Yer another time traveling claim

Re: Yet another time traveling claim

Hello, I love Disney World and I'm curious about how it'll change in the future, so I have a few questions about it.

Do they build any new theme parks in the Walt Disney World resort between now and 2044?

You said there are more rides in the future, are there any in particular that you remember and miss going on?

I'm pretty much certain there'll be more Disney hotels in the future. Any favorites?

Do they get rid of the busses and replace them with more monorails and/or light rail?

Any other changes to the resort that stand out to you.

You seem to refer to the whole area as "Celebration", does the way the area is incorporated change? (What I mean is the towns Disney is in are officially called "Lake Buena Vista" and "Bay Lake", "Celebration" is just a sort of small town that Disney built that people actually live in and only has one small hotel).

Thank you.

sdit: I came up with one more question
Are there any attractions that aren't there in the future anymore that you were particularly excited about seeing?
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

I'm a middle of the road guy, politically. I simply can't make up my mind, nowadays. How does Hillary become president? It seems almost impossible. There seems to be too much going against her.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

Hello Pam:

Just in case, is tomorrow the begining of the "noahides" religion ala "bruce2047", the dark timetraveler-???

and this news has conections on John Titor`s true 10 commandments... of his timeline...

believe it or not... but just some links to read:,7340,L-3368731,00.html

"Jesus’ burial site found - film claims

New film documents discovery of Jerusalem cave containing ten caskets believed to hold remains of Jesus, Mary, Mary Magdalene and others..."

"The cave in which Jesus was buried has been found in Jerusalem, claim the makers of a new documentary film -- including a coffin containing his bones.

If it proves true, the discovery, which will be revealed at a press conference in New York Monday, could shake up the Christian world as one of the most significant archeological finds in history.

The coffins which, according to the filmmakers held the remains of Jesus of Nazareth, his mother Mary and Mary Magdalene will be displayed for the first time on Monday in New York."



"Yes, it would appear that a major, earthshaking announcment of historic proportions is about to take place next Monday, (2/26/7) when a news conference will be held to announce the discovery of the Tomb of Jesus Christ of Nazareth as well as that of his family members. The news conference is part of a publicity effort in advance of a TV program that will focus on the archaeological discovery of this tomb and the containers that held the bodies of the family members. It is not clear if any remains have been found or not."

end quoted <<<<<<<<<<------------------


5,6. The Moral Law causes the people to be in complete
accord with their ruler, so that they will follow him
regardless of their lives, undismayed by any danger.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

>>Wow, that 3DTV sounds awesome.<<

3DTV rocks- you really get into it. Old films are digitally enhanced and made 3D... how to explain it... like in a movie when you see closeups of people, with 3DTV it's not a closeup- they're just closer to you... the background (that's not in the original film) is added etc... I watched Star Wars 4 on TV today and I must say seeing it on TV is like watching it through a window.

>>Is your younger self against the Iraq War?<<

How many senior citizens today think the Vietnam War was a good war? Not many. Why? Because 30 years have passed, a lot of stuff has happened... people today think differently... people today think back to that war and realize what a waste it was. My younger self was against the war, all of you will too in 30 years.

>>If he said or did anything about it and was arrested for whatever reason, and killed in prison, would you decorporealize?<<

My other younger self is my past- to me, it happened a long time ago. So since I was never arrested, he won't get arrested... he CAN'T get arrested because I didn't. That means if he somehow does get arrested, I'd be very concerned. The TTP site went down last week which freaked me out because it's supposed to be up for at least three more years. The only way that site could go down is if I or another time traveler altered history which resulted in it going down.

As it stands, I was a poster who stopped posting... I'm part of their buried history. My once being a poster there did not affect anything, the same applies to this site which is why I will speak a little more openly- because ultimately this site will come down too and these words will be lost- the continuity of history will go on unaltered. How do I know this? Because in 2044 "Titorian" is not "a time traveler from 2044 who went back to 2006", it's what you call a Time travel groupie... it's slang. I measure my exposure through Google searches.

>>Do they build any new theme parks in the Walt Disney World resort between now and 2044?<<

Yes. Another Epcot-type family place.

>>You said there are more rides in the future, are there any in particular that you remember and miss going on?<<

I can explain "the Disney experience" in 2044, which also explains the wave of the future for 2044. In 2044, the Disney characters are all AI and live in virtual reality. This means your kids can talk to them whenever they want- sort of like Avatars today except they're real and they follow you around.

