future is here

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ok, "roomie" lets get down to business and get you to steppin'.

you state that you want this whole thing to end, the ONLY way we as a community will EVER believe you is for pamela to verify the song. titor doesent need a second guess, he knows the song on the first try. and the bolognia of an excuse about you protecting your wife and kids is total bull. noone can track you through your cellphone, and titor would know that. on top of that, if you were truly worried, you wouldve never even posted a word.

it is obvious that you have potential, but it is also obvious that you do not use it, therefore you are becoming of the title "a half-twit".

quit worrying about getting attention so much, and PLEASE, please quit acting like a bigger dog than what you are. titor you are not. and i really do mean it in the nicest way.

oh ya, and if your not wanting to get into any pissing contests, then i suggest you quit pissing.
"No one wants to know why the shuttle broke up in re entry.... not because of foam, but because if you add the odds it was bound to happen. Not the burn up. But problems defitnetly. If you have 50 voyages, and then you loose one, that means the average should be once roughly every 50 you will loose one. Hence go with the odds, the shuttle will have problems."

i laughed so hard at this, then i felt very, very sad for you.

"lets just blow up the 50th shuttle, then the odds will be on our side!!"

yes brick, your a genius...
Ok I stand corrected. I see that carpel is the posty thing.

Rainman it is. Even though I will admit, if you call someone rainman, you are insulting them.

With that cleared up....

Where do you get off trying to state that because I basiclly have come forward, and that I was infact part of a duo, assisted by others who assisted us, without their knowledge as to what the hell was actually going on.

But because you appear to act as authority then, lets take it from the top and you tell me if I am making this up.....

1. Haven't you wondered as to why printing hasn't been improoved as to what it was for the manual. I mean after all this was presented in 2000... and it was made around 2036.... doesn't strike you as mildy odd even home printing has surpassed the quality at present stage. Let alone the quality was even lower then military manuals given to troops on other equipment issued @ the time?

2. The black and white image that is used in the manual, why hasn't anyone noticed that the "machine" is the same excact one as in the color pictures. Even down to the subtle scratches. And a certain crooked label.

3. The laser bend.... yeah..... has no one even attempted this at home? Back in 2000 and even before it was quite common to garner little red lasers. But take the base of one, pop in a wire, say about 18 maybe 26 gauge and cover it in red reflective tape availible from any automotive store, then have someone take your picture with film, from the same andgle, and don't forget the flash!!!!! The flash is crucial. And make sure its roughly from the same angle. And don't forget to scan it on lets say a scanner with only 1.3 megapixel scanning resolution.
3. The "machine" is contribed of buttons that if you realise there are no touch screens. And sure we see them all through star trek, but in 2000 they were avaible for a hefty price. But now almost 2008 they are somewhat an everyday thing. From the grocery store, to the military. We use touchscreens. The technology is prooved and cheap. Even cell phones. Hell even the art museum I was in last week has a touch screen mp3 ipod device that is used for the audio tour. Why haven't you wondered about this?

4. Lets go on the diagram from the front of the manual, no one notice the bajorian communicator in the center?

Now this one is for ONLY those who actually know it.
By the way this is for only those who wish to go over it. Why are there only two sigularities in the kerr field? If you were going to actually take this digram at face value wouldn't you automaticlly assume you should have a quad singularityin the kerr field? After all the last time I checked we would nt be that stupid to assume the the kerr field that allowed a multiple openings in time to be quad. After all what are speaking of here? In order to do the diagram justice you should allow it to be viewed in the truest form to explain. In 3d. Yes under certain conditions even nature can permit shortcuts through time(theory).
For example, kip thorn of cal tech and his associates have proposed the idea of taking a shortcut back in time throught the use of this type of wormhole. (Yes. Not the sci-fi type, but the actual event horrizon breaking point of a black hole) however, if kip and his group are following the "titor" method, then they wikk be ingadging the use of two black holes. Hence a dual crossing of event horizons and there should be accepted as a quad of singularities.

Chew that over brother I will return shortly.
Ruthless, who are you? Where do you get off making judgments as to what I should do. And lets face it till I get confirmation as to pamela is the same excqact one that was spoken to back in the day, why would I divulge information that could make it to where anyone could claim to be the hoax?

