Yer another time traveling claim

Re: Yet another time traveling claim


I might have been a bit harsh.
I am not a physicist but the equations
that we are looking at here cannot be
reconciled. E = MC^2 is a fairly old
equation for it to be wrong. The only
possibility that C = ME^2 to be right if it
is in another spatial dimension for it
to work independently or the two
equation are unrelated with the variable
meaning different things

impet could you at least confirm I am
right on that point. I do agree that string
theory might well be wrong since the
equation was pulled out of a math text
book that seemed to fit the bill. There are
probably other equation that might fit the
bill as well.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

This is one of the main things I butted heads with with Rainman- science is provisional. "When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong." -Arthur C Clarke

I think there's a whole lot more to the universe than we know, and my guess is that science is a field that never ends. I also believe "warp drive" (or something like that) is possible, we just haven't found it yet, and there are planets out there a million years more advanced than us- there's all kinds of stuff they know that we don't- the universe is impossibly large and old.

My take on this whole C=ME2 thing is sorta like fish in water- we are immersed in something and we can't see it because we're in it. We only realize it when we are taken out of it, and one of the ways to do that (and come back to tell people about it) is time travel.

Titorian wrote
>C=ME2 is larger and more encompassing than the opposite; E=MC2 is part of C=ME2. E=MC2 is one way of looking at the universe, C=ME2 is another larger, simpler way.<

We are all "E=MC2 fish" swimming in a "C=ME2 aquarium" called "acceleration". Now can someone tell me if this makes any sense?
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

This is Titorian's fourth post from the now defunct Time Travel Portal:

>>Okay- I'll try to explain myself better. E=MC2 defines our universe. The universe is made up of energy and matter, but it's not just sitting there- it's all doing something. Energy is moving in any and all directions at light speed and matter is interacting with other matter, and energy and matter interact with each other as well to form this dynamic universe. Think of any matter or any energy in the universe- it's doing something- it's considered four dimensional- it exists in time. This means that energy and matter are both aspects of acceleration.

>>Now think of the most inert thing you can think of- a single atom of hydrogen in free space a million light years away from any galaxy. What is it doing there? Whatever it is doing, it's not just sitting there- it's moving in one direction in this void. It's like a speck of dust on the surface of a lake- it has definable properties. If you can remove the motion of this atom below that of the cosmic background radiation (CBR), it will effectively pop out of existence. Dr. Michio Kaku can explain this better- it's his concept.

>>Now we take a tennis ball and we are going to remove all its acceleration. First we have to get it off the surface of the Earth- we are rotating at 1,000 miles an hour. Then we have to get it out of the solar system- we are orbiting at 250,000 miles an hour. Then we have to get it out of the Milky Way- it's moving at 2.5 million miles an hour. And finally we have to get it away from the galaxies- they're all moving in unison towards "The Great Attractor" at a fraction of light speed. If we could do all of that, the tennis ball would no longer be a part of the universe- it would no longer be subject to time in any fashion- this is Kaku's Time.

>>Now imagine a sliding scale. On one end is matter and on the other end is energy. EveryTHING in the universe has its own sliding scale qualities like this- everything is either matter or energy and exists somewhere on this definable scale (and matter and energy are interchagable). Energy has virtual mass and matter is bound by the strong nuclear force of energy. Once you realize that everyTHING is made up partially of the same THINGS, you can manipulate it- this is Kaku's Time. In really simple terms you could take energy, which is .000001% mass and amplify it's mass properties to make it more inert- this is what Mallard duck is trying to do in Conneticut.

>>Now Schrodinger's Cat. In theory, we don't know if the cat is alive or dead until we open the box- this is because of a subatomic random occurance which will affect the cat. The thought experiment serves to point out that things get weird when you have one domain affecting a larger domain- entanglement. This is an invalid argument because for this to work, we need to seal the cat off from the outside and it's impossible to do this- even black holes leak. If we sealed the cat in the box to open it later and find a dead cat, any of a host of things could have happened to kill the cat, any of a host of things could have broken that radioactive vial- it is impossible to prove entanglement really happened which makes it unpredictable.

>>Instead of sealing the cat in a box, let's put the cat in a sphere in a highly magnified room. With a strong enough magnetic force, entanglement becomes possible- you're overcoming the properties of what's inside the sphere with a stronger controlled force- magnetism. And since you control the magnetism (and since everyTHING exists on the same sliding scale including magnetism), you can do weird stuff like time travel. This is a fundamental principle- this is why planets form, why atoms are atoms, why we have suns, what paramecium are and so on- this is how to overcome entropy- to form a sphere with properties equal to that entropy which will allow stuff to safely exist inside it, like DNA. This concept is one year of high school physics.<<
Re: C = ME^2 does not work.

And when we find out string theory is not what is was supposed to be, will you admit every phycisist out there is also a fraud?

