Yer another time traveling claim

Re: Yet another time traveling claim

I tend to agree. However, I have seen jmpet play his tune here before. He just loves to play those polemics...

Doesn't mean you need to cooperate, though.

As can be obviously seen whenever he encounters someone who seeks to correct his erroneous thinking.

You are very right. It is, indeed, OBVIOUS. And since it is obvious to pretty much everybody, you shouldn't be afraid of the guy's slander. It's not like anybody here is going to take his word too seriously.

And there is another think you should consider: When you respond to Jmpet's senseless attacks with serious rebuttals, you - in a way - imply that his claims are worthy of a rebuttal. This is a big mistake, in my opinion. As the old saying goes: DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

can understand how a car can go 400lbs. i think RMT,darby and the rest do too. i think what is trying to be said is that "math" doesent comprehend it, and if it did, would cause many, many problems to arise.


Indeed, if you go a few posts back, you will see a nice example by Jmpet for an interpertation of the english statement "a car travelling at a speed of 400 pounds" which I was kind enough to translate to a mathematical formula. Of-course, such a translation cannot be exact, because the original statement is somewhat metaphorical.

By the way, physicists use such verbal shortcuts all the time. They could speek of electrons travelling at 40 GeV, even though "GeV" is a unit of energy rather than speed. Sometimes they will speak of the gamma factor instead of speed: "That electron is travelling at a gamma of 1.25". This simply means that the electron is 1.25 times heavier than an electron at rest (it also means that for that electron, time slows down by a factor of 1.25). Now, "an electron travelling at a gamma of 1.25" is no more than a fancy way to say "an electron travelling at 60% the speed of light". But sometimes, knowing the gamma is more important than knowing the actual speed. This is especially true when particles are accelerated very close to light speed - speaking of a gamma of (say) 10,000 is much more convinient than saying "99.9...% the speed of light".

But I digress. My point is that even scientists allow themselves to talk sloppily in a casual conversation. But when they sit down and actually do the math, they have to be more careful. The equations are like a computer program: If you don't feed them with the exact required input, they won't work.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

only thing I ask is that you live up to your own words and not be here. And if you will not go away, then I will go away.

Is that supposed to be a threat? :D

Please, do go away. And don't forget to lock the door behind you.

Good Riddance.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

well the idea has something to do with using electromagnetism to push away from the earths gravity, then eventually from another gravitational field. but its just a thought. i dont know if it works that way or not.

I am afraid I still don't understand what you are driving at. Perhaps a little more elaboration will help?
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

I don't bash; I bash back.

Ah... the immortal excuse of "he started it!". That's real mature, that's for sure. (and it even rhymes /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif )

And no- I don't think Sigo and Rainman are the same person- Rainman is much smarter than you albeit his retro-cranial inversionistic tendencies.

Quite right. And there is another difference. Rainman isn't from the future... Oops! I think I've blurted too much...

You want to get back to a discussion or shall we continue to flame each other?

Niether. Flaming is bad for your soul. And having a serious discussion with you is... well, impossible. So there has to be a third option.

I guess I could just ignore every post you make, but that wouldn't be much fun, would it?
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

and to RMT: man, your way too smart to be lowering yourself to that level. all jmpet is doing is coming up with ideas from his extremely constructive mind. he thinks he knows it all without knowing the math behind it, and that is a fault. i'm sure he already realizes that, but feels that he's being treated like an idiot.

I assure you, Ruthless, that nobody treated Jmpet like an idiot in the beginning.

There is nothing "idiotic" or shameful about not knowing the math. I don't form my opinion on people based on their scientific knoweldge, and I'm sure that Rainman is smart enough to do the same. Nobody knows everything. Everybody has topics in which he is completely ignorant about. Yeah, sure, me and Rainman know alot about science. But there are plenty of other things we don't have clue on.

There is nothing wrong with all of this. The problem begins, when a person tries to be something he is not. Imagine me trying to debate an expert on (say) ancient celtic poetry, even though I know absolutely nothing about the subject. Imagine further, that I start attacking the guy personally, doubting his credentials for absolutely no good reason. Now, that is what I call "idiotic".

I would also like to point out, that I've seen science professors behave in exactly the same way on topics they know nothing about. Idiotic arrogance knows no boundaries. It strikes people of all fields and all professions. And it is never a good thing.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

kayla7399 writes: i am writing a paper on time travel for my english 101 class and i need to interview somebody that is interested in and knowledgeable about the topic. there are only 3 questions, your insights would be greatly appreciated.
1. do you think time travel is possible?
2. if it was possible, would you do it? if so, would you go backwards or forwards?
3. what are some possible ramifications of time travel?
thank you for your time!

1. Time travel is inevitable- it will be discovered here in 2009.
2. I am from 2044. I am actually one of you posters but much older, although I have not yet showed up on this site. This site will be taken down in 2011 and all this information will be lost.
3. The universe has a way of working itself out on its own. If B happens before A does, then C must happen to make it all make sense.
The time machine must always be much larger than the thing it's transporting through time- it's just gotta be that way. The larger something is, the easier it is to duplicate.

The Louvre spent several million Euro duplicating the Mona Lisa in 2037, because larg(er) chips started falling off it. They assembled a team of artisans and philosophers- mostly French- and rendered an image 13 times the original size- 1001 X 689 cm. The finished image was printed actual size and looks better than the original- it has no cracks. Personally I think it's missing something. They also put a microdot on it- for 350 Euro you can put your name on it. The 20,000+ names partially financed the project, mine included. This is a good analogy for how time travel works.

The problem with time traveling is that moment you pop out of existence- because at some moment, any moment, you will pop out of existence in that time- this is called "time traveling". That moment you pop out, there is a vacuum left where you used to be, and this is a big deal because the surrounding air- and to a larger degree spacetime itself- will slam shut at Planck speed and bad stuff can happen to the spacetime you just popped out of.

My time machine works like a deli meat slicer- that way the reduction to zero is gradual and controled- this is overcompensated by a gravity field that collapses when I am gone. If anything goes wrong with the time machine, it will be to the user, not to the universe around him. Those are the risks we take...
Just in time for Christmas...

The flow of everything tangable in the universe is one direction- forward. To reverse the direction of any tangable mass- anything larger than CBR- requires a greater force than the entire universe. And to complicate matters, everything in the universe in every domain is interconnected. But there is a shortcut.

C=ME2. The opposite of Einstein's equasion. Call it external thinking- if you could imagine the universe as a thing- as something you can look at- then E=MC2 makes no sense. Energy is not equal to mass and acceleration- for the universe to be a thing, only C=ME2 makes sense- acceleration is equal to mass times energy.

Mass and energy are connected and interchangable. There is no way to have matter without energy (absolute zero) and there is no way to have energy without mass (EM R). Both energy and matter are expressions of acceleration. It is impossible to remove all the acceleration from either matter or energy- energy and matter must have quotents of acceleration to exist.

So everything in the universe is an expression of acceleration- this acceleration naturally comes from the Big Bang. The way to overcome this is to manipulate acceleration- and then you will manipulate matter and energy... you'll warp space and allow a host of things to happen including time travel. This is all high school physics in 2044.

ZPE mentioned a vacuum- a vacuum is an impossibility. Think Schrodinger's Cat- how can that cat breathe in that sealed box?

EMANLIVE queries if time travel has been done before. From the 2044 perspective, it is much easier to believe that a good portion of lottery winners in this present are time travelers- or people with knowledge from the future. Ever notice how people tend to win a hundred million dollars then disappear?

N_JONES asks about Las Vegas. Dice are subatomic in nature- the breath of the dice roller is a factor to the outcome of the roll. Scientists tried rolling dice in a vacuum and could never correctly predict the outcome. Same goes with the shuffling of cards- it's subatomically random and interdependant on everything- changeable by everything- impossible to predict even for a time traveler.

27BRIGADE queries if we can ever prove time exists at all. We can't- but we also can't prove time doesen't exist either.

ZPE mentions a tree falling in the woods. It definetly would have an impact- absolutely- regardless of an observer- simply because eventually there will be an observer. And if there never is an observer, the tree never fell.

ZPE then queries about entropy. Entropy is offset by universal evolution- the tendency of matter to attract to other matter- the most fundamental principle that rules our universe. The more something evolves, the less it requires entropy to exist. Entropy and evolution balance each other- we're somewhere in-between.

DENNIS mentions thermodynamics 2. This is the balance between entropy and evolution.

ZPE mentions quantum foam. There are only seven dimensions- six we are able to concieve of. There are not ten or eleven- the problem with math is that it is infinite- that eventually- with enough math- you will find an answer. And there is only one tangable universe and time travel is a natural part of it.

ZPE mentions the elegant universe. There is nothing more beautiful than the surface of Mars- it shows us what four billion years of shuffling can produce- blueberries of silicon surrounded by carbon- protolife. All it's missing is a HTV.

ZPE then WILDSTAR mention waveforms in a bowl of water. Have you ever considered you're corrupting the experiment by having a bowl and liquid water in it? Why are these set parameters? You just won a million dollars!

Hey folks- I am Jon. Time traveler from 2044. Floor's open-
Okay- I'll try to explain myself better. E=MC2 defines our universe. The universe is made up of energy and matter, but it's not just sitting there- it's all doing something. Energy is moving in any and all directions at light speed and matter is interacting with other matter, and energy and matter interact with each other as well to form this dynamic universe. Think of any matter or any energy in the universe- it's doing something- it's considered four dimensional- it exists in time. This means that energy and matter are both aspects of acceleration.

Now think of the most inert thing you can think of- a single atom of hydrogen in free space a million light years away from any galaxy. What is it doing there? Whatever it is doing, it's not just sitting there- it's moving in one direction in this void. It's like a speck of dust on the surface of a lake- it has definable properties. If you can remove the motion of this atom below that of the cosmic background radiation (CBR), it will effectively pop out of existence. Dr. Michio Kaku can explain this better- it's his concept.

Now we take a tennis ball and we are going to remove all its acceleration. First we have to get it off the surface of the Earth- we are rotating at 1,000 miles an hour. Then we have to get it out of the solar system- we are orbiting at 250,000 miles an hour. Then we have to get it out of the Milky Way- it's moving at 2.5 million miles an hour. And finally we have to get it away from the galaxies- they're all moving in unison towards "The Great Attractor" at a fraction of light speed. If we could do all of that, the tennis ball would no longer be a part of the universe- it would no longer be subject to time in any fashion- this is Kaku's Time.

Now imagine a sliding scale. On one end is matter and on the other end is energy. EveryTHING in the universe has its own sliding scale qualities like this- everything is either matter or energy and exists somewhere on this definable scale (and matter and energy are interchagable). Energy has virtual mass and matter is bound by the strong nuclear force of energy. Once you realize that everyTHING is made up partially of the same THINGS, you can manipulate it- this is Kaku's Time. In really simple terms you could take energy, which is .000001% mass and amplify it's mass properties to make it more inert- this is what Mallard duck is trying to do in Conneticut.

Now Schrodinger's Cat. In theory, we don't know if the cat is alive or dead until we open the box- this is because of a subatomic random occurance which will affect the cat. The thought experiment serves to point out that things get weird when you have one domain affecting a larger domain- entanglement. This is an invalid argument because for this to work, we need to seal the cat off from the outside and it's impossible to do this- even black holes leak. If we sealed the cat in the box to open it later and find a dead cat, any of a host of things could have happened to kill the cat, any of a host of things could have broken that radioactive vial- it is impossible to prove entanglement really happened which makes it unpredictable.

Instead of sealing the cat in a box, let's put the cat in a sphere in a highly magnified room. With a strong enough magnetic force, entanglement becomes possible- you're overcoming the properties of what's inside the sphere with a stronger controlled force- magnetism. And since you control the magnetism (and since everyTHING exists on the same sliding scale including magnetism), you can do weird stuff like time travel. This is a fundamental principle- this is why planets form, why atoms are atoms, why we have suns, what paramecium are and so on- this is how to overcome entropy- to form a sphere with properties equal to that entropy which will allow stuff to safely exist inside it, like DNA. This concept is one year of high school physics.

On another note, waveforms in the bowl with the water is The Navier-Stokes Equation. There is no solution I am aware of, but there is a million dollars for whoever solves it.

I posted here in response to JONFR's original question and touched on other comments to provide a mental picture of how time travel could work. One of you guys mentioned building you own time machine- well- here's how you do it.

So sorry. I apologize- I did not realize how complicated it is. The science behind time travel is the same science that operates toaster ovens and I Phones- it's something that makes no sense until you can see it, then it makes perfect sense. I know as much about the time machine I went through as the average person knows about a car's engine- my knowledge is basic and secondary to the fact that it works. Am I to assume that if your car breaks down you know how to fix it because you drive it?

I am no physicist, I am just a normal person. I was not trained in a secret labratory or military base and the only prime directive I stick to is not interfering with my own existence- either of them. In many ways, the discovery of time travel ends the debate between science and religion and at that point everyone starts thinking bigger. If it helps or clears anything up for you, here is the basic idea as I understand it.

The Big Bang was a big bang- it happened everywhere. All motion in the universe exists as a consequence of the big bang- the past 14 billion years have been a process of this acceleration in all directions organizing itself- "galaxies and planets don't accidentally form accretion disks". There are different realms within the universe and matter and energy act differently in each of them. The interaction between these realms is what makes the universe so infinite and unique but pared down, all that is happening in the universe is quotents of acceleration are trading off with each other.

Looking at this website in more detail, I see that time travelers tend to appear out of nowhere and start babbling their babble and selling their story. It usually starts with a bold assertion and leads to even bolder predictions- the Chicken Little Syndrome. Well I have no story to tell or scientific breakthrough to disclose, I am here to change a few tiny things, experience things of interest that are history where I came from and get rich. History between today and 2044 is a consecutive series of events- some big, some little and all of them slowly shape the world around us over time. But in the end, the history between 2006 and 2044 will be nothing more than history- something that can fill a magazine or a TV show.

With that said, the sky's not falling, the aliens aren't coming for us, the world is not about to fall apart and I was not sent here to stop it. I came here because I used to post here a long time ago and in the end, nothing I say here will have any direct impact on anything else- there aren't any time cops lurking around here or scientists looking for new ideas- it's just us folks chatting. When this site comes down, this information will be lost.
Everything happens in cycles. History will show that the fall of the USSR was at the hands of America- we simply bought them out. Reagan started an arms race he knew we would win- the more nukes they made, the less other stuff they could. Eventually the USSR will simply fell apart. This does not make America morally superior, it only makes us more clever. Honestly- what practical use are 30,000 nuclear weapons anyway? A dozen is enough.

It will be interesting to see how the US and Europe together resolve the impending financial troubles facing the world. As far as the proliferation of handguns in America goes, America lives by the sword. It would be really sad to see this great nation bought down by other people with more clever methods for no other reason than we, like the former USSR, were simply in the way.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim


Personal time travel will be a reality in 2044. I have The Branson Foundation to thank for getting me here. The science of time travel was discovered in 2009 and several governments started building their own time machines- so did Branson. Branson made several self-sufficient co-operative communities- solar panel roofs, heat tubes, windmills etc.. you'll hear about it soon. The community would sell the excess energy back to the grid which would pay the taxes on the house. In effect, he was creating a new utility company- Virgin Electric.

It took decades to develop the time machine- in the beginning it was only atoms. The time machine is little more than two metal balls- one is fixed and the other- with you in it- orbits. The outer ball is about 5 feet across, double walled and made of metal.

The outer ball opens and you get in. It's contoured to fit a body and there is a large hose to breathe. There's also a compartment under the seat for personal effects and nothing else- it's tight. I sold my house, cashed in my retirement account and brought back gold bars for currency. They search to make sure you don't have any "identifying marks from the future". The #1 reason for rejection is tattoos.

You get in, they seal the ball and it inflates to compact you very tightly- you cannot move. Like being in a car with front, side and back airbags deployed- it's quite uncomfortable. You're not supposed to eat for 24 hours before you go in- vomit kills.

Then they turn it on and you start to orbit the central ball. Both balls are magnetized and are mutually attractive. It's a balancing act between magnetism and centrifigal force- this is their "Coca-Cola recipe" that makes it work. The spinning forces the balls apart but the magnetism holds them together.

You feel almost nothing as the machine is on- the space between the balls is filled with a fluid and converts most of the momentum to electricity which further powers the machine- and you're squeezed so tight in there anyway. When the ball reaches a breaking point, you are sent back in time in packets. It's instantaneous but it takes many millionths of a second for it to happen- most of them are duplicate information. They tell you this to make you feel better about it but still make you sign legal releases to go. This is where the huge energy requirement comes in- enough to power a city.

Eventually the ball opens and you come out. The room is shaped like "The Incredible Motor Mouse Cat Toy"- I recently saw that toy in a pet shop and had a good laugh- I had to buy one. It took me a while to realize where I was- I thought something was wrong but then realized I was in a different room with different people all around me. I was lightheaded when I got out but it went away quickly.

I watched several documentaries before I came here- one was a half hour show on how the time machine works with narraration by the computer voice HAL. Most of the others are history shows to get you used to the time you're going. Apart from that there is no other training- you just get in, breathe and that's it although you do have to stay there for a week before you go.

My lawyer made all the arrangements for me to come here including pay the $15 million dollar price tag in exchange for some information I must tell his present self here. The Branson Foundation embedded a microchip in my head to keep tabs on me- embedding is popular in the future with younger people although I don't know why.

I am free to do what I want here- the only repercussions are to myself. But to live here, there's a lot of rules I have to follow- where to live, how to live etc. My current self can't know I am here- that would alter me, so I live 1,000 miles away from him. My lawyer helped me establish my identity here- I use the same social security number and identity but I am a lot older than my current self here- I can't pass for a 24 year old. Worst that can happen is my current self gets audited one day and finds out someone was using his identity like the million other people this happens to.

I came to this website because I used to post here and have not yet started. By the time my current self does, I will be gone and it's OK for him to find out at that time but not now- it only affects me.
How can you say this? Let's assume time travel is real for a moment and you can go back in time. Are they- the people who built the time machine- going to allow you to alter history? These people spent billions of dollars building this machine- why would they let someone alter history and undo all of their work? Don't you think those inventors have their own agenda as well?

Strip searching before you go in is protocol. Most people don't get to go because of tattoos on their bodies, many others get caught trying to sneak something in with them. You know all the money you're spending today on airport security- you know- the see through x-ray machine? They still have that in the future.

Most people want to live in the past because they want to be rich- plan and simple. Some people do it for nostalgic reasons, most people do it to try and get rich in the past and live a very comfortable life.

Now let's say a time traveler gets through with blueprints- what are they going to do with them- sell them on eBay? Give them to the government and never be seen again? Try and sell them to someone rich? What good are blueprints for a 20 billion dollar machine?

Getting rich in the past is not as easy as it seems. Lotteries and gambling is totally random and based on EVERYTHING. If you had a time machine that sent you 5 seconds into the past, you could not predict winning numbers accurately enough to win- it just works that way. It is possible to do but requires signifigantly more energy than time traveling and already this is a ton of energy.
Hi all-

I have been lurking here for a while and decided to formally introduce myself. I am a time traveler from the year 2044. I got here by a time machine invented by The Branson Foundation in the future. Time travel was discovered in 2009 when subatomic particles successfully appeared before they were sent and a working theory developed by Dr. Michio Kaku started a "time machine race" to see who could make one first. The Branson Foundation was first.

The practical development of time travel took over 25 years to develop- first with particles then atoms then single celled organisms. By 2040, humans could safely time travel.

The principle of time travel is derived from an inside out way of looking at the universe and side-stepping time, simply put. I can explain more but I am no scientist- this new science is well known in the 2040's- it's taught in high school. Simply put, energy and matter are expressions of acceleration, or C=ME2, or "first person energy". The time machine looks kinda like a centrifuge, like the ones NASA uses. Time travel occurs when a ratio exists between magnetism and gravity- at that moment you pop in and out of existence, or time travel.

What what makes time travel really work is they have to send information back in time first- blueprints for a "landing base". They're working on a way to go forward in time but it's a lot harder to do. I mean, you can do it, but it's a different concept altogether, different machine.

Anyone can time travel in 2044, but it's a private venture and costs $15 million per person and it's a one way trip. The government has not outlawed time travel and many people oppose it but causality rules in the past- any direct change to your past will affect you, so if you gave yourself tomorrow's lottery tickets, you'd alter your own past and cease existing. Dozens of people have already traveled back to pre-2044 years- mostly old rich people and a couple of celebrities. I think of it as living in witness protection- I have to stay away from myself, so I live in of all places Celebration Florida.

I am also a Titor fan so I see the irony in that, but Disney is the perfect place for a time traveler to stay- in a place full of random strangers and everyone's on vacation. And Disney looks the same as it does in 2044 only with less rides- it's kinda like being back in my time. My lawyer paid for my time traveling trip, I also cashed in everything I had and brought gold bars with me for money and have sold most of them already, he picked the arrival date.

I am here visiting this site because I used to post messages here, but my younger self hasn't started to yet so it's okay for me to post. When my younger self reads this it'll be a good laugh, so this will be my "diary of a time traveler" for him to read. This site also comes down in 2011 and by 2044 is long gone, so no causality- when time travel is discovered, a million time traveling websites pop up and this one gets lost in the shuffle.

I have enough knowledge to invest properly and not worry about money down the road- this is one of the perks, but causality rules so small amounts of a lot of stocks over a long period of time and I'll be one of the million millionaires in America.

There are some wonderful inventions coming in the next decade- practical applications of new technologies that make everyone's lives easier. No more waiting on checkout lines in the future, your whole shopping cart gets scanned at once and autobilled. It's just funny to actually stand on a checkout line in this time. Stuff like that that just makes life easier. Cars in the future are equipped with sensors to detect the road ahead to avoid hitting anything- here you can still get run over by a drunk driver... stuff like that. It's just "the future" from this perspective.

So... hello fellow humans. We come in peace.

For as long as man has lived, he has predicted his own doom. This is because we as humans realize we are taking everything from nature and adding nothing to it. The Mayan prediction of 2012 has weight, especially when you consider they predicted their own doom, but nothing bad will happen in 2012. If nothing else, 2012 is the kick in the butt the Native Americans needed to take their land back and they've already begun doing it today by buying us out. In the 20's, there will be many Federal laws passed more or less against the Native Americans to limit their control of the lands in this country- it's a sticky issue.

You have to understand these are large issues you are bringing up. First, alternative energy gets the much needed Federal funding to make it cost effective. In short, anyone can sell energy to the grid. So the Native Americans start buying up thousands of acres of land, putting windmills and solar panels on them to generate enough money to pay the taxes on the land and do nothing with it- keep it the sacred land it always was. After about a million acres, the government gets involved.

Richard Branson smells blood and gets in on the act too. He develops a way to build a self-sufficient, co-operative planned communities that generate their own utilities and in effect pay for the land they're on- this in turn creates Branson Utility as he controls the excess energy. This energy he uses to make a time travel machine- the one I went through. Each house costs about $200,000 and comes with free electricity for your home and car- from there it's rather simple: pay $3.50 a gallon for gas or pay nothing for an electric car... the cost savings from not having to buy gas ($4,000 a year, $333 a month) is more than enough to finance a brand new electric car so what would you rather have- an old gas guzzler or a brand new electric car?

This is the wave of the future- no sudden, dramatic events that shape the lives of everyone, life just starts getting easier. Cars in the future are like cell phones today- they're cheap, easily interchangable and easily upgradable. One car can last over 20 years- people spend their money on new bodies for their chassis instead of buying a new car. The cars are mostly plastic and made of less than 1,000 parts that are mostly universal. They don't go as fast on the highway which reduces the number of fatalities on the road and computer assist speeds up driving by shortening the route and reducing traffic on the roads. There's a flap over tagging every card on the road but the government assures us it's anonymous information.

Once you have this different perspective, you're suddenly not so worried about the Middle East anymore- we don't need them for gas and as of 2044 are watching them slowly spiral into financial ruin.

There's also a lot more land in the future- many projects building private island resorts all over the place- the new place to go is the dead middle of the Pacific Ocean for a vacation on the floating islands.

