As for the typing you are correct. Jester did 99% of typing.
So then, you are saying that Jester is also 99% of the voice behind Titor. Convenient. Even more convenient is your telling us that Jester does not wish to participate here. That makes your statement unfalsifiable.
But once again I ask in no trolling. It has been alerted to me as to trolls start by grammer comments.
This is a weak attempt at having to face investigation of whether you actually are responsible for the Titor story. It won't work, and here is why (
bold is mine):
More specifically a troll is an insult or accusation made against a poster. It would be highly unusual for any internet poster to claim the title of troll[citation needed], rather a community member may try to deflate a post that is controversial or thought provoking by referring to it as a “trollâ€. In usage troll is more of an insult like "jerk".
To call someone a troll is to say that any dispute over a post is not valid not because the issues raised are not valid, but to claim the intent of the poster invalidates the post.
To interpret this viz-a-viz your statement, you are attempting to setup a false premise that anyone that questions areas where you do not appear to match Titor or his story (esp. with respect to grammar) brings invalid points because they are nothing but trolls. But this cannot be true, for comparitive grammar is not "trollish", but rather it is an accepted form of forensic investigation where only writings exist to tie potential suspects to specific events. It is not a troll activity, it is an activity intended to establish veracity of a claim.
In fact, if you read the full definition of internet troll at the link above, it could well be construed that
YOU are acting as a troll because you are acting as "someone who intentionally posts messages about sensitive topics constructed to cause controversy in an online community" (direct quote from the link above). So please, no more talk of trolls.
but I really had hoped none of this would get started
This is also a non-sequitor, for if you were behind the Titor saga it would be hard to believe that you could all of a sudden pop back in here and NOT expect this sort of thing to begin immediately. Again, I do not see your intellect as matching that of Boomer when you say things like this.
I am only going to dedicate a small amount of time to this
I would submit you will only spend as much time on this as it takes you to be summarily cornered and unable to handle the disconnects between your claim and the original Boomer. I would hazard to guess that said time is not far off, indeed.
I hardley doubt there will be a brick foundation in the future
It is also interesting that you take on the nickname of another alleged time travel visitor we have had here over the years. Good old Brick was a real storyteller, he was. It seems like just yesterday he was telling us of the trees made of muscle on the planet Lunaria. Ahh, the good old days... I will have a question or two for you, and we shall see whether you are willing to answer them.