future is here

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Well pammy I'm in ohio too aren't I?

As for "bryan". I'm curiouse how in the name of hell did that one surface. Have I in anyway shape and or form said brian or bryan?

No, brick will do. And you are entitled to your opinion. But come on here, I'm talkin jt... not hanna montana.

Btw pammy jammy,

Wtf are you talking about check my personal mail, there's like nothing there. What are you going to send a gag?

Maybe a pic?
Maybe a note?

Or how about a nice floral arrangment.

"Headin out late one night, should have looked left and I should have look right. Didn't see that station wagon car, the skunk got squashed... and there ya are."

Wtf are you talking about check my personal mail, there's like nothing there. What are you going to send a gag

Why did you feel it necessary to address Pamela with a "what the f**k"? Go back and read her post. It wasn't addresses to you...which probably explains, like, why you didn't have a PM. It was addressed to Pro7.
Wow. Shows you how much I know. Sorry about the misconception. Personally darb, wtf should stand for "why the tom-foolery".

But I guess that just shows the lack of morality in this age.


"We've been here to long, trying to get along, pretending that your oh so shy.
I'm a natural man, doin' all I can, my tempetures runnin' high.
Fridy night, no one in sight, we have got so much to share.
Talkins fine, if ya got the time, I aint got the time to spare."
Please don't address me as Pammie or any derivative of pammie sir. My name is Pamela.
Do you treat everyone with such disrespect that you don't even know?

I am not really interested in your story, however I am interested in Pro7's story.
He has a few questions to answer. Darby was right the posting was directed to him.

Hey pamster,

I didn't mean no dis respect. Infact after some review.... I gots some mad love for you. But if pamela it is, pamela it is.

Don't think of it as shamless. Just look at it as I have graduated after some time and knowledge. Yes sir, graduated to the level of I don't care. I have realised jester has this crap so sewn up so tight even alexandrea would have issues making out martha from mary.


"Rags to riches or they say, you gotta keep pushin for the fourtune and fame. Its all a gamble and all a game. You treat it like a capitalist time, everyones doing the time"
Once again, Brick, you live up to your name (as in "as thick as a").

Hey pamster,

I didn't mean no dis respect.

You immediately violated Pamela's wishes that she had stated in her earlier post, and I must say I don't like that. Consider this a warning to clean up your act.


I really have no idea how to say this other then blunt... so here goes....

Who asked you?


" Its cold outside, and there's no kindof atmosphere. I'm all alone more or less. Let me fly far away from here. Fun,fun,fun in the sun , sun, sun. "
Who asked you?

Who knows, maybe I did. But without a doubt Pamela did through her post. He is, after all, the moderator.

I really have no idea how to say this other then blunt... so here goes....

And BTW...

The word is "than" and it requires, in your context, a verb in the infinitive form, "to be"...

"...than to be blunt"

Yeah, I know. Who asked...
And BTW...

The word is "than" and it requires, in your context, a verb in the infinitive form, "to be"...

"...than to be blunt"

Yeah, I know. Who asked...

Good show, Darby! Let us not forget that, according to Brick's story, he attended the Ohio State University. I would hate to think that this esteemed University from my home state would graduate someone who could not properly conjugate common English verbs in a simple sentence!

Wow, I don't know what to make of this thread.

I have wondered since I discovered the titor story myself-in 05, how anyone with any sense of consciousness could allow this hoax to perpetrate. I suppose there is a fear of ramifications-although I know of no law that says you can't make up a story on the internet about being a time traveler.

I don't know about legal consequences, although to be sure, there may be some personal ones. Darby is correct that there are a lot of loony tunes out there that would not take kindly to being "duped" or disappointed that the tt illusion is shattered, so, fear of personal safety would be a motivator to keep quiet. However, on a moral basis, I'm not sure I could live with being Titor and knowing that I started this drama with people actually still believing it.

On the flip side, there's no harm in allowing people fantasy and for those who want to believe, godspeed. So really, what would be the point in Titor outting himself? Ironically, even if he did, he would be subjected to a battery of tests to prove legitimacy, not unlike the tests put forth when he claimed to be a TT.

