Yer another time traveling claim

Re: Yet another time traveling claim


This equation makes no sense from Titorian?

(1) C = M*(E)^2 Titorian
(2) E = MC^2 and from the great man.

So let eliminate the constants C the speed of light.

(1) -> (2) Substituting C

(3) E = M (M*(E)^2)^2

(4) E = M*((M)^2*(E)^4)

(5) E = M^3*E^4

(6) 1/E^3 = M^3

(7) 1/E = M

Go the simple route that is routinely used in relativistic physics.

Let C =1

"C" appears in the relativistic equation because the underlying assumption (which is proved in the full statement of special relativity) that the speed of light is a constant for all inertial observers. By letting C = 1 you are able to cure the problem of making units match.

Don't worry that you're "cheating". Letting c = 1 is no more arbitrary that letting c = 300,000 km*sec^-1. There's nothing fundamental about the length that we attribute to a kilometer or the duration that we use to define a second. We just need to be consistent in our equation and let the readers know how we have defined the terms.

If you do that then you have two equations (1) and (2)

(1) 1 = mE^2

(2) E = m

(1) is true if and only if E and M = 1. But that's just a math "truth" and is trivial. It isn't true for any other value of E or M. Plug in some numbers, chug them and see the output. It won't equal 1.

(2) is true for any arbitrary value of M

Another problem with (1), because in his saga it is derived from (2) is that C arbitrarily finds itself on the left side and E^2 arbitrarily finds itself on the right side when C was originally squared and E was not. That's simply silly math. How did they migrate?

Einstein didn't just make up E=mc^2. It is a derived equation with a page of proof, and 100 years of physics from the 19th century, that goes before it. E and C don't jump around arbitrarily.

And the equation E = mc^2 is only valid in the rest frame. It gives the rest energy for the mass. The relativistic equation is:

E = (mc^2)/sqrt(1-(v^2/c^2))

And this is where letting C = 1 comes in.

If you let C = 1 then you state velocity as a unitless number between 0 and 1 that represents the portion of the speed of light at which the object under observation is moving WRT the rest/laboratory frame.

So you end up with this equation:

E = m/1-v^2

because you leave out C^2 (1^2 = 1) in the numerator and divisor.

If you want to express the energy in joules then you have to put the real values of C back in. You can also play with the units so that you express mass, energy and length in the same units - kilograms, joules, meters or some other unit.

1 sec = 300,000 km (converted time to length)
1 meter = 10^-8 sec (converted length to time)

You have to go to general relativity to convert mass to length but that equation is:

L (in meters) = G/c^2 * M (in kilograms)

where G is the gravitational constant.


don't confuse math for physics. Math is the language used to express physical theories. Just because one might "mess around" with an equation doesn't mean that the result expresses a valid physical model. There are a lot of crank "physicists" on the Internet. Most of them are laughing up their sleeves at the people to whom they post. I think that this is the case here.
Dude see if u are a reall time travller want to sort out my problem just use ur time machine to find out what it is instead of me explaining it to you and then get back to me you should know the details and i think you would be willing to help PEACE!!!

I plugged the above post into Google Language Translator point nada. No translation.

Jebus -

Do you want to run that by us again?

No particular offense intended but I read your post three times and I still can't make heads or tails of what yo were attempting to communicate.
There are a series of faliures at Cern... hmmmmmmmm

"The Sunday Times
April 8, 2007

Big Bang at the atomic lab after scientists get their maths wrong
Jonathan Leake, Science Editor

A £2 billion project to answer some of the biggest mysteries of the universe has been delayed by months after scientists building it made basic errors in their mathematical calculations.

The mistakes led to an explosion deep in the tunnel at the Cern particle accelerator complex near Geneva in Switzerland. It lifted a 20-ton magnet off its mountings, filling a tunnel with helium gas and forcing an evacuation.

It means that 24 magnets located all around the 17-mile circular accelerator must now be stripped down and repaired or upgraded. The failure is a huge embarrassment for Fermilab, the American national physics laboratory that built the magnets and the anchor system that secured them to the machine.

It appears Fermilab made elementary mistakes in the design of the magnets and their anchors that made them insecure once the system was operational.

Last week an apparently furious and embarrassed Pier Oddone, director of Fermilab, wrote to his staff saying they had caused “a pratfall on the world stage”. He said: “We are dumb-founded that we missed some very simple balance of forces. Not only was it missed in the engineering design but also in the four engineering reviews carried out between 1998 and 2002 before launching the construction of the magnets.”

