would know he has to do that much or more again to regain trust in here, in order to come clean and get this mess all behind him.
Well, it looks as if he's gone, at least for now.

I do have to admit that he did have a couple of peripheral items that were close but no cigar. I think that I know how he came to those conclusions but I can't be sure. The nature of exactly how he was close but still "missed" on those items leads me to conclude that he wasn't a first hand witness to anything that Group Titor did.

On the other hand I did PM him and offered him the opportunity to talk to me on the side in PM if he wanted to expand on his ideas. Those people who know my position on "off the board" conversations might be surprised at that. I don't engage in private Titor conversations - yet I've offered Brick that opportunity.

I was just as hard on him as anyone else. When he threw Al Bielek into the mix he almost lost me. He came even closer when he pleaded for our assistance in sorting this out. I still can't fathom what we could possibly do to assist a person who claims to be a percipient witness, if not a participant, to this. Anyone have any clue about what he wanted? What could we possibly offer such a person?

Anyway my offer to Brick still stands. I sent the PM and it appears to have been read. I haven't received a response.
3. The "machine" is contribed of buttons that if you realise there are no touch screens. And sure we see them all through star trek, but in 2000 they were avaible for a hefty price

As some of you know I predicted the super bowl and the winner of the canadian election as proof that I am from the future. I have just been granted authorization to comment on the subject of touch screens.

Touch screens are a fad. They get replaced with get this, your gonna love it, a web cam that follows your eyes and nose. Invented by, a Canadian. It's called the Nouse. (nose mouse)

The Nouse really sucks though and for people who are on their PC more than 8 hours a day it causes major muscle problems. I stuck with my portable keyboard (like a laptop keyboard but it folds up). Anyway the Nouse is big for about 5 years when "the hat" arrives.

I'm also a time traveler. A few years ago I correctfully predicted that California would have in excess of 500 measurable earthquakes during a (specific) month. I also successfully predicted that Barry Bonds would hit a minimum number of homeruns during (August?) of that year.

So because you and I made successful and undeniably accurate predictions we're both obviously time travelers.
08/17/07 11:25 AM ( Edit Reply

Well... Hello to you all.
Before I go on a rant, and spill everything. There are a lot of you right now who are gonna blow this off, which of course you are purley free to do so. Me and my ex-roomate was john.

Now before you stat flames. Please I emplore you all to feel free to ask questions. However please bear in mind I will not submit any detail info as to who I or my exroomie is.

In this initial post I will entertain the values to you as to how I am currently talking to you. I am speaking to you through a cell phone on a pay as you go basis. I signed up this account through free wi-fi availible a local museum of art here in this buckeyed city. And infact the only record of me truly recorded would through their security system.

My friend and ex roomate shall be reffered to as Jester. Obviously this is not his real name, but for now it will suffice. My name for now can be reffered to as brick. Once again brick is a nickname. We (Me and Jester) lived together in a large house on the south western side of the ohio state university.

old hand
Reged: 04/06/04
Posts: 990

04/16/04 01:39 AM ( Edit Reply

RainmanTime-It is a coincidence. If we found an element on the moon it would be logical to call it lunarium or something like moonarium as for the life simulator it is logical that they are going to advance in 500 years from the headsets you have now. My name, Brick is a common name in my era


Do you know why people believe John Titor? Well, it ain't no facy equations. Or even the picture of the time machine. They believe because of his soulful sadness. He describes an apocalyptic nightmare that at some level we all know will happen.

John may have been delusional, but he honestly believed his story. The scary thing is that much of what he predicted has come true, and that he got the year of n-day right.

How did John Titor foresee the Department of Fatherland Security? Or that gestapo police would use torture? Or people held without access to lawyers? Or the war in Iraq? Or even the next president?
Well, if you went back to the '70's also you would see "Pressed Hams" against a window also.

I just wonder how really sad you are though, with all the "Wall" stuff going on - like some Pink Floyd Album

"Just another Brick in the Wall"!

All in all, it's just "Another Brick in the Wall!"

We don't need no education! (guitar part)
We don't need no (something) (guitar - band part)
After all, it's just another "Brick in the Wall"!
After all, it's just another "Brick in the Wall"!

No doubt it was seemingly about "Time Travelling" also.
A little info on Pink Floyd's "Another Brick in the Wall" (which also be looked up at Wikipedia.)


And also it was a movie (kind of weird but actually I guess symbolism about what I thought of it at the time - about War and Never Coming Back.)

VHS movie also which I own - where is it now? - I guess that can not be found like at Amazon.com at least.

I never usually watch it, but I do have a couple videos of Pink Floyd but one is not of the original band and is the "Delicate Sound of Thunder" kind of slow rock music that does not interfere with what you are doing.
Some of the albums were possibly more popular and came out on CD's later, like "Dark Side of the Moon"
and "Shine On, You Crazy Diamond".
which were more popular at least to me.
Sing along then I guess!

How did John Titor foresee the Department of Fatherland Security? Or that gestapo police would use torture? Or people held without access to lawyers? Or the war in Iraq? Or even the next president?

As far as we know he didn't forsee any of that...unless, of course you can provide links to the appropriate posts.

The one exception: We were already at war with Iraq.

But for God's sake please...please...don't hijack yet another thread, OK? You have your own thread(s) and Titor has a kazillion threads. Post Titor related items on one of those.
Idunno, maybe we missed it.

Some time ago I seem to recall someone suggesting that Chrono and Zeshua sounded a lot alike. I didn't participate in either thread very much so I don't have an opinion.

While I was doing a bit of stylometry comparing Chrono and Zeshua I came across the post where Chrono said that his nickname was "Brick". Then I remembered that TTR said his name is "Brick" also. I just posted a bit of trivia.

BTW: Based on writing stylometrics Zeshua and Chrono are not the same writer.

I go away for a bit. And get the gumption to take a look and ironiclly reflect on reflecting.

And all I see is people more concerned over a psedonym the thinking on facts @ hand.

Please tell me you people have @tleast moved on to the antics of Jim, Iake, and Alexandrea....

But don't ask me cause I have only the slightest mojo I'm allowed.


Ps another brick in wall was the reason why it was chosen. Outside of the pink floyd refrence. There were many bricks and jester was the mortar.

you dont need to put these people under strain stating that you or your friend is/was JT. These people are sincerely needing hardcore evidence of who you are via pamela's song, etc.

Well a couple more days, im off on a trip of a lifetime. Pamela's song's first letter starts with a 's'. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif (I hope so!) lol
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