Mistaken, yes. Fraud, no.

People - both physicists and time travelers - make mistakes. That is perfectly normal, perfectly human, and perfectly acceptable. But just because people are allowed to be wrong, does not mean that they can spout out nonsensical technobabble and expect to retain their credability.

I'm sorry if this seems harsh. But as a person who DOES know quite a few things about physics and mathematics, I can tell you that this C=ME2 is complete nonesense. It is not even a question of whether the equation is "right" or "wrong". It is simply meaningless, because C and ME2 have different units. It is as meaningless as saying "my car is going at a speed of 400 pounds".
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

I might have been a bit harsh.
I am not a physicist but the equations
that we are looking at here cannot be

You are very correct.

However, this - by itself - is not a sufficient argument against Titorian's equation. After all, Titorian has explicitly said that there is some new physics involved. Remeber that Einstein's E=mc² doesn't jive with pre-Einstein physics either. These things happen whenever there is a new revolution in physics.

So we really shouldn't expect Titorian's equation to be consistent with Einstein's.

That being said, there still IS a fatal problem with Titorian's equation. The units don't match. Energy is measured in units of the form [Mass]*[Speed]². Equating energy to something which is measured in different units, is a meaningless assertion.

Now, if c=mE², then you get E=sqrt(c/m). Which can't be right, because the each side of the equation describes a quantity of a completely different type. It isn't even wrong. It is, quite simply, meaningless.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

Jmpet, as I said before, Titorian's verbal explanations DO make some sense. The problem is not with his explanations, but with his equations.

I understand that you don't think in terms of equations. You should be aware, however, that physicists constantly rely on them. What may seem to you as "nitpicking", is part of the daily lives of the experts. Equations are nothing more than a powerful shorthand notation for stating really deep things about the way the world works. You can't just move the symbols around in any way you please, and expect a sensical result. And that is exactly what Titorian did.

Also, didn't Titorian say that the first experiments in time travel were made in 2009? That's an awfully short time for such a complete revolution of physics to occur, don't you think? Remember that relativity didn't appear overnight, either.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

>It is as meaningless as saying "my car is going at a speed of 400 pounds".<

Now ya see- THAT has meaning to me... I could explain to you a dozen different ways how a car could be going at 400 pounds... I think the job of physicists is to put things like this into formulas.

>I understand that you don't think in terms of equations. You should be aware, however, that physicists constantly rely on them. What may seem to you as "nitpicking", is part of the daily lives of the experts.<

Agreed. Which only points out how weird it is when something the majority of physicists agree with and have the math to back up (string theory) cannot possibly be wrong, until it's proven wrong.
I think I understand.

Making sense C = ME^2 part 1

This inverse relationship is bothering me with respect to

C = ME^2 in specific dimension

M = 1/E^2 with no constant.

If the mass is converted into energy then the energy decrease
in its dimension and increases in another dimension where
this equation does not apply. The other dimension is where
E= MC^2 exits.

So the two equations act separately and they are both right.
Since C = ME^2 is in another dimension the unit do
not need to be the same.


Making sense C = ME^2 part 2

This is where everything comes together.

If mass decrease then the energy from the conversion results
in the increase of the surrounding energy also if the mass
increases then the surrounding energy decreases to make up
the mass of the object, conservation of energy.

Thus M = 1/E^2 makes total sense from a conservation of energy
theory if there is finite energy in a complete system.

Just by looking at the equation C = ME^2 tells us that the
combination of mass and energy is a constant C thus indicating
that there is finite predetermined energy thus the conservation of
energy will be maintained. The universal energy is finite.

Thus C = ME^2 should be defined as the conservation of energy key

So I think my original assumption of the equation was wrong. I
think it works. I think this new math is right for C = ME^2.

Both C = ME^2 and E = MC^2 are in separate dimension and act
independently of each other for things to work. Thus the units don’t
have to be the same. So that basically sums it up.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

Now ya see- THAT has meaning to me... I could explain to you a dozen different ways how a car could be going at 400 pounds...

Show me one. (this is going to be very interesting)

Agreed. Which only points out how weird it is when something the majority of physicists agree with and have the math to back up (string theory) cannot possibly be wrong, until it's proven wrong.

I've never said such a thing.

Mathematics isn't some magic wand that gurantees you'll never make mistakes. Math is nothing more than a language - the language used by scientists to make their claims. Physicists are trained to use this language properly. Their job is to look at the world around us, and write a story in the language of mathematics to explain what they see.

String theory is what you would call "a good consistent story" in the language of mathematics. But a beautiful elegant story can still be wrong. Look what happened to the original claim of John Titor - his story remained as rich and as internally consistent as it ever was. But in the past few years, new evidence mounted to point that his story is false.

