future is here

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You tell him girl. TTR is so lame he can't even remember what JT wrote when he tries to talk about what John wrote.... TTR is so stupid he pretended to be someone hes not to prove to strangers online that someone else wasn't what he said he was. TTR is so ignorant he has no clue that his wife is cheating on him and rubbing my back right now.

Alright enough TTR jokes.

Your a loser TTR.

Read the Titor posts some more, drink some absinth, and never try to prove someone is
lying by lying yourself. Thats just immature.

Ok I don't know larry cluck, the poem as far as I know is just that. But you can compare it to fate. The old expression there are always possibilities truly can ring here.

And before you start with the cop out thing just listen.....

Stop and actually think about how many times you have heard a story like this or that.... and realised it was told before under a difrent name. I personally think its apart of the kaos theory. And no I won't humiliate you by attempting to say there are hundreads by that name. But stop and think..... you honestly think it wasn't bound to happen? That's like saying a poem called a "soldiers prayer" or an "officers honor" will never be written. I assure you someone will do them if they haven't been done before. And maybe a soldiers winter has been done in the early part of history, but much like a lot of things has been lost too history.

Look, for what's its worth I don't know larry clucks and if jim know him, well its news to me.

Waiting for a shred...any shred of evidence you can give me that you even talked to the John I talked to.
Look, I tried to get the song from jester, the only problem is he wouldn't divulge. He knows that could be the real "cockblock".

But you have to remember I remeber him talking to a girl named amanda with a son named danny or dan or daniel or something. That's the reason why I asked for your middle name because, I assumed it was you, was well you.

The song, I dunno, honestly knowing jim, it was either a gordon lightfoot song, or some other folk type. But then again as much as he was into discordia, I really wouldn't be surprised if it was something by the klf even though I know he got in moods in which he despised electronic music.

Look the name is just that a name. Pamela or not jims girlfriends name is pamela. No way to cut through it really. There has got to be some proof out there of pamela profusek... albeit news, public record, picture or something. And the same goes for jim moore.

Please, I am asking you and the others to please help me proove this. Marshall barnes always says " the easiest way to proove something is by finding no way to disproove it"

Pamela, I'm not lying. Why would I lie about this? Why would I, how could I let people go on thinking this is real. Its not.


Ok so you can't get the song from him. Then give me SOMETHING.
My God you claim to have read the stuff me and John talked about.
You dont remember any of it? I wrote you a PM give it to me there.
Surely you know the emails he used. Can you give me one of them?
You are not giving me anything here Brick.

My real first name is Pamela and I have always used that name online.
i wont post on this thread anymore after this. i just want to speak my mind for a sec.

this is all bull brick, just quit man. this whole thing sounds like a 16 year old kid who got a phone for his birthday and decided to get a kick. one second you say you were right beside him, the next you say you dont remember a thing. cmon...

you acted like you knew the song and everything involved. did you really think we would be so foolish as to openly believe you?

i say to you this, if you have no proof, and if you will never have any, we as a community will more than likely not believe you.

i am personally under the opinion that jim moore did something to you, and now you are on a vendetta to harm him indirectly. more than likely because thats all you can do.

just my opinion, ive seen it countless times, this time differs none.
Look I cannot lie about this, jim used to do whatever he could to score some @$$ online. So no one ever looked over his shoulder. Hell, I met a girl from washington courthouse online under the name of drwhoXXX (x's are blocked numbers, due to there still might be an echo of myself online.) And that goofy bastard started talking to her, and then got her to call the house while he proceeded to screw with her head. Meanwhile I'm out getting drunk(big surprise) and I aol'ed her and she said she had a good talk on the phone. He was always spinning these sort of "webs" as he called it. Things that kept people in certain place. I guess the only reason why I am on this, is I am driven to not let him allow this to go on any further. Call it a vendetta, call it remorse.... fact is, jester duped alotta people this time. And I cannot allow it to go on. Dammit, I really can't put much time in on this. But if I have to, I will make this my mission in life.

I will atleast I will get proof to you, jim moore, and soon to br pamela moore exhist. After that. Its on the people who wish to question this to break the barriers. I'll try to do what I can, but I cannot compromise my animosity.

Reguardless if people hate me, or understand me, we are on the same side. Please remember I am only after the truth to be exposed. Nothing more, nothing less.

Kicking the soapbox,


No need to kick the soapbox.
All I asked you for is some kind of proof. But it looks like you have absolutely none.
You can't even remember one thing you read that we talked about??
For a guy who was looking over his shoulder... were you drunk the whole time or what?

John married a Pamela which is going to now be Pamela Moore. LOLOL
Your not even very creative, Brick.

If you even come on here and say "yes! Yes! I was drunk thats why I dont remember any
details at all. I was drunk the whole 6 months!" I will reach my hand through this computer
and slap you upside your head. :D
HEY Stupid

Ok TTR from now on your new nicname here will be Stupid. You have earned the title.

However please bear in mind I will not submit any detail info as to who I or my exroomie is.

Your friendship is like your word. worthless.

However, we do wish to answer some questions. And feel free to try an "de-bunk" this claim. All we ask is no trolling or bullying. If I on behalf of jester and myself state we will not answer the question...... that's it we won't answer it. Find another question.