I am 62 years old. I came back here basically to retire and accumulate wealth ultimately to leave it all for my younger self here, who is 24 years old. 62 isn't old in 2044- 120 is, but I have bad genes and won't see the decade out.

There is not much difference between now and 2044 but there's a lot of little differences- life is simply easier. Someone from 2044 would fit in here just as much as someone here fitting into the 1960's. You guys should really get off your butts and start protesting the end of this endless war- it will only bankrupt our nation and make us militarally inept in the world scene, but I suppose it's a good thing to let someone else run the world for a while.

There's lots of new gadgets in the future but they are for the kids of the future. 3DTV is one thing I miss- it's kinda like the projection screens of today except it's several projectors in the corners of the room which work in sync to well... make it look like Star Wars. A top of the line unit costs over $15,000 and renders life sized images- families with kids have them for the games- I had a beat up old HDTV I sold for $300. They'll have virtual shopping assistants in stores which I find mostly annoying- they're walking commercials. There will be a lot of fabric inventions over the next 20 years- smarter clothes and new uses for fabric where it used to be structural steel.

People still smoke in the future but health insurance doesn't pay for smoke-related illnesses. Social Security is still working and is a lot more self-sufficient- people get less but their bills are paid- it becomes more "federalized".

Entertainment in the future is 3DTV games. The TV, computer, cell phone, IPhone and everything else electronic pretty much merges over the next 30 years. There's nothing more heart stopping than coming home and getting attacked by a horde of 3D orc soldiers. School still has teachers, IBooks and TV shows- education as a whole has gotten a lot more accessable. There is a fine line between convenience and freedom.

What kinds of races? The same there are now. The Native Americans are more prominent in the future and many Mexicans move to reservation land communities in the states. There is more a religous shift than a cultural one in the years to come.

Anyone can time travel, but it's a private enterprise and costs $15 million a pop. There's a waiting list and qualifications you must meet, but ultimately it's a for-profit venture- the ultimate reality ride. There are currently no laws against time travel but that will probably change soon- in 2044 it's the newest gadget to have, new "coolest thing to do".

No one has directly violated history yet from my perspective and if they do, the cost is to their existence... this is a really complicated premise- Titor was right about the infinite worldlines but ultimately there's only one reality so he really wasn't right. You can go back in time and assume there is somewhere for you to land, but unless they email the specs back in time first to build the landing base, you simply won't appear in the past.

I am not "THE" John Titor. I am a regular person with a regular name. For kicks, I assumed the name "Jon Titor" here as well as my username, which will be a popular word/nickname in the future. Re: hdrkid- What old 1920's car- there's lots of antique cars in 2044 all over the place. And I am an old man- I don't run around any tracks- I go to live shows of people who are dead in 2044 and eat dinner at 4:30 like everyone else around here.

Re: cars. They don't have "self driving cars" although they do have autopilot for emergencies (and used by drunks) which goes at 25 mph. The vast majority of deaths avoided in the future are from reckless driving and accidents from dangerous road conditions which will be vastly reduced.

1. Food and water is the same in the future, although people do eat less meat. Coca Cola still looks and tastes the same. The wave of futuristic food that tastes like the real thing kinda died out when people started demanding the real stuff, so farmers went to work and everyone is happy.

2. A time machine is technically also a teleporter, although they could work as time machines. A one way trip costs you $15 million.

3. There is only one tangable universe, but things can change in time. This is tricky- I time traveled assuming that in 2006 they recieved the blueprints and made the recieving station- if they didn't, either nothing would happen or I would simply pop out of existence. Dozens of people went before I did so I was pretty sure at that point.

If I knocked on my current self's house door and he opened it, I would pop out of existence and he would have a really strange experience... the universe works itself out- it just does. The time machine works on an inverted E=MC2 theory- one in which both matter and energy are quotents of acceleration. Titor said something like "I set the coordinates and landed in the spot and the universe wrapped itself around me and I was here" and this is technically true but it's also not- there are not infinite worldlines.

Richard Branson is currently a billionaire and is looking into space travel. In a few years he'll look into time travel and to clear the sequence of events- first subatomic particles are sent, then years more research is done, then Kaku writes his theory, then a lot of people and governments go about trying to make one from his idea. No one person was responsible for time travel.

Cars in the future do not drive themselves. You don't get in one and say "take me here" and it does. However, cars can drive themselves in an emergency like a heart attack. They get in the right lane, go under 25mph and put their hazard lights on. The police are supposed to stop these people because there is an emergency, so many drunk drivers get busted that way- they pass out, the car takes over and they wake up in a prison cell. You could have true autopilot but that requires magnets buried all over the road and there's over 100,000 miles of road in America- it's not practical.

Clinton is the President in 2008 for one term followed by Giuliani, who is replaced by Spencer from 2015-2024. Apart from that I cannot predict without affecting the outcome- although it has already happened, where I am now it is uncertain.

There are actually less Indian Casinos in the future- they are currently buying America but don't worry- they're the good guys.

You guys should feel proud- everyone in the future wants to live here and now.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim


My lawyer paid for my trip in exchange for information that prevents an innocent man from going to prison. Presumably the money originates from that client but I have no direct connection to him and he doesn't know who I am. The information does not violate "temporal law"- that person serves several years in jail before evidence comes to light that frees him, I am simply pointing out that information now. I also retained my lawyer's younger self to set me up here- arrange my hotel room those first few nights, get me duplicate IDs etc. I do not have a driver's license because I can't pass for a 24 year old. It's nearly impossible to "simply assume a new identity" both here and in the future.

You spend a week at the facility before your trip. This time is spent acclimating you to where you are going and there are several programs you have to watch. Among them are the films "The Terminal" and "The Dead Zone"- both for the lessons they impart to the time traveler. They strip search you before you go and give you 2006 clothes- Old Navy. I was allowed to bring gold but it's small bars with no serial numbers.

As far as the "recieving end" here- keep in mind a good 30 years went by between the discovery of time travel and the ability to send someone back in time. They send back information to construct an underground room and keep it clear. Once again this is 2044 technology... all the thinking was done on the sending end. All that arrives here is a ball with a person inside it- not a time machine. If they don't build the "landing base" in the past, the time machine won't work- you'll either decorporealize or nothing will happen. Dozens of people went before me so I know it works.

The ball is about 5 feet across and opens in half. You get into the contoured interior in a seated position and lean forward to put a large air tube in your mouth to breathe- it also prevents you from biting your tongue. They seal the ball and it inflates on the inside so you can't move. The trip takes about 10 minutes and you really don't feel the movement that much- you're packed tight. Both balls are magnetized and you start orbiting at increasing speeds. As you speed up, you start getting pulled away from the central ball but magnetism holds you in place- that is the technique that allows time travel- a ratio between magnetism and gravity... the "Coca Cola recipe" that makes Branson's machine work when other identical ones don't. You don't move at relativistic speeds- this is a new science altogether... simply put, it side steps light speed. I'll give an example.

The nearest star is 4.3 light years away. In a spaceship that can travel 90% light speed, this is about 5 years' time. Imagine a ship taking this journey, only they are also broadcasting a radio station (non-stop information) back to Earth. Well if you're moving 90% light speed one way and sending a transmission at 100% light speed the other way, the information will ultimately travel 10% at light speed back to Earth, at 100% light speed. In effect, back on Earth they recieve this broadcast at a tenth normal speed.

So the spaceship spends 5 years getting there and 5 getting back. They return to the Earth 10 years later to discover that 55 years have passed, not ten. Why? Because those 5 years you were going away from the Earth, you were dialating time 90%... 5 years becomes 50. Did you go faster than light speed? No. Then how did you travel through time? You simply side-stepped time. This is the basic idea.

Other questions...

Don't worry about the military. The UN are our friends... ths is not an issue in the future.

New fabrics: buildings made of fabric that outperform traditional houses.

Moon yes, Mars no, Titan no, Europa no. And surprise- Pluto has DNA on it.

Money is not our god, but money makes the world go round. I could have either settled down in my 2044 home and lived out my years there or traveled back to here and become rich. It's more fun being here because I already was here... the world doesn't change that much in 40 years, it just gets a lot more convenient, so I deal with checkout lines and pin numbers and such.

There is a fine line between convenience and freedom. The more convenient things become, the more information they know about you. This is really great when you go food shopping but ultimately someone somewhere is keeping records of your every purchase- like if you buy too much bleach or lye or rat poison. You walk into a store and the holosim calls you by your name and walks you through the store pointing out what the computer predicts you're going to buy. It's convenient, but at a certain point you start feeling like a rat in a maze. See "Minority Report".

This kind of information is double edged because they can more accurately predict demand but ultimately what they're doing is limiting supply. But on a positive note, many things get done because the computer models are very accurate at predicting future sales based on all this information... they can tell you if "new minty wintergreen" is worth making before it's made which opens a whole new door to capitolism.

What makes America great is the freedom of choice. It's walking into a super store and having 25 different kinds of toilet paper to choose from. America started a financial war against Russia in the 80's with nuclear weapons. Russia couldn't compete because they also had to provide toilet paper to the people because of how Communism works and we used that to bankrupt them which we did rather well. Many fear this is what is slowly happening to America in 2044.

As far as "temporal violations" go, if I met my younger self I would pop out of existence in a Planck Unit. So I stay clear of myself and in a random place full of strangers and no one notices me.

Isreal is fine in 2044... everything calms down when we start implementing alternative energy and stop demanding so much oil from The Middle East- you're 5% of the human population and use 33% of the world supply of oil- how long can that last? Iran is not our enemy.

No one drops nukes on anyone. Nuclear weapons are dangerous things- all that radioactivity in the air in a closed system planet... no one wins. They considered "sledding" nuclear waste at the sun to get rid of it but it's too risky. Chernobyl is still radioactive, although they did reseal it. They're slowly dismantling nuclear power plants in the future as more communities become energy independant.

Re: Indians. There are about 40 million acres for sale in America at any given time. They start buying tracks of land and do nothing to it. They're not taking over or anything, they just realized the way to get their lands back from the white man is to buy them with US dollars. Many "white people" live on "reservations" which suits them fine. It's really not a bad thing but policing can be a problem.

Re: civil war. Yeah- a civil war started in 2005, you all just don't realize it yet. This is what makes Titor's Tale so interesting. Don't worry about raving bands of looters- this is more a financial meltdown than anything else. What makes America strong is our capacity to provide for ourselves without any help from the government so we won't crumble like Russia did back in the 80's. Dollar stores are cool- everything in there is a dollar and most of it is new plastic. You don't need someone from the future to tell you any of this- look at how America is today and look at how the rest of the world lives and you can see where it's going.

Big cities. They "sand blasted" part of Panama to better distribute the seas, but erosion is a problem. Cities are still around but the move is out towards a self-sufficient co-op unit... it just makes sense. They also built many islands in the gulf and are talking about reclaiming the entire gulf- but this is a huge project. Japan is much larger in 2044. New megacarbons are popular in the future and help the Earth get greener.

The largest medical advance is genetic, specifically inoculations against specific diseases. This mutates people but it works. No artificial blood in the future yet. When science links nuclear testing to cancer, the world pretty much realizes why we're all so sick.
All electronics merge into one super hand held device, you can plug it into your 3DTV for more excitement. Tech swapping is a lot more popular in the future- you simply subscribe to any of a host of game sites and play. There are laws and restrictions against holosims in public for obvious reasons.

Big living rooms are in style. I am sure people still play Pong in the future but with all the advances, it's a waste of photons- I never got into that stuff. Online role playing is cool- Warcraft is still popular in 2044.

You won't materialize inside a wall if the recieving end is not up- the machine just won't work. The only thing that can go wrong is if something goes wrong and you don't reappear in another time. Another word for this is decorporalization, another word for it is dead. It's like mailing someone a cell phone so when they get it I can call them.

I know my life's history and know I do not go to Celebration, Fla in this time. History as I know it is the same here, I can only screw it up by altering it and then I'll be just as in the dark about future events as anyone else.
You know- it's funny. I didn't realize I was making predictions. For me, I was simply talking history in a place I safely can.

Re: the ten clocks in a room. The only thing I can figure out is that clocks work through acceleration in discreet quotents- by simply having them all on the same floor is enough for them to eventually sync. I think through the randomness of each clock that eventually they will all work in sync at some point but once in sync it requires more energy to wack them out of sync again... this is a good example of acceleration affecting both energy and matter.

I am no government employee or spy or whatever else you claim I am. It would be easy (and glamorous for me) to simply assume I am but the reality of it is I'm just a normal guy. And if I was a BS merchant, by definition I'd have something to sell. This only leaves "delusional" and I can live with that- I've been called worse. I just think you folks are used to people appearing out of nowhere with dire predictions of impending doom. But if you look back at history such events are few are far between.

If you could go into a time machine back to 9/10/01, would you take steps to prevent it? Keep in mind several years have gone by between then and now- millions of people were born and died within that time... lots and lots of other stuff has happened. Preventing 9/11 would start a new history entirely- one in which you may not exist. For that matter, would you go back and stop Pearl Harbor and Hitler and Napoleon and King George III?

If you went back and stopped 9/11, millions of different people would have been born and millions of others would pop out of existence. What if one of those people was destined to cure cancer? What if one of them will become the next Hitler? Who knows. So who is to say what is permissible to alter in history and what is not?

As far as alternate timelines etc... as I said from the outset it's a complicated concept. Infinite multiple worlds may really exist, but there is only one reality. Imagine two worldlines five seconds in the future- in one of them you get up and leave the room. In the other, you stay in your chair. A thousand years down the line there will be two radically different universes. Well- you staying or going is not enough energy to create a new reality. If it was, then there would be a Googol new universes created every Planck Unit and even if this is true, there would still be only one tangable reality.
I read the XavierCage thread and see many similarities, but just as many differences. My time machine is a one way trip, I am on no secret government mission- the machine's privately owned and commercially used, and most importantly- there is no Civil War.

It's funny because I was considering either an alternate timeline person popping into this universe or maybe someone from my future (as improbable as that is) but the history is all wrong. And I never knew time travelers were required to "come with dire news" or "come here to save you all" or whatever- sheesh...

In every time traveling movie I saw, there was always some emergency. Terminator, Time Cop, Minority Report etc... there's always people shooting at each other and such. Well, time doesn't work like that, it gradually changes. Like today, you people dream about going to the moon and in 2044 (it's really expensive to do but) it's possible. Like climbing Mt. Everest-

I was watching the show on The Discovery Channel and that was some amazing stuff. In 2044, Mt. Everest is more or less commercialized- climbing Everest in 2044 is like climbing Mt. McKinley today... it is a lot easier to do and a lot less people dying doing it.

Well, climbing McKinley today is like climbing Mt. Everest in 2044 the same way climbing Mt. Everest today is like going to the moon.

You guys have to understand America is a great place to live and this is a great time to live in it. Things will get worse in the future but they'll also get better in different ways. In the end, things become different and next thing you know- you're in the future... then you can look back at before the struggle to change began kind of like looking at the world pre-Pearl Harbor or 9/11 and seeing how simpler things were back then.

As to your other question, the only ways XavierCage could have been real is:

-If he popped in from an alternate universe. I say this because his history is different than mine.
-I am a phony
-I am XavierCage.

Well I am not XavierCage- by the time I (my younger self) started posting here, there apparently was no Civil War so 90% of the time traveler claims went right out the window then including XavierCage.

HOWEVER... if he STILL was real and he STILL altered this time... I suppose I would only see it over time. Considering the apparent urgency of XavierCage's message, there was some dire emergency that needed to be fixed. Whatever that dire emergency was that he altered, I would eventually see "dire concequences" of that resulting action/inaction.

For example, if the dire emergency was regarding the Presidency (as they all do), I would realize right after election night that something went wrong.

Personally the "I'll can only answer yes or no to questions" part is the funniest part of the story.

As to other questions,

I suppose the UNIX bug was a problem for some team of IT engineers who were getting paid $150,000 a year each to fix it and I am sure they did.

As far as the whole "Titor needed a 5100" story- several virtual transmissions (VTs) have been made of the Titor Saga from every angle. The concensus is that he needed them to secretly build his own time machine. When time traveling is discovered, a million websites pop up. VTs are like YouTube today but on a higher level- like Googling something and getting a million full length movies as replies.

Re: The internet in 2044. It's the worldnet. All the satellites in space link up to form the worldnet; the entire planet is wired everywhere... it's all one system. Computers in 2044 are very similar but with the addition of mediumware, which is like a million different USB devices each with their own memory card- "strap-on hardware".

It's funny that you mention Ford because they were a lame duck until the new Japanese ownership opened their wallsafes and pulled out their patents for electric cars. Of course by then it was too late- Japan already had the logsitics- they were already putting out one new electric car every 163 seconds.

This was one of the greatest disappointments of the future from my perspective- when Ford went Japanese. Nothing against Japan but this was Ford- you know- the AMERICAN company like Coca Cola and Rock and Roll.

The factories reopened and they started putting out "American Made" electric cars and we bought them because it made sense. And somewhere in the mix, the prestige Ford used to have went away. Only thing they had left was one small custom factory that put out $200,000 Mustangs for rich people.

That's one thing worth causality- all Japan did was walk in here, bow and take over our factories and we all lined up to work for Japan. Why the hell can't we make our own cars?
Re: Yet another time traveling claim


Q1. Is art more popular in your time line with respect to sports?

Art and sports are equally popular, so is the art of sports. I guess you could say people appreciate art more in the future. The art movement was driven by technology- new archival methods etc. People appreciate paintings more because there are so few new paintings (or oil painters) in 2044 and what we do have is disintegrating.

Q2. Is gold big in the future and when does the boom start.

Gold is the same it will always be- gold is gold. I paid about $1750 per ounce for the gold I brought here to sell for $550 an ounce but most of the difference is the cost of living- I brought about $250,000 in 2006 dollars-worth of gold back with me which is about a million in 2044 dollars.

Q3.John Titor said that the divergence factor is 2% between time lines in 1975 and that there was a possible split in the time line in that era? What is the divergence now? This will show how different our time lines are!

I can see where he's coming from because 1975 was a very important year for human history. If you went back to 1975 and killed a young Bill Gates, we'd all be in the stone age today. But there is only one reality and one history. Think of history as a physical book and in it are all events written from the Big Bang to the present. If I brought this book back to 2006 it would be a book of predictions, but everytime I predicted something I changed history (by predicting it) so all events associated with that event will unfold slightly differently.

Well- my mind is the book of memories and the only causality I have done in this time is post on this site, and this site comes down in five years. My being here alters the world around me... my breathing this air changes the air around me... causality. This is why John Titor's 2% divergence thing dosen't make much sense to me- just being here changes history. My goal is to not change MY history because if I did, I would cease to exist.

I am sure that if I am walking down the street tomorrow and push little Timmy out of the way of a Mack Truck I would be affecting a lot more lives than anything I am doing here and I would definetly push Timmy- I'm not going to stand by and let bad things happen.

Q4. Have you figured out the major differences between our time line and yours? John Titor said he could notice a few things.

The only difference between "this place and time" and "my history of this place and time" is my presence in it now in Florida. I am from the future.

Q5. From what you learned as a time traveler do you agree that free will is an illusion in which we choose a door, which results in our fate?

I like John Titor's analysis of it better: "We are the sum of the collective us's". Part of my being here is to test that very theory.

Q6. By changing our future in this timeline will it change your future in your timeline?

Think of the book. By changing events now, reality and history changes from this moment on too. Eventually the book will make no sense, then I won't be a time traveler anymore. This is why I stay away from my younger self. But upon my death, my younger self will recieve my inheritance.

Q7. Will Canada and Mexico join the US into one continental country?


Q8. If there is a crash in the US will a new currency be create for the country where the old currency is used for international affairs?

No. US dollars have a value across the world- that's what makes them valuable. In some African village, the shaman keeps a five dollar bill in his shoe just in case he has to flee with his life's savings. He does this because he knows America is strong and everyone takes American dollars.

Q9. What kind of music do you have?

I am an old man so don't ask me. But I am here to see some bands that are around now. I'd love to be able to find a way to get to Canada. Thought about sneaking over North Dakota then somehow establishing a Canadian identity so I could then use my Canadian passport to visit here but that's breaking several laws and it's unethical. One of history's greatest songwriters is going to die very soon.

Q10. Is the environment better?

Science goes a long way to fix the screwups we humans do. But we gotta stop screwing up.

Q11. Have Aliens been confirmed yet?


Q12. Will there be an economical crash due to the US federal deficit?

The US economy will do slightly better for the next 2 years, then better the next four. Then very good the next three, then okay from then on.

No, not Chuck Berry but damn- what a good idea! Jan 27, 2007 and it's not that far away from here- definetly worth doing. But no- you're about to lose another Beethoven: someone who is already legendary but upon death becomes immortal; someone grandkids will proudly say their grandpa once saw for real, live in person. Someone who transcends music. When it happens you won't immediately know who I am talking about but with time you'll know why I agreed to come to this specific time of all times. It's no one you can't figure out on your own and I am not into death pools.


I have a terminal disease and will not last the decade out. My choices were either to spend the remainder of my days in good old 2044 or go back to 2006 and do someone a favor and in the process alter my personal history to where perhaps I am not dying at the age of 62 and by doing so, continue to live on as a new, different person: my other, younger me and by doing so, I will continue to live on. With what little I have brought with me, I have a plan to amass $25 million in the next three years ultimately to leave to my other, younger, current self and the time between now and then is my personal retirement time in the lap of luxory in Celebration, Florida.

I plan to violate uncertainty and directly alter my own past. In the process I will cease to exist, so my lawyer has instructions to make all this happen after my death and burial, which is not too far off. I know in my history no one ever appeared out of the blue with $25 million in stocks, bonds, land holdings and gold bars all in my name and all legal so this exercise called "my personal existence" is an experiment in reality. My being here now here is an added bonus for my future self to one day discover online as "yet another time traveling hoax".
>>Gold performance is not as good as I expected only 5.89% per year from 2007 to 2044. Currently GIC are around 4-5% and they are guaranteed.<<

Yes, but gold is gold, gold will always be gold.

Q13) Any stock tips?

I will be investing almost exclusively in new technologies- things that run the world in 2044... they're far less causal. As such, I am buying long so there's really no knowledge I can impart on you. I thought of memorizing key dates etc.. but it's impossible to keep that kind of info in your head. In the future, the world will be much more self-sufficient.

A new company is going to pop out of the blue in America and start making crappy electric cars. I'd keep an eye on that one. Sony is still on top in 2044- they use AI to decide which new AI devices to make. Google will become the worldnet in 2015.

I am more interested in land because in the future I know where major communities will be and some of it is open desert today but I gotta be careful with that one- this is causal. I'd love to go back to the 1800s and buy land in Manhattan and I suppose the same is true today, but I didn't bring that kind of money. I know Boeing has a big future. And in the big scheme of things, Segway technology and the brains behind it. Um... what else? Walmart's still everywhere but smaller. CVS, McDonalds etc... still around.

Q14) Will tech ever boom again or is it just going to be the commodities which the whole world need not just the US at this point in time?

You could equally say the tech boom (hardware, right?) never stopped. How many IPods were sold the first week? How many PS3's? Which had bigger sales: the new PS3 or the new IBM 5100?

Q15) What will be the NASDAQ and DOW index be doing over the next couple of year and over a long time? Will these indexes be good or not?

Stocks will be fine. Just don't overbuy- don't put your life's savings in a place that's built on the illusion of money- this is why I brought gold back. The future is a lot less centralized. There aren't many new million plus cities in the future but there are thousands of co-ops throughout with millions living in them. For most, this is their investment.

By owning a lot, you own a part of the community which also owns a central shopping mall and rents out office space. The entire community is owned and managed by its people for profit. Each community gets shares of stock and that is the next step- when communities become commodities. You guys are a year or two away from realizing those top CEO salaries directly affect your quarterly profit as a shareholder- this is all good news.

As I mentioned earlier, Ford will take a hit, then get reorganized and open for business under new ownership and do very well 30 years from now. I'd hold off on Ford a bit longer.

C16) Will the trade imbalance between China and US continue?

American tourism in the future goes a long way towards easing tensions between China and the US. China is a world onto itself- 1.6 billion mouths to feed and all that. They're talking about opening Emperor Chin's tomb- that's big news.

C17) What is going to happen to the housing bubble in the US? C18) Will people have a mortgage problem?

When the co-op communities become the only logical thing to do, the housing market splits between old fashioned utility homes and new self-sufficient homes. The housing market as you know it will end because no one wants to live in an old house anymore- rich people live in those kinds of homes. This is kinda like a new housing boom and will start within the next decade- first with seniors, then young couples, then eventually everyone.

C19) Will the US dollar going to drop in value?

The US dollar will always be the US dollar.

C20) What is the future of inflation rate in the US? What is the rate?

We cherish what we have more in the future, there is very little "single use plastic" anymore. Do you work for Wall Street?

C21) Is the US going to ware over N. Korea? C22) Which country pops the next nuke over a country? C23) Is N. Korea going to pop a Nook over another country?

Just relax. You guys have too much media coming at you- you check the news every day to see the next terrible disaster live in HD. After Iraq (and in response to reality) the government cuts the budget of the military which alone makes a lot of economic graph makers happy. We keep our noses out of other country's business and get to the business of America. The UN are our friends.

C24) Is there going to be a war between Pakistan and India?

No war- those two countries will open their borders to each other and essentially be one country. We'll complain but now they have double the arsenal and we're sick of war. Iran agrees to stabilize the area (including Iraq) and we simply go away. Iran is not our enemy.

C25) Will the US invade Iran?

No. How could we anyway? With what army?

C26) What will happen to Israel? Any War?

Nothing new over in Isreal. Terrorism (if that's where this is going) kinda got "unfashionable" a few years from now. Isreal will always be Isreal because they have an organized government. When other governments realize this, there will be a lot more global federalization- many countries will grow up.

C27) When will the US leave Iraq?

When did Iran free the hostages?

From my perspective, it makes more sense to me to take the future I know and play it out backwards... I know the future and plan to invest with that line of thinking knowing the probabilities and outcomes. What you're asking here is for me to play out current events over the next 38 years and this is confusing to me- it's "forward thinking from this perspective". It's like watching the first 30 minutes of a movie and trying to figure out the ending, I know the ending and I'm appreciating the film... you know what I mean?

aerohead quips
You guys remind me of people continually asking pointless questions of alleged psychics. On and on and on...

I kind of agree with that point. A whole new branch of science will open up in the next few years which will bring a new way of thinking about the world around us. People today say "How could the universe be this beautiful without some sort of Creator in the mix?" In the future, people will say "Why would the Creator make such a beautiful universe and make it impossible for us to visit most of it?" The universe is a lot smaller than you think.

My cancer is in my lymph nodes which means I got cancer, period. The prognosis today is the same it will be in 2044- the game is to not get cancer in the first place.

Subir Key asks
Please forgive me for being a skeptic, but something is weird when you see the progression of TTers go from Titor to XavierCage to Bishop51 to *insert favorite TTer here* to you and you seem to have had it the best of all of them in your "history" but our present and future.

I read XavierCage's claim and don't agree with it. It's technically not impossible but very unlikely. Titor's story is a better fit, but there is only one reality and "2% divergence" makes no sense. Bishop51 I haven't read about. I think you're looking at time traveler claims logically and sequentially- I am sure there have been lots of weirdos come and go in between.

I think in the larger sense, over time and with more and more legitimate time traveling claims eventually other people like me will break through. But there's a limit to how far back in time you can go- partly because of causality and mostly because you need a landing base somewhere. I suppose in 2044 they're learning morse code so they can send a message back to 1844 to build a base- how hard will it be to convince someone so long ago to build a base?

I chose to post here because in the near future I will become a poster myself. And I don't recall "titorian44" being on this site when I joined it so I suppose I already altered the future in that regard. Many people time travel back in short leaps to relive a few years they missed. Most people keep a diary and when they catch up have a story to tell. The "one way trip" part is a tough nut to swallow.

What am I suppose to expect from someone on vacation, I'd probably be having a good time and be in a good mood myself.

Totally. I am here for me.

In the next 40 years or so, what happens to hollywood?

It's happening already- $150 million for a movie that shows for one week only to go to DVD in a month. It's all math. The more technology you have, the more $100,000 films that look good will come out. The problem in the future is to figure out which are the best out of so many choices.

Humans have an innate fascination with celebrity, who are your celebrities in 2044?

As more and more people become famous, they will each be less and less famous in their own right and there will be more and more cliques of celebrity stardom.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim


3DTV is virtual reality and you can plug in essentially anything to a TV.

Money in the future is an excellent thought. Best answer I can give is yes- money is money and money will always be money. The only replacement for money is communism and communism's only weakness is money. I say yes because with money you can buy stuff and there's always someone out ready to take your money. Even in a world full of time travelers I think money would still be money.

You mean our 47th President Brandon Short? Just kidding- I never heard of Brandon Short.

Of what little I know about Omaha, it's a one million plus city in 2044.

Billie Brunken? You mean PRESIDENT Billie Brunken?!!

Bigbilly- I understand you don't believe me and that's okay- I don't believe you're that big, Billy. I would prefer not to be believed, it's just easier for me that way. I'm not selling anything or trying to scam anyone so no harm no foul. In time you'll see things start shifting in one inexorable direction, then you'll see everything slowly changing all around. And at some point, I will be unable to predict anything anymore- at that point I'll no longer be a time traveler- I plan to not exist anymore at that point.
Re: Wyoming. I live(d) in the Northeastern USA, I don't know much about the rest of the country. No major catastrophes if that's what you mean, sorry I don't know anymore than it's still there.

The religous world is somewhat different in the future- it's more united in the world sense. The Muslims aren't the bad guys after all- the Qu'ran sells rather well in the USA in 2044- I'm not saying this to scare anyone... it's more united and accepted as are other religions. You guys have more "waco type events" with the right wing Catholic fringes in the midwest but this is not a prediction and not a big problem, it's just out of the blue.

Why don't I talk about the Civil War and divergences in timelines? Mostly because there is no civil war in your future... nothing you would define as a civil war although what will happen can only be described as a "civil war". It's a war of the classes- the rich and everyone else. It's like this in 2006- there's your rich, then there's everyone else serving them. There will be more Enrons and many people will suffer as those privledged few take the money and run.

These "Enron events" will only weaken the Federal government further- the more people on welfare, the less people paying taxes, the weaker the whole system gets all while the rich have managed to safely store their trust fund accounts away. I alluded to this once before and don't worry- in the big picture it's a good thing. Iraq is a good thing simply because we never will have another Iraq again- we won't have the will or the money to anymore.

The fact that Americans are struggling is enough for America to pick itself up. "How can America pick itself up? Simple- it simply does." This is where alternate energies become practical solutions, we start making our own solar panels etc.. and over time everything changes. And slowly but surely, real jobs start coming back to America.

Rich people in 2044 are kinda like celebrities- driving a gas car is a sign of wealth. The Federal Government in 2044 is more Democratic (or maybe even Communist) in the overall sense that the standard of life is much higher in 2044. If New Orleans happened in 2044, the entire world would come together and make sure it never happens again... people care more. And this was because of all the stuff we went through in the past- most recently 9/11, Katrina and Iraq.

In 2044, 50% of the total energy consumption is alternative energies and 25% of the people live off the grid, in co-op communities. Food is more locally grown, more available and more organic- a whole lot less packaged foods on the market. Our chicken nuggets don't come from Indonesia.

By 2044 it's totally different. In the future, the more you make, the more taxes you pay period. And if you make over X (a formula), you pay an additional wealth tax. In 2044 if you're rich people appreciate you because they know you're the 3% of the population that pays 20% of the taxes. From this perspective you look back at 2006 and how else could you put it but a "Civil War"? Hope I wasn't ranting, I just wanted to better define it.

As far as divergences, the more divergences I make, the more the world around me will change as a result, the less I can reliably predict. Eventually I won't be considered a time traveler at one point, or inevitably it will be 2044 all over again. HOWEVER, by being here... by occupying this space I am in right now, I am already diverging the world around me. Because if I wasn't here now, maybe someone else would be. So by my not being here now, I am potentially altering someone else's life etc (time travel is popular in the future). This is why I am in Disney- a large anonymous place, less divergence.

FINALLY, the universe has a way to work itself out. Suppose I go back one year and convince my other self not to go back- will I end up with two me's? No. If something as drastic as that happened... if you showed up out of the blue knocking on your younger self's door, the moment the door opened, you'd pop out of existence. It's simply easier for the universe to pop you out of existence then create a totally new reality with two yous in it.

This is a consequence of my being here- I can exist here as long as I don't interfere with my own history. There's a movie in 2044 called "Zero Hour" exactly about this- someone figures out a way to make two of himself. There's your Hollywood tidbit. My being here does affect the younger me in some unforseen, indirect way, however.

You can say I am from a parallel future but then again isn't "the future" a parallel future too? What's the difference? The new branch of physics states there is one acceleration imparting acceleration on matter and energy- it flows one way. As such, this is one universe, not an infinity of them. So while infinite alternate universes may really exist, they have no reality so they don't exist. It's possible to make them exist- if you wanted to live in a universe where you're eating toast five minutes from now, then the energy required to make this a reality is equal to the energy of you making toast. "There is no remote control that allows you to surf the multiverse."

In this regard, ANYTHING is technically possible within the universe with the right amount of acceleration. You could redo the Big Bang if you wanted to- all you need is all the matter and energy (acceleration) in the universe in one spot for one solid Planck Unit- this is how there is only one reality and no "infinite universes"... hope that made sense, once again time traveling is much more popular in the future, lots of movies, websites, articles etc. on it.

Regarding the string theory. This might be giving away key info, so I will be vague. There is one reality with seven realms. "We" exist in the third realm, subatomic particles in the first, galaxies in the sixth. Each realm imparts acceleration on the realm above it; the universe is built from the ground up; one atom can destroy a city. When an atom destroys a city, it makes sense. Hope that helped. String theory has no reality to it. The theory of everything is "Everything is a quotent of acceleration".

There's kind of a revolution with "medium ware"- think USB connections with a million different units each with their own memory card. AI algorythyms save memory; virus crime is a serious offense because it wastes photons. My old man complaint and I see it already- is a world full of crappy devices. Photo albums full of tiny cell phone images. On a more optomistic note, in the future you buy memory- the computer is just a tool.

The first successful time travel experiment was when they had to turn off the particle accelerator because of a breach and everything disappeared when the machine stopped. About a year later and on a hunch, they predicted they would be unable to carry out an experiment to send a static shock "back in time" because a static shock would ruin the experiment and they were right- that was when the million time traveling websites popped up and this site went down.

Another breakthrough was sending laser signals back in time to be recieved as radio signals- static, from there the concept of time travel became mainstream.

Kaku wrote a book about C=ME2, or "first person energy" which opened a whole door to a way to simply side-step the laws of physics, from there the practicality of tangable time travel began. That was when "the billionaires club" all started building their own time machines- The Branson Foundation, through trial and error, found a ratio between acceleration and magnetism which allowed time travel. Again in brief- two balls, you're in the outer ball. Two magnetic balls- one anchored, both mutually attracted. You start the centrifuge and acceleration starts pulling the outer ball away while the magnetism holds it. At the correct harmony, you "spin off" and slow down to reappear in a different, tangable place- an earlier time. It's simply easier for the universe to pop you back into an earlier, equal point in time then create a second God: you in your own universe.

Of course for it to work, you need to actually have an earlier, equal time. It does not have to be in the same place, but it must physically exist and have the right dimensions. If the earlier "landing base" does not, then reality either kicks you back to your point of origin or simply decorporalizes you and you cease to exist. I made sure other people went through successfully before me.

The outer ball (you) gets charged up, traverses time and as it winds down, reality all around you comes into focus. When it stops, they open it and I get out- the ball is just a metal ball made of 2006 materials. I don't know what they do with the balls- in 2044 they're easy to make, here it's valuable scrap metal or corporate art. (And to clarify again) they first send information back in time, then blueprints and schematics, then they test it. You can send one back to 0ad provided you could contact 0ad and convince someone to build one. The landing pad is all concrete and metal, it's not that hard to construct.

There are no schematics- the only things I brought back are myself and a briefcase with gold in it although there are many different blueprints for practical time machines. The only one that works to my knowledge is the Branson machine and only with a huge expenditure of energy. The recieving port- the one here- looks like "The Incredible Motor Mouse Cat Toy" and the time machine looks like a NASA centrifuge.

New cars, in all honesty, are just cars. They're reliable things that do their job- get you there. Cars are applicances- like you and your washing machine today I guess. I think once you start "plugging in your car every night", your perception of it changes. They use hydrogen fuel cells which look like really big AA batteries and apart from that, they run. They're like cell phones today- they're ultimately two parts- a chassis and engine (the cell phone) and the rest of the car (the faceplate)- chassis last a good 20 years and many people simply buy "this year's model" body and they screw it on in 30 minutes instead of buying a whole new car. Cars cost a lot less in the future but they kinda look like "Total Recall cars" as people will nickname them.

I do plan to alter this timeline for my own benefit. I don't see how this is a problem for you folks here now, I plan to change my future upon my death here. That will affect other people's futures- the land holdings my other self will recieve is land someone else would have otherwise owned. The effects of this will only play out long after I am gone, long in the not-yet-defined future from now. One thing is certain, by 2044 I will not be 100% accurate anymore but enough big stuff will have inevitably happened to where it was obvious I was "one of them".

I know posting here changes things in some minimal, unforseen way so I am careful what I say. I have no problem telling you guys about all the good that's yet to come but I won't alter history for anyone's benefit- foremost my own. I am playing it safe. I think the biggest things I've said here are the dirt farms and C=ME2. I am no physicist so I can't replace Kaku and at the same time I don't want to bring about physical time travel before it's proper time.
The way to stop Hitler and World War II (which I believe is where you're going with this) is to travel back to 1919 and change the outcome of World War I. Doing so would cause "generational chaos"- you're directly altering events that happened more than two generations ago... by doing so, virtually 100% of the planet's people would also change as of 2006 so if you went back and tried, you would not succeed. Some things are inevitable simply because time flows from A to B to C in steps. 9/11 was inevitable simply because the seeds of hatred for 9/11 were planted well over 25 years ago.

World War II was a horrible war with so many millions dead. But it is an unalterable event that occured because a million other things happened that led up to it. A good way to look at it is to say although it was inevitable, it could have always been worse.

As far as robots go, Segway is the way to go. Robots will not be self aware until they can touch. "Robots" is a very large and detailed concept. At this point in time, your perspective of a robot is "The Jetsons"- robots look nothing like this... life just slowly starts getting easier. But even in 2044 it's still possible to lose your remote control. Clothes and food are pretty much the same in the future but they get smarter. Look for megacarbons.

Exobiology in 2044 has the same controversey evolution has today. The blueberries on Mars are a form of protolife that never took hold; we still have not been to Titan or Europa but we sent more probes to Pluto which detected organic life locked in the ice. Saturn is an "inside out planet" (but you know that already). Life landed on Earth as DNA and sank to the bottom of the ocean where it found safe haven near hydrothermal vents. As life evolved, it spaced out and eventually found dry land. And when I left 2044, SETI was experimenting with doppler radio because they concluded by then that life had to be out there somewhere, we just weren't listening correctly. Many more wonderful advances in every area occurs between now and 2044.

Subir Key. I call myself an old timer because well- I am old. Seriously, there are many new technologies and advances and wonderful things but the older you get, the less you become interested in them. At my age, Segway wheelchairs are more appealing to be than gravity skates. I am not a representative of 2044, just one person from there. By being here, I feel as though I am 24 again and many of the things that aren't here (that are here in 2044) are distractions, in my opinion- having already lived the prime of my life here, I am happy to be back.

A depression is about to hit this country and people are going to appreciate what they have more but in the end it's all good- there's always a light beyond the darkness.

Subir Key- you also asked what old people do in 2044? Well there's lots of them- enough to where we call the shots. A great deal of effort and energy is spent making sure older folks have what they need and who can complain- everyone's going to be old someday. Social Security is still around but the government pays for our bills more than hands us cash. In 2044 we have Federalized Healthcare for all Americans. This not only boosts our population, it allows the government to keep tabs on us for a good reason.

Everyone wants to be an American in 2044 and we're happy to have their tax monies. People still die in 2044- we never run out of imaginative ways to die but less people die from everything in general so the population as a whole is on the rise. Many retirees live in complexes built in the co-op communities. They get (government supplied) free room and board but not shares. There is a ratio of retirees vs. working people in the communities and for the most part, the influx of new residents is what is pushing all the building. You could call them "old folks homes" but they're not in many ways.

I saw "Daniel McBain" on another thread here which I found interesting because he is from my future. I thought about chiming in on that thread but have the feeling he'll disappear just as quickly as he popped up. I forgot the fun people have playing games on this website.
Spanish is not the next official language of America or anything like that. In 2044, English is the official language and that doesn't stop the 190+ different languages from speaking their native tongue in America- foremost we are free people.

This issue was resolved once and for all in the early 2010's in the Supreme Court. We need one language to correctly interpret the thousands of laws on the books already. By allowing a "legal second language", you're only opening the door to a whole new layer of interpretation which our English-written Constitution never intended.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

Please allow me to clarify. ZPE- I apologize if you were waiting for my response, I moved "myself" over to another thread here and forgot about your follow up questions.

What does electromagnetic radiation have to do with motion of an atom? Everything moves in relation to something, everything is subject to the drive to increased randomness so everything is subject to time. We call this everythingness "acceleration".

Imagine a sliding scale. On the extreme left is inert matter- the most inert matter you could ever possibly think of. Since we're talking atomically, this would be one hydrogen atom a million light years from the nearest galaxy. Such a thing would be 99.99999% matter.

On the extreme right is the most possibly energetic thing there possibly can be: pure gamma radiation; energy that's so energetic that it rips through anything... energy that's 99.99999% mass in a Planck state at light speed- literally a bullet in spacetime.

This sliding scale's name is "acceleration". As such, matter and energy are equally on this sliding scale; matter and energy are both expressions of acceleration.

What is the proof acceleration exists?

Apart from the fact that everything everywhere all the time in the universe everywhere all around us is in constant motion, the most inert matter still has a quotent of energy in it just as the most energetic thing in the universe has a quotent of matter in it. The only thing missing... the only "bridge" is dark matter, which is quasi-atomically inert, indifferential energymass.

Answer this question for me- how fast is light speed?

This is why Schrodinger's cat is a hypothetical situation used to describe in laymans terms the underlying theory of entanglement. Because since we can never be able to actually have a "Shrodinger's cat experiment", it is an invalid question to begin with.

However, the question is- does entanglement occur in quantum mechanical systems? If we're talking "within the subatomic realm" then the answer is no: the subatomic realm is as logical as the tangable realm.

If you're saying "can the subatomic realm directly affect the tangable realm" then the answer is yes- when randomness causes any random atom to devolve into a highly energetic quanta of subatomic particles.

And if you're saying "can the tangable realm directly affect the subatomic realm?" the answer is also yes- look at Hiroshima.

But I have a feeling you're saying "can the tangable realm tap into the subatomic realm in a controled fashion?" and the answer is yes, provided the quantifiable energy is compliant with the rules of the subatomic realm- there is no shortcut. There is no car that runs on water that produces water as a waste product; there is no perpetual machine.

But what we do have a way to cheat physics on both realms- by manipulating CBR and Planck Units.

Once again I apologize if my summations are apparently evident- I grew up with C=ME2 and that is the technology that got me here. I know you feel your arguments are valid but I only ask you to look larger. A flat Earth made perfect sense until it didn't make sense anymore.
Hello folks-

Just got back from a week on the west coast, which looks completly different in 2044. You want to know some super important thing that happens between now and January 16, 2007? Okay- here is my prediction. "I predict nothing super important will happen between today and January 16th." Seriously Dr. Smith- you watch way too much television- you think we're five minutes away from the next stock market or plane crash, you think the world is about to fall apart. Well it won't.

Sorry I have not provided lottery numbers or weather predictions, but I have made over 50 predictions on this site through the normal course of conversation and these are real predictions- not "eleventh hour desperate pleas to change the future" or some other nonsense.

I started reading more threads on this site and I'm amazed at the number of time traveler claims here- one every week on average. (I would also like to thank the administrator for not banning me from posting here.) A few years from now, this site will institute some forms for time traveler claimants to make their claim- you guys could use them now- it eliminates most claims before they're made.

I would like to clarify one recurring theme on this site through. In the future, computers will operate by voice recognition. This DOES NOT MEAN that in the future people will become stupid, this does not mean that people will lose the ability to spell correctly. The standards of education get better with time partly from all the new knowledge and technology there will be. Doctors will rely more on instruments to make diagnoses, but the actual diagnosis is still made by the doctor.

Although time travel is a reality in the future, there are no time laws in 2044, just a hefty price tag to go through time and the risk of decorporalization for violating time- this is enough to discourage most people from doing "12 Monkeys" stuff. I remember one movie where teenagers go back in time just to knock on the door of their younger selves as a cool new way to commit suicide- the moral is the same.

The wave of the future is energy independence and this alone is enough to change every aspect of life. Where does your gas come from- the other side of the world? Why not just put up some windmills in your backyard? Where do your chicken nuggets come from- Indonesia? Why not just put American farmers to work? Where do your cars come from- China? Why not just make your own cars? I am amazed- it's cheaper to make it somewhere else then ship it all the way to the other side of the world for our consumption- why aren't we doing it ourselves? Don't you realize that if any of a thousand things went slightly wrong, you'd all be in the dark?

Something else worth mentioning. The future is here already- buried within all the other useless information that's out there. If you went back to 1985, you would find the seeds of 9/11. Well if you look around today, you'll see bits and pieces of the world I come from- the inevitable future that must happen. If you went back in time to the 1960's, you would be unable to predict weather patterns or know lottery numbers but you'd definetly know how the future will unfold. From there, it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to know where to put your money and that is what I am doing here.

It's early 2007 and already the magazines, news articles and history books have recorded 2006. By that, I mean they took the 90% of stuff that happened and removed it and recorded the signifigant 10% for posterity. Then in early 2011 they'll do the same for the 00's. This is how time works. By 2044, the year 2006 will be all but lost to time- buried by other more important or more recent facts, events and breakthroughs. Watch the news tonight and think to yourself "How much of this information is really relevant?" and you'll be surprised by what you discover.

On another note, I would like to reply to people's private message questions for me.

*1. What does the future hold for us all meaning life and other stuff in general and in private?

Overall, life gets easier to live and less of a struggle. A good analogy for this is the 1950's. All the soldiers came home from war and got a job, bought a new house and started living the American dream. As it turns out, the American dream is actually when several million of you decide to start living it and stop waiting for it to appear on your doorstep. When co-op communities spring up everywhere, and when it becomes the only logical thing to do, millions of you will make the change. When you can either pay $3.50 a gallon for gas or get an electric car that works on free electricity, you'll start buying them.

There are many great advances in the future, but overall it's nothing more than a new way to do the same old things. One unexpected thing to come in the future is more creativity- people expressing themselves a lot more than they do now. But life overall is easier or quicker or more convenient.

On the religous front, many of your children will become Muslim just the same way kids from the 50's listened to rock and roll- partly to piss off your parents and partly because in many ways it's a more practical religion than Catholicism. The Catholic church is still around, but there are far less parishes. The only thing stopping this from happening now is that there is no official English Qu'ran. Someone once said the great religions are on a crash course towards one religion and this is a fair estimation.

On the scientific front, genetic sequencing goes a long way towards preventing diseases, but people still rock climb and drive without seat belts. How much money is being spent to prevent the avian flu or mad cow disease and how many people are actually dying from it?

*2. Are replicators made in the near or further future?

No. Just the same way the time machine must be bigger than the time-traversing part of it, the energy required to replicate something is greater than the energy it takes to just make another one- it makes more sense to just make another one than replicate it. Science discovers a way to cheat physics, but we will never master it.

*3. What kind and type of beings live with humans in the near or further future?

Other humans!

Someone else asks if their name pops up in the future, yet states they're not providing personal information for me to "profile" them. I am sure it does somewhere, but nowhere I know of. The future is more societial... there are a million cliques or clubs or meeting places where people with narrow interests get together by the thousands. In the future, it's possible to do one thing and be famous in your own right for doing it. I will say, however, I remember some of you posters from my past... to put it another way, when my younger self starts posting here in the future, he will interact with some of you and I remember that.

As far as information for your kids- it's out there already, you just have to sort through the 90% of useless information out there to see it. General Motors announced their new concept car "The Volt" a few days ago... doesn't it make sense to have a practical electric car and do you really need a time traveler to tell you that?
PlanetNiles: regarding Somalia. You call the US bombing Somalia an historical event? I will agree with you in a month when we're still in Somalia bombing them. Somalia is a distraction to take our attention away from Iraq.

The President of Somalia asked the US to come in and bomb them: Somalia gets control of its government back and in exchange, the US gets more oil. This is not an historical event- this is a footstep in the door towards peace and a great big "hey everyone- look over there and not at Iraq where Americans are dying every day!"

Perhaps it's my perspective. One of the films I watched was a documentary on Princess Diana to show the cause and effect of actions immediately after they happen as opposed to years later. This whole mess... this whole "terrorism-thing" will end when we elect our next President.

kennethmd and hdrkid: regarding the capacity to type. I have come up with an analogy that can explain it better:

The average person's vocabulary is 35,000 words.
There are over 200,000 words in the dictionary.
We have had television for over 100 years.
Before we had television, we had books.
Since we invented television, we do not read as many books as we used to.

So the question is: are we dumber today than we were 100 years ago?
I would say yes because we don't read as much as we used to:
We used to read books with a verbiage of 200,000 words, today we get our information from 35,000 words.

So since the invention of the television, we have all gotten dumber.
Is this true?

Dr. Smith- The only publishing I will be doing is here on this website and solely for my personal benefit. After I am gone, my younger self will come here and find this old thread with the knowledge that I am him and have a good laugh.

In response to other points:

Once this "decade of terrorism" is over, a new Federal program will mandate anyone in America can sell energy back to the utility company. The Native Americans start buying up land and putting windmills on them- the windmill energy pays for the land; the land once again is free and belongs to the Native Americans.

Other people will get in on the act, then yet other people will develop co-op communities: everyone in the community gets free X2 electricity- enough to power your home and electric car for free. This savings ($4800 a year, $400 a month) allows thousands of families to afford their first house and first electric car- a second emigration occurs to these communities.

This is the most important thing to happen in America in the next 20 years. The effects of this will cause "the future" to happen- if you jump 40 years ahead and look back, you'll see everything is different. "Well, what event changed everything? Another 9/11? Another war? More bombs?" No- self-sufficiency and attention to ourselves and not the world at large.

If I have one message to impart on everyone, it is to RELAX! I am glad you like my future because it's your future too.

And in response to private messages:

There are no laws against time travel. Is it possible for a criminal to go back and get rich? Yes. But if someone went back in time and changed it, how could you prove they committed a crime? Outlawing time travel is like outlawing cars because cars kill people. The truth is- cars have the capacity to kill people but the driver behind the wheel does the actual killing. Any direct changes to history caused on my account will directly affect me, not the world or time around me. Instant decorporealization is not pretty- you pop out of existence in a split second with a sudden gush of air filling in the space you used to occupy.

Let's say I wanted to go back in time and stop the President from declaring World War Three. Well just because I have the knowledge of the President's future actions does not mean I have the capacity to actually stop him- in addition to all the events that led up to the President actually declaring World War Three, I'd also have to get past the Secret Service.

Most events that happen are predestined to happen. The closer we get to that actual event, the more "in focus" all details will become. It was a foregone conclusion by 1933 that we were headed towards another World War, we just didn't know how or who or where. Those events and that person committing them- in this case Hitler- came to light as we approached the zero hour: the right moment in time when XYZ should happen.

If you went back and killed Hitler, you would not prevent World War Two- it would still happen because of the million things leading up to it, only the names and places would be different. I imagine the government is not happy time travel exists for the reasons you state but the fact remains- it's a private enterprise and if need be it will go underground, but you can't stop it even if you outlawed it. And since we don't operate under Maritime Law, you can't declare something illegal without proof and how can you prove someone changed history?

Regarding life. "Life" has two prerequisities: the ability to resist entropy and the ability to make a copy of yourself that includes directions to make copies of itself. As such, stalagmites, schools of fish, salts and even planets are "alive". This requires a reclassification of life since now we're including practically anything that exists that doesn't fall apart over time and that is this- everything has the capacity to be alive, is alive, was alive or is evolving to become alive. Why? Because of differentiation: because "stuff" has the tendency to organize itself. The universe is alive.

But there are two types of life- life in the sense that everything is alive and sentient life: self awareness. So when is a rock alive? When it tells you it's alive.

DNA is chemical in nature, not organic. DNA is not alive but has the capacity to make life. The blueberries on Mars can be classified as "fossils" in this regard- they're balls of calcium with bits of silicates in the center- the silicates unicode information that can be copied and the calcium serves as a proto exoskeleton. Gravity and pressure dictate "unit size" and the rest is differentiation.

At one point millions of years ago (or whenever a meteor hits Mars), these blueberries come to live- making more blueberries- more balls of calcium with silicon in the middle. Perhaps one day those blueberries will inadvertently roll into a puddle of water then "life" as we know it takes over- evolution. Perhaps after 100 million years of underwater blueberries, something will walk out of it on its own

With all that said, life is potentially everywhere- the universe is full of aliens. Have we met any aliens yet? Not in the way you would consider it- no six-armed green men from Andromeda but they're out there somewhere. Astronomers were talking in 2044 about the possibility that radio communications are abundant throughout the universe, we just need to properly "tune into it" which is partly the right frequency and partly the right oscillation. Since everything distorts in the universe, radio signals become morse code over great distances. By their estimation, by 2050 we will be able to turn a radio on and hear the aliens.

But this only opens a really big Pandora's Box of possibilities for us humans- once we know aliens are "over there, orbiting that star", how would this change life here on Earth? Once we decipher their language, how would this corrupt ours? This is a crossroads we will all come to around 2050 (my future) and personally I live things the way they are now with only human knowledge.
Gaming in the future is like today but a lot more compatible and a whole lot more to choose from. 3DTV, which in essence virtual reality, goes a long way towards making gaming a lot cooler- big living rooms are fashionable.

For media we use memory cards similar to the device ones around now. There will be a medium-ware revolution where pretty much everything becomes compatible with everything else and you can plug devices in a series for more memory. In the future, memory comes with the games and you can simply plug in accessory units to old technology to keep it fast- no need for a new system every year. Imagine 100 iPods synched in a row.

3DTV, made by Sony, is somewhat similar to projection screen TVs except the projectors are in the corners of a room and triangulate light images to a space within the room. The more expensive the model, the more acuity it has. Top of the line models can project an army of orcs in life size into your living room- you can also hook it up to your security system which is pretty funny. There are also laws limiting the use of holosims in public.

The name of "the other me" is an acronym for my name so I really don't want to give it out. I know when I start posting here and that's long after I leave here. I did a Google search of me and found old stuff I recently did which was pretty funny.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

Dear Dr. Smith-

I don't see how I side-stepped the Somalia issue- it's one day after the event and it's already old news... who's going to remember this in 40 years? Who's going to remember this in six months? Are you suggesting some "horn of Africa" conspiracy no one knows about? As I stated yesterday, this is a non-event- insignifigant to history.

I see you have been here for a full three days and you feel it's high time I answered some questions for you. Very well. Here is my story which I hope explains me better.

My lawyer contacted me about a client he had who was looking for someone to go back in time to deliver pertinent information to an earlier time. The client was someone who was in jail for murder, then several years later new evidence popped up that freed him. The information I delivered was to my lawyer's younger self- it was the key information that prevents this man from going to jail. As I understand it, bad stuff happened to his family while he is in jail and he wants a second chance. But time travel is a one way trip.

I agreed to take the trip back because I have terminal cancer and in essence want to tell my younger self to find out about before it gets terminal for him too. I sold my life's savings, the lawyer paid for the time traveling trip, and I went to The Branson Foundation in Louisiana to time travel back to 2006. I was allowed to take gold bars with me but nothing else. I lived "on campus" for a week getting acclimated to 2006 life and went through wearing Old Navy clothes. I explained the time machine in great detail in earlier posts.

The recieving station is here now. It was built with blueprints that were sent back in time instructing them to build one- "if you build it, he will come" and it's little more than concrete and metal. It took a good 30 years for time travel to develop to where it could send people back- in the beginning they could only send information, eventually emails. So they'd email the blueprints back to themselves, build it, then the time travelers would start to pop through.

It looks like a giant cat's toy and you're the ball. You're supposed to "blink into reality" hundreds of times like layer upon layer of the same information all piled up to overcome Uncertainty. You appear here, roll to a stop, they open it up and you come out and they have a campus here that is identical to the one in 2044 to acclimate you. From there you're free to go- you get a bottle of champagne and $50,000 cash- your refunded down payment for the time traveling trip.

I got a ride to my younger lawyer's office, gave him the information, gave him some personal information and hired him to establish my existence. I have been here for about six weeks and am currently staying in the many different hotels and resorts down here in Disney as a permanent guest.

My lawyer got me duplicate IDs for my younger self- Social Security number, birth certificate etc. and I am "pretending to be myself" here. I would like to drive but I can't- it requires a license and I don't pass for a 24 year old. And "assuming a new identity" is a lot harder than you think.

I have since cashed in the bulk of my gold and have been investing my money in futures... technologies of the future. I also bought some open desert/key land in the future on the west coast recently, and bought some stocks. In essence, I have created my own portfolio and I plan to live off this until I die. Upon my death, my lawyer will deliver a package to my younger self- the real estate, stocks and information- including this website. At that moment, I will cease to exist and he will become "the new me".

The only person who knows me as me is my lawyer who is on retainer, who arranges stuff I can't do myself. Personally, I am happy being here- it's a chance to live in the past again. I chose Disney because it's large and anonymous and it's Disney- it's a cool place to be. I am here reliving my life. It's also far away from where my younger self is.

I have no secret agenda and I'm not here to tell you the world is going to fall apart tomorrow. I am posting here because my younger self will start posting here in the future after I'm gone. This will be my diary of what I'm doing here for him to read which I think is pretty funny.

I'm not here to predict anything, but will try and answer any questions you may have, but once again: I am not here to change the future, I am here to relive it. So I didn't memorize any "2007 factbooks" before I came here- how much information is there on 2007 in 2044 anyway? This is like you researching the year 1970- how are you going to find winning lottery numbers from 1970?

My plan is to hand my other self a portfolio that will flourish to millions by the year 2044- my investment plan is to buy into future technologies today... kinda like buying Apple stocks in 1975. Apart from that, I am here to enjoy myself- this is a nice place to be- where else in America would you want to be?

You seem to think I am "preaching to the gulliable" here well I have nothing to preach. I'll talk about the good things to come because the future is mostly good, I'll talk about ways human life gets better, but what kind of proof could you possibly want? I am here to live, not rewrite history. It's the nutcases telling us about "another 9/11!!!" you should be demanding proof from because they're the ones trying to preach to the gulliable.
Ted "Theodore" Logan- I mentioned Daniel McBain in passing because he is a time traveling fake who says he is from 2104. 2104 is technically my distant future (my post-2044 future), however his story does not hold water and his historical events are completly different than mine. I was not giving him any credibility, I was just pointing out that I can't weigh in on any post 2044 predictions, which he made many of. But his pre 2044 predictions are simply wrong, which makes his story wrong.

Planet Niles- The next British Royal to die is Queen Elizabeth, who will be replaced by King Charles, who will be replaced by King William in 2041. I'm not into death pools.

You also state "Okay so if Somalia is old news what about the iPhone? Apparently its setting the trend for future technology." I wrote "Entertainment in the future is 3DTV games. The TV, computer, cell phone, IPhone and everything else electronic pretty much merges over the next 30 years." on 12/22/06.

orts1- The average computer in 2044 is about 4 times as fast/good/smart as the ones today- medium ware fills in the tech gap. If you're loading a high memory device, you just strap on more memory to make it run fast. There are also "online computers" but this is a totally different thing- nearly all the memory is online.

Dr. Smith- Regarding the "Bush surge". This is not an historical event either- if nothing else, it will further polarize the nation into demanding we get the hell out of Iraq. I watched the broadcast last night like everyone else but was happy to see the news correspondants right after the speech standing in front of the White House reporting with a throng of anti-war protesters yelling in the background. This is one thing that will definetly be different in the future- in the future, media will not be dictated by media executives but the public- in 2044, the reporter would be standing in front of the crowd, not down the block out of view of them.

Isn't it funny that we're in the Presidential Election mode yet no credible candidate has stood up yet? Truth is no one wants to inherit this mess that Bush is leaving behind: a war that will never end, a deficit that will never go away and the public united against the government- who would want to inherit this mess to clean up? Clinton does not want to run in this election but the Democrats will force her to. She'll run a late, massive campaign and sweep the polls. She won't get 90% of the stuff she wants to done with her Presidency, but she'll set us in the right direction and step one is a withdrawl from Iraq and the establishment of a "security net" over Iraq to send bombs, not soldiers, to combat terrorism.

As far as your request for photos or newspaper clippings etc... all I brought back with me is my gold bars, which I already sold most of. Why would the people who run the time machine let people get through with stuff that changes their future- they have a stake in commercial time travel too.
First off, with the general acceptance and practicality of alternate energy sources, the world will slowly put less and less CO2 in the air. There are dozens of global projects to deal with warming- the largest of them all is a plan to somehow put an atmosphere in the moon. I know it sounds impossible- the moon is as big as all the land on Earth- but if the moon had an atmosphere, it would affect the Earth's seas less which would slowly start freezing the icecaps again... less of the moon's energy would reach the Earth. It's a permanent solution to global warming but it's almost impossible to pull off and would cost trillions of dollars, but then again it would double the livable space in this area of the solar system. People go to the moon in 2044 just as people buy tickets to space today and if it had an atmosphere, millions would move to the moon.

Parts of Panama have been terraformed to level off the seas to a small degree to slow the rising sea level and many shorelined cities simply built barriers to reduce tidal spilloff on land. In 2044, Polar Bears only live in zoos but by 2075 they should be placed back in their habitation- many other species are simply gone- far less birds and bees and bears... more weeds in general- this abnormally warm winter of 2007 is the first of many more. New Orleans will get a boost around 2015 and by 2040 be a major city. There's talk of filling in the Gulf of Mexico but again this is a huge undertaking.

America will have another industrial revolution of sorts- long story short the factories start opening again and people can make an honest day's wage- the 2030's are in many ways like the 1950's.

The South Pole is signifigantly warmer and has vegetation which is bad, I remember many northern Europeian countries having "water problems" like flooding and mudslides etc. in the years to come.

The US stock market will crash soon as will the EU markets and some global financial reorganization must happen for trade to continue, in 2044 the Middle East looks like it will collapse. Russia is still putting along- they need more Federal funds to enact more Federal programs to bring more tourism money like China will do; they're planning on opening Emperor Chin's tomb which is huge.

China will be/already is a superpower and in many ways is the model of the future, America in 2044 is a lot more frugal than it is today. There is overpopulation in places, but the UN- finally with some backbone- is actually doing something about it. Once you make something profitable to do, it will get done.

The only new natural resource is windmills and solar panels. Megacarbons are huge in the future- they lock up vast amounts of carbon and can be used to make fabrics and structural elements; it's also a green thing to do: less carbon and more oxygen in the atmosphere. Hydrogen fuel cells get better with time.

The rainforest is still there- keep an eye out for "Brazilian Black Earth Soil". The rainforest is a lot more resiliant than you think although most of the huge 1000 foot tall trees are gone.

roadrunner- I am 62 years old, not 24. I don't do "24 year old stuff", I do old people stuff. I am more interested in a Segway wheelchair than gravity skates. I am not a representative of 2044, just a guy from there. I can answer general questions as to what young people do but I have no interest in it- my hobby is human history. To use an old people quote, I don't know half of those new-fangled devices kids run around with in 2044 because I have no interest in that- I only worry about my Geritol. I say this jokingly, but there is truth to this- I am not hip on the newest devices or games etc. and don't want to misrepresent- but I will say entertainment media in general will be 10 times as big as it is now.
Music in 2044 is very easy to create and distribute and the sounds are ditigally indistinguishable from music made by actual instruments. As such, anyone can make a professional recording. One man bands are popular on the local level- a guy and his computer performing live for small audiences like those hippie poets in the 60's.

There aren't as many superstars in the future- there's just so much music out there in every genre. There aren't that many big acts either- bottom line is music sounds better when you add digital effects- Eric Clapton can't compete with a laptop, apart from nostalgic reasons. But on the upside, there's more music overall- more acts to see etc.

Perhaps I don't understand the question- are you asking if some new, futuristic kind of music is invented or some current sytle of music dies out like Disco? All types of music are still popular- each in its own right.

The biggest names out there aren't any names you know and the most popular music... the "music they play during the ending credits at movies" is rock and roll like today, just 100 different kinds of it and most of it computer generated.

Perhaps this is where I am unable to properly answer the question you want me to- I don't listen to the same music teenagers do so I am not an expert on popular culture. I wear blue polyester pants- why? Because I'm an old man! What do I listen to? Mostly rock music.

Here's a question for you- imagine you're a time traveler. Go to Time Square and look around at all the theaters, concert halls, bars, clubs and so on and tell me- what music is popular today? My understanding was that today's most popular American music was rock and roll- based on sales, radio station ratings and sheer quantity of output- are you suggesting some other genre? Please clarify what you mean-
Dear Avius Ignoramus;

I must apologize to you- you are clearly wrong. Rock and pop are the two most popular types of music today- rap is a distant tenth behind heavy metal, gospel, soul and folk music. Could you please show me where it says otherwise?

Clearly there are two different types of popular music:
-Popular, as in "the hot new thing of the moment which will be forgotten in a week which you listen to because you have no attention span or taste" and
-Popular, as in "they make albums and sell millions of copies and do shows and sell out 60,000 seat arenas and 20 years later are still popular"

If you're measuring popularity by record sales, then rock is the most popular form of music.
If you're measuring by concert tickets, then rock is the most popular form of music.
If you're measuring by output by performers, then rock is the most popular form of music.
If you're measuring by what kind of music the most people listen to, then rock is the most popular form of music.
If you're measuring by which genre of music has the most radio stations, then rock is the most popular form of music.
If you're measuring by which bands we look nostalgically back to the most, then rock is the most popular form of music.

And finally...

If you're judging time travelers by whether or not they think rap music is the most popular form of music or not, then you belong on a music forum, not a time traveling forum.
According to Wikipedia, "In Internet terminology, a troll is a person who enters an established community such as an online discussion forum and intentionally tries to cause disruption, often in the form of posting messages that are inflammatory, insulting, or off-topic, with the intent of provoking a reaction from others."

Here are some memorable quotes, insults, snide remarks and personal attacks by roadrunner

-"Bishop, what's it feel like to be some idiot who believes people believe his load of BS about being a time traveler?" 1/19/06
-"Translation; you're a pathetic liar" 1/28/06
-"titor is a load of horseshit, why are you people still massaging this hoaxer's ego?" 4/19/06
-"You're an idiot and hopeless but here's where your idiocy is crossing into bullshittery" 5/1/06
-"You're an idiot that doesn't realize how long 400 years is." 5/11/06
-"how bout you just quit your corny time travel scam for good and after your new set of fake claims come to not pass we can really kick ourself for not believing in you sooner." 1/11/07
-"you're story is garbage and you should be ashamed of yourself for trying to deceive people on the internet." 1/11/07
-"You are incapable of naming one new type of music or new musical group. you are a fraud." 1/12/07
-"anyone who'd believe anything you'd have to say needs serious therapy" 1/12/07
-"You're an unimaginative fraud. you lose" 1/12/07

Dear moderator of this forum;
Can anything be done about roadrunner or is it okay to attack everyone all the time for whatever reason you have?
That is unfortunate.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim


Seeing as someone has now chosen to simply spam the hell out of this thread (I am sure he thinks this is a good way for us to take him if all that spam has any relevance), I figured I would focus on this quote you made:
Imagine further, that I start attacking the guy personally, doubting his credentials for absolutely no good reason. Now, that is what I call "idiotic".
This brings back to the forefront one of jmpet's little tantrums that got this ball rolling. Recall he was questioning your credential in physics? In fact, when I received my student's EMAIL to step in, this is what incensed me the most... because in our earlier "spat" on this forum long ago, jmpet never EVER (not once) acknowledged my own credentials in the scientific topics we discussed. And now here he was demanding to see yours. This was EXACTLY why I chose to step in.

And what did he do? He attempted to denigrate MY credentials. Forget the fact that for about $7 he could verify my credentials at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. Forget the fact that I told him he could call the Aerospace Engineering department secretary at this august institution and also verify my employment there. This shows quite clearly that jmpet will jump on the bandwagon of demanding credentials to keep his ego train going... but when someone comes along with valid credentials, the best he can do is cast aspersions, slander, and insinute that somehow that person's credentials are no match for his razor intuition. Notice how he could not back his slanderous statements about my university? Instead I am simply "not worth his time"... yes, his precious TIME!

I rest my case... and now, perhaps, we should be demanding jmpet's credentials!?! Clearly we can see he is an expert at polemics, and insults, and now spamming threads.

Re: Yet another time traveling claim

You know, what's the really funny thing is, Rainman? That neither your credentials nor mine should be of any relevance. This is, really, the ABC's of an honest discussion. People should be focusing on the actual statements being said, rather than the identity of the person who is saying them.

I openly admit that I have no formal academic credentails what-so-ever. Yet, anybody who reads my posts can tell that I do know what I'm talking about. So why all this fuss on an irrelevant point?

Now, can anybody drop me a clue, as to why Jmpet posted all those incredibly long posts?
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

Ruthless, please feel free to ignore all the chaos that's going aroud here.

Can you please tell me more about your idea of electromagnetic time travel?
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

sure, my idea is based on how two magnets are affected by each other. positives push away positives for example.

i'll try to explain it the best i can: the earth has gravity and a magnetic field, so if we were to make a powerful enough electromagnet, it would be sensitive enough to "sense" the earths magnetic field. for example, you could grab the edge of the earths gravitational field, and pull yourself up there. change the polarity, and it sends you back.

i have thought up a complete system to use, i have even thought up navigation and mapping software.
and the machine could use a computer to switch to the strongest gravitational field.

ive been thinking about this since i was a young kid and have most details worked out, only thing that isnt figured out, is if it works /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

and sorry if i didnt explain it very well. trying to think of a better way to explain it.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

when i get older, more respected, etc. i plan on doing many experiments involving magnetism and electromagnetism. i cant wait /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

i'll try to explain it the best i can: the earth has gravity and a magnetic field, so if we were to make a powerful enough electromagnet, it would be sensitive enough to "sense" the earths magnetic field. for example, you could grab the edge of the earths gravitational field, and pull yourself up there. change the polarity, and it sends you back.

Well, you'll need an imaginably powerful electromagnet for this to work. In theory your idea might work (I'm not sure. I'll have to think a little more about that). But in order to turn it into something practical, you'll need to change something.

A possible variation might be to replace the earth's magnetic field with a second strong magnet. Now you have one supermagent on the ground and a second supermagnet on your ship. This is more realistic than your original setup, but it still poses a formidable technical challange.

Another possibility, is to use laser power instead of magnetic repulsion. A very powerful microwave laser (a maser) on the ground could be aimed at a mirror upon your ship, and the momentum of the maser beam would propel the ship upwards. A variation of this idea was used by Robert L. Forward in his design of his interstellar probe: Starwisp. You can find more info about his design here:

At any rate, keep in mind that no form of space propulsion is capable of breaking the light barrier. Travelling at light-speed requires an infinite amount of thrust. Ideas like yours might one day create very fast sublight starships, though. And fast sublight travel is synonamous to one-way time travel (fast-forwarding into the future).
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

"A possible variation might be to replace the earth's magnetic field with a second strong magnet. Now you have one supermagent on the ground and a second supermagnet on your ship"

thats pretty close to my original idea. my plan was to pave every road in the world with a highly magnetic mixture, and have cars that float, you could even have propulsion by simply changing the angles of the magnets.