Frequency Experiment 2009.

Re: Frequency Experiment 2009. *DELETED*

oops. Tried to go back and delete where I was having trouble with the site. But I guess it don't work to delete the posting later. So I didn't bother with the post below this one. Thanks Kerr for the help. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
KerrTexas, to answer your questions:

1. We still have cars, trains, and planes. All vehicles run on limitless energy - Geothermal. We do not use wheels on vehicles anymore. The technology we use know makes vehicles like cars react as magnets to the Earth. They hover.

2. Energy is distributed in frequencies. To power your home all you need is a unit that tunes in to these frequencies.

3. A lot of things. Most people participate in the creative industries. Write, paint, compose, and compile.

4. Mostly vegetarian foods. People only eat organic meat on special occasions. We also get plenty of our nutrition from the sun.

5. Science fiction. The world today wouldn´t be like this without those creative minds.

6. They are mostly about a battle between light and darkness in other dimensions. Other wordly beings heavily influenced todays science fiction stories.

Kronos, to answer your question:

A lot happened in 2010. A global civil war, or World War III, will be faught during the time that you mentioned. Perhaps that date is significant to you and your loved ones?

Pamela, to answer your question:

Research the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. The technology used is very similar to what we are using for our Social Experiment.

Department of Sound Frequency
The Cyma Institute.
2. Energy is distributed in frequencies. To power your home all you need is a unit that tunes in to these frequencies.

Ah, so. We already tune our homes to a specific frequency. My home, for instance, is tuned to 60Hz. If I want to I can imbed another frequency into my home and run a network for my computer, telephone or any other electronic device. My computer, like yours, manipulates the 60Hz signal. It runs, in part, on 2.13GHz. But if need be I can even get it to generate a nice, crisp F-flat/G-sharp, 366.994Hz signal.
Oh good I didn't leave!

I know all about HAARP! Did research on it and several FOIA requests ...long ago.
Also got to personally talk to one of the HAARP researchers who wasn't very nice
at all! I think I still have several binders full of info. How is this similiar to your experiment?

What is it like to ride in an "antigravity" transportation device? Not sure if you call it that.
Please supply details.

Which books or movies did "otherworldly beings" provide?
And which otherworldy beings are we talking of? Since there seems to be many different types?
A lot happened in 2010. A global civil war, or World War III, will be faught during the time that you mentioned. Perhaps that date is significant to you and your loved ones?

I don't know why that date is important too me but ever since I was twelve that date has always just sat there in my mind. As it draws closer, I've just felt more aware of whats going on.

Also, what exactly justifies a GLOBAL Civil war. And that invocation of thoth's chamber, what was that actually a recording of and why is it signifigant?
Hello 369994,
I saw your posts on both GLP and here, and had some questions.

1. What is the exact or general date that Israel attacks Iran?

2. Are you aware of John Titor? What is the definition of "John Titor"? Does the phrase have some special meaning?

3. I have some "time travelers" that are everywhere I go, and their technology seems, err... "All Powerful". They seem to appear and disappear at will, with no one noticing. They have an insignia that looks like the shape of an "Eye". Do you know who they are or how to get them to leave me alone?? They also use some sort of "psychic" that makes things very uncomfortable, to put it lightly. Going to the cops proves fruitless, and it appears they work with them.

4. What does your insignia look like?

5. What is the exact or general date that the United States comes under a "terrorist nuke" attack?

6. What is the exact or general date that the United States experiences financial collapse?

Thanks if you can answer my questions.
Questions about some things you said:

one cannot manifest in physical forms but rather influence the mind of anoother who is at different location in time. Another method is via bit frequency. Last but not least is the method of sending an individual back in time, unforunately the being will not take physical form. He, or she, will be traveling through channeled dimensions - a dimension that cuts directly through all dimensions perceived by man.

I have to ask did you get some of this tech. from the other world beings? What is a "channeled" dimension?

In 2012 a giant solar flare renders most satelites useless. Mankind starts communicating directly with other-wordly beings

What made you decide they were trustworthy? What was the first method we used to communicate with them?

Sound. The universe, as we know it, is nothing but sound frequencies.

2. There are literally infinite amount of frequencies. Our computers can pick up present frequencies. As I mentioned earlier past, present, and future exist simultaneously it is our job to look for synchronicities within the paterns. We then set the processor to focus on said frequency and try altering slightly. This is the result.