This means that when your kid goes to Disney to meet the same exact real-life Mickey Mouse they know from the net, they will meet the real Mickey Mouse in person- a robot with the same AI... Mickey Mouse already knows your kids, already knows which rides they want to go on, remembers that email your kid sent him a week ago etc. etc. (imagine Christmas). It's a firsthand experience. 3DTV allows your kids to see a holosim of Mickey Mouse but at Disney, your kids can actually meet him for real, in person. This is what people pay to see.

As such, Disney dosen't change that much between now and 2044. Sure there are new rides but the overall experience is different. 3DTV is perhaps the single largest difference between today and 2044 and robot sims are the cutting edge of technology. Apart from that, sure they have new rides that take you up and down and sideways but at Disney, it's all real.

Imagine walking through a ride instead of sitting in a boat or car- imagine everything around you is VR-alive. You see where this is going.

>>I'm pretty much certain there'll be more Disney hotels in the future. Any favorites?<<

I am currently staying at the Animal Kingdom Lodge and like this place very much- you wake up and there's giraffe in the backyard. They pay "animal keepers" to chat with guests, it has a lot of atmosphere. I was also here during Christmas and it made me feel at home.

>>Do they get rid of the busses and replace them with more monorails and/or light rail?<<

No- they use the transporters! LOL

>>Any other changes to the resort that stand out to you.<<

This is the first time I've been to this lodge from my point of view- meaning, my younger self never came here (so I never came here before). I like this place because it looks very "earthy" or organic- like part of the rainforest. It's going to sound weird but in 2044, people are closer to nature... we're all tree huggers or hippies or whatever you call them today- we conserve; we use less. We don't flash it as much.

>>You seem to refer to the whole area as "Celebration", does the way the area is incorporated change?<<
>>Are there any attractions that aren't there in the future anymore that you were particularly excited about seeing?<<

Same answer- I am living here on vacation. In 2044, I don't live in Celebration FL, I live a thousand miles away.

>>No matter how fast light travels it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.<<

A rolling stone gathers no moss, little sunflower.

>>I'm so depressed about the plastic cars. I so wanted a hovercraft.<<

Don't put down plastic cars- they make plastic cars today! I am saying a car is two seperate parts- the undercarrage and the top. The top part is a one piece plastic top that you lower down and screw into place. It's like getting an oil change today- it takes less than an hour to do. You can also rent car tops- that's quite popular- it's like the way you rent furniture today.

And it's economical- it runs of free juice! Why pay $60 to fill up your gas tank? You're throwing your money away. The downside is there are no V-12 electric Mustangs. Car shapes are standardized but there is a large variety of styles- you can really "pimp out" your car. They're like cell phones today. Some cars glow in the dark etc...

People don't obsess on cars as much in 2044, because car frames are made to last 20 years with engines that can last a million miles and they simply don't break down. We have simple cars that work- even the tires last 200,000 miles. They're like VCRs today. Most people don't even know what brand VCR they have, to everyone today a VCR is just a VCR. This is how we regard cars in 2044. Hope that made sense. We'll have a hovercraft after we nail down whatever the hell a graviton is, which has not yet happened.

>>How does Hillary become president? It seems almost impossible. There seems to be too much going against her.<<

Clinton is old news to me- it's like me asking you to tell me all about LBJ! And how is it impossible? And who- Obama? I never even heard of Obama before- Who ran against FDR during the primaries of his third term? Who remembers?!! You need more than a nice smile to run America, folks.

As I said over at TTF, Clinton runs a late, massive campaign... a year from now she'll be on your TVs a dozen times a day, every day up to election day. Just wait until Clinton does Oprah.

Historically, in 2044 we blame you people for the decade of terror, not President Bush. When a President starts a war with a 90% approval rating, who else are you going to blame- the President for doing what 90% of the people agreed with or the 90% of you who thought it was a good idea? Bush is not a bad guy... historically he's not another Nixon as you all would have him be. He's the last of the old guard. Clinton is different... Clinton is not a warmonger, Clinton is eager and is not an old guard Republican. Clinton's got balls. To me, Clinton is old news- she served her term 30 years ago and turned the tide inward.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

Hello, I am new and I must say this thread is rather interesting. I don't claim to be an expert in time travel or sci-fi and I am much less cleverer and ignorant than other people in this thread, but I wanted to ask:

Are there any significant natural disasters that will occur in the next twenty years? I realise that you could obviously generalize and say "a event that kills many people" or a "earthquake happens" and "people die in Africa". I also understand that I cannot remember the specific dates for events that took place over 40 years ago, but I can remember events of significance that took place at that time, because they are well known and documented and they are part of world history.