I wonder though, how anyone can get online, fake like they are or know the JT hoaxer, and then actually put real people's names and photos to boot online, and not think there would be legal consequences for that. If I were this Jim or Pam, you'd better believe that people posting my pics and accussing me of being a part of an elaborate internet story would be grounds for a visit to my lawyer. This dude has just endangered these people. Yet will not answer simple questions that would satisfy the folks here that he is legit. The name of a song is sure less riskier than posting pics and full names of people.

I didn't click on the link but my opinion would be to delete that ASAP.
Well riasta,

I agree.... but one there pictures are on the internet for another purpose....

And second, a visit from a lawyer would be fun. Because only @ that point would certain people, Jim, Pamela, Iake, Alexandrea be forced to expose themselves.

And at the same time it would put an end to a "religon". Imagine if they had the information technology like they do now back in the days when a certain"jewish carpenter" was walking around and he was "outed".

It wasn't personal. Now because of decisions to try and get cash selling items I have clearly gotten upset. When I sit down and watch a movie or read a book that is based on a "true story" I don't want to hear after the fact its B/S... all that does is upset me. But look at howmany people have dedicated time,effort and even money to this because of a LIE.

My part was small,yes, but I'm no crook. And ill be damned if someone is going to link me to flatout internet fraud / postal fraud all because I was younger,drunker and willing to play around with experimenting with how people think. And now people are useing it to make a buck.

And yes darby, you are correct. Than.

In time answers to questions will be found.


"They are justified and ancient, and they like to roam the land. Justified and ancient, with still no master plan. They don't want to upset the apple cart, and they know which side from wrong. But if you don't like what they are gonna do, you better not stop them cause they'll break right through..."
The picture is on the internet for a purpose, yes. I could post a pic of myself on vacation, but that doesn't mean its up for grabs, for someone to take, post on an internet forum and claim that I started a vast internet hoax.

So, getting a lawyer would not "out" me, nor force me to explain myself. Getting a lawyer would be saying that my likeness (ie, photograph and name) is being falsely accussed in some web story and that could cause me personal grief if anyone were to discover where I live, what my email is, etc. If I was harrassed in anyway because people believed the person that posted my picture and name, then I would have a case of slander and harrassment, not of admission to guilt.
Fair enough risata,

You play your cards your way, and ill play mine my way.


"cheer up sleepy jean, oh what can it mean, to a daydream believer and a homecoming queen."
Brick? you are still here? GO back to myspace. You can't keep your story strait. You are so full of that it is a wonder that you do not explode. Rista you are mo better... NOW pro7 seems to of done something but he had a one and 26 chance of getting any given letter write. Not bad odds. Odds that can be reduced given a little thought into the writing and what not... Pro7 You yourself are an interesting player. But since you seem to play nice, I do not hold ill will against ya. Rista and TTR however are in the same category as RMT and Darby. All people with negative personality's seeking to amuse themselves at the expense of others despite any injury said amusement might cause another person.

I know I have become a fence sitter and my opinion has gone back and forth on the Titor story. But as I have observed those around the story and become part of the story despite myself I have seen those that mean well and those that mean only malice.

And darby I meant every word I ever said. Right down to your criminal background check service ripping you off. In fact I have recently learned how faulty this background check services can be. I recently got a new job as a GM and part of it required a CBC. Being the center of my universe I know what I am guilty of and not guilty of and what minor legal details still haunt me. Details that are mere matters of money but LEGAL details none the less right down to the unpaid parking ticket warrents (not that I have any of those). I know what I do have. And your CBC was incorrect. But just the fact that you did one and tried to intimidate me with it at yahoo... and the most laughable fact that they got their info wrong. And the realization that you subscribe to such a service....

RMT and me have our problems but you...... your something else.

Kudos to all.

And to Pam

Stay strong woman. Keep all that you think you should to yourself. Follow only your heart. Keep the doubts and keep the mystery. Keep it all. Your the key that everyone constantly tries to turn in a lock that doesn't fit. But I know your a great person. Your real. YOur honest. your the center of the story now that the star has left..... and the spotlight has no choice but to shine on you. And I have never seen you take advantage of it. In fact I see you only seeking the truth of the whole matter.

and I admire you for it.
Your a great gal.