How do you have an IP number then if your computer is not physically here?

3. Because the human ear cannot pick-up these frequencies we run a hyrdo-electro based engine which is roughly the size hot-tub to isolate these frequencies. Every frequency exists within the water - all we do is respond with a counter frequency and collect data from that. Then we magnify the results into space (like they did as an attempt to communicate with other-worldly beings). The frequencies then change in the water and our systems translate it to manageable data.

4. Your physical body is just another frequency. The technology does not yet exist transport this - instead we can re-direct it through several different dimensions making the individual almost unseen to the human eye. There are other beings that have fully mastered this technology and use special designed body suits and vehicles to travel through time and maintain there physical form. Ever notice how space crafts disappear into thin air. They simple move in a direction most minds cannot perceive.
So...this is alien technology? When a human is sent through these dimensions how does it effect him? Is there side effects? Can he hear and see what is there?
Can he interact with the environment? What is his experience to be in the dimension next door?
Does he travel alone or can he also take equipment with him? Does he travel in groups or by himself?
What purpose would it serve to do this? Is it like an angel?

Some humans will gruaduate to the fourth density, if that is what you are asking. 2012 did have an affect on us all but it were those who dedicated their lives to truth, peace, and spirituality that graduated. There are many chemicals and drugs in the food you eat today that help prevent you from evolving. They ground you to the physical world. Einstein was right.

Are you speaking of them dieing or transforming?

2. Other-wordly beings present themselves closer to the time of the"Harvest" to those who are ready. There are also manipulative beings who try to distract you from the truth.

What is the harvest? How do you know which is the manipulative being? Are other worldly beings involved with this experiment of yours?
Darby, to clarify:

I am from the Department of Audio Frequency. There are Geothermal Power Stations that are located in the middle of the oceans that broadcast out energy frequencies, like radio waves. Free energy.

Pamela, to answer your questions:

1. It takes time to get used to. You do not feel the effects of inertia while riding in one of these vehicles.

2. Other worldly beings did not provide us with these books. They merely inspired the creation of them. There are many, many other beings in this Universe that we know very little about. It feeds the imagination of the writers. Uncertainty, imagination, and speculation has always been the key to great science fiction novels.

Kronos, to clarify:

The next World War is the people versus the governments.

HeKnows, to answer your questions:

1. Israel will not attack Iran.

2 .Not familiar with the term, or name, John Titor. Sorry.

3. If what speak is the truth, then listen carefully. These beings you may, or may not, see are most likely not human. It is widely speculated that the U.S. government along with the U.N and the E.U Parliament were in contact with harmful and manipulative beings. These beings manifest within your conscience. Change your diet. Eat healthy. Meditate. Seek spiritual solace from within you and block these beings from entering your mind.

4. I do not have one. However, the institute has a logo.

5. In 2014 The United States Government will launch nuclear missiles that will strike their own citizens. A desperate attempt to win the war.

6. The full collapse happened in 2008. The U.S used what we referred to as Pseudollars to create an illusion of a working monetary system. This will end 2010.

Peter, to clarify:

There are literally infinite amount of time-lines. What our research has taught us is that there are unique audio frequencies for every single possibility in the Universe. All time-lines, or a unique frequencies, share synchronicities. The greatest moments in history have the strongest effects on these frequencies. We are able to map and tune into them. The dates that I have provided you with are ones that are specific to my timeline. I can guarantee that these events will occur in your timeline on, or close to, the dates I provided. It would take something incredible to alter your, otherwise, determined time-line - but, nothing is impossible as I´ve clearly demonstrated with my untimely response to your question.
We have detected a decline in stability in this current frequency and we are trying refrain from manipulating it too much. We have put all operations on hold until we have thoroughly analyzed this current set back.

Did you ever find out what happened? How did you fix it?

There is techonology that exists in the year 2009 that these men use. They can attempt to manipulate your natural frequency, what the Old Ones called The Soul. This techonology
is not hidden from mankind, yet it´s agenda is.

If this tech exists then it also exists to control the thought patterns,heart rythms,bloodpressure, and cause stress reactions that cause disease in a human
from a distance. You would also be able to cause someone to have a heart attack
or stroke with manipulation. With certain frequencies one might even be
able to cause a soul to leave a body (If such a thing was possible as there are guardian
angels for some people) even diseases are on certain frequencies. One may even be able to "cancel" one out. or "shut one off."
Does it not concern you that the technology may one day fall into the wrong hands?
Because even though there are good people who will want to use the tech for good
we live in a fallen world where unfortunatly there are evil people who only want
control and war.

