Frequency Experiment 2009.

No comparisons? Okay, chief.

This new alleged TTer says that he has not physically traveled in time, but only done so mentally so he can communicate with us via email and the internet.

He says that the US goes thru amazing changes soon, and our universities transform and become places of greater cultural value and relevance.

He says that WWIII starts before the end of 2009, a conflict that he calls a global civil war between the people and their governments.

He seems to demonstrate bizarre abilities by answering questions online before they are asked.

He says that the US is about to go thru a new civil war, and the people rebel against the establishment.

He says that many American die in this coming conflict.

He says that we ought to be planning on using bicycles instead of cars soon. He also implies that gasoline will be scarce in the USA soon.

He recommends avoiding the conflict if possible, stocking up on food and water, learning to grow your own food in gardens, and joining with others to do this also.

He said that a sort of spiritual revolution occurred in 2012.

He said that a major assassination will occur in 2009, and that both the US and the UK will then become police states.

He said that the world monetary system collapsed in 2008, and is still gone in his own time, which seems to mean that the current economic collapse does not get any better over the coming months and years. He said that the current illusion of a working monetary system will end next year.

He says that the coming US civil war, which he says begins this year, is still going on in 2014.
You got to give the guy credit, he is pretty good so far. It will be interesting to see how this one pans out. If it was the same guy that sent that letter to the blog, this has been a LONG time in the making. I hope it doesn't fizzle out to nothing.

Good show!
Pamela, the 2006 email was posted to a Wordpress blog. It is a fairly easy matter to date your Wordpress posts for any day and year you please, so we can't know that the email wasn't posted just last week. I read the rest of the blog, and it's completely without substance, especially for someone who fancies himself a writer. I suspect the rest of the posts were written merely to create a history in which to place the email.

I am inclined to think this is all a GLP gimmick. They had a mass banning fiasco about a month ago and their traffic numbers are still off more than 60% - not good for the advertising revenue. Also, they've just spent a fair bit of money on that custom voice chat program, what a stroke of luck that a time traveler would make that his platform of choice just days after the software roll-out!

GLP involvement would also explain the "glitches" in the forum posts, as well as whatever weird things were happening n voice chat last night.
Here's a few questions for you 369994 that a came up with. I hope your frequency problems get corrected.

1) Where there any entire species that went extinct between now and 2079?

2) How safe is Arizona During WW3 and what is that area like during you're time?

3) What is the state of the educational system? Is it required for a elementary/high school/college education? What is the average age that one starts and ends schooling?

4) What is the Estimated world human population in 2079. What is the most inhabited country?

5) When/Why does Washington University change its name to the Cyma Institue?

6) Why is South Dakota so safe in WW3?

7) Do we ever get to or settle on Mars?

8) Is television still around? What kinda shows are on? What is your favorite.

9) Is eating meat mearly taboo, or is it unacceptable?

10) Are you enjoying your expirement and how did you get into "time travel"


1. Sound. The universe, as we know it, is nothing but sound frequencies.

No it isn't ! Saying so is a major faux pas that NO good scientist would make.

Sound does not exist in space ( hence - 'In space, no-one can hear you scream' ). Sound is a wave compression effect that requires the existence of atoms or molecules to do the waving. It requires a certain density of material to exist at all. In the vacuum of space, there is no sound.

The correct usage should be electromagnetic frequencies. Though this 'scientist' does not not seem to have heard of the other component of electromagnetic waves - amplitude.

As I mentioned earlier past, present, and future exist simultaneously

Lol ! No...that sentence is a complete oxymoron. It's a common misconception that the Wheeler/Penrose spacetime diagram means that all moments in time are the same. That is not the case....time is simply presented as a 4th dimension that may or may not 'already exist'.

Everything in this world has a sound frequency. These sound frequencies echo endlessly. You are one note in a musical masterpiece - without you the song wouldn´t exist. So, without you the Universe wouldn´t exist.

