Would a TT from the F commune with a web site of T

It is all waves. It is micro-waves that exist at a certain frequency, or electromagnetic radiation.

Unbounded means that it is not bounded. (The Universe is Expanding!)

Finite implies that there is a certain mass to the Universe, and that energy is neither Created nor Destroyed, or finite.

Here we go, now, perhaps, someone can get into a time vehicle and tell us all about this one:


But that’s not all. “The evidence suggests very strongly that Neanderthal men didn’t pass on any genetic material to modern humans,” he says. The Neanderthal DNA that Rubin analyzed is simply too different from our own. It’s a conclusion that will fuel flame wars on academic message boards for years. Rubin pauses dramatically, and then continues: “This is a tremendous blow to the theory of admixture between humans and Neanderthals.”
Or at least he thinks it is. Not everyone is giving up on the possibility that humans and Neanderthals shared more than hunting grounds back in the Upper Paleolithic.
An anthropologist at Washington University in St. Louis, Erik Trinkaus is a fierce proponent of the theory that humans and Neanderthals interbred. In 1999, his team examined a 28,000-year-old skeleton, and Trinkaus claimed that its morphological features were “exactly what you’d expect in a hybrid population.”

Is it true "Ancient Mama"?


I'll try to keep it simple.

Expel the nuclear force and then separate the up and down quarks. Replace one quark with a mi-photon. Re-energise.

Try again. I asked for the solved theory based on first principles - not the applied particle engineering. You didn't state anything about how the "magic number" (mass of a proton) pops out of the theory. What is the mass of a quark (based on the theory - not on observation)?

Thank you
I think I received an answer back to my question of whether Neanderthals mated with Homo Sapiens, but like always, it is not that anything gives a name or specifically states anything for sure, out of the quantum mess, but the answer I think I received was:

"You Ugly"!

Well, that gives me something else to consider about any of this Past and Present, and Future Time.

<font color="red"> I am kind of losing interest[/COLOR] <font color="orange">in this.[/COLOR]

<font color="darkpurple">He is just not posting[/COLOR] <font color="purple">enough info[/COLOR]

<font color="darkblue">It is getting kind of <font color="blue"> boring.[/COLOR]

It's just not enough <font color="rainbow">to keep my interest. [/COLOR]
Hello, just need a posting button. This post is directed at no one in particular. Why? Yikes! I thought I threw Parallel Worlds away by accident, and looking through my trash of books I am throwing away only to not find it. Then I find it, right where it should be, but tucked behind smaller books.
Well, verily get through the first chapter, and again it comes to me, from who knows where. So, if there is this multiverse, then all of this is again supporting this "String Theory" and who could not love strings, I think the answer sort of came out in the book with the phrase -- like blowing soap bubbles.

Hey, but you can not continue to blow soap bubbles, without taking a breath. (Unless you are a machine, but even at that, it will not function indefinitely.)

So, it came to me, hey, if there is this multiverse, then why do these scientists think that it would be consistent?

If you are going to have strings and resonances, then surely you are going to have gaps in the soap bubbles, as surely as one would take a breath to blow out more soap bubbles.

Actually I was thinking that even looking at the galaxies, they are clumped together with vast empty spaces inbetween the clumps, so why would not a multi-verse be the same way. Clumps of mult-verses?

So, again that is my idea, and I am sticking to it, same as "Time" is the only Dimension.
Why? Because time may seem like a measurement, but without time at least to me there would be no Space. Mutual, I guess. Well, who knows?

Back to something else.

I think this person Gremain (if I spelled that correctly, and sorry if I did not) got lost somewhere between here and here.

Whoa, my mouse almost got coffe-ied over. Well, there would be gaps between the plucks of the string in the resonances. Call it the lull of the vibration vs. the amplitude of the vibration. Or in slang terms -- what goes up must come back down -- vibrations happen that way also or should that be "disonances" perhaps.