And reguardless of how safe I should feel. Ummmm forgive me if I found out about a "foundation" and other crap. Sooo please review it from my point right now, for a min, say I am part of what I say I am, and now please take in account what aparently has happened after all this. Now enter your family in this. You mean to tell me you would not have some fear?

If you are convinced I am seeking attention. Other then trying to admit the hoax. Then please feel free by not posting a response. Its the old story of don't reply, and they go away. Well if you don't think I have any right of fear or even have an ounce of truth to what I have told you. Ignore me. I will check back in a few days.

"Only when he has ceased to need things can a man truly be his own master and so really exist."

Anwar al- Sadat

enough said. im done with ya brick. i really do hope the best for you in life.
Sounds like an excuse. I have told you John and I DID NOT exchange middle names.
So you are going to have to come up with something else to verify me with.
This alone makes me doubt you. Darby knows who I am. So does Phil. When I met him at the airport
I showed him the label John sent to me.

I am betting you do not know the song. Am I right??
Thats a lame excuse telling me you have to verify me. I have been on this web site
every since John left it. I am Pamela and you know it.
I want you to atleast give me the first letter of the song. You can atleast do that.
You can send it by PM.

You know John and I talked about a lot of personal things and middle names were not one of them.
If you cannot even come up with one single thing then forget it.
Why don't you tell me the web site we chatted on? The email you wrote me with. There were several...pick one. Put it in a phrase if you have to. There are billions of things you can verify yourself with.

Are you going to present any of this evidence or are you just going to pretend like you are John all day?

Larry Haber has already looked at your thread by the way. And by the way is Another person who can verify who I really am.

The real John Titor wouldn't be afraid to write me and I think he would know it is really me.

So you came here to spill the beans...spill them. So far I don't even have enough beans from you to make a mini burrito.
"Larry Haber has already looked at your thread by the way."

i think larry is probably smart enough to not get into the whole titor debate here, but ive gotta try. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

larry, could you please give us a few words on titor? anything you feel like saying. im sure we all would truly appreciate it. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

sucking up to lawyers... how low will i stoop? :eek:
One thing I tried to instill back in the day, and I have sworn by everyday of my life is.... family comes first.

That was Jester who made those comments, not you...at least according to your versionof the saga.

You are the pal who looked over your roomie's shoulder while he wrote the story. At best, still according to your story, you were just another lurker on the thread (who happened to know who Boomer was).
Look I must confess I don't have any of the time you apparently need devoted to this.

Uhhh...and who was it here that came to your house, grabbed you by the scruff and forced you to register, post and tell your story?

As far as I can tell, correct me if I'm wrong,you volunteered to come here (again) and spend your time. Don't whine to the crowd that they are wasting time by casting doubts on your non-disclosure.

You're the rookie here, my friend. Had you been around for a bit you'd know that you're about the umpteenth "John Titor" to come down the pike and your story is, in its detail, par for the course, i.e. uninspired,almost boring and quite forgettable.

If you have something to say then say it.

I'm betting on the POV that you're just another wannabe 16 yrs.old Five-Minutes-of-"Fame" troll who despises the members of this and all like forums and wants to poke fun at them while laughing at them on the side.

Otter: "He can't do that do that to our pledges."

Boon: "Only we can do that to our pledges."
1. Haven't you wondered as to why printing hasn't been improoved as to what it was for the manual. I mean after all this was presented in 2000... and it was made around 2036.... doesn't strike you as mildy odd even home printing has surpassed the quality at present stage. Let alone the quality was even lower then military manuals given to troops on other equipment issued @ the time?

Yes. We noticed it while "Jester" was posting. Don't you recall that he covered that subject in several posts? (Not that anyone particularly bought the answer.) There are dozens of threads covering this topic.

Hmmm...looking over his shoulder but not paying attention.

2. The black and white image that is used in the manual, why hasn't anyone noticed that the "machine" is the same excact one as in the color pictures. Even down to the subtle scratches. And a certain crooked label.

Again, the answer is yes...we did notice and consider that several years ago. Many threads covered the topic. The topic came up again when the book was published. Same photo -same crooked black and yellow safety tape.

3. The laser bend.... yeah..... has no one even attempted this at home? Back in 2000 and even before it was quite common to garner little red lasers. But take the base of one, pop in a wire, say about 18 maybe 26 gauge and cover it in red reflective tape availible from any automotive store, then have someone take your picture with film, from the same andgle, and don't forget the flash!!!!! The flash is crucial. And make sure its roughly from the same angle. And don't forget to scan it on lets say a scanner with only 1.3 megapixel scanning resolution.

Geez. Were you away on another planet for the past seven years? Yes it has been attempted at home by several people...and the effects were duplicated. LNO on Anomalies did an in depth analysis complete with photographic data.

3. The "machine" is contribed of buttons that if you realise there are no touch screens. And sure we see them all through star trek, but in 2000 they were avaible for a hefty price. But now almost 2008 they are somewhat an everyday thing. From the grocery store, to the military. We use touchscreens. The technology is prooved and cheap. Even cell phones. Hell even the art museum I was in last week has a touch screen mp3 ipod device that is used for the audio tour. Why haven't you wondered about this?

The "buttons" were purchased at a photo-optic shop in Orlando, FL that also sells the red fiber-optic cable used in the laser photo. Like the rest, this information is several years old. LNO was even able to get the manufacturer, make and model number for the buttons.

My friend, it helps if you actually go back and read the damned threads before popping in...and popping off. There are a few people here and elsewhere who have actually made a hobby of the JT Saga. It's nice to have a new rookie come on board but really...do some homework first.
Now this one is for ONLY those who actually know it.
By the way this is for only those who wish to go over it. Why are there only two sigularities in the kerr field? If you were going to actually take this digram at face value wouldn't you automaticlly assume you should have a quad singularityin the kerr field? After all the last time I checked we would nt be that stupid to assume the the kerr field that allowed a multiple openings in time to be quad. After all what are speaking of here? In order to do the diagram justice you should allow it to be viewed in the truest form to explain. In 3d. Yes under certain conditions even nature can permit shortcuts through time(theory).
For example, kip thorn of cal tech and his associates have proposed the idea of taking a shortcut back in time throught the use of this type of wormhole. (Yes. Not the sci-fi type, but the actual event horrizon breaking point of a black hole) however, if kip and his group are following the "titor" method, then they wikk be ingadging the use of two black holes. Hence a dual crossing of event horizons and there should be accepted as a quad of singularities.

Chew that over brother I will return shortly.

Uhhh...why would we assume four singularities in the "Kerr Field" (whatever you mean by that...and I don't think that you have a clue).

In any case we've had a few real physicists ring in on the subject. Would it surprise you if I told you that Kip Thorne was one of them? Michio Kaku was another?

The most complete - and very lengthy I might add - response was from Dr. Robert Brown, Duke University Depatment of Physics. He didn't tell us anything that we hadn't already figured out. He just put it terms that a working physicist would use. The Reader's Digest version: The "physics" was pop-sci Internet science-babble, i.e. an amateur effort that resulted in gawd awful sci-fi...albeit with an interesting doom and gloom back story.

The back story was "borrowed" from "Alas, Babylon", Pat Frank (1959)
Well gang.......

Apparently, you are all not interested in the construction of the hoax. You apparently aren't even interested the mechanics of how the "predictions" were fabricated.

And too that, after actually taking some time yesterday to go through some older post by people claiming to be john, or this or that. I really cannot blame you.

So with that said, I will not waste your time any longer. I have decided to close a friendship over this. I cannot believe still, that this experiment in watching people react to the concept of a science fiction storyline based in reality has gotten this far out of hand.

So with that all said, I would like to point out that from this point you have another target to go after..... I have placed a call to "jester" about certain things... all of which, he has stated he was more concerned with investments of money then telling the truth.

So I have an announcment!
The other half and I guess you could say was the main typist, and co-conspiritor in this matter, jester / john titors real name is James "Jim" Moore. He holds degrees of variouse status. (Masters, associates) in various science and physics. His most notable attending of school was in indiana, where he attended the indiana state university. While he ws there he met his longtime girlfirend, Pamela Protusek. At last record they reside and work in the north in or not far from cleveland. However I do know there is work and occasional living near bowling green university by toledo. I know they own property between dayton and cincinatti. Jim has various hobbies, including photography, advanced model making. And has even won an award for kit bashing ( the use of one or more kits, plus self fabricated parts to make a full model and or diorama.).