You are so full of that it is a wonder that you do not explode. Rista you are mo better.

That would be "RiSATA" and I am "mo better." Seriously though, who are you? Rather hypocritical aren't you? To call people full of it, and then go on to say:

Rista and TTR however are in the same category as RMT and Darby. All people with negative personality's seeking to amuse themselves at the expense of others despite any injury said amusement might cause another person.

Well, at least I'm in intelligent company. That said, who are you? Simon Cadwell? You come here and critique people, their posting, their personalities-as if a) you know us b) as if anyone even gives a damn what you think.

Stick to the subject at hand-that is, a person alledging to be a co-creator of the Titor story, and keep YOUR negativity, mean personality and half-witted observations to yourself.

There's nothing "negative" in being skeptical to a tt'ers claim. While it's very "nice" of you to be the defender of all those anonymous people coming to a website with a fake name and an even faker story, the "said amusement might cause another person" doesn't really hold water. If you come online and try to deceive people, then you are asking for people to question you, and if you can't answer intelligently and without defensiveness, they will doubt you.

However, you are the only one as of yet to tell anyone that they are "full of it." So, follow your own "integrity".

Besides, I'm looking out of the innocent people who DIDN'T volunteer to come here and be a part of this story, ie, the picture of that couple this guy posted, with their names. I guess you and I must have a different definition of "negative personality." Oh well. At least you aren't typing in all caps anymore.


I'm just saying these things because that's what I was taught to say when someone was preaching about faith. No facts, no real hard truths just faith.

For the record, I don't see how "my story" has changed. I know as time has gone on more and more details have been forwarded. But really no change.

I actually feel, the only reason why you wish to attack anything I say is because I have not forwarded any personal information. And that must drive you up the wall. But that's a fair concept considering your tac patterns have shown this.

Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if you were wondering what do I do? Do I perform a credit thing? A background thing? Work for the goverment in homeland security and ignore the private sector all together? Hell I wouldn't be surprised if you might even think I work at some place in nevada that doesn't exhist. Hell you might even jump to the typical dismissal of anyone by saying I'm a zit faced teenager from Iowa, and yadda yadda yadda. My personal favorite is when ufo watchdog challenged Ed Dames and his credentals and that's all he could compare Royce to, was a teenager with nothing to do.

But maybe I am getting ahead of you. By your own admission, your a flip flopper. You sit on the fence and flip flop when the time suits ya. And that fair. I'm sure we all do that in our lifes from time to time. Another reason for flip floppers are people who just wish to win an argument.

Fact is, I have learned in such a short amount of time over this.... don't take a damn thing serious, from the people who disagree, to the followers. The half that believe are just want to have a faith in it and want it to be real, and the non believers are unwilling to accept simple answers.

Don't get me wrong, reading and re-reading over the last month I have even realised it has become the modern day folk tale. I think I even get the impression that the way with people have invested time and effort into it, if they had invested the same into a pre established tale, they would look to the north every night and expect to see paul bunyon and ox tearing through the polar lights.

Someday jester will come forward. Or Iake and Alexandrea. And probally admit everything.....

But as for right now, Russel... stop preaching and speak if you are going to


"Hau grodau weeno hassan wee daja doay doay wha hasween oh day oh arali radeeee.
I dream of rain, I dream of god and silver desert sands, I dream of pain, I dream of love as time runs through my hands. I dream of fire, my dreams are tied to yours and they never dies. In the flames, the shadows play in the shades of a dancers eye."

Rista ..... Your not fooling anyone. I traced those photos myself way back then.. Brick pulled them off a college website. I have already posted all about it way back then. And since none of us here believe brick, I seriously doubt anyone is in danger. Just go back to you world of warcraft and your leggos and leave the JT story for us grown ups to investigate.
Re: Whatever

Non-stop entertainment....I love it. And people wonder why I have been here so many years and continue to come back. The answer should be obvious with exchanges like these. :D

Carry on, my wayward sons (and daughters)!
But let's try to tone down the insults, can we?
Re: Whatever

At least titorite and I have found something we agree upon... that timetravelroomie is a hoaxer who is full of it!

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