Frequency Experiment 2009.

I am interested to know about your time..could you answer the following questions.

What mode of transportation do you use ?
What type of power systems do you utilize for home use ?
What do you do for entertainment ?
What kind of food do you enjoy ?
What type's of books are all the rave ? Mysteries, romance, etc. ?
What are the plot's for your Sci-Fi Books ?

These questions aren't meant to be a trick or anything similar, but are of interest to me, and I'd like to know a little bit about the "daily" life of someone from the future. Simple as that.

So, if you could be so kind as to answer my questions, I'd appreciate it.



I have a question for you. What signifigant event happens on Janurary 10th 2010. More Specifically around 12:11 a.m. Arizonan Mountain Time. The specific time may not have been recorded. (Z)

So.....Is this conversation over? Have not heard from him again on here.


He was a hit-and-run poster. He did the same thing on GLP...come on for a few posts in one day and disappear only to reappear here three days later. It's unlikely that he'll be back, though one never knows for sure.
Well 369.994 is basically F sharp, G flat, E double-sharp on a piano.

I am wondering if I sit at my piano and play these notes over and over
and close my eyes will I open my eyes to another time?

Or is it a "social experiment" just to see if someone will actually do it?
I tried to save the main science part incase it is lost over there. I don't know what to make of it. They talk about a glitch being made as he was posting also wonder what happened there.

I traveled through time.

Time Travel is easier than you imagined and will exist sooner than you expect.

Instead of boasting about my knowledge of the future I will answer any questions you may have whether they are about the future at hand or the theory of time travel.

Don´t be too amazed. This could be you in the not so distant future.

Can you teach me how to Travel also?

I certainly can. There are several different methods of time travel, though. The most common method is similar to telepathy, one cannot manifest in physical forms but rather influence the mind of anoother who is at different location in time. Another method is via bit frequency. Last but not least is the method of sending an individual back in time, unforunately the being will not take physical form. He, or she, will be traveling through channeled dimensions - a dimension that cuts directly through all dimensions perceived by man.

The first method I can teach you but it takes dedication and will power. Not many are able to do this, but I assure you it can be done.

1. - What kind of device was used?

I am currently using a computer that is designed to manipulate frequencies. I can elaborate on this if you like.

2. - Do you have pictures/ proof of this device 's existence?

This can be arranged. This technology is currently based in what was formerly known as the University of Washington. I will need approval from my superior first -- this technology is still in test phase and he may not want to jeopardize the project. Although, I am confident that there wont be any issues.

3. - Where did you travel too?

This techonology limits me to alter frequencies. I am traveling through time without phsyical going anywhere. Time, theoratically speaking, does not exist. Our world is based on synchronized frequencies. The illusion of time passing is merely an introduction/or change of a current frequency. The past, present, and future all exist simultaneously. We simply created a device that can tune in and alter a said frequency.

4. - Have you brought proof of your travels?

Please refer to question 2.

5. - For what purpose did you travel through time?

Science project. No real mission.

6. - What limitations does time-travel have? (e.g. how far can you go back/forward)

It is possible to travel to any location in time, although it is a little easier traveling within the digital age (stronger frequencies).

Thank you for your answers.

Let's focus on the frequencies you talk about.

-On what end of the spectrum are we talking, is it sound, light, microwave, ultrasound?

- I assume you aim this frequency that you generated to a certain spot, what spot?

- Can you give a general description of the instruments you use?

-How does this bring forth a detachment from your physical body?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 645417

1. Sound. The universe, as we know it, is nothing but sound frequencies.

2. There are literally infinite amount of frequencies. Our computers can pick up present frequencies. As I mentioned earlier past, present, and future exist simultaneously it is our job to look for synchronicities within the paterns. We then set the processor to focus on said frequency and try altering slightly. This is the result.

3. Because the human ear cannot pick-up these frequencies we run a hyrdo-electro based engine which is roughly the size hot-tub to isolate these frequencies. Every frequency exists within the water - all we do is respond with a counter frequency and collect data from that. Then we magnify the results into space (like they did as an attempt to communicate with other-worldly beings). The frequencies then change in the water and our systems translate it to manageable data.

4. Your physical body is just another frequency. The technology does not yet exist transport this - instead we can re-direct it through several different dimensions making the individual almost unseen to the human eye. There are other beings that have fully mastered this technology and use special designed body suits and vehicles to travel through time and maintain there physical form. Ever notice how space crafts disappear into thin air. They simple move in a direction most minds cannot perceive.

Sorry. I did not mean to frighten you. Like I mentioned previously, this technology is still young. Sometimes I receive data a little earlier than I ought to. My apologies.

Let me stress that you created those frequencies. You are not being controlled and your life does have purpose.

Can you please elaborate on the psychic phenomena, is it linked to an influx of conscious awareness?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 752485

Yes, sir. That is correct. I shall elaborate on this later.

1. Some humans will gruaduate to the fourth density, if that is what you are asking. 2012 did have an affect on us all but it were those who dedicated their lives to truth, peace, and spirituality that graduated. There are many chemicals and drugs in the food you eat today that help prevent you from evolving. They ground you to the physical world. Einstein was right.

2. Other-wordly beings present themselves closer to the time of the"Harvest" to those who are ready. There are also manipulative beings who try to distract you from the truth.

The holographic world is common science today. The Universe, as we perceive it, is sound.

To clarify this: we use water to measure frequencies. We use what is called a fluxgate cymatimeter to measure and map the frequencies and a magnetoamplifier to project our frequencies into space.

It all comes down to what is referred to the collective universal conscience and Oneness. The way both spiritual leaders and scientists see it today is like this:

Everything in this world has a sound frequency. These sound frequencies echo endlessly. You are one note in a musical masterpiece - without you the song wouldn´t exist. So, without you the Universe wouldn´t exist.

The way you look at it there is life after death - but the wise believe that there is no death, at least not by definition.

Unfortunately, this will be the last question I will answer for now. Moving on to the next step in the project.

I will however return and try to bring photography evidence of my travel.

I ask you all to do yourselves a big favor. Search for "Invocation from Thoth's Chamber of the Great Pyramid of Giza", listen to it. Meditate to it. It will tune into the Earth. It may even open your mind to things you´ve never seen before.

Peace and Harmony to you all.

I have been given the authority to reveal what year our operations taking place.

I am communicating from The Cyma Institute. The year is 2079.

For further information research Cymatics.

I am still present but I may not continue with this experiment until issues are resolved.

We have detected a decline in stability in this current frequency and we are trying refrain from manipulating it too much. We have put all operations on hold until we have thoroughly analyzed this current set back.

All your questions will be answered in given time.
I will however return and try to bring photography evidence of my travel.

Ok...This will be interesting. Although photos seem to be seldom proof as they can be altered or people will claim they have been altered.
instead we can re-direct it through several different dimensions making the individual almost unseen to the human eye.

Hmmm...sounds like a good way to spy on people.

<font color="blue"> "Jack, where is Bob?" "Oh he is standing right behind you in the dimension next door!"[/COLOR] LOL!
I am still present but I may not continue with this experiment until issues are resolved.

We have detected a decline in stability in this current frequency and we are trying refrain from manipulating it too much. We have put all operations on hold until we have thoroughly analyzed this current set back.

Uh oh....The frequency is becoming unstable. What does that mean? <font color="purple">Ripppppppppples?
[/COLOR] :eek:
I agree with his theory but I still doubt the authenticity of 369.994´s claim. I understand why 369.994 might post here but GLP, I will never know. Still, this is all very interesting and has given me something to think about.


What theory do you agree with? Here's his entire theory as stated in his posts here and on GLP:

I am currently using a computer that is designed to manipulate frequencies.

So am I. So are you. So is everyone else here. Do you know of a computer or any other electronic device that wasn't designed to operate by manipulating frequencies?
In any case he's a music "guy"

369.994 Hz - F-flat/G-sharp

I'll give him the F-flat as a grade for his attempt at weaving something new, different and original on the TT Claims Forum.
Geez. I wonder if he will come over here again? I can't post on GLP because everytime they ban an aol member they unknowingly ban ALL of us. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif

There is techonology that exists in the year 2009 that these men use. They can attempt to manipulate your natural frequency, what the Old Ones called The Soul. This techonology

is not hidden from mankind, yet it´s agenda is.

I would like further info on this.
Oh bonkers! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif Maybe he will read this in the future and come! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif