April 12th

Made up in my mind to have another thing to look forward to and help guide me through a rough patch in my life. If that makes any sense?
Makes perfect sense. I hope we can be a help to you along your way - you're certainly not alone!

To think there's another me? Who knows but I'd prefer if I was the only me for better or wors
Agreed. Don't know if you were lucky enough to watch the new Loki series on Disney+. While it was super entertaining, I can't imagine competing, collaborating, or coddling with other versions of myself. Well, maybe coddling...? #narcissism

Hello everyone,

I request forgiveness for my claim as it is indeed FALSE and FAKE.

This was infact a story very losely connected to my life. Made up in my mind to have another thing to look forward to and help guide me through a rough patch in my life. If that makes any sense?

I have my suspicions about time travel and stumbled upon this site by accident. I do believe that it is possible and this is a great resource to discuss things at face value.

If requested I will not post here again. If allowed I'd like to find my place in the community even if it is just reading anonymously with the occasional comment
Your story was good and well written. It did not come true but It doesn't matter much here anyway. I did enjoy it, thank you.

Your story was good and well written. It did not come true but It doesn't matter much here anyway. I did enjoy it, thank you.
Honestly, I'd say it actually does matter when you think about it. :LOL: Only because we don't want to all be blown to smithereens. lol

You make a solid point there. :)

I do want to point out though that there is a possibility that both the "message" and the "messenger" might be pushing a false narrative, with the two having that in common. I'm sorry I didn't make that clear in my initial post.

As for the original "message" itself, as well as the "messenger's" excuse for "arriving too late", it doesn't make too much sense to me anyway.
Its not that they are untrustworthy, but main stream media is governed especial in the UK, by Ofcom. Piers Morgan new show where he claims its unfiltered, unlimited and uncancelled is hog wash as he has to abide by Ofcom rules. If he says the wrong thing he would be instantly cancelled.