Am I close on what can be done or is it further along than I thought now?
There are literally infinite amount of time-lines. What our research has taught us is that there are unique audio frequencies for every single possibility in the Universe. All time-lines, or a unique frequencies, share synchronicities. The greatest moments in history have the strongest effects on these frequencies. We are able to map and tune into them. The dates that I have provided you with are ones that are specific to my timeline. I can guarantee that these events will occur in your timeline on, or close to, the dates I provided. It would take something incredible to alter your, otherwise, determined time-line - but, nothing is impossible as I´ve clearly demonstrated with my untimely response to your question.

Are you communicating with us on several timelines then or just this one?
Ahhh I have to go to bed also. Keep coming here as some of us cannot post on GLP.
Thanks. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Thank-you. Very interesting.

The one question I forgot to about you still listen to Vivaldi, Mozart, and the like ?

And in reading through your post's, I have to point out that there are many concepts you are writing about that can be found within Hermetic's. This was highlighted when you mentioned the invocation of Thoth...

What kind of influence would you say Thoth/Hermes has in your civilization ?
Darby, to clarify:

I am from the Department of Audio Frequency. There are Geothermal Power Stations that are located in the middle of the oceans that broadcast out energy frequencies, like radio waves. Free energy.

I'm not sure what that clarified. I think that we already gathered that you are into audio frequencies from your handle and tag line.

Audio is sound. Yes, its a wave but physically it is not like electromagnetic energy. Back in the 19th Century we discovered that EM energy does not require a medium in which to radiate where sound does require a medium.

Water is not a very efficient conductor of EM waves. It has a very high atttenuation rate that depends on thermoclines, salinity, temperature, density, current, etc. When you say "free energy" what do you mean, exactly?

Explain how it works (you're a time traveler and have already read this post so check with The Boss, before responding, and get clearance to respond).

But we both digress.

When you arrived you announced that you were an amateur physicist (whatever that is in a university setting - in any case is probably means that we're taking you out of your realm of expertise by talking physics) working on a social science project. So, what is the social science experiment that you were assigned to do here?

Again, we'd like to see it laid out in a format that is appropriate for an instructor at the university level to be giving it to "new" students.
"We still have cars, trains, and planes. All vehicles run on limitless energy - Geothermal. We do not use wheels on vehicles anymore. The technology we use know makes vehicles like cars react as magnets to the Earth. They hover."

well, its good to see that folks listen to my ideas in the future.

i take it that houses use induction to get energy. would you care to give us a schematic of this?

what frequency does this run on? what amplitude does the frequency have?

can you please fill these answers in for me? if you are an expert in frequency, you should have no problem.










thanks for your time.
"The next World War is the people versus the governments."

This answer, and some of his others, are consistent with Zeshua's stuff. This poster also has a history, according to GLP, of posting this same story as far back as 2006, which makes him the second-longest active TT claim, after Zeshua, who posted from 2005 - 2009. It'd be a long time to maintain a hoax.

The sheer length of time this poster has held to the same storyline is enough to make his story interesting.
Peter Novak:

The premise of this thread isn't about Zeshua, and it will be kept that way, in case you're planning on trying a subtle hi-jacking here. IF you have any connections to be made between 369994 and Zeshua, create your own thread for any future observations.

369994 :

I am really interested in how the people in your time view the foundation of Hermetics. In reading through your posts, there seems to be numerous simularities and references to Hermetic concepts. Can you explain why this is so ?
According to the Handbook of Electronic Tables and Formulas, F# below middle "C" is 369.99 Hz, but to be a bit more exact it is 369.99375 according also to the A = 440Hz standard.
Of course in a 432Hz standard, it would be different and slightly less.

I wonder (I would like to know) what kind of device anyone could make that obtains the real frequencies of this Universe. I know some work was done and that one can download a recording (I have a few) of say like a black hole or neutron star or something like that without looking it up on my computer, but it was all manipulated so that even a human could hear it?

(Oh, I guess I deleted those sounds, since you hear them once and that is about it. It was something NASA came out with I think though.)