Frequencies apply here I guess.
Out of sensor range, I guess.
Back to babbling about something else.
So, again that is my idea, and I am sticking to it, same as "Time" is the only Dimension.
Why? Because time may seem like a measurement, but without time at least to me there would be no Space.

Why would space need time?

I am sort of uncertain what you think the infinite is. It is NOT our Universe, nor any multiverse, but those are contained within the infinite.

The infinite is beyond time, for something that has no beginning, nor any end, time would be meaningless.

Exactly what is "time", read The Key of Time thread.

Simply put, can you answer this question...

How does anything " know " what "time" it is ?
The theory based on first principles is that the mass of x1 is equal to the gravity of e2 which is at absolute to the bi-nuclear integral.

SMS= quark mass gev/x. 412.453 nannobytes. (Not truth Quark).

That is as much as I am allowed to say regarding your curiosity on this matter.
What is it that you want me to say? Do you want me to say things like there will be civil war in the United States soon. That I have come to collect a computer from the past? You want me to tell you that I am a soldier, like John?

Yes there is a war, and it has been going on for a long time. That is another reason why TTs must always beware.

I am not direct military, more of what you might describe, (I think the word is) 'mercenary'. My mission is to ensure that something takes place on a certain day in the month of July in the year 2006. Then, hopefully, I will be going back home. I am part of a sort of private organization affiliated to the military.

We wear black uniforms (in Time-Transit).

I am six feet tall in my boots.

I am vegetarian.

Smoking is outlawed. We have a one main leader. I live on Mars, but spend 'much time' on other planets at various times. Alcohol has been replaced with drinks that provide similar effects but does the body (and spirit) no harm.

I have a passion for sport and learning........there is always alot to learn.

I also enjoy chemistry.

I have two brothers. One is a soldier, the other a doctor of energy.

The mother ship which my 'craft' arrived here in, is currently at the noth polar region of Earth.

The Earth will taste great war, assasination, riots. Man will do to Man what Man would never dream of.

Do you really want to know the future?

Do you really believe Man, in his futile infancy, is ready to TT? To meet other species? To embrace
what is out there?

The American continent is still there, though somewhat changed.

The United Kingdom is smaller.

The continent of All Europe is still there, but borders have changed.

The African continent is the same......near enough.

Asia has changed.

Some Earth places do not exist as they once did, they have gone.

Once my mission is complete, I hope to be going home. I cannot contact any of you in the same way again. I can only do that from here, Present Earth year 2006, by internet commune.
I am passing through this TT site, uo until my target date.

Pamela M, all of you, do not get bored, get ready, prepare for times shortly to come.
If I told you the truth about ancient man, you would not believe me, and it would cause an even greater stir on the message boards. It is a delicate subject (presently) to say the least.

If the Universe is expanding, what is it expanding into?

Yes, I agree about 'mass' in the known universe being 'finite'. But where is the missing mass?

The theory based on first principles is that the mass of x1 is equal to the gravity of e2 which is at absolute to the bi-nuclear integral.

SMS= quark mass gev/x. 412.453 nannobytes. (Not truth Quark).

Wouldn't it have been much easier to simply say, "I dunno" instead?

You didn't have a clue as to why I asked the question in the first place, did you?

You don't have a clue about what relationship the theoretical mass of a subatomic particle, rather than the measured mass, has to time travel or the future of physics, do you?

...not to mention that you still didn't answer the question in the sense that it was asked. You didn't even know what "first principles" is as it relates to a scientific theory, did you?

A succcessful troll-sci story requires, if it is to have any legs at all, at least a little knowledge of the subject matter on the part of the troller.
Oh, I been a little busy and missed your question.

The question is:

Simply put, can you answer this question...

How does anything " know " what "time" it is ?

How about it is a property of the Universe. It is built in. It is in Mother Nature, so to say and part of Father Time.

The Uncertainty does not come from built-in properties that must be. It occurs because of the interaction that will take place. That part can be uncertain, because after all the combinations that would seem to be 'finite' there simply is that part that occurs because all the parts and actions and reactions are taking place all at relatively the same time.

In musical terms it is called "feedback" and it occurs when frequencies collide together to create abnormal resonances and disonances.

In String Theory, it might be called something like "When Strings Collide"!

Oh to me that does not also insist that the Universe quite knows what it is doing. It is sort of a mechanism, but not one that gets 'feedback' perfectly back to its self. Consider going to a Concert and you are going to hear your favorite well-known smooth-sounding violinist. The other part of the Concert is Jack Benny also playing the song, along with the really-good sounding violinist. They are both playing the same song with the same notes together at the same time and at the same volume, so both are heard equally.

Of course, Jack Benny never played all the time, he stop and tell a joke inbetween musical notes -- well sort of, so that is why there is all this Dark Matter of 79% or so, while the other 3% or so that we all know is like the part that Jack Benny would play -- a few notes here and there, and inbetween with the Universe -- no jokes!

Unlock your brain!

Oh, ya, I just do not quite agree with the Key of Time either.
Saying that the thought could not be separate from the mechanics is again to me assuming. I will just write down what someone else said:

How long can you have nothing? Forever? You have just invoked a measurement, none the less. You have provided your own ruler to the event. You have made it into "Time". The ruler is forever, none the less it still is a measurement of time. But to go one step further, both have to occur. No Time and Time. Call it an awareness, finally which becomes another event. The events start building, and soon --- Big Bang! It can not be contained any longer, the nothingness and the none event. But to me, it was a property or a Rule that was self-consistent, self-ruling, and whatever other self one wants to set to it. In the Beginning there was The Law. The Law is the thought that is separated from the events that unfolded.

Oh, the last part is or was in The Bible.
Then --- Let There Be Light!
Just as there are other questions also as to if the Nothingness had a beginning. Well, to me that would be an abstract question. It becomes like existence and non-existence intertwined all together.
Well, I can not answer everything, nor would I want to. In the end it becomes too abstract to contain any useful meaning. That is why "The Law" or thought at least to me must have occurred within the same realm of that type of existence and non-existence. It is a mystery still and probably will always be. But then one could go on to probabilities and contain other useful abstract information. Whether it is dormant Strings that suddenly like another Event begin to vibrate, the Law and the Abstractness will always be that it must have been a Probability that Was, Is, And Always Will Be.

That is also how anyone can know something from nothing also. Because both exist. I guess!
I take it you don't know the answer? I will ask again, just in case you missed it.

What is the universe expanding into?

And.......I don't need to buy 'books'. I have all my info implanted.
Do you expect me to explain in a language that you would understand? Do you expect me to reveal to you the workings of TT? Of the true compositions of the sub-atomic world?

You are not yet capable of comprehending such complex technology. You are also not ready for TT.

You tried to trick me, as I knew you would do. I gave you your answers, but you failed to understand them, simply because you can not........and I knew you would not.

well, takes time to read all the writings.

pamela, I really wonder whether you still belive John Titor was a real time traveller or not. I mean not what you said before in this thread, your true feelings please. one can deceive all the people, but not oneself. how does it feel to be deceived? well, it is not possible to get %100 percent proof as what you get is most probably something written. it cannot be a proof. it only proves the sender was a hoax and made use of you. are you a physicist? even if you are not, I can understand your interest in time travel matters. I am interested in it, too. That's why I use Time_Traveller as my nick. but I am different in that I do not trust someone who says he is a time traveller as quick as you. think of german. he can time travel but unable to prove he is a real TT. for me a real TT should find a way to prove him/herself real. his excuse is ridiculous. the site being shut down. why does it concern you? another question is that whether we should wait for a TT to tell us how to time travel. if there were time travellers indeed, do you think they learned this from other time trvellers? not pobably. isn't it something degrading? I have never believed anything John said, apart from the things he said regarding physics as I am not a physicist, but someone who is interested in language. why do you feel you should still remain loyal to John? has he satisfied your needs regarding time travel? if yes then you are another TT?
it is really meaningless you still act as his lawyer here. and you said something about the government downloading files from the site. really? why do you think so? because John caused a change in our worldline? hm.. worldline idea is totally rubbish. there is only one worldline or timeline. it is this one. if you can go back or forward you will not change worldlines as there are no other worldlines. and personally though being sceptic I do not believe time travel is possible. I wish it were real. &amp;#305; do not know physics, f someone explain me how it is possible in simple terms I am ready to listen. :D