The machine, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), aims to recreate the conditions of the Big Bang, when the universe is thought to have exploded into existence about 14 billion years ago. However, the November start-up may now have to be delayed until next spring.

Dr Lyn Evans, who leads the accelerator construction project at Cern, the European organisation for nuclear research, said the explosion had been potentially very dangerous.

“There was a hell of a bang, the tunnel housing the machine filled with helium and dust and we had to call in the fire brigade to evacuate the place,” he said. “The people working on the test were frightened to death but they were all in a safe place so no-one was hurt.” An investigation by Cern researchers found “fundamental” flaws that caused the explosion, close to the CMS detector, one of the LHC’s most important experiments.

The accelerator is designed to smash together protons, a kind of sub-atomic particle, at near light speed. The hope is that such collisions will generate exotic new particles — especially the so-called Higgs boson which, theorists predict, could help explain key properties of matter, such as how it acquires mass and, hence, weight.

The LHC itself comprises two pipes, each containing a beam of protons travelling at near-light speed that are steered around the circular tunnel by powerful magnets. Such magnets are “superconducting” meaning they and the whole LHC are cooled to below -268C, using pipes filled with liquid helium.

The two proton beams travel in opposite directions but, at various points around the ring, their pipes merge, allowing the protons in each beam to collide.

However, since the thickness of each beam is less than that of a human hair, they have to be focused. This is the task of a second set of magnets, and it is these that were under test at the time of the explosion.

Coincidentally, Fermilab stands to gain most from delays at Cern. Its researchers also operate a rival but less powerful particle accelerator, the Tevatron.

Fermilab staff are pushing the Tevatron to ever-higher energies hoping that they might find the Higgs boson before the LHC switches on. An LHC researcher said: “Ironically, this delay could be all they need.”


5,6. The Moral Law causes the people to be in complete
accord with their ruler, so that they will follow him
regardless of their lives, undismayed by any danger.
>A £2 billion project to answer some of the biggest mysteries of the universe has been delayed by months after scientists building it made basic errors in their mathematical calculations. The mistakes led to an explosion deep in the tunnel at the Cern particle accelerator complex near Geneva in Switzerland. It lifted a 20-ton magnet off its mountings, filling a tunnel with helium gas and forcing an evacuation.<

Titorian wrote:

>>Time travel is discovered in 2009 when after a series of failures, the scientists predict they will be unable to send particles back in time to 10 seconds before they launch the (triple-checked) experiment because 10 seconds before they do it, particles appear.<< 1/15/07

I also noticed this one:

>The science behind this is "Kaku's Time" which in layman's terms is E=MC2 in reverse- matter and energy are both equally quotents of acceleration, as such, C=ME2.< 1/15/07

>everything everywhere is made of acceleration, only in different "densities"- we call them "states of energy and mass" which are clearly defined and "sufficiently seperated as to be definable".< 1/16/07

>As I stated from the outset, energy and mass are different expressions of the same thing: acceleration.< 1/20/07

>What is acceleration? It's everything around you. Everything that exists complies with the Cosmic Background Radiation caused by the Big Bang. In other words, the Big Bang happened and everything in the universe is a result of the Big Bang. "Everything" is little packets of acceleration. They break down into two general classes: "mass" and "energy".< 1/26/07

Does this mean A=(E=MC2)? Darby??

Is "Titorian45" still here?

In Titor's first post, 2-NOV-2000, he said:

By the way, #2 is the correct answer and the basics for time travel start at CERN in about a year and end in 2034 with the first "time machine" built by GE. Too bad we can't post pictures or I'de show it to you.

On 1-FEB-2001 he posted:

The source of power for the C204 that allows it to distort and manipulate gravity comes from two microsingularities that were created, captured and cleaned at a much larger and “circular” facility. The dual event horizons of each one and their mass is manipulated by injecting electrons onto the surface of their respective ergospheres. The electricity comes from batteries. The breakthrough that will allow for this technology will occur within a year or so when CERN brings their larger facility online.

So back in 2000 he told us that "in a year or so" CERN would be making these discoveries. At the time that he posted the "buzz" was that CERN would have the new LHD online "within a year or so." But the buzz was wrong and it was noticed in short order that the LHD wasn't scheduled to come online until 2006...then 2007...then Spring 2007 for testing...2008 maybe for experimental programs.

I think that I first pointed out in 2004 that we'd gone way beyond "a year or so". It's now been "six years or so." That last nail in the CERN coffin probably was set in 2003.

But if that nail is in doubt in anyone's mind your find caps it. No 2008 for CERN. It looks like 2008-2009 before they get back to the shake-down testing and maybe 2010 before they can actually do any experimental physics. Doesn't leave much time for discovering anything before Europe is turned into glowing green glass by Titor's allies.

On the other hand, one man's "a year or so" is another man's "a decade or so." Or one could say that in Titor's mind, "A year - ten years. It's government work. Close enough." /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Didn't both Titorian and JT himself say that WE have the power to change our present and future?

Looks like someone at Fermilab is just as scared as the believers here...

What does this prove? That time doesn't exist and/or is non-causal, just like potential energy is a hoax, it all depends on how the kinetic turns out...

Sorry Darby, but this had to be said.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

Quoted titorian on past messages:
"You are all willing to pretend that things happening right in front of you are not actually happening. Then you'll turn the news on and hear that another 12,000 people are getting laid off but it's all good- that means the stock will go up one point from this."

maybe the meaning of this are here:
Doomsday for the Greenback
"The American people are in La-la land. If they had any idea of what the Federal Reserve was up to they’d be out on the streets waving fists and pitchforks. Instead, we go our business like nothing is wrong."


5,6. The Moral Law causes the people to be in complete
accord with their ruler, so that they will follow him
regardless of their lives, undismayed by any danger.

Well, I don't believe that they were the first to say something along those lines. I know for sure that Ralph Waldo Emerson made statements parallel to theirs few years before they did:

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.

I don't think that Emerson was suggesting that old mistakes are corrected and a new future is created by nuking 3 billion folks into oblivion.
NKS, experiment to determine whether potential energy is a hoax or not (for safety's sake let's make it a gedanken experiment).

1. Climb to the top of the roof of your home.

2. Stand on the edge of the roof at the peak (about 15 ft. high more or less).

3. Bend over and get your head below your knees

4. Fall from the roof head first.

5. Land on the ground (head first, of course).

If it was somewhat painful upon landing you've determined that there was some potential energy bound up in your mass and the gravity well between the roof and the LZ. Potential energy is not a hoax.

If there was no pain, potential energy is a hoax.

Note: Employ an observer. Should death result from this fall the observer can serve three purposes. First, and foremost, the observer can verify the outcome of the experiment (in this case "death" = "somewhat painful"). Second, the observer can call the coroner's office to make sure that you are properly planted. Third, should "somewhat painful" = "critical and life threatening injury" rather than "death" the observer can call an ambulance (and still be available to verify the results of the experiment while you are recovering in hospital - if you recover).

On a more serious note you're actually not too far off - though calling potential energy a hoax isn't correct.

Potential energy is a classical view of a mass at rest and what energy is stored in the mass available for release should the mass change position.

Kinetic energy is the energy of motion.

But if you take a different point of view of, say, the nucleus of an atom "at rest" and scale yourself down so that you could look inside the nucleus you'd see that the subatomic particles are in motion. If you "split" that atom you'll release the "potential energy" bound up in it. What you're really doing is letting the subatomic particles that were already in motion loose from the bound state of the strong force so that they can move off to infinity (or until they run into some barrier).

I believe that one of the problems that we have with the word "energy" is that we think of it as something that we can hold in our hand, see or otherwise detect as something independent like a proton. It's not, really. It's just a measurement of how much work can be done by some mass if it changes position or how much work it did after it has changed position.

Caveat: The above is obviously a very simplistic version of mechanics. People spend 12 years getting a PhD in physics because it isn't quite as simple as I've stated. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
We as a species are pre-disposed to "think something is there".

What I mean by that is we learn through prediction. So when we see someone jump off of a roof and land on their head, we think, huh, there must have been some latent energy used to pull this poor soul from the roof to the ground.

Through no fault of our own have we created this body at rest must have some latent energy that is acted upon, its not how the universe works, but its how our brains work.

As a last point all gravity is is the inertia of a spinning magnetic field.

This ties together electro-magnetism, strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, and photonic forces.

We lack the necessary equipment to correctly measure a photon, thus we say it has a dual particle/energy signature, we may NEVER be able to correctly measure this, either.

I am working in the field of diamagnetism, which is like adding a resistor to a magnetic field to vary the field in certain materials and practical uses.

The only thing that differentiates energy is wavelength, and the only thing that differentiates mass is atomic structure. Other than that, its all gravy, literally.
>A £2 billion project to answer some of the biggest mysteries of the universe has been delayed by months after scientists building it made basic errors in their mathematical calculations. The mistakes led to an explosion deep in the tunnel at the Cern particle accelerator complex near Geneva in Switzerland. It lifted a 20-ton magnet off its mountings, filling a tunnel with helium gas and forcing an evacuation.<

I found an even closer match from Titorian from the Time Travel Portal chatlog:

>The first successful time travel experiment was when they had to turn off the particle accelerator because of a breach and everything disappeared when the machine stopped. About a year later and on a hunch, they predicted they would be unable to carry out an experiment to send a static shock "back in time" because a static shock would ruin the experiment and they were right- that was when the million time traveling websites popped up and this site went down.<

Scientists Offer Frightening Forecast

Scientists have even speculated that a slight increase in Earth's rotation rate could result, along with other changes. Glaciers, already receding, will disappear. Epic floods will hit some areas while intense drought will strike others. Humans will face widespread water shortages. Famine and disease will increase. Earth’s landscape will transform radically, with a quarter of plants and animals at risk of extinction.

While putting specific dates on these traumatic potential events is challenging, this timeline paints the big picture and details Earth's future based on several recent studies and the longer scientific version of the IPCC report, which was made available to LiveScience.


More of the world's population now lives in cities than in rural areas, changing patterns of land use. The world population surpasses 6.6 billion. (Peter Crane, Royal Botanic Gardens, UK, Science; UN World Urbanization Prospectus: The 2003 Revision; U.S. Census Bureau)


Global oil production peaks sometime between 2008 and 2018, according to a model by one Swedish physicist. Others say this turning point, known as “Hubbert’s Peak,” won’t occur until after 2020. Once Hubbert’s Peak is reached, global oil production will begin an irreversible decline, possibly triggering a global recession, food shortages and conflict between nations over dwindling oil supplies. (doctoral dissertation of Frederik Robelius, University of Uppsala, Sweden; report by Robert Hirsch of the Science Applications International Corporation)
Here is a compilation of Titorian's predictions re: global warming:

I know posting here changes things in some minimal, unforseen way so I am careful what I say. I have no problem telling you guys about all the good that's yet to come but I won't alter history for anyone's benefit- foremost my own. I am playing it safe. I think the biggest things I've said here are the dirt farms and C=ME2. I am no physicist so I can't replace Kaku and at the same time I don't want to bring about physical time travel before it's proper time.

Global Warming is a very serious problem- something that if we don't fix we will die from. There is a balance in nature between animals and plants- this is how we continue to asperate in a closed system. This is no "let's worry about it later like we do with everything else"- this is the path to human extinction. The more carbon-based life forms on Earth, the less carbon is in the air. Plant a tree.

Once this "decade of terrorism" is over, a new Federal program will mandate anyone in America can sell energy back to the utility company. The Native Americans start buying up land and putting windmills on them- the windmill energy pays for the land; the land once again is free and belongs to the Native Americans.

Other people will get in on the act, then yet other people will develop co-op communities: everyone in the community gets free X2 electricity- enough to power your home and electric car for free. This savings ($4800 a year, $400 a month) allows thousands of families to afford their first house and first electric car- a second emigration occurs to these communities.

This is the most important thing to happen in America in the next 20 years. The effects of this will cause "the future" to happen- if you jump 40 years ahead and look back, you'll see everything is different. "Well, what event changed everything? Another 9/11? Another war? More bombs?" No- self-sufficiency and attention to ourselves and not the world at large.

The wave of the future is energy independence and this alone is enough to change every aspect of life. Where does your gas come from- the other side of the world? Why not just put up some windmills in your backyard? Where do your chicken nuggets come from- Indonesia? Why not just put American farmers to work? Where do your cars come from- China? Why not just make your own cars? I am amazed- it's cheaper to make it somewhere else then ship it all the way to the other side of the world for our consumption- why aren't we doing it ourselves? Don't you realize that if any of a thousand things went slightly wrong, you'd all be in the dark?

Branson is looking for a magic bullet. The magic bullet is fourfold:
1. Co-op communities that generate their own green energy.
2. Cars don't put out more greenhouse gases.
3. Forests.
4. Megacarbons.
What do all of these have in common? They all consume carbon. The more "C" that is either trapped or not used, the more "O2" there is; the less "CO2" there will be overall. The answer is fight in front of everyone's faces, the problem today is that you can't get rich by building forests and rainforests- people would rather make 10% on stocks than fix the planet.

In 2044, 50% of the total energy consumption is alternative energies and 25% of the people live off the grid, in co-op communities. Food is more locally grown, more available and more organic- a whole lot less packaged foods on the market. Our chicken nuggets don't come from Indonesia.

In 2044, we develop co-operative communities. They are living things: Corporations... they exist to serve themselves. They exist to make a huge profit, and the thousands of people who control this corporation decide the best course of action. These are neighborhoods and small towns, except they're owned by the people who live on it. They generate their own electricity, they grow their own crops- they even make their own topsoil. They also own the central mall which keeps the community alive and rents space to its tenants- all for a huge profit, with stock dividends payable to the people who live there: its residents.

Re: the moon. Phase one the releasing hydrocarbons making the planet uninhabitable like Venus. This will decrease the effect of the moon on the Earth... it will calm down the seas and help reverse global warming- it's the reason they're considering it. Then they plan to filter the atmosphere with machines that are not yet invented to seperate the toxic atmosphere... to do what happened on the Earth over 100 million years to happen here in 500 years. They plan to end up with inhabitable land- room for billions more humans- billions of consumers. You guys are fighting global hunger today, we're making room for billions more humans.

Big cities. They "sand blasted" part of Panama to better distribute the seas, but erosion is a problem. Cities are still around but the move is out towards a self-sufficient co-op unit... it just makes sense. They also built many islands in the gulf and are talking about reclaiming the entire gulf- but this is a huge project. Japan is much larger in 2044. New megacarbons are popular in the future and help the Earth get greener.

First off, with the general acceptance and practicality of alternate energy sources, the world will slowly put less and less CO2 in the air. There are dozens of global projects to deal with warming- the largest of them all is a plan to somehow put an atmosphere in the moon. I know it sounds impossible- the moon is as big as all the land on Earth- but if the moon had an atmosphere, it would affect the Earth's seas less which would slowly start freezing the icecaps again... less of the moon's energy would reach the Earth. It's a permanent solution to global warming but it's almost impossible to pull off and would cost trillions of dollars, but then again it would double the livable space in this area of the solar system. People go to the moon in 2044 just as people buy tickets to space today and if it had an atmosphere, millions would move to the moon.

Parts of Panama have been terraformed to level off the seas to a small degree to slow the rising sea level and many shorelined cities simply built barriers to reduce tidal spilloff on land. In 2044, Polar Bears only live in zoos but by 2075 they should be placed back in their habitation- many other species are simply gone- far less birds and bees and bears... more weeds in general- this abnormally warm winter of 2007 is the first of many more. New Orleans will get a boost around 2015 and by 2040 be a major city. There's talk of filling in the Gulf of Mexico but again this is a huge undertaking.

America will have another industrial revolution of sorts- long story short the factories start opening again and people can make an honest day's wage- the 2030's are in many ways like the 1950's.

The South Pole is signifigantly warmer and has vegetation which is bad, I remember many northern Europeian countries having "water problems" like flooding and mudslides etc. in the years to come.
Is this a bee prediction?

I think Titorian made his first prediction hit without knowing
what is currently happening now. What I am talking about is the
Bee deaths.


many other species are simply gone- far less birds and bees and bears... more weeds in general- this abnormally warm winter of 2007 is the first of many more.

End Quote

Impet did Titorian know about the bee or not when this quote appeared? What the date on the quotes?
Re: Is this a bee prediction?

His last post here was 3/13/07
His last post at Hyperspace was 3/21/07
I compiled the list above from TTI posts and TTP posts- I got that from Titorian45. So it was definetly over a month ago he mentioned the bees.
There were several solid hits from the above linked article on Global Warming with stuff Titorian said. Titorian called himself a dirt farmer... makes sense.
And don\'t forget about the birds

About Birds deaths.

The mass bird death news started around April 6th or a bit earlier.

Coast to coast started with a report on the bee problem April 13th. So it was
probably known a week earlier.

So it is inconclusive whether Titorian was making a prediction or reading from the news.

The bird and the bees quote did not come from this thread. I did a search on bees.