Re: Yet another time traveling claim
>I just returned home and there was an EMAIL from my student telling me to check out the latest in this thread<
So you're the teacher and the other person is the student, right? That means the information should by definition be flowing in one direction, right?
(And BTW- I just checked, and they're still selling diplomas from your "university" online. And while I'd normally pay the $295 just to post "my diploma" here and end this "controversy", but in all practicality, a Cal Tech Pomona degree is worth slightly more than the paper it's printed on and since you're not worth the $294.99 it will take to make you go away for good (were such things possible)- especially when logic and truth achieve the same purpose to a greater degree and at a less expense and at a greater reward.)
>An electric car weighs 2000 pounds. On the moon, where gravity is one-sixth, the same car weighs 333 pounds. So the same car on Earth going 10 mph would go 60 mph on the moon. Why? Because it weighs less but the horsepower/torque is the same.<
Or in Rainman talk, it's:
>the rolling friction will indeed scale proportionally to the normal force of the vehicle upon the surface of the moon (and so in this case the 6x might be valid)<
Or in fancy schmancy Darby physics talk it's:
>The relative motion of the Moon-Earth system is a functional rest frame for purposes of this scenario.<
Or in Titorian-talk, it's:
Or in layman talk, we all agree and we're only arguing over whose dik is bigger, right?
Which is why I am here hashing out what he said instead of feeding into clambake scenarios: because there ain't nothing to talk about on this site apart from Titorian-inspired ideas or the latest half-baked time traveller claim, right?
Which means to you Sigo:
Hmmm... seems I have a valid point to make after all.
Which kinda makes you wonder about:
>Unlike Jmpet, I like to keep my mouth shut on topics I don't understand.< -Sigo2507
Especially when you consider:
>I cannot (as in, 'don't') have any official credentials< -Sigo 2507
So let's see... you don't have any official credentials, as in- you don't know what the hell you're talking about, yet here you are spouting your bulltheories.
Hmmm... let's move on with it, shall we?
Dear Rainman;
How are you? How ya doin? Are you going to be true to your word to not be here or is this yet another or your ill-defined and unintended paradoxes, like when you pray to God do learn whether your "scientific theory of the universe" is true or not, or shall I wait another 349 days for your bullopinions (note: OPINIONS) to prove out to be false yet again?
Oh wait-
>The relative motion of the Moon-Earth system is a functional rest frame for purposes of this scenario.<
You still working on "Massive Space Time"? Didn't you set up your own forum? Whatsamatter? The .17 hits-per-day it gets just isn't enough to satisfy your personal ego? Oh wait- did you just now realize that when you went away, the silent majority wouldn't follow you? Because if so, I pity you for the vast spance between "your ego" and "reality".
And while we're at it, how's New Zealand?
So where was I? Oh yeah-
>I could explain to you a dozen different ways how a car could be going at 400 pounds... I think the job of physicists is to put things like this into formulas.<
Oh yeah- it is the job of physicists to put into mathematical formulas new concepts. Why? Because they are classically trained and ultimately objective- and that is why you fail. (And for the record, this is why I will never argue with Darby.)
So here are some words to bake your noodle: every advance in phyiscs is one step closer to metaphysics. PLEASE disagree with this.
Or in other words:
>"When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong." -Arthur C Clarke<
Jmpet 5/7/07
You know what else is really funny? I wrote:
>He can then open a theme park in the year 2507 called "2007 Land" that's full of people he time travelled from 2007. He'll be a hero and everyone will love him and it only costs him five bucks.< on 4/27/07.
And wham bam- the very next day "Sigo2507" registers with this forum and starts posting here- and his first post is amagingly in reply to my "2507" reference:
>Forget that specific trust fund. What are the chances that a concept even remotely resembling money will survive into the 26th?<
Oooh- lemmie guess... you're from the future, right? And proof of this is your callous dismissal of any topic on this forum, right? "Because you done know better than 'present-time folk' ", right? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
You and Rainman can both go away now. Here's a place to go:
After all- they get .17 hits a day!!! They can use the exposure /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif