Yer another time traveling claim

Re: Yet another time traveling claim


If I "get" jmpet's stinging and biting rhetoric, he seems to think that you and I are one-in-the-same person. It is sad that this is the way he accepts criticism of his scientific ideas. But I see this same attitude a lot in my business.

(And BTW- I just checked, and they're still selling diplomas from your "university" online. And while I'd normally pay the $295 just to post "my diploma" here and end this "controversy", but in all practicality, a Cal Tech Pomona degree is worth slightly more than the paper it's printed on and since you're not worth the $294.99 it will take to make you go away for good (were such things possible)- especially when logic and truth achieve the same purpose to a greater degree and at a less expense and at a greater reward.)
I will allow you to denigrate and make fun of me, if that serves your ego. However, I am not going to allow falsehoods about a fine academic institution such as Cal Poly, Pomona's Engineering program to go unchallenged. The thing is, you could (personally) verify my degree there, and do it for a lot less than $250. But you won't because you don't want to know the truth. But now let me give you some truths about the Cal Poly Engineering program. From this page:

1) Cal Poly Pomona ties for third place in the category of Top Western Regional Public Universities in the U.S. News & World Report 2001 College Rankings
2) Cal Poly Pomona's aerospace engineering program ranks fourth and the electrical engineering program ranks 12th among the 132 schools nationwide without doctoral programs, according to U.S. News & World Report
3) The College of Engineering produces one out of every 14 engineering graduates in California with a majority of its students going on to serve major aerospace, construction, technology and manufacturing firms. It is also the largest producer of underrepresented minority engineers in California.
How dare you, jmpet. It is one thing to insinuate lies about me (and BTW, this would essentially amount to slander, a legally-challengable action), but to insinuate lies about an accredited academic university... isn't that just taking your previous lows to an all-new low? Not good enough to insult individuals... now you must insult entire institutions?

Now folks know why I don't post here regularly anymore. This is the predominant intellect that inhabits this area of cyberspace.

Re: Yet another time traveling claim

it would be nice if people could forget about their differences. wanna know why theres no time machine? because the people who have the ability to make it are too busy fighting about something that doesent even matter.

if yall can accomplish all that by arguing, just imagine what yall could do if yall worked together...
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

He thinks we are the same person?

Well, a simple check of our IP addresses will verify that we are not, wouldn't it? We don't even live in the same continent, for heaven's sake!

But of-course, Jmpet doesn't really think we are the same person. You are attributing fact-oriented thinking to a person who doesn't give a d**n about the facts. Jmpet is simply doing his best to undermine the credibility of any person who dares to correct his errors. The facts don't matter. Everything goes. To him, this discussion is nothing more than a verbal fist fight.

And Rainman, there really is no need for you to leave TTI just because of this guy. If he makes your blood boil, ignore him. There really is no point in arguing with somebody who'll never admit he was wrong. It's just pointless.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

it would be nice if people could forget about their differences. wanna know why theres no time machine? because the people who have the ability to make it are too busy fighting about something that doesent even matter.

You do have a point.

On the other hand, building a time machine would require a good understanding of the way the universe works, wouldn't you agree? In fact, it requires an understanding of time which is beyond any person in 2007 is capable of.

Therefore to build a time machine, we must first admit that our current views may be wrong. We must encourage an open discussion about facts and theories, and we must be willing to change our views when new evidence compells us to do so. The one thing we absolutely must NOT do, is go on a personal crusade against anyone who claims we made a mistake. In a forum where people behave like this, any progress will be very difficult indeed.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

"On the other hand, building a time machine would require a good understanding of the way the universe works, wouldn't you agree? In fact, it requires an understanding of time which is beyond any person in 2007 is capable of."

yes, i agree. and yes, i agree that it requires an understanding of time which is beyond any person in 07 is capable of. people on the other hand...

it's like this: ive met quite a few smart cookies on this forum. if all of these people would get together and use their minds,im sure everyone would make it alot further.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

Well, Ruthless, the trouble is that being "smart" is not enough. Checking our egos at the door is also required.