I would not make this public, but after a conversation, and being offered a "cut" of the money to insure I have kept my mouth closed. I have decided to let these facts loose. By doing this I would like to announce I have nothing to gain. Nor really do I even stand the chance to loose anything. The truth about this, belongs to you all who have been tricked into this.

I would like to state, jim is the man who is "playing titor" in the infamous laser bend shot.

I am sorry if any of you are angry at me, and think I was out to dupe you. Please review the facts I have just stated and conduct research it. I am sure in time this will be proven true.

Also remember there were others invold, albeit, they were not aware to my knowledge of knowing what they were involved in. One in particular was Marshall
Barnes.... who's own research in the philadelphia experiment and the debunking of al beileks work was bastardised into some of the fabricated story of john titor. (Even mr beilek direct story played a part, might I point out the romantised idea of going back in time and seeing ones family,etc.)

So there, you have it. The rest is up to you all. But please bear in mind those who are easy to blow this off are either offened by their own short sightedness, or have somthing to gain. So I ask again please research these facts and sponsor the truth.

Brick.... from a broken wall.

You have the names wrong. I know who you're trying to "out" - but the names are not correct.

But if you wanted to really blow my socks off - and you can do it by email - just drop me a line with the correct first two letters of the "other" woman's first name. (You seem to like to play letter games).

That name, BTW, won't be found in any post, thread, book, tape, fold, spindle or mutilate anywhere on the Internet.

And I have to add this:

Over the years certain researchers have, in fact, discovered the real names of some of the people involved. But they have never knowingly violated those people's privacy by placing a lot of information into posts so that any Internet conspiracy theory fruit bat could pop up at their front door to do whatever madness their sideways minds can conjure up.

And those sorts of people are out there. Several of us have received the threatening emails. Others, who thought that they were somewhat anonymous on the Internet, received the threats in snailmail at their home. Even Larry Haber received such nonsense at his office.

You sound like a wounded duck - maybe even one of those fruit bats that I refered to above. So, just what was your motivation to out a couple of people by posting sufficient information, at least in your mind one could assume, so that yet another fruit bat could find his/her way to someone's front door?

And I will admit that early on I made a few errors by digging a bit too deeply into people's privacy and thereafter posted the results without thinking it through. I retracted the information and made both private and public apologies to the people involved.

I'll say it for the fiftieth time: The John Titor Saga is an Internet experiment in entertainment with a political message embedded in a sci-fi/war story. THat's all there is. It isn't national security and it isn't really important to anyone's IRL world. Therefore there is no reason to risk getting someone "surprised" at home.

Recall, it was you who broached the idea of your children and wife re. their security. Surely, if what you posted above is true, then one would have to assume that "Pamela" and "Jim" are bereft of ethics and decency...and they would absolutely know who you are.

Nor really do I even stand the chance to loose anything.

Given that they would be lacking in the area of trust you've opened yourself up to a tit-for-tat outting...at the risk of your family.

Of course, all of the above is predicated on the assumption that you have told the truth. The fact is, you haven't.

But if you still want to convince me...how about those Rangers. No, not that. How about that letter game?
You are mistaken the names and who they are, are correct.

The fact is, I'm willing to bet they would not out themselves and open themselves up to a higher level of legality. Let alone, there is no way to proove that I am the one who is posting this. I am curious though, you have arose some "goverment" stuff. I don't think goverment gives two shades when it comes to this, they have assertained from the begining this was a hox, I assume.

As for any prior post, I am unaware of any that mentions these people. But I can speak from experience, that if someone had suspected jester.... er well jim, then they were dead on.

You wanted the straight facts, you didn't want the answers hidden, you wanted names. You got it. I will retain my animinity as people research and garner their own opinions on jim.

And darby,

I am so absent minded. Just because pamela's name is pamela and jim's last name is moore.......

No, I am not implying pamela is Jim's girlfriend. The fact is, the names are mearly a coincidence. Unless anyone finds out otherwise, I would like this to be on the record, to the best of my knowledge pamela online is not Jim Moore's girlfriend.

So please darby do not imply that or imply that I am implying that.

So please darby do not imply that or imply that I am implying that.


And about that letter game? As I said, that name is nowhere to be found anywhere on the Internet. Only someone who was directly involved would know it.

But my original position stands: if you are being truthful then the people who you outted know who you are.

