Re: Yet another time traveling claim
<font color="blue"> Titorian, I took some of your quotes from the other site because I had questions about them. [/COLOR]
"When science links nuclear testing to cancer, the world pretty much realizes why we're all so sick."
<font color="blue">Do you think your cancer was caused by this as well? [/COLOR]
"As far as alternate timelines etc... as I said from the outset it's a complicated concept. Infinite multiple worlds may really exist, but there is only one reality. Imagine two worldlines five seconds in the future- in one of them you get up and leave the room. In the other, you stay in your chair. A thousand years down the line there will be two radically different universes. Well- you staying or going is not enough energy to create a new reality. If it was, then there would be a Googol new universes created every Planck Unit and even if this is true, there would still be only one tangable reality."
<font color="blue"> I still don't get how you can be sure of only ONE tangible reality.??
How can you even be sure that this one is tangible? What if it is just the electrical signals and waves that go through your brain that makes it seem so?
If the other universes are not tangible...what are they? ghost worlds?[/COLOR]
"I kind of agree with that point. A whole new branch of science will open up in the next few years which will bring a new way of thinking about the world around us. People today say "How could the universe be this beautiful without some sort of Creator in the mix?" In the future, people will say "Why would the Creator make such a beautiful universe and make it impossible for us to visit most of it?" The universe is a lot smaller than you think."
<font color="blue"> Can you explain what "the universe is a lot smaller than you think" means?
I have some ideas but want to know if they are the same as yours.[/COLOR]
"The first successful time travel experiment was when they had to turn off the particle accelerator because of a breach and everything disappeared when the machine stopped. About a year later and on a hunch, they predicted they would be unable to carry out an experiment to send a static shock "back in time" because a static shock would ruin the experiment and they were right- that was when the million time traveling websites popped up and this site went down."
"Another breakthrough was sending laser signals back in time to be recieved as radio signals- static, from there the concept of time travel became mainstream."
<font color="blue"> Can you explain this further? [/COLOR]
"Kaku wrote a book about C=ME2, or "first person energy" which opened a whole door to a way to simply side-step the laws of physics, from there the practicality of tangable time travel began. That was when "the billionaires club" all started building their own time machines- The Branson Foundation, through trial and error, found a ratio between acceleration and magnetism which allowed time travel. Again in brief- two balls, you're in the outer ball. Two magnetic balls- one anchored, both mutually attracted. You start the centrifuge and acceleration starts pulling the outer ball away while the magnetism holds it. At the correct harmony, you "spin off" and slow down to reappear in a different, tangable place- an earlier time. It's simply easier for the universe to pop you back into an earlier, equal point in time then create a second God: you in your own universe."
"Of course for it to work, you need to actually have an earlier, equal time. It does not have to be in the same place, but it must physically exist and have the right dimensions. If the earlier "landing base" does not, then reality either kicks you back to your point of origin or simply decorporalizes you and you cease to exist. I made sure other people went through successfully before me."
"The outer ball (you) gets charged up, traverses time and as it winds down, reality all around you comes into focus. When it stops, they open it and I get out- the ball is just a metal ball made of 2006 materials. I don't know what they do with the balls- in 2044 they're easy to make, here it's valuable scrap metal or corporate art. (And to clarify again) they first send information back in time, then blueprints and schematics, then they test it. You can send one back to 0ad provided you could contact 0ad and convince someone to build one. The landing pad is all concrete and metal, it's not that hard to construct."
<font color="blue">I just thought this was very interesting. [/COLOR]
"The blueberries on Mars are a form of protolife that never took hold; we still have not been to Titan or Europa but we sent more probes to Pluto which detected organic life locked in the ice. Saturn is an "inside out planet" (but you know that already). Life landed on Earth as DNA and sank to the bottom of the ocean where it found safe haven near hydrothermal vents. As life evolved, it spaced out and eventually found dry land. And when I left 2044, SETI was experimenting with doppler radio because they concluded by then that life had to be out there somewhere, we just weren't listening correctly. Many more wonderful advances in every area occurs between now and 2044"
"DNA is chemical in nature, not organic. DNA is not alive but has the capacity to make life. The blueberries on Mars can be classified as "fossils" in this regard- they're balls of calcium with bits of silicates in the center- the silicates unicode information that can be copied and the calcium serves as a proto exoskeleton. Gravity and pressure dictate "unit size" and the rest is differentiation."
"At one point millions of years ago (or whenever a meteor hits Mars), these blueberries come to live- making more blueberries- more balls of calcium with silicon in the middle. Perhaps one day those blueberries will inadvertently roll into a puddle of water then "life" as we know it takes over- evolution. Perhaps after 100 million years of underwater blueberries, something will walk out of it on its own"
"With all that said, life is potentially everywhere- the universe is full of aliens. Have we met any aliens yet? Not in the way you would consider it- no six-armed green men from Andromeda but they're out there somewhere. Astronomers were talking in 2044 about the possibility that radio communications are abundant throughout the universe, we just need to properly "tune into it" which is partly the right frequency and partly the right oscillation. Since everything distorts in the universe, radio signals become morse code over great distances. By their estimation, by 2050 we will be able to turn a radio on and hear the aliens."
<font color="blue"> I thought this was interesting also. [/COLOR]
"The recieving station is here now. It was built with blueprints that were sent back in time instructing them to build one- "if you build it, he will come" and it's little more than concrete and metal. It took a good 30 years for time travel to develop to where it could send people back- in the beginning they could only send information, eventually emails. So they'd email the blueprints back to themselves, build it, then the time travelers would start to pop through."
<font color="blue">So is this how the station first got built. It was from sending an email back in time? But what Machine received the emails? Who received them? [/COLOR]
"Isn't it funny that we're in the Presidential Election mode yet no credible candidate has stood up yet? Truth is no one wants to inherit this mess that Bush is leaving behind: a war that will never end, a deficit that will never go away and the public united against the government- who would want to inherit this mess to clean up? Clinton does not want to run in this election but the Democrats will force her to. She'll run a late, massive campaign and sweep the polls. She won't get 90% of the stuff she wants to done with her Presidency, but she'll set us in the right direction and step one is a withdrawl from Iraq and the establishment of a "security net" over Iraq to send bombs, not soldiers, to combat terrorism."
<font color="blue"> So you predict Hilary Clinton wins the next presidency... [/COLOR]
"First off, with the general acceptance and practicality of alternate energy sources, the world will slowly put less and less CO2 in the air. There are dozens of global projects to deal with warming- the largest of them all is a plan to somehow put an atmosphere in the moon. I know it sounds impossible- the moon is as big as all the land on Earth- but if the moon had an atmosphere, it would affect the Earth's seas less which would slowly start freezing the icecaps again... less of the moon's energy would reach the Earth. It's a permanent solution to global warming but it's almost impossible to pull off and would cost trillions of dollars, but then again it would double the livable space in this area of the solar system. People go to the moon in 2044 just as people buy tickets to space today and if it had an atmosphere, millions would move to the moon."
<font color="blue"> It sounds like you are still fighting global warming in the future.
I have doubts about giving the moon an atmosphere. An interesting thought I guess. [/COLOR]
<font color="blue"> Do you have the option of going back to 2044 if you decided you made a mistake and didn't want to live here anymore?
Do you have forward time traveling as well?
Does the military or government ever use time travel for their own purposes?
What is something that would disqualify you from being a time traveler even if you had the money to do it?
Would decorporalization be a just punishment for criminals?
Where do you see time traveling going in the next 30 years from 2044?
Is there anything you are not sure of in the time travel theories yet that your 2044 scientists are still wondering about?
Do you have any children or family in 2044 that you left behind? How did they feel about you leaving? Don't you miss anyone from your time? Are you able to send them emails or something
from here to let them know you are ok?