Re: Yet another time traveling claim
Woody1987 writes:
(I included this because this is a really good question)
>>There is a guy called Bob, he makes a time machine, goes back a 1000 years to the year 1007. So he looks around tries out some local restaurants, takes the tours. Ok, ignore him for now, go forward 1000 years just before Bob went back in time. At this point there is a Bob in the present, just before he left and a Bob in the past. The present Bob decides as he did before to go back in time to 1007. DISASTER! He appears at the exact same time and place as he did previously, thus thier bodies merge into something.<<
Bob dies long before 2007 happens again for him. Bob's timeline goes from his natural birth to 2007 to 1007 to 1107 when he dies- all as one unbroken line.
If he went back to say, one day, the next day there would be two of them... this is what you mean. Well if the second Bob ran into the first Bob, then that would break his personal timeline- Bob #2's existence would become illogical and he would cease to exist. Why? Because he violated his own timeline... he did not alter the universe but himself. First person physics.
The universe is alive. You're allowed to cheat the universe, but you cannot break it's laws. So if you really tried to, it's simpler for the universe to unmake you (and if need be, replace the event with a black hole) than alter the laws of physics throughout the universe because rule #1: reality really exists (and this means the laws of the universe apply everywhere, all the time).
How can the universe unmake you? Since it's impossible to ever quantify the position and velocity of any object, it becomes possible to cheat the universe. So stuff like "decorporealization" really does happen- it's an aspect of entanglement. It's like math- it's numbers on paper that make sense.
This is the last tenuous mini-lecture I will give on this subject- any more detailed and I start directly violating stuff. I don't know if you came here to hear me rant or if I should do it more but here goes.
Imagine not you but a conglomeration of atoms called you. It's several trillion atoms all on a planet moving through space at about a million miles an hour.
These atoms occupy space over time like pages in a book. Assuming time travel is possible, one would have to traverse space as much as (if not more than) time to arrive at the correct "moment in the past". For example, if you wanted to travel one year back in time, you must also physically traverse 8,766,000,000 miles through space. (John Titor's time travel covered 552 trillion miles of the universe.. truly a vast spance)
This is where entanglement comes in. Assuming time travel really exists, this means your atoms will exist in a dual state (or entangled) mode- that there will be "two of every of your atoms in the same point in spacetime". This is a clear violation of the universe- an atom cannot run into itself... atoms exist logically through time.
But like two supermagnets on boats in a big lake, they actually can co-exist as long as they are sufficiently distanced... for a little while at least. Two identical atoms sufficiently distanced from each other can co-exist in the same spacetime as long as they don't start affecting each other (as long as they're both neutral to each other). Like the good guy and the bad guy- each has its own agenda but only one will win out.
And how do they affect each other? Simple- there's "the correct atom" and there's the "doesen't belong here" atom. If you go back in time, you become the "don't belong here" atoms. If you go forward in time, you become "the correct atom"... if you time traveled a year forward and knocked on your older self, HE would decorprealize, not you. (This, to a large extent, is why no one is really building a forward-working time machine.)
The universe is alive and although you can't break the laws of the universe, you can cheat it for Planck Units. Over time this has a swiss cheese effect. Time is not a law of the universe, is it?
>>What kind of cool toys do you have?<<
The biggest everyday technological improvement between today and 2044 is 3DTV. Hand held tech kinda levels off when everything becomes one do all unit. Part of the 3DTV technology is holosims which are a thing onto themselves.
>>Have the gasoline been replaced on cars? Are there cars based on other stuff, public/normal cars?<<
Car makers still make gas guzzlers but those are more specialty cars than anything else. Electric cars are "the car" in 2044 simply because of the free juice. I have outlined cars in 2044- they're plastic and cheap, like cell phones today. And just as cell phones, you put a new face on it instead of buying a new phone. Cars last much longer and break down much less- that's something for you guys to think about.
>>How are the cellphones in your time? How are computers in your time?<<
Can't really put it into words... the world is one hot spot. Asking me how technology is today is like asking you how your water is.
>>Is the violence still the same? Or things have gotten better? worse? Is US still the Empire?<<
Far less violence overall. You're living in the paranoid 00's. The United States takes care of its own first. The one thing I am not here to do is stir up a panic.
>>How is your TV different from ours?<<
3DTV. It's 3D TV.
>>Hey Titorian did you recall when the sun become blue...?<<
That's a profound statement. My answer is yes.