You brought up the issue of your family's safety. They don't have to come here and say, "Hi. I'm Jim and this is my friend Pamela. Brick's name is...he lives at...his wife works at...his child goes to ... school.

There are handles, The Cloak and other sites. We do trade information between sites.

I'm not suggesting that whoever they are would actually do this - but you bet your five minutes of fame against whatever it is that makes you feel that this saga somehow puts your family at risk.

Now you're either just another researcher who happened upon some information on Lexus-Nexus and put two and two together (you got the answer wrong, BTW) or you're just making it up for whatever reason. ANd I'll give the Devil his due and further state that there's always the possibility, no matter how small, that you're being truthful.

You had a plan and some sort of motivation when you came here. You're writing skills are marginal and that gets in the way of your message. That's not criticism for criticism's sake. Its just a fact. The bottom line is you appear to have a desire to be believed for your own reasons.

If you want to be believed get off your podium, join the discussion, lay out your information calmly, quietly and in detail. At this point you can no longer claim that the details somehow endanger your family. You've already crossed that line.

If ou play the letter game I won't disclose the data but I will state online whether or not you were correct. I'll even put the researcher who retains the information in touch with you if you get it correct. At that point I'll back away, take no credit for any information that is developed and let you and the researcher do whatever it is that you decide to do.

Fair enough?
You know darby, I don't think TTR here has heard about the poem yet...

HEY TIMETRAVELROMMIE! How did you get Larry Cluck to name his poem "a soldiers winter"

And please don't say hundreds of poems are named that because I looked and thier aint. With all the power of google and wiki and poem hunter combined you will only be able to find ONE poem named "a soldiers winter" The only thing that comes close is a misnamed poem of the same title (you know that chic never wrote me back now that I think about it.) two words in a search engine revealed the poems proper title as "a soldiers christmas".

Now then,one insignifigant detail of JTs story has manifested in the form of a poem written by Larry Cluck... how in the heck did JT accomplish that?

I know how. But thats my secert. Not to worry though... I suck at keeping secerts...I'll disclose that tid bit later...on a seperate thread...unless TTR here beats me to it and revels how he knows Larry Cluck and how he talked him into doing the favor.
What kind of BS is this??? Couldn't come up with the song huh?
faker. You don't know crap about John Titor.
You couldnt even come up with one single thing to verify to me
you even knew John.

I think you were not expecting the real Pamela to be here and now you are
up against a wall with no kind of verification at all so you decided to
make up a bunch of sh*t. Lame sh*t also even using my first name as the same name
as John's girlfriend. yeah right. And Moore as John's last name? Nothing is THAT coincidental.
Must have been really something for him when I registered as Pamela Moore at Art bells site. lol

You are a real piece of work.
Why? Because I really am not trying to imply that the pamela on the boards is jim's pamela.... I have no knowledge of it, nor the proof for that matter.

First things first, My typing skills are awful. I always sucked at it and spelling. I can read at a 100 miles an hour. But I always lacked the simple typing and grammer skills that could make sense.

Second I mispelled pamelas last name. Its profusek not the other mispelling I gave earlier. Sorry.

As long as I stay hidden, myself and my family are alright. Besides, I am holding on to the fact the people in question will be forced to do the right thing.

And no, there is no fame as long as I stay behind the curtain. Which incase no one has noticed it. I haven't said who I am. (Yes I know the risk of jim and pamela outing me is there, but who do people hate more? Vicks cough drops, or michael vick?)

Er...... guess I should have thought about that? Anyhoo..... I am sorry if I apear as if I'm on a soapbox.... in some aspects.

As for nexus-lexus.... I honestly have no idea wtf that is. And I don't recall saying to jim, the crossing of the event would be a trip into the nexus-lexus....

Yes my writing skills suck hot @$$ but I always had an active imagination, that's why jester and me would talk about this stuff when we were drunk and playing around...... "how would the modern day person react to the fact there is a future, even through the doom and gloom" is what we would say. Its funny to realise we were shocked the world didn't end when we hit the big 2000 and here we were a few months later going "damn, we made it...now what?"

The information is correct as I know it. Sorry about the last name. But I honestly made a mistake. If you are correct about the first name.... well pamela is all I know about the first name, that's what we called her.

Stepping down from the soapbox.

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