hi Darby what about the ligusitic study you and you friend were carriying out? what are your conclusions? is John Titor Buzzmaker? by the way who is buzzmaker? I didn't see any post sent by a such name. and what do you think about John Titor after those years? was he a hoax? I wonder your opinion as I reagard you as someone who has commonsense and knowledge of physics. I suppose your friend was feathel is he still writing? by the way who is Cortez. he has defended his case till the end, which I really appreciate. In those writings, I admired three people. Rick Davidson, Darby and Cortez. they were wonderful indeed. asked almost all the right questions I would ask. well, there were many people who wrote there but they didn't strike me as distinct.

hi German. you seem to be a time traveller /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif well, what is your aim? what effect will it have if all the people belive that you are a real time traveller unless you give them the clues? and then yes you can't say all the things, right? you have speacial reasons as all the other TT hoaxes. you are really adept at weasling out of the most definitive question
is it a specialty a TT is treained to have? :D

Do you expect me to explain in a language that you would understand? Do you expect me to reveal to you the workings of TT? Of the true compositions of the sub-atomic world?

You are not yet capable of comprehending such complex technology. You are also not ready for TT.

You tried to trick me, as I knew you would do. I gave you your answers, but you failed to understand them, simply because you can not........and I knew you would not.

As I suspected you have never actually taken a physics course in your life. Oh. maybe in high school you attended a natural science class for a semester - and I presume that your grade was a D or maybe a C. Beyond that one semester however, even assuming that you had that class at all, you never attender another physics course.

You asked a particular question of the members. I asked you a question intimately related to your question...and you didn't recognize the relationship.

What question did you ask that prompted my questions about the theoretical mass of a subatomic particle?

You didn't ask too many questions so even if you take a guess you have a relatively good chance of picking the correct answer...but I'll bet that you can''t correctly state why I asked.
Oh, now I have got a couple of good games going with the Scourge of the Galaxy -- playing Humans!

But, if MOO3 is big, then you will enjoy when you get bored with it, actually flying around the Galaxy -- the Milky Way Galaxy -- with Partiview -- the Hayden Planetarium Program -- Digital Universe.

For example here are a couple of views, while right mouse clicking and dragging the mouse slowly up or down the screen. Usually the left mouse button is used but the faster you drag the mouse in the picture, the faster you will go -- and really --- get lost in Space.




The pictures in 1280 x 960 which means you do not have to have your brower in that resolution though, just intended to make the picture bigger, than the normal startup of the program. But hey, I found Zeti Reticuli 1 &amp; 2 where the real spacealiens are suppose to be -- once initially, then I got Lost in Space!

The picture show the Vicinity of the Sun, and Leaving the Vicinity of the Sun flying away from Our Sun -- Sol!

Oh, the supposed real spacealiens (which to me is a joke) is here:

Oh, if a pop-up comes up saying you need to install MacroFlash whatever - I downloaded the real program the other day, and someone is messing with the Internet again. And it is a little aggravating. So beware of some pop-ups that insist you install some crap on your computer.

Now, if you really want to fly in Space with the Hayden Planetarium 3-D program and really Get Lost, well, MOO3 is quite small actually.

Well, back to the game to try out some things. Now I have got a couple of games started where I want to start and just trying some different things out here in the game.

The real flying in the Galaxy you can try with the Partiview Program from the Hayden Planetarium.

It's a little daunting at first, but drag the mouse to fly, with four modes -- Fly, Orbit, Transit, and something else. But right dragging the mouse moved me towards or away from the Sun. The pictures are only showing the Stars in the Galaxy, there is more that can be clicked on from the program from the University of Illinois.