I'm guessing this guy has never heard of Maxwell's equations. There he goes again.....'sound'. I'm guessing he probably doesn't actually know what sound is either.

Sound is purely a mechanical effect of classical physics....nothing more than wave motions of molecules. It has nothing whatever to do with the electromagnetic spectrum..which is ultimately derived at a much deeper quantum level and is the REAL frequency driver within the universe.

I'd like to say that a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. However in this case I don't think we even have that.
Thanks for contributing correct science to this thread, Twighlight. I had decided to stay out of this one completely because the odiferous smell of the very first post was just too much for me to stomach. Some claims are just so bad, they do not deserve my comments. But I am glad you and Darby stepped-up to the plate on this one.

Your science-based discussion of sound, as compared to E/M waves, is, of course, correct.
With all due respect, Twilight. Perhaps the core knowledge of what we call science changes int he coming years. After all, science evolves as we do. Below are a few interesting quotes.

The forms of snow flakes and faces of flowers may take on their shape because they were responding to some sound in nature. Likewise, it is possible that crystals, plants and human beings, maybe in some way be music that has taken on physical form.

As we move from the age of Pisces into Aquarius wave after cymatic wave crashes onto the shoreline of collective consciousness. Unfortunately, the waters are receding, being poured out and evaporated. Humanity has moved from Aries the age of sacrifice to or for God - to Pisces, the age of worship and walking along side God, finally to Aquarius, the age of realizing that God is and has always been within us all, just like the sound of glorious music. The question remains, how many of us will summon the courage to submit to this new paragon?

Bringing back to the study of Cymatics - Cyma being equivalent to the word wave in Greek - is in fact the surf that this species is riding into the future. The buzz in your eardrum and the rhythm of your heart are all sonic reminders that all 3D life in the cosmos are expressions of song. It is a demonstration that form is a result of frequency. Frequency is the oscillation between opposite holes.

The illusory passage of time can also be represented as a total change in a musical scale. As even the twelve tone system in Western music mimics the wheel of the cosmic Zodiac. The principle behind twelve tone music, or dodecaphonia as it also called, is that no one tone can be repeated until all eleven others have also been heard. This way the tones are then now interpreted in terms of relation to each other and not to any one key tone.

From Mr. Emoto's work we are provided with factual evidence, that human vibrational energy, thoughts, words, ideas and music, affect the molecular structure of water, the very same water that comprises over seventy percent of a mature human body and covers the same amount of our planet. Water is the very source of all life on this planet, the quality and integrity are vitally important to all forms of life.
With all due respect, Twilight. Perhaps the core knowledge of what we call science changes int he coming years.

Sure - 'perhaps' there really ARE fairies at the bottom of my garden. And leprechauns. And unicorns galloping in the forests. And don't forget the tooth fairy.....perhaps that is real. And Santa. And George Bush being elected for a third term. Sheesh !....with the word 'perhaps'...the sky is the limit !
Sheesh !....with the word 'perhaps'...the sky is the limit !

Twighlight, just an observation here: The business of scientific discovery would become very static indeed if the practitioners didn't at some point say "Perhaps..." or "I wonder if...".
369.994 technology remind me of a dream I had back when I was a young child. I remember in the dream, a room with a chair in it, that had a helmet connected to it. Kind of look like those hair drying chairs. But this chair was connected to some computer banks, that are behind the chair. I remember entering the room with other people wearing white lab coats and military uniforms. I myself was wearing a military type jump suit.

I remember Asking. What does it suppose to do? They said, that it is a device that let you see events in the past as they happen, while looking through someone else eyes. I ask them. Can I control the person that I am jumping into. They answers, We don't know if you can or not. That why we need you to test it. So I set down in the chair. They put the helmet on and hook some wires to me. Then one people said. Are you ready Captain? I answer, I'm ready. Let's find out what this time machine does. The next thing I find myself jump into a person who just got run over by a train, and I felt that person pain and felt his death. Technically I was dieing alone with that person. But they pull me out of the person, before he took me with him. The dream felt strangely real. Like I was really there.
As we move from the age of Pisces into Aquarius wave after cymatic wave crashes onto the shoreline of collective consciousness.

Does this mean that we will be seeing a reprise of "Hair" in the near future?
Twighlight, just an observation here: The business of scientific discovery would become very static indeed if the practitioners didn't at some point say "Perhaps..." or "I wonder if...".

Sure...but few scientists would now say " Perhaps the world rests on the back of a tortoise that's on the back of an elephant..etc ".

In any case, as I already pointed out, the speculation from our alleged time traveller in this thread has NO basis ( not even 'perhaps' ) in science. His entire effort rests on his own lack of comprehension of both sound and electromagnetism. The whole thing is based on LACK of scientific knowledge.....not the advancement of it.
the speculation from our alleged time traveller in this thread has NO basis ( not even 'perhaps' ) in science. His entire effort rests on his own lack of comprehension of [science]. The whole thing is based on LACK of scientific knowledge.....not the advancement of it.

That's pretty much the same thing all the scientists in 1903 said about the Wright brothers' efforts to make an airplane fly. How often has the scientific dogma of one age been proven incorrect in the next? This issue will not be decided based on whether or not this alleged futureman reinforces your beliefs, but based instead on whether or not his predictions come true.

Unlike most of the alleged TTers I'm familiar with, this brave one has made a prediction that we only have to wait a single month for. He said that a high-profile staged assassination in September 2009 will bring about Martial Law in the US and UK. If that happens, he will come away with loads of street cred regardless of whether or not his description of how the world works jives with any of ours.

Were you planning on answering my question about feedback loops in the other thread? If not, I would appreciate common courtesy of you telling me you are not going to answer (and you can admit you are wrong while you are at that).

That's pretty much the same thing all the scientists in 1903 said about the Wright brothers' efforts to make an airplane fly.

Wrong. And once again you should know better than to try to slip by bullcrap statements like that which are smack-dab in the middle of my professional domain of knowledge.

Ever heard of any of these contemporaries (and forerunners) of Wilbur and Orville?

Leonardo DaVinci
Sir George Cayley (Perhaps even more important than the Wright Brothers!)
Otto Lilienthal
Octave Chanute
Samuel Langley (yes, the same one who has a NASA center named after him!)
Glenn Curtiss

That's pretty much the same thing all the scientists in 1903 said about the Wright brothers' efforts to make an airplane fly.

Lol ! I hate these sort of vague and made up generalizations. All the scientists ? Really ? Care to quote any ? Most people at the time were not even aware the Wright brothers machine even existed. I doubt you can find me a single 'scientist' quoted as saying 'the damned thing wont fly'..especially as scaled down models of aerofoil winged planes had ( without passengers ) already flown and demonstrated the principle.

This issue will not be decided based on whether or not this alleged futureman reinforces your beliefs, but based instead on whether or not his predictions come true.

No it won't..because 'predictions' are meaningless outside of a scientifically controlled test. That is precisely why such things as Zenner cards were invented to test Psi claims. It is also why few scientists seriously believe that Jeane Dixon 'predicted' the assassination of JFK...even though she 'got it right'. Fact is...given the sheer number of predictions made every week, just on the law of averages someone is BOUND to get it right. And all a scientific test would do is give 'odds against chance'.......not ' Oh my God - proof of prediction '

Unlike most of the alleged TTers I'm familiar with, this brave one has made a prediction that we only have to wait a single month for. He said that a high-profile staged assassination in September 2009 will bring about Martial Law in the US and UK. If that happens, he will come away with loads of street cred regardless of whether or not his description of how the world works jives with any of ours.

Why on earth would an assassination in the US bring about martial law in the UK ??

I'm betting that out alleged time traveller will either have 'disappeared' by October...or.......wait for it ( I hear the best excuse ever, being cranked up )....yes....the 'timelines diverged' and the prediction became 'moot'