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Re: The Other Side of Food

Now, I can not watch a movie on my computer anymore. Nero Showtime does not work at all. Must be some of the latest security updates from Microsoft.

I shall try this free DVD player, to see if that works. The patch did not help, re-installing (after uninstalling Nero 6.6 version) did not work. It does not work. If this is the extent of updates from Microsoft -- the heck with it all.


Re: The Other Side of Food

Not only that, but perhaps I deleted something out of the Registry, and I am not sure, but some file got corrupted, and even the error message was corrupted. I tried the Console Repair method, what I am I going to do in ms-dos -- except reinstall the OS? The other disks, only state that "Gee the files are different than what was installed from the OS" No joke! Gee, Microsoft changed them because of Security Updates. Then some other things happened, and now I am in Windows 98 -- since that was still working, so I could install the OS (Win2K - dual boot) back on the System. That is about it for Home Editions of OS, even if music does work better with those, and media, since Professional Versions allow one to have 2 - OS's on your computer. Well, if it is Microsoft Critical Updates again (perhaps like the latest one that may or may not had something to do with, or me finding old programs in the Registry long gone and "Un-installed" then perhaps it was me, but still I am going to delete those items in the Registry. After looking around in there, it is not all that hard to work with, but I think I copy it somewhere, because it must work for both OS's. I just do not see one for Win2K since I think that takes over the machine mostly, but allows the other OS to work -- somewhat.

Back to fixing my computer, I have other work to do, and I get to re-install Visual Studio .NET (and don't forget the spaces) again.

Well, that about does it.
(there was still something on my computer this summer, even after most of the updates from Microsoft, so as far as I can remember, until they come up with a modified version of XP, that includes all that crap and it works, with programs (just to make sure), that will about do it.

If I can not watch a DVD movie sometimes on my computer, then that will be about it (unless I did it, which I can not say that I did not accidently.) FRAPS -- Video Decompressor - but I have no idea what it works with (the program), and it still is not installed, and if Quicktime or something, I really do not care, because that was just a plugin for IE anyway. (as far as it said - since I took off the program and removed it. The heck with *.mov files - quicktime files for awhile.)

Crashed, Burned, and needs to be Finished re-installing so I can do something besides download updates from Microsoft. Although I see no way that those actually should have done anything, but hey, if the OS crashes, with my OS's anyway, start-up disk are worthless. I copied everything first over to another logical drive, so I can have my Documents and E-mail, I hope on the E-mail. Reinstalling an OS erases everything you did have, and a Previous Good Configuration just did not happen. It did not start the computer.

Re: The Other Side of Food

Oh, look up "FRAPS" Video Decompresor on Google Search. Someone was having a problem in XP. It finally got traced to a "Hidden" pop-up killer in Spy Sweeper. I had that on my computer also, but perhaps an older version. I suppose he had his Desktop set to "Web Pages" type viewing of everything, instead of the Old Windows Classic Viewing (which I use.) His Desktop would dissappear when he started his computer, and he could not figure out why. The Pop-up Killer was not allowing his Desktop to show. Once he found out with others help why his computer was doing this, and removed that program, then his OS started acting normal again.

Well, it could be a downloaded program from the Internet despite testimony claiming it works good, or about anything nowadays, like someone messing around in the Registry. But there are entrys in there from long-gone programs, and I have no idea why the programs un-install does not take out everything. It is like - Hey, you will probably re-install the program again. But hey, I probably will not. Tried it and all of that, but don't need it. So I removed it, and I expect the programs to be fully removed. If it is Microsoft also adding to the problem, then that might be possible also.

Re: The Other Side of Food

After all of that, it may be the video card drivers. The program did it again, and it should not. I guess it worked better with my old video card. But drivers would do it.

Have to laugh at that!
Oh, the insanity sometimes of working on a computer.

Re: The Other Side of Food

Nope, not the new video card drivers, I am using them now.

Must be the program of Nero 6.6 that is not working correctly, I guess. Well, nothing has really changed all that much from about 11 years ago with programs on computers.

Back to installing the monster, Visual Studio .NET 2002.

(If I get one more pop-up message coming in about the Registry or my computer needs fixing, I am going to put in Windows Defender first also, after the above.

Back to wondering why Microsoft is paying fines in Europe, because programs do not work all that well -- well no I am not wondering, everybody else is -- same ol' stuff.

Computer games work better after the patches.



I think something is already on my computer, so Windows Defender first now. And it seems usually connected to this site perhaps, running around the Internet.
or else it seems to affect this forum when on it.
Re: The Other Side of Food

Yep, something was on my computer, now it is off. Some threads here did not last all that long. I did not mean this place in particular just the Internet in general.

Well, maybe I can make the DVD player work in Windows 98SE (dual-boot system) now that more downloads about Security is needed back at Windows Update. My!

Latest for anyone, except for x64 bit computers (but that can be looked up is:)


Download the Tool, it did not work on my computer.



Windows defender beta 2

No matter what Microsoft says, Windows Defender still does not start up on my computer. Must need more Windows Security Updates.

Maybe Windows 98 will work because they quit updating it about July this year. That means the latest ones were not downloaded, but hey, games still work.

E = (MOO3 - Master of Orion)c^2

Vitural Mass, Ha, Ha!