Do you know why it was Albert Einstein that discovered relativity? No doubt that he was a smart cookie, but he also had something else: The ability to look reality straight in the face, and listen to what the evidence has to say. He asked tough questions, and wasn't afraid to look for the answers. It is for this reason, that Einstein is deemed the greatest scientist of the 20th century, even though he wasn't by any means the smartest guy on the planet.

You talked about "forgetting our differences". While this approach has a definite appeal of being "nice", it also gurantees that we won't learn anything new. Our differences hold the key to further our understanding. Dealing with them straight on and solving them, is exactly the way a good discussion works. And it is also how science marches forward.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

"Our differences hold the key to further our understanding. Dealing with them straight on and solving them, is exactly the way a good discussion works."

i'm not here to judge anyone. i'm here to learn new and exciting things, and i humble myself in the face of knowledge. thats how i learn new things at least.

i just see alot of potential from alot of the people that frequent these forums. i sometimes think "man, the things these guys could do if they worked together."

it takes all kinds right?
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

I see where you're coming from.

You are right, of-course. In a way, that's what I told Rainman: Endless arguments with people who just don't listen is a terrible waste of time. Such people should be completely ignored. And the rest of us should focus on the really important stuff (such as how to build a time machine /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif )

So, how are we going to build this thing? I do have a battered hull we could use... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

well, i have an idea on how to reach light speed, maybe that would help with time travel, but i doubt it, as my idea is purely thought and no math behind it...yet
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

Leave the math to me, comrade. What's your idea? (and why did you call yourself "ruthless" if you're such a pleasant fellow?)
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

"Leave the math to me, comrade. What's your idea? (and why did you call yourself "ruthless" if you're such a pleasant fellow?)"

well the idea has something to do with using electromagnetism to push away from the earths gravity, then eventually from another gravitational field. but its just a thought. i dont know if it works that way or not.

as far as my name goes, thats a very, very long story. so ill shorten it up as much as i can.

when i was younger, i was called "reluctant rusty" for assorted reasons. later in my life things changed, and everyone called me "ruthless rusty"

some people say im ruthless, some say that i fight for what i believe in.

i think people misinterpret my name. to me, it means fearless. and it helps me to remember where i came from /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

>Jmpet, I sure wish you stopped taking everything so personally. It isn't a discussion about you or me or Rainman. This isn't an ego war. And your continoual bashing of other posters is getting us absolutely nowhere.<

I don't bash; I bash back. I suggest you go back and look at your numerous attacks directed at me which prompted my response.

As far as Rainman goes, my comments towards him were directed towards him. In specific regard, I was following up on a comment I made in the past- that you can buy a diploma from his university online for $295.

And no- I don't think Sigo and Rainman are the same person- Rainman is much smarter than you albeit his retro-cranial inversionistic tendencies.

You want to get back to a discussion or shall we continue to flame each other?
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

Time to back-up your slanderous words, bucko!
As far as Rainman goes, my comments towards him were directed towards him. In specific regard, I was following up on a comment I made in the past- that you can buy a diploma from his university online for $295.
Put up, or shut up! Of course you will not be able to prove what you say is true, for if you could you would be able to (single-handedly) destroy a nationally-accredited (look it up) university. My bet is that your error again stems from ignorance (imagine that!) in you thinking some "diploma mill" outlet which has a SIMILAR sounding name is the same as California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (that's its official, accredited name BTW). And this just goes to show how important consistency of naming is (i.e. you can't willy-nilly change "velocity" with "weight" and have them mean the same thing).

Incidentally, here is more evidence from a past jmpet post that shows he didn't get the name of my university correct:

jmpet: but in all practicality, a Cal Tech Pomona degree is worth slightly more than the paper it's printed on...
See there? ERROR. Will he admit it? Not likely. You have mish-mashed two universities' names (California Institute of Technology in Pasadea, more commonly known as "Cal Tech" -&- the proper name of my school which I have given above). As a result you have come up with a no-name university... one that someone just might wish to use if they were trying to scam people and "sell them a degree".