>>"...that before these waves arrives you will send to the space the time capsule of John Titor... a crystal disk dated december 24 2025..." do you have any comments about?<<
Never heard it before and not sure I fully understand it. Waves? What waves? Who will send the capsule and what's in it? A crystal disk? This makes no sense.
>>So you're saying $10 a pound chopped meat? So this means the rich will eat steak while the rest of us eat beans, right? Are you a vegetarian? Just wondering.<<
I am not a vegetarian, in 2044 people eat more vegetarian meals... they don't shove McFat burgers in their face four times a day. Some of the meat communities consume is sold through an organic supermarket owned and run by the community (like Trader Joe's today). Can't really explain it properly but I'll try... in 2044, people don't walk around with pocketfuls of cash and people rarely "pay" for anything anymore.
We autopay at the supermarket- there is no cashier. A computer scans the entire shopping cart and autobills it to our credit account. When we shop at our local co-op owned supermarket, we pay with credits from the excess energy we don't consume. This is why communities are prejudicial to the elderly- because it's possible to live in a community in perpetua... "just living there" generates enough money to pay all the bills and leave a few bucks in your pocket- in the best communities, that is.
When food, shelter etc. are all taken care of... when it's no longer a struggle just to keep the shirt on your back... money kinda becomes a thing, not THE thing... it becomes a tool. So yeah- some cuts of meat are $10 a pound, but then again it actually is not coming out of your pocket- it's credits set off against other credits... it's numbers.
It's like the 1950's. Everyone got a job and eveyone bought a new car and a new home all at once. What sparked it all? Well, everything happening all at once- it all making sense again. A place where a man can go out and make an honest day's pay... when it makes sense again.
>>What other tricks apart from time travel can we do?<<
Cognito ergo sum.
Re: the moon. Phase one the releasing hydrocarbons making the planet uninhabitable like Venus. This will decrease the effect of the moon on the Earth... it will calm down the seas and help reverse global warming- it's the reason they're considering it. Then they plan to filter the atmosphere with machines that are not yet invented to seperate the toxic atmosphere... to do what happened on the Earth over 100 million years to happen here in 500 years. They plan to end up with inhabitable land- room for billions more humans- billions of consumers. You guys are fighting global hunger today, we're making room for billions more humans.
>>Have you been in contact with any other time travellers- the others who went through the same machine you did?<<
Two have contacted me via this site since I've been here, both went before me. How else to say it- people don't come back to show off.
>>Why isn't The Branson Foundation hunting you down for giving away company secrets? And you said you were implanted, right?<<
My businesness is concluded with them. And yes, I was implanted.
>>Why haven't we seen or heard of any other time travellers telling the same tale as you? There's what- four time travelling websites on the internet, they would have found this forum. Where are they?<<
This is the swiss cheese effect and I'm surprised as well. Time is an artificial concept, right?
>>Why do you always post at weird hours and why does your IP always change?<<
I use the hotel's internet connection. I think slowly and have trouble sleeping. I try to write carefully, I don't want to misrep.
>>Are movies and music still around in 2044?<<
No. They were all wiped out when "The Great Disaster" happened. Just kidding- of course it is- look around you today! In 2044 it's 100 times more media coming at you- they have many laws limiting media exposure.
>>If so, how different/same are they?<<
The single greatest improvement is 3DTV. Daily life isn't much different in 2044 than it is today, it's just simpler and easier- partly because technology fills more gaps in our daily lives and partly because people have a different mindset than they do today (rant coming)... we're not "all out to get each other" as you are today. By the way- did anyone notice the US Government is missing 8 billion dollars in cash? No- you didn't- you were watching Anna Nicole.
Imagine the US Treasury with all its machines running at full capacity printing countless sheets of hundred dollar bills- hundreds of thousands of bills per hour, tonnage of cash.... millions per hour, every hour for two solid weeks, 24/7. Then imagine all that money disappearing- tons of US legal tender just vanishing.
(Rant done) 3DTV adds depth to television. It also allows holosims, which are 3D virtual people that can walk about in your house. Old movies can also be rendered to 3D allowing you to experience it more. 3DTV is not like Star Wars... it's more like Total Recall or two steps away from the Holodeck... it's huge. It's like going from radio to TV.
Naturally games can also be played with 3DTV and you can be in the middle of the game, literally. Really cool stuff.
>>What is the most popular style of music in 2044?<<
Popular music LOL. Seriously- popular music is pretty much the same it is today. However, there's a million genres of music... anyone with a computer can compose music- but this is also true today. There is far more music overall in 2044- pop stars for every genre... like today. Music is music. Personally I like oldies- rock and roll.