Now, compare Titor's well-thought-out story with some of the really crazy claims on TTI. I'm not talking about Titorian, whose story is quite convincing (if we ignore the physics blunders). I'm talking about those guys who don't have a clue about building a good story, and you can tell they are fake within 5 minutes ("watcher" comes to mind). Once such a guy makes a fool of himself, you just cross him as a hoax and move on. You don't stop and endlessly rethink his statements, because you already know they guy isn't for real.

You do this automatically when the guy is making claims in plain english, because you are well-versed in english. The fact that you are doing this, doesn't mean that you think you know everything, or that you aren't open to new opinions. It simply means that you are a smart guy who can spot complete BS when you see it.

I do the exact same thing, which mathematical claims. I do this automatically, because I'm well versed in math and science. I can spot math BS when I see it, and Titorian's math is "it". In no way does this imply that I think scientists are never wrong (actually, I happen to know that 2007 science *is* wrong about quite a few fundamental things).
Re: I think I understand.

Designer, if your interpertation is correct, shouldn't C=M (or C=E) be sufficient? What's the point of writing C=ME² if all you want to say is that E is constant?

Notice also, that the "C" in your equation must be a new constant. It cannot be the speed-of-light, because ME² isn't a measure of speed. And this seems to contradict Titorian's statement that the new equation is E=mc² in reverse.

Also, saying that E is constant, is simply restating the well-known law of energy conservation. So where's the new physics here?

At any rate, I really see no point in trying to guess what Titorian's equation means, because he EXPLICITLY explained how he derived C=ME²:

"The science behind this is 'Kaku's Time' which in layman's terms is E=MC2 in reverse- matter and energy are both equally quotents of acceleration, as such, C=ME2."

He simply changed the order of the letters. Titorian pretty much admitted that this is how the new equation was "derived". So it seems to me, that this case is closed.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

Heh. It just so happens that "RainmanTime" is my aero prof this term. I came here to see where he hangs out. He is teaching us the intro to propulsion systems course and told us about how he likes helping wackos on the internet see where their science thinking is, um, misguided? Somthing he always wails on us about in class is dimensional analysis. Really basic freshman engineering stuff, but it's powerful for finding errors that you make, or just plain wrong ideas. Even tho I'm not an engineer yet I can see this Titorian's equations are total bunk, just by applying dimensional analysis. That's really what a coupla other people in this thread have done. If the units don't match you can't just invent another dimension where you think they might work!!!! Cuz that just takes his unproven equation and adds another unproven to it. I read your argument posts with Rainman, jmpet. You haven't got a clue bro. From what I read he was being nice trying to help you understand where you're thoughts about science are effed up. You wouldn't stand a chance taking any of Prof Rainman's exams dude! Long live science & rational thought! -BBS
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

Finally! Another native speaker of the language of math and science. Welcome aboard!

But I believe you've been a little to harsh on Jmpet. The guy certainly is a well-educated, rational person. He just has a mental block when it comes to science. Quite understandable, given the mysterious, arrogant, smart-assy image that scientists have in the media.

It doesn't have to be that way, though. Science can be easy to understand. Science can be fun. And one certainly doesn't need to be able to pass a college exam in order to enjoy science. The only thing that is needed, is a true desire to learn.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

>Show me one. (this is going to be very interesting)<

Sure. The "faster" a car travels, the less it weighs as compared to its rest weight. A car at rest weighs 2000 pounds, a car going at 100 miles an hour (or 400 pounds) weighs 1600 pounds (and a car going 200 mph will fly up into the air, momentarally weightless).

Now turn this into physics.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

Sure. The "faster" a car travels, the less it weighs as compared to its rest weight. A car at rest weighs 2000 pounds, a car going at 100 miles an hour (or 400 pounds) weighs 1600 pounds (and a car going 200 mph will fly up into the air, momentarally weightless).

Now turn this into physics.


In such a hypothetical world, you would have a RELATION between the weight of the car and it's speed. Speed is still measured in miles per hour. Weight is still measured in pounds. I suppose that in english, it would be okay to shorten "this car is going at a speed which causes it to loose 400 pounds" to "this car is going at speed of 400 pounds". Even physicists will use such shortcuts occasionally, when enganging in a casual conversation.

But the exact language of mathematics does not allow such freedom. The correct mathematical equation must show the exact relation between the weight of the car and it's speed. Something like:

M = Mo*[1-(V/C)^2.322]


V is the speed of the car
C is the speed limit in which the car would become weightless (that is C=200 mph)
Mo is the rest-weight of the car (that is Mo=2000 pounds)
M is the weight of the car in motion

Note that both sides of the above equation are measured in pounds. They MUST be measured with the same units, because they must be EQUAL (which is why such a formula is called an EQUATION).

Actually, there is a real world example which is very similar to your own:

According to Einstein's relativity, the faster an object travels, the heavier it gets. This is a real effect. You won't notice it at 200 miles per hour, but if you could accelerate your 2000 pound car to 100,000 miles per second, the weight-gain will be substantial: It will weigh 2800 pounds.

The real equation governing this real natural law is as follows:

M = Mo/[1-(V/C)^2]^0.5


V is the speed of the moving object
C is the cosmic speed limit (the speed of light, C = 186282 miles per second)
Mo is the rest-weight of the car (that is Mo=2000 pounds)
M is the weight of the car in motion

The numbers are different, but the principles are exactly the same as they were in your example. Once again, both sides of the equation are measured in pounds. It is true, that speed and weight are closely related in this example. Yet, they are still seperate things.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

Hi Sigo. Yeah, I suppose I can agree I was harsh with jmpet. But my prof does just exactly what you say, he makes science and engineering fun! So I guess I was harsh cuz I saw jmpet jumping all over my prof without even knowing who he is, or how much he knows. Sorry jmpet. But no doubt about what your saying, math is the language of science and engineering. You can talk gibberish in math just like talking gibberish in english or any other language. Just because you can speak it does not mean it has any relationship to anything meaningful. I think this might be where jmpet takes the idea of being "open minded" a bit too far. -BBS
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

"The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible."
Arthur C Clarke
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

"My theories and realizations have come as a result of reaching inward and upward... up the Tree Of Life, to give you a visual picture. Each time I was able to align something from mystical Qabalah texts with something in the world of science, I 'cross-checked' it by going within... by taking my meditative path up beyond my concsious self, into my soul, and 'presenting' this knowledge up to the 'altar' (speaking metaphorically) of my spirit. It was only when it literally resonated through my whole being that I accepted the correlations I had made as 'truth'." -Professor RainmanTime
Re: Yet another time traveling claim


>>Now we take a tennis ball and we are going to remove all its acceleration. First we have to get it off the surface of the Earth- we are rotating at 1,000 miles an hour. Then we have to get it out of the solar system- we are orbiting at 250,000 miles an hour.

I understand that you simply quoted his post from another board without comment. But I'm surprised that this particular portion didn't jump out at you and cause at least some comment.

Every motion that he described is a velocity, not an acceleration. To move the tennis ball away from all of these things that cause its "acceleration" - now that is an acceleration.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

I think this might be where jmpet takes the idea of being "open minded" a bit too far.

I disagree.

Jmpet is certainly not the kind of guy who would believe anything
he is told. He is very good in detecting BS when it is spoken in
English - the language he is fluent in.

The problem is, math is fundamentally different than english. It
isn't just a foreign language such as french or chinese, but a
completely different framework of thought. This is where our
misunderstanding with Jmpet is coming from.

Perhaps if I make the differences between Math and English clearer,
we will be able to understand each other better (Jmpet, I hope you
are reading this):

English is a language guided by intuition and common sense. It is
not meant to be an exact language. While english words *do* have
concise dictionary definitions, their actual usage may vary. And
even the "concise" definitions can be fuzzy.

For example, we all know what the dictionary definition of "cat"
is. But in actual usage, "cat" may refer to many different things:
A tubby cat, a lion ("great cat"), or even a drawing of cat. It can
also be used as a metaphore (as in "cat music") or in poetic ways
(as in "The Cat in the Hat" by Dr. Suess).

Or consider the word "small". We all know that a Cadillac is not a
small car, and Volkswagen Beetle is a small car. But where, exactly,
should we draw the line between small cars and large cars? And while
most of us will agree that a mouse is a small animal, a microbiologist
might have a different opinion on that subject...

That's how english works. That's how all ordinary languages work. They
sacrifice a certain amount of absolute logical rigidity, for the benifit
fluent communications. In daily life, this is an excellent solution. But
when you want to make clear, rigorous, statements which can be tested
in the laboratory, something stronger is needed.

That's where math come in. Math is a language in which you ALWAYS mean
EXACTLY what you are saying. No metaphores. No fuzzy definitions. Once
a mathematical concept is defined, it must be used in exactly the same
way every time. It is this strictness and absolute logic which makes
math so different from any ordinary language. And it is this strictness
which makes math the prefered language in which scientific theories are
formulated. Strict well-defined statements can be tested for validity
(note that this does not make them, a-priori, valid). Fuzzy statements

Now, it *is* possible to write math statements in plain english. But
remember, even when stated in english, it is still a well-defined,
rigorous statement. Every word must be understood in the most literal
way. Because even though the words are in english, the expressed IDEA
is still as concise and precise as it was in it's old form.

Remember our example of "this car is going at a speed of 400 pounds"?
In english, this may be an acceptable statement, because english allows
for metaphores. But as a math statement it is unteneable, because speed
simply isn't measured in pounds.