Okay, back to updating, updating, updating, but with current back-ups now. Seems I forget about those, but I found a reference to a back-up from 09/02/2002. Duh!

Even got everything Registered again, after wiping out the boot disk drive. (Although formating anything does not really do anything anymore, except add three bytes to the beginning of each sector of the hard disk partition because you can not low-level format harddisks anymore. When they were smaller you could do that, and really wipe out data. Nowadays, it is just replaced. If using different Sector sizes, my 60gB HardDisk reported by Partition Magic would appear to be about 8gB with smaller Sectors - the smallest one can use - 4K -- current size is 16K or 4 times bigger. Anyway that is what the program reported, but all that kind of stuff is best just to leave with the orginal sizes for those harddisks. I guess.)

That about does it again!

Re: The Other Side of Food

Okay, I did not, repeat "not", did not download the Direct X 9 Security update.

Well, I might, but the rest is done.

Now, I guess I need a backup. All I know is the computer changed again, and I can now delete the original OS that was copied to another logical disk. Hey, I can not lose my Favorites for IE, and all My Documents and such that I have been working with lately, so copying those back, and storing the Documents somewhere is now going to happen. The rest is again now done.

Well, to work, once again, on this advancement of Civilization.
And it is working better also.
4 years later.

That's better than Windows 98 that use to break down every year and a half, it seems.

But which Security Update? I sort of doubt it could be the Direct X 9 Security Update, but who knows?

No, date is given now, so I would not know what the last batch was that may have interferred with my DVD Player, although it should not. So much for that I guess.

Re: OT

That may be, but until Microsoft fixes things so other programs work, I think it may affect the entire World in the future.

Godzilla is back on the screen. (in Windows 98SE, so far.)

The 2 Security Updates that affect playing DVD movies on my computer with Nero Showtime are: (in Windows 98SE)

KB918547 - Microsoft Graphics Rendering System Security Update and:
KB896358 - HTML Help Security Update.

In other OS's those two definitely.

Until new patches come out, or something is done, making programs not work, is not what the OS is suppose to do.

So, that is it, and as to Time Travel, I think it affects the entire world that such things may happen in the future because of this World.

Now, I grant you that since that OS and Browser usually are used by such a vast population of the entire world, that it will affect this world, and already send it further.

Now, the Pope made a comment and it was thought to be in poor taste, and all of that just lately too, but it just to me how one seems to think about it.

Anyway, if people are going to get upset about just anything, I think it well plays into the future, and it well plays that Godzilla was not on the screen until I took those two Security Updates out of my system in at least one of the two OS systems, I paid for.

But that will be all, and at least I am not trying to command the World into the Abyss of endless religious conflict.
Re: OT

That is fine for the forum. Alright.

Let me remind this World, that there are 1.1 billion Catholics in this World.

I have already talked to some others more important about this kind of activity out of some other people in this World.

In exact words, when other people in this World do not really know religion, then they should not preach it. They are to me false prophets and false witnesses and the rest will be their decision.
Operating Thetan (OT?)

Let me remind this World, that there are 1.1 billion Catholics in this World.
I know. I grew up as one of them. I know them well. Just as fallible as any other human being regardless of what God they believe in.

Regardless of what form of God (if any) we believe in, there is a larger similarity which we cannot deny and that is we share the same human body/brain architecture. We are all from the same mold.

At the end of the day, if you ignore what each human being believes about God, we all share the same architectural design in the human body. This similarity is much more important than any difference in what our minds may choose to believe.

Re: Operating Thetan (OT?)

Then perhaps you do know that according to The Bible, when people become liberals enough, War will result.

Yes, it is in The Bible.

And this is what has happened in the Past!

I just read a bunch of other comments over at the BBC. Sad to say that most people are so assuming they will give an opinion without knowing anything about what was going on. (in Pakistan's instance in the beginning, it was not bomb them back to the stone age, it is a fact that with their english-speaking version of their Newspaper -- Dawn -- they are the ones that reported that the USA was giving them $500,000,000 to set up over there.)

Isalm over there is not sensitive, but to me (and this is an opinion) just as stupid as some other people in this World about religion.

Should the Pope have mentioned all religions or just the interpretation of religion?

Perhaps, but then that kind of negates his real role in life.

I don't think they are all that great at politics, and that is all.

Unhappy is a state of condition brought on by people wanting it to be that way~!
It was a choice!

(By the way, the DVD player program works better in Windows 98SE anyway, and I took out all the Security Updates with that OS.)

(I also got Visual Studio .NET where it belongs, after re-installing it because I guess you have to install it first, before you get the correct install screen up that lets one change the logical drive it will install to. Now it is off my boot logical drive and it better be happy where it is on another logical drive.)(I have more work to do with this thing called a computer.) (A computer will only reflect the morals of the person that programs it.)


Oh, those Newspapers are here:


Now it mainly seems as if they are also picking up more, the articles from major news suppliers, or not generating News on their own anymore, like a lot of them.

A global market that seems to be already corrupt?
Re: Jo momma an operating thetan.

At the end of the day, if you ignore what each human being believes about God, we all share the same architectural design in the human body.

At the end of the day, if you ignore our structural similarities, some of us are objectively wrong about God.