Would a TT from the F commune with a web site of T

And on top of all of that as well as what is going on with N. Korea, it ain't even August yet.

Now, why would anyone use that word "ain't"?

I usually do not, but since sometimes I want to feel like a talk-show radio host, I just use it because some other men do.

And if my adjectives or adverbs seemingly seem out of order, it is because -- that is the way that I have said it.

But, I don't think that anyone gave me the idea, that "time" is the only dimension, I just put that forth as something to consider.

Not everyone is going to come up with formulas to prove anything, it is just some people who do not work in those fields sometimes have different thought processes going on than what is considered to be the norm inside or outside of discussions on any subject -- this subject being about "time", I guess.

Other than that, always will be brought up the 'human' behind those thought processes.

But what would "Ancient Mama" think about this 'men' type of discussion thing that always seemingly goes on?

There also may be a phase variance that must be tuned into to obtain those passing ideas that seemingly float around in the 'air' but I do not go as far as to say there is an 'aether'. That -- that to me is something that I can not seem to grasp, as some others have mentioned.

Nope, simply 'time' causes the movement and the expansion that became the Universe, and Space is a product of the 'Time' taken to acheive that. That is one of those thoughts seemingly that came out of 'thin air' or so to say.

Perhaps, it all has to do with 'discussions' of the subject, but still, it is a leap. Like a quantum Leap to delve into why the brain and mind puts seemingly different thoughts together and comes up with any explanation.

However, I do suggest that Einstein did come up with those thoughts, and there are Spirits that also hold on to those Spirit ideas also. Humans just seemingly can pick up some of those thoughts out of thin air, or 'think' in the end on this Planet, due to being alive.

However, at this time, I also think that some other people think that some people should be dead, but the anger should be directed towards those ones that make this World be put on edge. However, all that is sugggested is not to be angered by any of it, as that will do no good. Yes, I can also say that, and that some others think that way with diplomacy, but once upon a good time, don't anyone seemingly think that:

"I like to send a bomb to N. Korea and leave it a smoking hole in the ground" type thought. However, now at this time there is that radio talk show, where one can voice an opinion about what anyone of these so-called Leaders are doing at any time.

However, if going by another thought process, I would have to be reminded of "Master of Orion's" opening movie lines where someone else thought to include it in that type of framework.

Or course the Creation Process in the game is referring to making mutant spacealiens, so Creation becomes a course of action only if one can 'control' the Creation Process.

Of course in the computer game, they also make another thought process, and that 'control' is hard to maintain. That if the Leaders of the Galaxy (the New Orions or an old benign sect of the war Antarans) expect to maintain 'control' then there seems to be certain rules that they will also have to follow. These unwritten rules as it is always brought up, seem to be inherent in the life force of the Galaxy.

Therefore, others also pick up this Life Force type of 'thin air' ideas also, so I fail to see where actually some humans in their field of endeavor need any help to come up with any of the ideas that humans have come up with.

There are no ideas when everyone would be dead. That is just a figure of speech and has nothing to do with the way reality will turn out. It would probably also be one of those 'infinte ideas' that seem to exist but not really written about.

It can also be studied or assumed about, and always thought about also, but again, there must be something else to do, as Life always makes up those other activities that take place also.

So like anything else -- "Time" is not really circular or Close-Looped, it must be "Spiral", since I am just taking that from the norm of the Earth traveling along around the Sun, with the Sun moving like it does, and the Galalxy moving like it does.

Think "Spirals" and not "Circles" thus someone else can have a 'meeting' now with someone else, or with 'his/her/spacealien' self.

In another unwritten 'rule' the conversation may never be over. That also would be a type of infinity, but somehow, there is that dreaded long ways ahead of that "looming future" also. There is a limit then, as to how far a human can think about what may happen in the future. Short-term may be more correct than long-term, but then, it was going to happen because it was 'ideas' that came from somewhere and that somewhere was the 'human' who came up and stated that 'idea'.

Well, don't go around in circles then, because of being a carnival ride. That infinity just became a 'limit' just as in other things, so have at it with the conversations.

I give no orders and I also give no commands, or do I not think about what orders I should be given or what commands I should be given. I just think, so do not expect me to be off in the 'thin air', as the physical reality may hit me in the face as it does time and time again.

However if some of these ideas are seemingly put in a computer and attempted, it may not have been 'intelligence' anyway, just another program, and hard-wired is something that really can not be.

There are limits even to infinity.
Time travelers didn't give us all that. People worked on these problems.
If travelers forwarded the ideas then they stold them from the people who did the real work.
Those people didn't get the rightful credit they deserved then.
Are you really missing what he is inferring? I referred to it before when I commented on his name.

I believe he is inferring that the "timeless", eternal, legendary person that we have come to call St. Germaine has "given" us all of these things.

Because, of course, anyone who lived forever would certainly get bored with the 9-to-5 grind and start doing something "useful to those who have a limited lifetime."

Hmmmm.... why do I feel like Pamela & Germain are starting another RPG, similar to the "John Titor and Pamela" show? You really do seem to enjoy playing right into the hands of these "mystery internet guests" Pamela... as if it was part of a script!