Well your debunked kiddo. Now go back to ATS or myspace or where ever it is you like to pose as something your not. Right now I think the only questions we have left revolve around your lack of common sense... just come clean stupid...I swear we are as forgiving as we are harsh. Come clean and just chill with us.

No me and my ex roomate do not still have a machine. Infact no machine ever truly exhisted. It was tossed in a dumpster about may of 01.

For everyone else aside from stupid... How much do you think a mock up of the original would sell for???Lots of crazy people with money to burn out there...One could probaby sell a model of TTOs time machine for some good scratch...Does anyone here fancy the idea of re-creating a mock up of Titors time machine? After hillary wins the story is gonna mushroom again for a little while. The opritunity is there.

The song, ya ready????
I have a stratigic brain.

Do you honestly think this is just going to come out? I nor jester have spoken to pamela for 5 years basicly, let alone are you sure pamela was real? Or in on the hoax? But for basics of being nice. If pamela wishes to speak to me. I will make staements to her that I am more then sure will answer as to if I am a hoax of a hoax.

You stupid stupid stupid little boy. Drop out of school now before you waste anymore of your teachers time and your parents money. Thier is a song by the band called Garbage called Stupid Boy. I want you to listin to the song closely and see how the lyrics apply to you because "I can't believe you'd fake it".

Stupid as a Brick
web page

Ok so you have proof that a Pamela Profusek and a Jim Moore do exist.

But the real question is do you have proof that this individual pictured "Jim Moore" was John Titor?

After all ANYONE can go on the internet and pull up a picture of two people and make up a story
about them.

We want some kind of linkage Brick.
Some kind of proof...not that these name exist but that this person was John Titor.

Ahh... so there it is... He's working on the 8Th Step in AA: Making amends for past wrongs and transgressions. Well - little buddy, aren't you specul? :D

Please, I am asking you and the others to please help me proove

What??!! You, who state you are a member of Group Titor, need our help you prove this to whom?

You came on like gangbusters, cock-sure that you had the goods and now you want our help.

Pamela has certain very specific information. You have the ability to provide that information to her. No one, not even me, knows the answer to her questions other than herself and one or more members of Group Titor (assuming that they never shared it with anyone else).

I have very specific information that I haven't shared with anyone else, not even Pamela.

In each case the correct answer goes a long way toward identifying members of Group Titor. Each of us has offered you the opportunity to privately provide the answer. I've told you that, though I won't disclose the nature of the information, I would confirm to the Community that you did, in fact, provide the correct answer.

So, once again:

1. What is the name of the song?

2. Who is the "other" woman (other than Pamela - which ever Pamela you want to think of as being involved here). In other words, there is at least one other woman involved.

As I posted before, you came here with a plan and you seem to have a desire to be believed. The ball is in your corner. Make us believe. Posting the names of a couple of people without any profer of proof that they had any connection with the story whatsoever isn't cutting it.

You said that you were directly involved. So give some evidence that can be backtracked on the Internet that points directly at the identity.

You said that "Jim" likes to buiild models. But Titor/TTO had at least one other hobby - and he posted on non-Time Travel related forums about that interest.

BTW: You still don't have the names correct.

Those pictures of Jim Moore, taken 4 1/2 years ago are of a 31 year old man?

You said that you're currently 34 and Jim is 36.
DUDE! I know the answer to question 2... Its Cris M right?

Say Darby, Why are you so certian it had to be a group of posters? How much can you accomplish when determined? The presumption that it HAD to be a group reminds me of my local police force. Back in my "activist" days, I could graffitti over a dozen buildings and 20 places with BIG political mural type slogans. The police assumed that a gang was responsible. Some year down the road "after" my activist days I learned that the police had arressted to young men and charged them and Convicted them of my crime. Thier is nothing to be done now they served 6 months probation years back...but the point I'm trying to make is that sometimes an individual can do so much that it is tough to conceive the notion of said individual working alone.

I think I am ready to start another thread about it...
"What??!! You, who state you are a member of Group Titor, need our help you prove this to whom?"

thats my point. titor pulled off the move of the century, and "roomie" cant pull a single move. titor had us all convinced. "roomie" has convinced none.

ok, im really gonna stop posting on this thread now...


As Titorite has pointed out you first came here stating that you represented both yourself and Jester (Jim Moore) and you weren't going to out either of you to us.

A few days later you changed that to you were here and trying to get Jester interested in joining.

Today you've changed the story again. This time you are Jester's enemy and have some sort of vendetta against him. Not to mention that you've outted Jim Moore and Pamela Profusek by name.

You can't cry foul here, my friend. These people want to know what rally occured. They will listen to someone who has a believable and consistent story. For myself, I'm curious but am a long way from chomping at the bit for new information from yet another "I was Titor's partner". Been there, done that...fifty times. Over the years I've been able to gather quite a bit of the truth of the matter without the assistance of people who post such stories.


You don't want to play the letter game and you say that you don't know the name of the song.

So I'll give you another bite of the apple:

What was Titor's handle on one of the TT sites that he posted on...before he became Titor on that site? What three US cities did he post from as Titor? (Yes, he was a member of that site before Titor was invented and he did post from three different cities without using a cloaked IP).

I'll take a PM or email on that. As before, I won't disclose the information but I will confirm for the members if you get it correct.
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