Darby, to clarify:
I am from the Department of Audio Frequency. There are Geothermal Power Stations that are located in the middle of the oceans that broadcast out energy frequencies, like radio waves. Free energy.
Pamela, to answer your questions:
1. It takes time to get used to. You do not feel the effects of inertia while riding in one of these vehicles.
2. Other worldly beings did not provide us with these books. They merely inspired the creation of them. There are many, many other beings in this Universe that we know very little about. It feeds the imagination of the writers. Uncertainty, imagination, and speculation has always been the key to great science fiction novels.
Kronos, to clarify:
The next World War is the people versus the governments.
HeKnows, to answer your questions:
1. Israel will not attack Iran.
2 .Not familiar with the term, or name, John Titor. Sorry.
3. If what speak is the truth, then listen carefully. These beings you may, or may not, see are most likely not human. It is widely speculated that the U.S. government along with the U.N and the E.U Parliament were in contact with harmful and manipulative beings. These beings manifest within your conscience. Change your diet. Eat healthy. Meditate. Seek spiritual solace from within you and block these beings from entering your mind.
4. I do not have one. However, the institute has a logo.
5. In 2014 The United States Government will launch nuclear missiles that will strike their own citizens. A desperate attempt to win the war.
6. The full collapse happened in 2008. The U.S used what we referred to as Pseudollars to create an illusion of a working monetary system. This will end 2010.
Peter, to clarify:
There are literally infinite amount of time-lines. What our research has taught us is that there are unique audio frequencies for every single possibility in the Universe. All time-lines, or a unique frequencies, share synchronicities. The greatest moments in history have the strongest effects on these frequencies. We are able to map and tune into them. The dates that I have provided you with are ones that are specific to my timeline. I can guarantee that these events will occur in your timeline on, or close to, the dates I provided. It would take something incredible to alter your, otherwise, determined time-line - but, nothing is impossible as I´ve clearly demonstrated with my untimely response to your question.