Your ignorance and arrogance rise to new levels. Keep it up, and your bashing just may see a lawyer come knocking on your door. Slander of a practicing professional is not a pretty thing. Slandering an accredited university is even more serious. You are on very thin ice, pal. Do you not think an accredited university has lawyers to protect its reputation?

Re: Yet another time traveling claim

Hi Sigo,
And Rainman, there really is no need for you to leave TTI just because of this guy. If he makes your blood boil, ignore him. There really is no point in arguing with somebody who'll never admit he was wrong. It's just pointless.
I tend to agree. However, I have seen jmpet play his tune here before. He just loves to play those polemics... as can be obviously seen whenever he encounters someone who seeks to correct his erroneous thinking.

But now... we have a case where he has publicly slandered my professional reputation with an unfounded (and unproven) allegation. This alone is enough to defend myself... but add to this his claim that a nationally-accredited university (in VERY good standing in the USA, no less) is guilty of selling diplomas to unqualified people. Make no mistake, this is serious sheet that jmpet has decided to step into. If he were smart he would erase all evidence of his slander, and quickly.

Re: Yet another time traveling claim

Allow me to give you some more study material, jmpet.

And then if you search by program (aerospace) and state (CA) you will see that you a propagating lies. Not that you will likely admit it, but that is your schtick, isn't it? Your are quite pitiful in your use of slander.

Re: Yet another time traveling claim

>Time to back-up your slanderous words, bucko!<

You are not worth the time, energy or effort, and this is not the place to do that anyway. You are insignifigant to me. Yawn. The only thing I ask is that you live up to your own words and not be here. And if you will not go away, then I will go away. We went through this before- we had our hissy fit and I left. And lo and behold- what did you do? Start wars with other people on this board! And how did that end? You were voted off the island, remember? And in the time since I came back (the day you left) and today- how many wars did I start here? None. Now go away- you have no vacations on Anthrax Island to sell me.

There is one thing I will clarify, however:

>but add to this his claim that a nationally-accredited university (in VERY good standing in the USA, no less) is guilty of selling diplomas to unqualified people. Make no mistake, this is serious sheet that jmpet has decided to step into. If he were smart he would erase all evidence of his slander, and quickly.<

It appears your problem is with the host of websites selling diplomas and not me. Zzzz...
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

oh well, i tried...

jmpet, i suggest that you leave RMT alone, as he really could take you to court (though i doubt he will, unless you just drive him totally nuts) i already know you'll have something derogatory about that statement, but im just trying to help you out.

and to RMT: man, your way too smart to be lowering yourself to that level. all jmpet is doing is coming up with ideas from his extremely constructive mind. he thinks he knows it all without knowing the math behind it, and that is a fault. i'm sure he already realizes that, but feels that he's being treated like an idiot.

so what i'm saying is: maybe you two would get along great, if you didnt think you were better than one another. never know...
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

>i already know you'll have something derogatory about that statement, but im just trying to help you out.<

Nah- I ain't like that. My character flaw is that I shoot back. You have been very constructive re: this tiff which I believe is over.

>he (me) thinks he knows it all without knowing the math behind it, and that is a fault<

I also agree with this statement because of the nature of science itself which changes as new discoveries come to light. You know Einstein was a hated man within the scientific community.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

while im thinking about it:

"I could explain to you a dozen different ways how a car could be going at 400 pounds... I think the job of physicists is to put things like this into formulas"

i can understand how a car can go 400lbs. i think RMT,darby and the rest do too. i think what is trying to be said is that "math" doesent comprehend it, and if it did, would cause many, many problems to arise. every equasion that was considered correct would have to be reworked regardless of if it worked or not. and its just my assumption, but i believe it would make math much more confusing... and unfinished.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

Einstein also had the advantage that his wife was a physicist too ( a former classmate--it is said the first paper included both their names)so she undoubtedly took care of any egotism when it arose in the way that women are so good at. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif