Re: Yet another time traveling claim
3DTV is virtual reality and you can plug in essentially anything to a TV.
Money in the future is an excellent thought. Best answer I can give is yes- money is money and money will always be money. The only replacement for money is communism and communism's only weakness is money. I say yes because with money you can buy stuff and there's always someone out ready to take your money. Even in a world full of time travelers I think money would still be money.
You mean our 47th President Brandon Short? Just kidding- I never heard of Brandon Short.
Of what little I know about Omaha, it's a one million plus city in 2044.
Billie Brunken? You mean PRESIDENT Billie Brunken?!!
Bigbilly- I understand you don't believe me and that's okay- I don't believe you're that big, Billy. I would prefer not to be believed, it's just easier for me that way. I'm not selling anything or trying to scam anyone so no harm no foul. In time you'll see things start shifting in one inexorable direction, then you'll see everything slowly changing all around. And at some point, I will be unable to predict anything anymore- at that point I'll no longer be a time traveler- I plan to not exist anymore at that point.
Re: Wyoming. I live(d) in the Northeastern USA, I don't know much about the rest of the country. No major catastrophes if that's what you mean, sorry I don't know anymore than it's still there.
The religous world is somewhat different in the future- it's more united in the world sense. The Muslims aren't the bad guys after all- the Qu'ran sells rather well in the USA in 2044- I'm not saying this to scare anyone... it's more united and accepted as are other religions. You guys have more "waco type events" with the right wing Catholic fringes in the midwest but this is not a prediction and not a big problem, it's just out of the blue.
Why don't I talk about the Civil War and divergences in timelines? Mostly because there is no civil war in your future... nothing you would define as a civil war although what will happen can only be described as a "civil war". It's a war of the classes- the rich and everyone else. It's like this in 2006- there's your rich, then there's everyone else serving them. There will be more Enrons and many people will suffer as those privledged few take the money and run.
These "Enron events" will only weaken the Federal government further- the more people on welfare, the less people paying taxes, the weaker the whole system gets all while the rich have managed to safely store their trust fund accounts away. I alluded to this once before and don't worry- in the big picture it's a good thing. Iraq is a good thing simply because we never will have another Iraq again- we won't have the will or the money to anymore.
The fact that Americans are struggling is enough for America to pick itself up. "How can America pick itself up? Simple- it simply does." This is where alternate energies become practical solutions, we start making our own solar panels etc.. and over time everything changes. And slowly but surely, real jobs start coming back to America.
Rich people in 2044 are kinda like celebrities- driving a gas car is a sign of wealth. The Federal Government in 2044 is more Democratic (or maybe even Communist) in the overall sense that the standard of life is much higher in 2044. If New Orleans happened in 2044, the entire world would come together and make sure it never happens again... people care more. And this was because of all the stuff we went through in the past- most recently 9/11, Katrina and Iraq.
In 2044, 50% of the total energy consumption is alternative energies and 25% of the people live off the grid, in co-op communities. Food is more locally grown, more available and more organic- a whole lot less packaged foods on the market. Our chicken nuggets don't come from Indonesia.
By 2044 it's totally different. In the future, the more you make, the more taxes you pay period. And if you make over X (a formula), you pay an additional wealth tax. In 2044 if you're rich people appreciate you because they know you're the 3% of the population that pays 20% of the taxes. From this perspective you look back at 2006 and how else could you put it but a "Civil War"? Hope I wasn't ranting, I just wanted to better define it.
As far as divergences, the more divergences I make, the more the world around me will change as a result, the less I can reliably predict. Eventually I won't be considered a time traveler at one point, or inevitably it will be 2044 all over again. HOWEVER, by being here... by occupying this space I am in right now, I am already diverging the world around me. Because if I wasn't here now, maybe someone else would be. So by my not being here now, I am potentially altering someone else's life etc (time travel is popular in the future). This is why I am in Disney- a large anonymous place, less divergence.
FINALLY, the universe has a way to work itself out. Suppose I go back one year and convince my other self not to go back- will I end up with two me's? No. If something as drastic as that happened... if you showed up out of the blue knocking on your younger self's door, the moment the door opened, you'd pop out of existence. It's simply easier for the universe to pop you out of existence then create a totally new reality with two yous in it.
This is a consequence of my being here- I can exist here as long as I don't interfere with my own history. There's a movie in 2044 called "Zero Hour" exactly about this- someone figures out a way to make two of himself. There's your Hollywood tidbit. My being here does affect the younger me in some unforseen, indirect way, however.
You can say I am from a parallel future but then again isn't "the future" a parallel future too? What's the difference? The new branch of physics states there is one acceleration imparting acceleration on matter and energy- it flows one way. As such, this is one universe, not an infinity of them. So while infinite alternate universes may really exist, they have no reality so they don't exist. It's possible to make them exist- if you wanted to live in a universe where you're eating toast five minutes from now, then the energy required to make this a reality is equal to the energy of you making toast. "There is no remote control that allows you to surf the multiverse."
In this regard, ANYTHING is technically possible within the universe with the right amount of acceleration. You could redo the Big Bang if you wanted to- all you need is all the matter and energy (acceleration) in the universe in one spot for one solid Planck Unit- this is how there is only one reality and no "infinite universes"... hope that made sense, once again time traveling is much more popular in the future, lots of movies, websites, articles etc. on it.
Regarding the string theory. This might be giving away key info, so I will be vague. There is one reality with seven realms. "We" exist in the third realm, subatomic particles in the first, galaxies in the sixth. Each realm imparts acceleration on the realm above it; the universe is built from the ground up; one atom can destroy a city. When an atom destroys a city, it makes sense. Hope that helped. String theory has no reality to it. The theory of everything is "Everything is a quotent of acceleration".
There's kind of a revolution with "medium ware"- think USB connections with a million different units each with their own memory card. AI algorythyms save memory; virus crime is a serious offense because it wastes photons. My old man complaint and I see it already- is a world full of crappy devices. Photo albums full of tiny cell phone images. On a more optomistic note, in the future you buy memory- the computer is just a tool.
The first successful time travel experiment was when they had to turn off the particle accelerator because of a breach and everything disappeared when the machine stopped. About a year later and on a hunch, they predicted they would be unable to carry out an experiment to send a static shock "back in time" because a static shock would ruin the experiment and they were right- that was when the million time traveling websites popped up and this site went down.
Another breakthrough was sending laser signals back in time to be recieved as radio signals- static, from there the concept of time travel became mainstream.
Kaku wrote a book about C=ME2, or "first person energy" which opened a whole door to a way to simply side-step the laws of physics, from there the practicality of tangable time travel began. That was when "the billionaires club" all started building their own time machines- The Branson Foundation, through trial and error, found a ratio between acceleration and magnetism which allowed time travel. Again in brief- two balls, you're in the outer ball. Two magnetic balls- one anchored, both mutually attracted. You start the centrifuge and acceleration starts pulling the outer ball away while the magnetism holds it. At the correct harmony, you "spin off" and slow down to reappear in a different, tangable place- an earlier time. It's simply easier for the universe to pop you back into an earlier, equal point in time then create a second God: you in your own universe.
Of course for it to work, you need to actually have an earlier, equal time. It does not have to be in the same place, but it must physically exist and have the right dimensions. If the earlier "landing base" does not, then reality either kicks you back to your point of origin or simply decorporalizes you and you cease to exist. I made sure other people went through successfully before me.
The outer ball (you) gets charged up, traverses time and as it winds down, reality all around you comes into focus. When it stops, they open it and I get out- the ball is just a metal ball made of 2006 materials. I don't know what they do with the balls- in 2044 they're easy to make, here it's valuable scrap metal or corporate art. (And to clarify again) they first send information back in time, then blueprints and schematics, then they test it. You can send one back to 0ad provided you could contact 0ad and convince someone to build one. The landing pad is all concrete and metal, it's not that hard to construct.
There are no schematics- the only things I brought back are myself and a briefcase with gold in it although there are many different blueprints for practical time machines. The only one that works to my knowledge is the Branson machine and only with a huge expenditure of energy. The recieving port- the one here- looks like "The Incredible Motor Mouse Cat Toy" and the time machine looks like a NASA centrifuge.
New cars, in all honesty, are just cars. They're reliable things that do their job- get you there. Cars are applicances- like you and your washing machine today I guess. I think once you start "plugging in your car every night", your perception of it changes. They use hydrogen fuel cells which look like really big AA batteries and apart from that, they run. They're like cell phones today- they're ultimately two parts- a chassis and engine (the cell phone) and the rest of the car (the faceplate)- chassis last a good 20 years and many people simply buy "this year's model" body and they screw it on in 30 minutes instead of buying a whole new car. Cars cost a lot less in the future but they kinda look like "Total Recall cars" as people will nickname them.
I do plan to alter this timeline for my own benefit. I don't see how this is a problem for you folks here now, I plan to change my future upon my death here. That will affect other people's futures- the land holdings my other self will recieve is land someone else would have otherwise owned. The effects of this will only play out long after I am gone, long in the not-yet-defined future from now. One thing is certain, by 2044 I will not be 100% accurate anymore but enough big stuff will have inevitably happened to where it was obvious I was "one of them".
I know posting here changes things in some minimal, unforseen way so I am careful what I say. I have no problem telling you guys about all the good that's yet to come but I won't alter history for anyone's benefit- foremost my own. I am playing it safe. I think the biggest things I've said here are the dirt farms and C=ME2. I am no physicist so I can't replace Kaku and at the same time I don't want to bring about physical time travel before it's proper time.
The way to stop Hitler and World War II (which I believe is where you're going with this) is to travel back to 1919 and change the outcome of World War I. Doing so would cause "generational chaos"- you're directly altering events that happened more than two generations ago... by doing so, virtually 100% of the planet's people would also change as of 2006 so if you went back and tried, you would not succeed. Some things are inevitable simply because time flows from A to B to C in steps. 9/11 was inevitable simply because the seeds of hatred for 9/11 were planted well over 25 years ago.
World War II was a horrible war with so many millions dead. But it is an unalterable event that occured because a million other things happened that led up to it. A good way to look at it is to say although it was inevitable, it could have always been worse.
As far as robots go, Segway is the way to go. Robots will not be self aware until they can touch. "Robots" is a very large and detailed concept. At this point in time, your perspective of a robot is "The Jetsons"- robots look nothing like this... life just slowly starts getting easier. But even in 2044 it's still possible to lose your remote control. Clothes and food are pretty much the same in the future but they get smarter. Look for megacarbons.
Exobiology in 2044 has the same controversey evolution has today. The blueberries on Mars are a form of protolife that never took hold; we still have not been to Titan or Europa but we sent more probes to Pluto which detected organic life locked in the ice. Saturn is an "inside out planet" (but you know that already). Life landed on Earth as DNA and sank to the bottom of the ocean where it found safe haven near hydrothermal vents. As life evolved, it spaced out and eventually found dry land. And when I left 2044, SETI was experimenting with doppler radio because they concluded by then that life had to be out there somewhere, we just weren't listening correctly. Many more wonderful advances in every area occurs between now and 2044.
Subir Key. I call myself an old timer because well- I am old. Seriously, there are many new technologies and advances and wonderful things but the older you get, the less you become interested in them. At my age, Segway wheelchairs are more appealing to be than gravity skates. I am not a representative of 2044, just one person from there. By being here, I feel as though I am 24 again and many of the things that aren't here (that are here in 2044) are distractions, in my opinion- having already lived the prime of my life here, I am happy to be back.
A depression is about to hit this country and people are going to appreciate what they have more but in the end it's all good- there's always a light beyond the darkness.
Subir Key- you also asked what old people do in 2044? Well there's lots of them- enough to where we call the shots. A great deal of effort and energy is spent making sure older folks have what they need and who can complain- everyone's going to be old someday. Social Security is still around but the government pays for our bills more than hands us cash. In 2044 we have Federalized Healthcare for all Americans. This not only boosts our population, it allows the government to keep tabs on us for a good reason.
Everyone wants to be an American in 2044 and we're happy to have their tax monies. People still die in 2044- we never run out of imaginative ways to die but less people die from everything in general so the population as a whole is on the rise. Many retirees live in complexes built in the co-op communities. They get (government supplied) free room and board but not shares. There is a ratio of retirees vs. working people in the communities and for the most part, the influx of new residents is what is pushing all the building. You could call them "old folks homes" but they're not in many ways.
I saw "Daniel McBain" on another thread here which I found interesting because he is from my future. I thought about chiming in on that thread but have the feeling he'll disappear just as quickly as he popped up. I forgot the fun people have playing games on this website.
Spanish is not the next official language of America or anything like that. In 2044, English is the official language and that doesn't stop the 190+ different languages from speaking their native tongue in America- foremost we are free people.
This issue was resolved once and for all in the early 2010's in the Supreme Court. We need one language to correctly interpret the thousands of laws on the books already. By allowing a "legal second language", you're only opening the door to a whole new layer of interpretation which our English-written Constitution never intended.