The natural disaster that occurs will gain a lot of press coverage and because it is significant and specific it is remembered for decades to come, so even if you cannot recall the date or the specific details you will be well aware that it took place, in your time.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim


Historically, in 2044 we blame you people for the decade of terror, not President Bush.

What do you mean by "you people"? You've become one of us - and by your own admission you can't go back. Moreover, according to your story, your former people have time travel and can come here if they are willing to pay the price (which is quite negotiable - also acording to your story).

It's possible that "you" (plural) are blaming the wrong people. Maybe, because of time travel, it is your people who need to carry the "burden" of blame.

And remember - you only know the history of "your people" up to the day that you departed. And even that take on history is a personal opinion based on your observations and limited scope of knowledge.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

>>What do you mean by "you people"? You've become one of us - and by your own admission you can't go back. Moreover, according to your story, your former people have time travel and can come here if they are willing to pay the price (which is quite negotiable - also acording to your story). It's possible that "you" (plural) are blaming the wrong people. Maybe, because of time travel, it is your people who need to carry the "burden" of blame.<<

Are you suggesting it is the responsibility of time travelers from the future to fix the messed up past: the present? That if the stock market crashes, a time traveler should magically appear with a truck full of gold bricks and hand them out on Wall Street?

>>And remember - you only know the history of "your people" up to the day that you departed. And even that take on history is a personal opinion based on your observations and limited scope of knowledge.<<

The history I am going by is the written history of the historical events of 2007. (As stated earlier), time has a way of compressing history and in the process, 99% of everything that happens becomes forgotten. Look at the history of 2006- it's enough to fill a magazine. And in 2011, they'll make a magazine-sized history book for this decade. Then "the history of 2006" will become further edited and by 2044 you can sum the year up in a page or two. THIS is my historical source, or point of view.

You folks are living in the present. That means you do not know the future. That means when stuff happens, you don't know the ramifications of it. Like the stock market yesterday- everyone was worried. Why? Because they didn't know if this was the beginning of the end or just a hiccup. The only way you will know the ramifications is to wait it out... "let time pass".

As far as my scope of knowledge, I claim to be of average intelligence and am as informed about the day's events as any layman. And as a layman, when I want to learn all about 2007, I consult the two pages of history written on it in 2044 and learn.

One thing we definetly will have less of in 2044 is skepticism. Is global warming real or not? I'm not sure, because even though 99% of all scientists think it is, the debate is still going on, so we can go on about our lives putting more CO2 into the atmosphere without guilt.

And just yesterday on the news- they were talking about what a good thing it was that the stock market dropped so much because that only means it will have to go back up again- regardless of the fact that $600 billion dollars was lost on one day.

You are all willing to pretend that things happening right in front of you are not actually happening. Then you'll turn the news on and hear that another 12,000 people are getting laid off but it's all good- that means the stock will go up one point from this. I am currently 24 years old and was caught up in all of this just as you but I am not "one of you" simply because I have already lived in this time and learned lessons you folks have yet to learn. I am not saying I am better or smarter than you, I just already lived it. You can hardly deny my position.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

Hello Titorian,

I have been watching your story with a great interest, and it has bring few questions in my mind. I am really sorry about the questionable tone - I think, you already know the name of the game and how to play it - and I hope you don't mind answering on them.

Historically, in 2044 we blame you people for the decade of terror, not President Bush. When a President starts a war with a 90% approval rating, who else are you going to blame- the President for doing what 90% of the people agreed with or the 90% of you who thought it was a good idea? Bush is not a bad guy... historically he's not another Nixon as you all would have him be. He's the last of the old guard.

I know you already answered in your own way to some of these questions, but could please clarify them us.

Could you please tell us - with your own words - on how do you see people from this time? What about others, how they react to 'this' history?

How do you feel you to live with these people?

What do you mean with the 'Old Guard'? (Are you aware that Mr B cheated his way into the 'house' not once, but twice...)
Re: Yet another time traveling claim


Are you suggesting it is the responsibility of time travelers from the future to fix the messed up past: the present?

Not at all. I'm not suggesting anything. I'm stating that you are no longer a part of the future. You're here - now. You are one of "them" from the perspective of your former peers, i.e. you are what you eat...or you are now their enemy because for all they know - or care - anything "bad" that happens here and now is to some degree your doing no more and no less than anyone else's.

Moreover, you can't state with any degree of certainty that this assertion isn't true. You've never been to the future beyond the day that you left. You have no clue about their opinion of you.

Hey. I didn't write this story. I'm just telling it like it is based on how you chose to write it up.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

You talk about entanglement and how if you knocked on your other self's doorstep you'd decorporalize. But isn't you putting the effort into making your little "care package" a violation of your own rules, meaning- wouldn't you decorporalize the moment before you handed that briefcase to the courier to deliver?

You mentioned there were other before you, including some who contacted you via this board. Well where are they? This is a pretty anonymous forum, saying hi won't make you disappear.

For that matter, how will we know if you decorporalize?
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

Titorian quote:
The history I am going by is the written history of the historical events of 2007. (As stated earlier), time has a way of compressing history and in the process, 99% of everything that happens becomes forgotten. Look at the history of 2006- it's enough to fill a magazine. And in 2011, they'll make a magazine-sized history book for this decade. Then "the history of 2006" will become further edited and by 2044 you can sum the year up in a page or two. THIS is my historical source, or point of view.
You folks are living in the present. That means you do not know the future. That means when stuff happens, you don't know the ramifications of it. Like the stock market yesterday- everyone was worried. Why? Because they didn't know if this was the beginning of the end or just a hiccup. The only way you will know the ramifications is to wait it out... "let time pass".
As far as my scope of knowledge, I claim to be of average intelligence and am as informed about the day's events as any layman. And as a layman, when I want to learn all about 2007, I consult the two pages of history written on it in 2044 and learn.

<font color="blue"> I have to submit that at this time your paper for this year cannot be fully relied on. That paper is YOUR (decorporalized) past not ours. You will undoubtably create some ripples that may change things. As far as you being here now you are as responsible as the rest of us for our future. I also submit each one of us can change things and you do not have to be a time traveler to do so. This world is as much yours now as it is ours. You are responsible for what you know. For you to sit back and do nothing is as bad as us sitting back and doing nothing.
THAT is the truth.
But I submit to you who is more to blame for non-action? The one who knows what will happen or the one who can only guess? [/COLOR]

One thing we definetly will have less of in 2044 is skepticism.

<font color="blue"> One way you can tell a bad generation is the degree of skepticism and lack of belief in what one is told. The reason for the skepticism in the first place is because of the many lies one has been told and been burned on that they can no longer believe. For then one has to provide many proofs upon proofs for one to believe even then they may not believe because they never fully trust again even if someone is telling the truth about something quite unbelievable. Doubts are certain because one does not want to be burned again so extra proof is required.

It is not the believer/unbeliever that is to blame it is the many liars that have created such a time. [/COLOR]
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

jmpet quote:
"You mentioned there were other before you, including some who contacted you via this board. Well where are they? This is a pretty anonymous forum, saying hi won't make you disappear."

<font color="blue"> As I mentioned to Titorian in private ..If such a facility exists I would personally like to visit it.
I do not want to participate in any type of time travel there.. I just want to see it.
I would like a tour!

p.s. free autographs for all the technicians and complete silence guaranteed! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.giflol [/COLOR]
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

&gt;&gt;Could you please tell us - with your own words - on how do you see people from this time? What about others, how they react to 'this' history&lt;&lt;

A good way of looking at it is to go back to the early 1970's- back before they started "safety sealing" everything in the store. Back when you could pop open a bottle of Extra Strength Tylenol, take a few, then close it up again and put it back on the shelf, back to when you were free to open and reclose milk bottles in the supermarket at will. How, as a time traveler, could you explain to them that "in the future, everything will be tamper-resistant safety sealed?
You don't look down on them, you just understand that these people haven't yet experienced all the things that can happen when you don't safety seal stuff, so the notion of safety sealing rat poison (to make sure no one puts rat poison in it, naturally) would rightfully sound absurd to them.

&gt;&gt;How do you feel you to live with these people?&lt;&lt;

Well I am currently 24 years old and a thousand miles away from here- I have distinct memories of these times. But to me, they're personal memories of my times, not the world at large. I was against the Iraq war but I didn't do anything about it. I wouldn't do the same thing today. OT- I am getting a little tired of The Daily Show pointing out how incompetent our government is- they always stop at the halfway point where it's funny, not the other half that's sad and true (and actionable).

&gt;&gt;What do you mean with the 'Old Guard'? (Are you aware that Mr B cheated his way into the 'house' not once, but twice...)&lt;&lt;

Old guard- big belly, pork barrelling, ten thousand dollar a plate dinners, big fat payoffs. The old guard. Make each other rich, look out for #1, play billionaire games... that sorta stuff. And I thought he had the majority vote on his re-election- I must be wrong.

&gt;&gt;You talk about entanglement and how if you knocked on your other self's doorstep you'd decorporalize. But isn't you putting the effort into making your little "care package" a violation of your own rules, meaning- wouldn't you decorporalize the moment before you handed that briefcase to the courier to deliver?&lt;&lt;

For starters, I "retro-financed" all the things I am buying. In other words, I have a logical explanation for where the monies came from in 2006 for the tax man, should come looking (it also helps for "universal continuity"). Secondly, all my investments are in not-yet-developed technologies and open real estate. I am buying into companies that thousands of other investors are also buying into today before the stocks hit big. It's not like suddenly appearing with 1975-issued Microsoft stock... I am "making it make sense" which is a lot harder to do. The possibility does exist that I will be unable to hand it all over, but my attorney is helping me do all of this and we have already bought the bulk of the investments. From that point of view, I should have been unable to do what I have already done.

This ties into the earlier discussion about whether or not I will actually decorporealize... that this may simply not be the case- which is a very interesting concept- a universe full of atoms all existing in infinite dual states would undoubtably produce a range of interactions- kinda like our current universe! Imagine instead of the same atoms (me) existing twice in one time, we have the same atom existing in a million different places at the same time.

&gt;&gt;You mentioned there were other before you, including some who contacted you via this board. Well where are they? This is a pretty anonymous forum, saying hi won't make you disappear.&lt;&lt;

They said they have no desire to tell their story. Time travelers don't come back just to show off to the world that they're time travelers- they do it for various reasons. The people who contacted me had information about the Branson time machine that only a time traveler would know, so they were the real deal.

I never bought into the whole "big brother" thing- there are no time cops and no one's policing spacetime. And even if there were- who's to say what they're doing is right or wrong? Life itself is a random occurance- randomness is good. Who watches the watchers?

&gt;&gt;For that matter, how will we know if you decorporalize?&lt;&lt;

I was thinking about telling my attorney to contact you guys "after I go". Perhaps I should.

&gt;&gt;I have to submit that at this time your paper for this year cannot be fully relied on. That paper is YOUR (decorporalized) past not ours.&lt;&lt;

I agree just as much as I disagree. I agree because my history of 2044 is based on a few pages of paper that outline in the most general fashion the events of these times. Kinda like reading up on say, 1966. HOWEVER... I still stand fast in saying most of what happens in daily life is meaningless, useless and forgotten shortly after it's done. How many people are going to remember Anna Nicole in five years? How many will remember in five weeks? Not many. Who can tell me the date Anna Nicole died? Who can tell me offhand the date we bombed Somalia? What was the date Princess Di died? I'll settle for the month or year on that one. When did either of the space shuttles blow up?

You guys turn on the news and it's the news' job to keep you tuned to their channel no matter what. So they sensationalize news... they spice it up and make it entertaining. They take every little thing that happens and go full out on it 24 hours live. And you stare at it thinking this is history you're watching. All while the Federal Government is throwing away what little money they have left- your money.

&gt;&gt;You will undoubtably create some ripples that may change things. As far as you being here now you are as responsible as the rest of us for our future.&lt;&lt;

My ripples won't affect everyone- at least not now and not in a bad way. If they affect anyone, they'll affect me first and I accepted that before I went through. And realizing that if my ripples do/will/could change things, I walk softly.

&gt;&gt;I also submit each one of us can change things and you do not have to be a time traveler to do so. This world is as much yours now as it is ours. You are responsible for what you know. For you to sit back and do nothing is as bad as us sitting back and doing nothing.
THAT is the truth.&lt;&lt;

This is more like 2044 talk. This is why real time travelers don't come through with pomp and circumstance- we're here just like you, we're not here to change the future as much as live it. The more dire a time traveler's warnings are, the more likely they're a fraud. Time travel is not the be all, end all- it's the newest gadget.

&gt;&gt;But I submit to you who is more to blame for non-action? The one who knows what will happen or the one who can only guess?&lt;&lt;

This is bad logic... it's "unAmerican". If everyone was doing what they were best suited for, we'd live in a wonderful Communist sociey where everyone does what they do best and everyone gets a slice of the pie. But in 2007 this is not the case- millions of Americans are settling for what's out there because the whole game is skewed against the individual- at the moment at least. You guys are so close to change! But there's always a price to pay.

&gt;&gt;As I mentioned to Titorian in private ..If such a facility exists I would personally like to visit it.&lt;&lt;

It looks like "The Incredible Motor Mouse Cat Toy" but a lot bigger. There's lots of one way doors and security cameras and passkeys and such... it's designed to take people away from the center where the recieving station is. The campus is worth a visit though- it's kinda like the ultimate dorm room. And the outside looks nothing like the inside- it's all underground.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

I was born in 1982 and currently my younger alternate self is 24 years old. I am 62 years old and decided to take the trip back in time because of my terminal health- time travel is a one way trip.

&gt;&gt;How do you feel you to live with these people?&lt;&lt;

Well I am currently 24 years old and a thousand miles away from here- I have distinct memories of these times. But to me, they're personal memories of my times, not the world at large. I was against the Iraq war but I didn't do anything about it. I wouldn't do the same thing today. OT- I am getting a little tired of The Daily Show pointing out how incompetent our government is- they always stop at the halfway point where it's funny, not the other half that's sad and true (and actionable).

How old are you (24 or 62)? Why do you say 'thousand of miles from here' when you should say decades from my own time? Shouldn't you be saying ' I remember when I was at this time opposing the middle-east war...', but you don't do that. You don't talk from your 'golden-age' memories.

&gt;&gt;What do you mean with the 'Old Guard'? (Are you aware that Mr B cheated his way into the 'house' not once, but twice...)&lt;&lt;

Old guard- big belly, pork barrelling, ten thousand dollar a plate dinners, big fat payoffs. The old guard. Make each other rich, look out for #1, play billionaire games... that sorta stuff. And I thought he had the majority vote on his re-election- I must be wrong.

Well if you're really fed up to tellie, then I recommend you to google around and see what other people are thinking. The question is, what does your history book say about 2004 US presidential election, can you give us a quote?
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

Titorian wrote:
"have distinct memories of these times. But to me, they're personal memories of my times, not the world at large."

Whato about this date March 21st 2007...

Check "yer" history book on your personal timeline/timeworld/parallel reality
add your &lt;= 2 divergence and mix it!


on this date:

"Iran has outlawed the American dollar and will put anyone in jail that uses it in their country after that date. They have the ominous notoriety of being the first nation in the world to do such a thing. The real issue in Iran is NOT nuclear, but rather the decision to not use the American dollar for trade and the sale of oil. On the heels of Iran's decision, North Korea has followed suit and also outlawed the use of the American dollar in their country. Finally, Malaysia the next day did the same thing."
end quoted


5,6. The Moral Law causes the people to be in complete
accord with their ruler, so that they will follow him
regardless of their lives, undismayed by any danger.

you dont mention global warming, iraq, midddle east, israel, pollution, rising sea levels,

dont suppose you could at least mention complete disasters in the political ring, no point in throwing a vote away ...or is there!!

does the world blow up on a working day,
Re: Yet another time traveling claim


Iran has outlawed the American dollar and will put anyone in jail that uses it in their country after that date. They have the ominous notoriety of being the first nation in the world to do such a thing.

Don't believe everything you read in the gnews and review. Iran wasn't the first country do do this. Using foreign currency in just about any country is a violation of the law. It is in the USA, for instance. If you go to Mexico you can only use US dollars, legally at least, in the Border Zone (Frontera) - the first 21 km south of the Rio Grande.

Of course, people gladly accept US dollars in a lot of countries (including Mexico) - but it's still illegal...and has been so for a very long time.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

Of course, people gladly accept US dollars in a lot of countries (including Mexico) - but it's still illegal...and has been so for a very long time.

There are plenty of those people and countries which are shy of using US Dollars at the moment. You might have seen central banks liquidating their currency backups and value of dollar going down. I remember well the time when EUR was equal to USD - it certainly isn't that any more.