You are so full of that it is a wonder that you do not explode. Rista you are mo better.
That would be "RiSATA" and I am "mo better." Seriously though, who are you? Rather hypocritical aren't you? To call people full of it, and then go on to say:
Rista and TTR however are in the same category as RMT and Darby. All people with negative personality's seeking to amuse themselves at the expense of others despite any injury said amusement might cause another person.
Well, at least I'm in intelligent company. That said, who are you? Simon Cadwell? You come here and critique people, their posting, their personalities-as if a) you know us b) as if anyone even gives a damn what you think.
Stick to the subject at hand-that is, a person alledging to be a co-creator of the Titor story, and keep YOUR negativity, mean personality and half-witted observations to yourself.
There's nothing "negative" in being skeptical to a tt'ers claim. While it's very "nice" of you to be the defender of all those anonymous people coming to a website with a fake name and an even faker story, the "said amusement might cause another person" doesn't really hold water. If you come online and try to deceive people, then you are asking for people to question you, and if you can't answer intelligently and without defensiveness, they will doubt you.
However, you are the only one as of yet to tell anyone that they are "full of it." So, follow your own "integrity".
Besides, I'm looking out of the innocent people who DIDN'T volunteer to come here and be a part of this story, ie, the picture of that couple this guy posted, with their names. I guess you and I must have a different definition of "negative personality." Oh well. At least you aren't typing in all caps anymore.