And? i made mistake.
What? So I was apparently mistaken of jims age. What am I writing an A&E biography?
Look I never said I was perfect. I wish everyone would stop holding me out to this crap like I'm up on a soapbox, and claim jesus is my daddy, blah blah blah.
I was a drunk, womanising, slacker. But something happened. Yes I was permitted basicly to look over his shoulder so to speak, even though most of my time was spent on the couch, behind him. And I meant to say, when it came to broads, No one looked over his shoulder. I am sorry and I have been pointed that out.
Look people, I'm not mental. No in my family history has had a case of it as far as I am aware. But I have memories. Some weak, some strong. But memories of this. if I was out to dupe, why would I choke up like this? Don't you think even I would have enough common sense to read everything about the subject before I tried. I mean my gods people, you are making me out to be some sort of goon, who is going to tell a bold face lie with no ounce of research. Who do you think I am George W. Bush??????
Dammit. I don't spend that much time online. I'm one of those people who use yahoo and click the top searches. I go once a week or so with my wife to the mall. We go to home depot in the summer for projects. YES I AM ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!
And I am proud to be..... but dammit, I have memories of this. And you people just want to pick apart every aspect of anything... but if a person makes one small mistake.... "oh well he said cookie monster is the same color as grover, which is false because john titor said grover was darker, so therefore you are lieing"......
Yes I know grover is darker blue, and no I don't think jester.... jim...... titor said that.
You guys win..... for now, you know my target. As to darby, I don't care if you think I am incorrect, letters or not, I'm going to what I know. But I will probally spend every waking moment digging for this. You have the option to perform your own investigation. And you have the option not too. I am.
So from now on. Expect no more. To the ones who have pmed me about this, no I am not giving up, just not caring to keep getting smack everytime I reach for door to the next level. To those who have pmed me about helping to investigate, thank you for your info, I apreciate it.
To the haters... goodbye you bums, G.F.Y.