"Hmmmm.... why do I feel like Pamela & Germain are starting another RPG, similar to the "John Titor and Pamela" show? You really do seem to enjoy playing right into the hands of these "mystery internet guests" Pamela... as if it was part of a script!" RMT

Am I the only person asking the guy questions?
Is it my fault you are not asking him questions?
If that's a script sure seems like it sucks so far! LOL
Am I the only person asking the guy questions?
Leading questions? In law they call this "leading the witness". /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Is it my fault you are not asking him questions?
Do you think he could give accurate answers to the types of questions I might ask, viz. the ones you ask?

If that's a script sure seems like it sucks so far! LOL
Whether it "sucks" would depend upon the INTENTION of what the script is to be used for. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif

Yes, the way I am thinking of it. There are Limits even to Infinity. One - you can not imagine it, nor does it exist except in math. Some guy comes up with a large number called the googleplex, and now, someone else is suppose to say that it represents something. Except, it seems there is nothing that much that it can represent. It might as well be -- infinity. Fine, you can go by the dictionary on many things, but humans' brains are just too small to imagine all the terms one could come up with. It then becomes a trick. Oh gee, I can add one more to a number, and never reach the end. Except that is just the now Rules of Math.

But even if you divide things down to that close approach to -- that word -- infinity, you can never get there. It is impossible, and as far as I am concerned it has no concrete value only abstract. Only in Math can one come up with - infinity. In the real world, it does not exist.


Except for people who really just want to argue about "just about anything".

The only way to prove that "infinity" exists is just inventing a term to make it exist.

Until able to actually come up with anything else, it will be a term -- that word -- infinity, but perhaps it means less than more.

Yes, spoke directly to Mr. Einstein.
Hows he doing? Well, he was OK back then when I spoke to him, but, of course, as you know, he has since died.
And dead men don't think.

How do you KNOW time travellers didn't give you all that? Yes, people were working on them, too.
'Give credit where credit is due'.
It is pointless giving you the URLs as those sites don't exist yet.
I think you may have incorrectly assumed that I meant 'Present Day' academic physics sites.
The preceived theory of the Universe that has been around for years is that:

The Universe is "Finite" but "Unbounded"

There is the background radiation that was found in 1964.

By Bell Labs people -- Wilson someone else.

It puts the end of the Universe all around with the background cosmic radiation.
at 3 degrees Kelvin.
or so.
Would a TT from the past commune with...Yes!

I know! I know!

The answer is that everything is beyond that.

See, there was this instense burst of radiation/particles, that formed the world around us. Space folds in on itself, and we exist because of it. We're thoughts wrapped in physical form.

We're finite beings, in an infinte world. (most of us) Therefore, according to (most of) us, the world is finite. But time goes on when we're "gone", but we're not really gone, we've just not had the chance to be born. Our births are merely moments in time of when we "leave" the primordial soup in our transit back to being reborn in a bigger bang.

Part of the key is to figure out how to transport our "materia" into the next generation where it lies dormant, but possibly might re-awaken to it's previous state. Much akin to the Gholas of Dune fame.

Sound about right, or am I mistaken?

Even in finiteness, there is a degree of infiniteness. Possiblity or choice being the operative problem.

I can say infinite + 1, but it's still infinity. With a finite expansion. The world is indeed finite, but unbounded. We need to figure out how to continue our traversal through the "eternity" that lies beyond our mortal lives.

Re: Would a TT from the past commune with...Yes!

Yes, everything is beyond that. An infinite everything.

Thoughts wrapped in meat?

We are infinite beings in an infinite existence.

We are imortal.

Our materia is perishible, but our prima materia is eternal.
Re: Would a TT from the past commune with...Yes!

Are we still talking physical time travel here?

What's beyond the physical material is the spiritual.

Am I getting you right that you say beyond the microwave background (if there existed a telescope

to see that far back) is suddenly a junk yard of a bunch of physical stuff?

Maybe you can explain that better because I don't understand what it is you are saying.

It is pointless giving you the URLs as those sites don't exist yet.

I think you may have incorrectly assumed that I meant 'Present Day' academic physics sites.

That's wonderful! And I think that I'm safe in stating without any particular assumption that you are claiming to be a time traveler if you've actually spoken to Mr. Einstein. Small assumption - but if I'm wrong please corret me. You're alluding to the same "Mr. Einstein" who penned the Special Theory of Relativity in 1905, the General Theory of Relativity in 1915 and was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921 (photo-electric effect), yes?

That all being correct...

You've worked out time travel and discovered several new particles (that you've referenced above). Please enlighten us. In our knowledge poor time we can only state the mass of a proton based on observation and then plug that value into our physics problems. We have no theory that predicts the mass of a proton (or the mass of any other particle for that matter). You should be able to predict the value of the mass based on first principles rather than on simple observations. Show us the science behind the discovery.
How can something be finite yet unbounded?
Interpret 'unbounded' for me.

Background radiation, yes, that is picked-up by radio waves.
I'll try to keep it simple.

Expel the nuclear force and then separate the up and down quarks. Replace one quark with a mi-photon. Re-energise.