but I always had an active imagination
Perhaps you have another skill as well...lieing.
Do you know the song or not??
Prove yourself.
but I always had an active imagination
However please bear in mind I will not submit any detail info as to who I or my exroomie is.
However, we do wish to answer some questions. And feel free to try an "de-bunk" this claim. All we ask is no trolling or bullying. If I on behalf of jester and myself state we will not answer the question...... that's it we won't answer it. Find another question.
No me and my ex roomate do not still have a machine. Infact no machine ever truly exhisted. It was tossed in a dumpster about may of 01.
The song, ya ready????
I have a stratigic brain.
Do you honestly think this is just going to come out? I nor jester have spoken to pamela for 5 years basicly, let alone are you sure pamela was real? Or in on the hoax? But for basics of being nice. If pamela wishes to speak to me. I will make staements to her that I am more then sure will answer as to if I am a hoax of a hoax.
Please, I am asking you and the others to please help me proove