One specific event being the staged assassination of President Obama on the 27th of September, 2009, at 1736EDT. This is a great example of what information we may not reveal.
Well, Today's the day Damien becomes immortalized as a time traveler having a specific, undeniable, uninterpretable prediction coming true, or he crashes and burns as a hoaxer.
Well, Today's the day Damien becomes immortalized as a time traveler having a specific, undeniable, uninterpretable prediction coming true, or he crashes and burns as a hoaxer.
Mmmph. Another failure in predictions of the future. Why am I not surprised?
<font color="red"> And, of course, recall15 is conveniently not here anymore to accept the criticism he so rightly deserves. [/COLOR]Mmmph. Another failure in predictions of the future. Why am I not surprised?
And should I remind us all that there is no Planet X (nor Y or Z for that matter), and all the badness that our dearly departed friend recall15 was wailing on about... has NOT come to pass!
My messages remain the same:
1) The future is NOT determined.
2) YOU, each and every one of you, are major participants in shaping your own future.
3) Being a skeptical questioner of people who come here and claim to know your future is actually a good, not a bad, thing.
4) Those who give gloom and doomers the "benefit of the doubt" and do not ask them the tough questions are actually aiding and abetting such people. Either that, or they are so pathetic as to have already given up their own futures to someone with no evidence.
Hmmm...I don't think I have anything to wear.....Nothing interviewish anyway..I think I will have to pass.