And as far as the Universe Expanding into What -- well, I actually do not know, except that with the background radiation and all and all the theories, it is the scientists who stated that they think that there is Parallel Universes -- and that all of those Universes would be different. Parallel Worlds is a book written by Dr. Kaku -- a physicists who is one or the major physicist that came up with "String Theory" in the first place. Along with Edward Witten who came up with M-10 or is that M-11 Theory they are the Superstring People and probably (although I am not sure) part of the Prineton Quartet -- Princeton University that is. And they are working on Math Formulas for String Theory and not Music, although I guess the Universe is kind of like a Harmony or Symphony of Music.

If the Universe is Expanding then perhaps it is allowed to Expand because there are more then the normal dimensions that humans can see -- up to 11 dimensions, and perhaps some are curled up below your perceptions with even instruments of detection and the Universe is allowed to Expand because of these Other Dimensions.

But if you want to Get Lost in Space then try the Hayden Digital Universe Programs -- one of which I show is Partiview -- and remind yourself how big Space really is, along with Time.


If I had more answers perhaps I be "Rich" but my name is "Al"!
I am getting really disgusted with the Middle East also!
And Humans are very, very, very, very, tiny amoeba-sized things in this Universe, if even that Big!

Oh, and once again, I guess we older people hear from other people WHO WERE NOT AROUND IN THE 60's OR '70's.
If you like to hear a speech from President Kennedy, perhaps you can find that On the Internet, about "How Russia is Not Going to Move Nuclear Missiles into Cuba".

Perhaps while listening you will want to climb down into your Bomb-Shelter!
Yes, old and grumpy and probably crabby also! So What?

I hate the URL on this Website!
Who's adding the extra http:'s?
Places I dream about...........

The dancing kind.........entangled blossoms.

Just a boy of 17.

What's on my mind, Emmet? The darkness is in your mind.

I hear your laugthter...........sleep, sleep, sleep.

No never did physics.....just got this 'chip' implant. Life is Life! LIFE IS LIFE!!!

We all have the power, and you'll all get the power.

You really don't understand it, do you, Emmet? You really can't see for your own ego. Take some time out, Emmet, to take a good introspective view of yourself. Your headed for........

Where's the Maid of Orleans?

You have once again made a negative assumption........you have assumed that I am an American. See just how wrong YOU can be, Emmet. Take a look at yourself, for the sake of your spirit.

You think to have tricked me. LOL.....Emmet, I am the Trickster God.

I feel your pain, your not to blame.
Did you know, Emmet, that Einstein never said that the speed of light was absolute.

Theres something in the air.

You know what I'm talking about, Emmet. Dare you admit it.

My mission date draws near.

It's all too beautiful.
You live on Mars?

Well...you could go into the details on how that became possible.
So do you call yourself a martian? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

What kind of damage does alcohol do to the spirit?

Whats a doctor of energy? body energy or physics energy?

How can you really claim what our future holds? Are you not a big believer
in many world theories? If you are then you know that "things can change"
and we might not experience all evil you claim will come apon us.
A real time traveler can never be sure what will happen.He only has possibilities and probabilities based on the knowledge he has and sees in the worldline he is on.

If you are so sure. How can you be sure and what do you base your predictions on?

You said "to meet other species" are you claiming to have met other species of intelligent life not cuurently known to us?

Don't think that I automatically believe everyone who claims to be a time traveler. John Titor was different to me. I felt a connection. I had a vivid dream. There were dejavues and altervues around the time he did his email experiment. There was something different about him. Even through all of that.... I still have doubts about it.

I actually am a somewhat skeptical person believe it or not. When there is too many coincidences,too many weird things happen, and too much knowledge imparted from the time traveler then one tends to believe more than others.

To tell you the truth.. right now I am not convinced in you claiming to be a time traveler. But I will ask you questions as long as you remain interesting.

One of the main questions I have is why have you decided to come on here and talk to us? Does it have something to do with your mission?

When you talk about a "chip implanted" You didn't get it in your right hand or forehead did you?
What year did you say you were from?