April 12th

Who fires the first nuclear bomb?

- Russia.

Who retaliates first?

- European country that I would rather not identify.

What can we do to better prepare?

- Water, water, water! NBC safe clothing if available. Otherwise, just your basic everyday items that are already known to be useful.

What goes down in history as the things people did or do to be remembered for?

- There are heroes all over the globe. Countless stories of rescue and survival that shine showing the best of humanity at its worse. There isn't a particular person or country that stands out.

Are there villains/heroes or is everyone just living in chaos?

- Complete and total chaos when the world sinks to this low. As you'd expect overtime control is regained.

What about the secure bunkers?

- They're definitely things that exist. I'm not sure what you're asking besides yeah they're safe.

Do some people survive inside of them?

- Yes the rich who have bunkers or well off families with panic rooms do indeed for the most part successfully survive in them.

Are they truly safe?

- Bunkers? Yes! You can't emerge 2 hours later after an attack however. You need at least 24 hours and I'd recommend some more to be on the safe side to emerge.

Do the people inside of them live plush lives while the people on the surface of the planet suffer?

- Well, as much as living in an underground bunker can be plush. They get oxygen and lack radiation poisoning so yes?

Do only the rich live underground?

- Yes and no. Underground lifestyles are not uncommon at all. The level of sophistication is the serration between this question.

What becomes of our planet?

- Nuclear winter is real. Our planet and all of it's life are affected. However at the same time time travel becomes real due to the resulting environmental changes.

How can we #fixtheworld after the fact?

- I personally believe our future to be one in colonizing another planet. This is definitely an individual question. One thing for certain is it the terror of what happened will never occur again.

Who fires the first nuclear bomb?

- Russia.

Who retaliates first?

- European country that I would rather not identify.

What can we do to better prepare?

- Water, water, water! NBC safe clothing if available. Otherwise, just your basic everyday items that are already known to be useful.

What goes down in history as the things people did or do to be remembered for?

- There are heroes all over the globe. Countless stories of rescue and survival that shine showing the best of humanity at its worse. There isn't a particular person or country that stands out.

Are there villains/heroes or is everyone just living in chaos?

- Complete and total chaos when the world sinks to this low. As you'd expect overtime control is regained.

What about the secure bunkers?

- They're definitely things that exist. I'm not sure what you're asking besides yeah they're safe.

Do some people survive inside of them?

- Yes the rich who have bunkers or well off families with panic rooms do indeed for the most part successfully survive in them.

Are they truly safe?

- Bunkers? Yes! You can't emerge 2 hours later after an attack however. You need at least 24 hours and I'd recommend some more to be on the safe side to emerge.

Do the people inside of them live plush lives while the people on the surface of the planet suffer?

- Well, as much as living in an underground bunker can be plush. They get oxygen and lack radiation poisoning so yes?

Do only the rich live underground?

- Yes and no. Underground lifestyles are not uncommon at all. The level of sophistication is the serration between this question.

What becomes of our planet?

- Nuclear winter is real. Our planet and all of it's life are affected. However at the same time time travel becomes real due to the resulting environmental changes.

How can we #fixtheworld after the fact?

- I personally believe our future to be one in colonizing another planet. This is definitely an individual question. One thing for certain is it the terror of what happened will never occur again.
Thank you for answering my questions. All of these answers give just the right amount of information and feel 'right/correct' and don't leave in too much detail. Much obliged.

I'm getting the hint. I won't return here.
No, you are welcome to stay. We need people like you now, more than ever before. Ignore the trolls. Please stay.

I know nothing about your timeline, but in mine I'm pretty sure Russia wants to avoid a nuclear war as much as possible. Vladimir Putin is not a bad guy.
Do you know why this war has been called 'Putin's War of Aggression?

Please read up:


However at the same time time travel becomes real due to the resulting environmental changes.
I'm curious as to which environmental changes you envision as a catalyst for enabling time travel and how.

Nuclear winter provides unique insights that eventually assist us in time travel.

What timeline are you from? Have you been here for awhile? How are you traveling?

People drive bad, I don't know how traffic like this was ever okay. My anxiety is through the roof.
Boy, you're telling me. I used to drive downtown Charlotte, NC between car dealerships doing IT work. Hate driving.

Hi for good reason I left that reply open ended. I don't have the technical or scientific knowledge to explain in detail. I also don't see any reason to currently as well. The changes we see the world go through impact us in many ways
Hi Guest2502, Sorry I missed your earlier posts, but welcome friend! and good to have you here. Thanks for the warning, much appreciated. I'll take your claims as a matter of faith, as I don't see any harm in hearing you out. Here's hoping everything goes well, thankfully history has had a poor strike rate when it has come to predicting WWIII. Anyways, all the best and take care, see you in the future.

..Just wanted to add something. In my neck of the woods we here are more concerned with the probable China annexation of Taiwan. I'm guessing here that it will depend on the outcome of the European theatre or more precisely the action taken by NATO. If no direct measures from the West result then China will likely be emboldened to pursue ambitions that have (like Russia) been simmering for at least a decade. Most likely result will be Cold War Vers. 2.

We simply don't know how to transport technology into the past. For whatever reason, the internals are broken.
What do you mean? Isn't the human body its own kind of machine? Why wouldn't an iPhone be easier to transport than a person?

How much money did you bring, and what have you spent it on so far?

May I ask: What were the specific reasons that would eventually lead to nuclear war in your world's history? You did mention the struggle in the ISS raised the tension between countries, but were there any things else? If you can not tell a particular reason, then just a little more specific is fine.