Would a TT from the F commune with a web site of T

What you use to raise up the desk?


What if you get tired?

Try a bar stool with a back, and twirl around a bit! Wheeee..............

But you are suppose to stand up, mainly!

Well, what if I don't wanna?

Be Louis the XIV then, he invented the chair!

Some French King!

Well, I am not a King!

Then, I suppose those computer games and programs will be more active then on the computer!
And now that you are standing up at your computer:

You can run while reading a book, take a break while typing, and run while even playing a computer game.
And now that you are standing up at your computer:

You can run while reading a book, take a break while typing, and run while even playing a computer game.
Right. And today I am making my "famous" Honey-Hot Teriyaki Wings. With friends coming over today, these make an excellent appetizer that tend to disappear fast. While chicken is usually associated as paired with white wines, I assure you the smokey, deep caramel flavor of these wings pairs well with a bold Cabernet or even a Zinfandel. Served with a chilled cucumber-chive viniagrette salad.

/ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif
* looks at his cheap 3 minunte, stir in Dolmio Pasta Sauce in different light * /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

erm....i think i'll just let this cool down bit.

* throws food in bin with disgust * /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif

I think I'll eat out tonight!
Food as Energy

Hi Olly, /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I think I'll eat out tonight!
Wow, I didn't mean to depress you, bud! If you were in my neighborhood, you know you would've been here having a chicken wing and a glass of wine!

But eating is always a good thing no matter what it is you are eating to acquire Energy! In fact when I am eating something bland I generally find I am concentrating on other, more important, things.

Re: Food as Energy

Now after all of that:

People can get on their knees and pray (what is it to the East) including the Jews and maybe even outside over there and make like some kind of Isalm without being that. Perhaps Peace will follow since the Religious Leaders still are going on with all the Iran crap over there.

Then, defeat them later like they do.
Re: Food as Energy

If you were in my neighborhood, you know you would've been here having a chicken wing and a glass of wine!

Well, i most certainly would have attended, by god it would have been a chicken wing masacre if i had of been there yesterday thats for sure!

* stomach starts to grumble again *

Who's to say though....you never know 100% what fate has in store. Maybe someday i WILL get to sample the famous "Hudson" chicken wing, all whilst quizzing your brain over key topics!!

Kind regards,
Re: Food as Energy

I knew there was something eating my computer, more bytes going out then coming in.

Updated "Windows Defender" (to the rescue!)


This program has potentially unwanted behavior.

Remove this software immediately.










Severe -- Dangerous -- no the Spyware!
Not the computer.

Now, back to normalness. (is that a word? Well, it is today!)
Re: Food as Energy


Now, back to normalness. (is that a word? Well, it is today!)

A perfectly valid use of the language. Afterall, English is a Germanic language. In any Germanic language it's always OK to "kit-bash" words together to make a new word with a meaning that transcends the meaning of the individual words slung together (though I bleieve "normalness" has been kit-bashed before.

Tossing in a prefix here or a suffix there is the normalness of our language.
Re: Food as Energy

The computer now is working fine, but I suspect that in a short while it will start up again, but I can not find anything on it, and all programs say it is running normally. But when it starts acting up, I restart it and it stops sending out more bytes then it is receiving.

After moving Visual Studio. NET 2002 on my computer, (no, I really do not want to re-install that program -- if you ever seen the Install readme's (yes, more than 2) then neither would anyone else), and now I just have about 500 Registry items to change reflecting the change, after Partition Magic 7 checked bad sectors on my hard drive boot disk and wrecked something again, but I reverted back to a previous good configuration. The patch I never could download for that dang program and for the most part it works, but I have no idea what it did, because with Windows 2K, I can also do that with Microsoft starting up the computer and checking the harddrive.

I just have to move Visual Studio. NET because my harddisk partition is running out of room, and even though I could recombine the logical partitions on my big harddrive, I thought it would be easier just to move the darn folder. However, how did I know that there be like it seems to be -- 1000's of Registry items for that dang program. Gee's! Let alone trying to decide if I have a rootkit on my computer, which does not seem so, but just wanted to make sure. The only real way to defeat one of those is to --- re-install the OS system --- and even Microsoft says -- you should be afraid. Now, exactly what is the problem here with that OS being that way. Now, they say the new one (Vista) will be in the Protection 0 ring of the stupid computer, which of course, most of that could have been done in the first place, except reading any programming book on that - leaves one confused over and over again. Yes, there is the Protection 0 ring, the 1 ring, the 2 ring, and the 3 ring because of the CPU or there use to be. Extremely sensitive stuff like parts of the OS should have been there long ago, it was even used to create expanded or extended memory when it was done with ms-dos way back then. I threw the ms-dos book away.

Now, it is back to another computer game, perhaps someday:
SMAC (Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri) version Mod for Civilization IV. They quickly got that done, and some people still play that game from 1999. Sci-fi books were written because of that game. It seems that finally at the end of Civilization game, humans do leave for Alpha Centauri and find planets there, and aboard the spacecraft going to Alpha Centauri, factions are born after the Captain of the Ship dies (from something) and now there are 7 human factions on Alpha Centauri.



SManiAC, I think on the last page somewhere there. Well, I downloaded, and have not had time to try it. 3D -- Civilization IV, now modded to make Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri.

Of course, the game has fungus and mind-worms running around the planet along with a few other things instead of like only on the computers on Earth.

And of course the human factions are typical of Earth's humans.

Well, back to working on the computer for a bit yet, as 15gB I will probably never have for any new OS from Microsoft to install it. Why don't they just leave it on the disk -- probably now a DVD for that new whatever OS coming out soon. Most of it could be left off of the computer and the 3D part is so slow, everyone is saying that with current computers you might as well, just leave it in 2D like the other OS's. Slower OS even more so with Vista. Direct X 10 will not be compatible with any previous OS's so new games will probably have to be made for Direct X 10 and the other Direct X included with the OS -- Direct X 9.0L version instead of the current "c" version. I wonder if the "L" stands for -- "Lousy".

Microsoft is great for spending your money though. I may even buy XP although I had it on my computer when I bought it, but purposely bought Windows 2K back then, so I think I destroyed XP on my computer and well, I won't really miss it anyway.

I don't mind registering programs and I do buy them, it is when, they can not be activated except by signing up that I start to wonder. I still think there should be another way, and at least computer games are considering that -- like Galactic Civilizations II game -- no protection on the CD (like Starforce which may wreck your computer since it does not get along with R/W drives and has been used with some games lately, all of which makes people crabby in the end) and signing in to download patches for the game before you can download the patches for the game.

Ask me if I want to spend a week like before redoing my computer because I change things around on it sometimes, and the answer is "No" because it is all the patches nowadays one has to download from Microsoft because the OS still ignores all the recent changes and installs the original OS and Internet Explorer 5 of all things. (like Windows 2K).

I just do not have the time to do that anymore, it is bad enough just to keep the computer running from the next worm or virus some people may come out with, and sure, having a firewall may help, but having a hardwall firewall will help more. I just do not have all the time to spend securing anything like a computer just to make it run. That should have been done in the OS, in the Protection Rings that the processor has in it from the beginning with the Intel Processor.
At least to me, except if running maybe an AMD processor and that I do not know about.
I sure people want to spend money on just having people around to do that for a job, now only if I could have one of those jobs and make mula money also in the process. I sure some businesses can afford all that stuff done, while others are still using Windows 98 on their computers which is no longer supported, but at least Windows 2K will be supported until 2010. Read the fine print over at the Microsoft's website. There is tons of reading just there to do about any thing concerning computers and programming.

The only good use was a compute game on a computer to simulate knowledge to use in other endeavors and make the world better through the use of computers. Now, certain people in the world, want to attack anything they can with computers, because probably because of Microsoft.

Back to the real "24 hour day". Time and money were the only things to consider for the most part, and still now even the time involved is taking up too much time just for a computer, hence the computer games of making computers better.

All will be 3D coming up shortly, in a few years of so. Even China wants in and wanted to create a open-source OS system. And there are a lot of people working on open-source programming.




My, all the wonderful things to spend your time on. (of course, I am being sarcastic!)
Exactly who is paying for it all!

Rant over!

My, I am in a TimeWarp!


Installing Microsoft OS versions and Sid Meier versions of games, next is Railroad Tycoon. Anyone got an Ace up their sleeve.


Re: Food as Energy

Okay, dang Registry is done, except for 4 items -- listed somewhere else where they should be -- I have no idea, but as Civilization III was installed in Windows 98 before, and then un-installed - then why are there still a couple of entries in the Registry - I have not deleted those yet, but they should have been by the un-install program back whenever. Duh! This is why - you get bloated Registry on your computer, and it slows down finally because the OS really does not work correctly, or as Microsoft would say - it is their program -- yes, it is, but who knows what you are doing Microsoft? That is why you are paying fines in Europe, because of that crap and all of that. Who knows? I do not know, but it takes forever to read all the changes you do -- Microsoft.

Still, computer is acting up sometimes and only sometimes, nothing can be found.

The IDE for programming works once again fully - because the other program that should have changed some entries in the Registry actually did not change them when it stated it did. I fixed it.

Still, nothing shown, and files changed from backups on the computer but Iam not sure about any of that anyway, right now. The computer works for the most part though.

Proof that Visual Studio .NET works in its new logical drive location:

// File: CreateDevice.cpp
// Desc: This is the first tutorial for using Direct3D. In this tutorial, all
// we are doing is creating a Direct3D device and using it to clear the
// window.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
#include <d3d9.h>
extern "C" //added by me because these are "C" header files and not "C++" files
#include <malloc.h> //added by me -- concerns allocating memory
#include <new.h> //added by me --- concerns something I do not remember right now that is
// why there is the Help System where I saw it in the first place

extern unsigned int _amblksiz; //add by me -- changes grandularity of heap - 8K is default
int _set_new_mode(int);
void free(void*); // have to include for using <malloc.h> or adding heap memory and freeing it
// thus the "free" function - total memory of heap 1mB probably or so.
// Global variables
LPDIRECT3D9 g_pD3D = NULL; // Used to create the D3DDevice
LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 g_pd3dDevice = NULL; // Our rendering device
// Name: InitD3D()
// Desc: Initializes Direct3D
_set_new_mode(1); // sets up changing the heap size and is in <new.h> header file
_amblksiz = 2048; // set to 2K instead of default 8K for pages of the heap - okay what data
// is actually 8K of data -- cuts down on total paging space that could be used
// to store more data in the heap space. Like video data and other objects
// that automatically are stored on the heap to be recalled by the program.

// Create the D3D object, which is needed to create the D3DDevice.
if( NULL == ( g_pD3D = Direct3DCreate9( D3D_SDK_VERSION ) ) )
return E_FAIL;
// Set up the structure used to create the D3DDevice. Most parameters are
// zeroed out. We set Windowed to TRUE, since we want to do D3D in a
// window, and then set the SwapEffect to "discard", which is the most
// efficient method of presenting the back buffer to the display. And
// we request a back buffer format that matches the current desktop display
// format.
ZeroMemory( &d3dpp, sizeof(d3dpp) );
d3dpp.Windowed = TRUE;
d3dpp.BackBufferFormat = D3DFMT_UNKNOWN;
// Create the Direct3D device. Here we are using the default adapter (most
// systems only have one, unless they have multiple graphics hardware cards
// installed) and requesting the HAL (which is saying we want the hardware
// device rather than a software one). Software vertex processing is
// specified since we know it will work on all cards. On cards that support
// hardware vertex processing, though, we would see a big performance gain
// by specifying hardware vertex processing.
return E_FAIL;
// Device state would normally be set here
return S_OK;
// Name: Cleanup()
// Desc: Releases all previously initialized objects
VOID Cleanup()
if( g_pd3dDevice != NULL)
if( g_pD3D != NULL)
// Name: Render()
// Desc: Draws the scene
VOID Render()
if( NULL == g_pd3dDevice )
// Clear the backbuffer to a blue color
g_pd3dDevice->Clear( 0, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DCOLOR_XRGB(112,112,128), 1.0f, 0 );
// Begin the scene
if( SUCCEEDED( g_pd3dDevice->BeginScene() ) )
// Rendering of scene objects can happen here
// End the scene
// Present the backbuffer contents to the display
g_pd3dDevice->Present( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
// Name: MsgProc()
// Desc: The window's message handler
switch( msg )
void free(void*);
PostQuitMessage( 0 );
return 0;
case WM_PAINT:
ValidateRect( hWnd, NULL );
return 0;
return DefWindowProc( hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam );
// Name: WinMain()
// Desc: The application's entry point
// Register the window class
"D3D Tutorial",
RegisterClassEx( &wc );
// Create the application's window
HWND hWnd = CreateWindow( "D3D Tutorial",
"D3D Tutorial 01: CreateDevice",
// Initialize Direct3D
if( SUCCEEDED( InitD3D( hWnd ) ) )
// Show the window
ShowWindow( hWnd, SW_SHOWDEFAULT );
UpdateWindow( hWnd );
// Enter the message loop
MSG msg;
while( GetMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0 ) )
TranslateMessage( &msg );
DispatchMessage( &msg );
UnregisterClass( "D3D Tutorial", wc.hInstance );
return 0;

Okay, back to more work! I am sure that something in the future may affect my computer like more mindworms like being on another Planet like Alpha Centauri perhaps!

Re: Food as Energy

This is the final message to myself. Self -- Bah!

I had it working except for the Help system, but I un-installed it, and re-installed it. But trying to do it in a hurry, it put it on the hard drive partition I did not want it on -- like gee, it is putting it on the original place. I had forgot that there is no "Browse" for folder to install it in, because although it is a text box, you can not change it in the text box. Oh, no, Microsoft has 3 periods (ellipses) and I am suppose to remember after 3 years what those mean. No one else or anything I have installed uses that anymore, plus it was flat so it did not even look like a button. So having only gained about 700mB or less, since it was going to be about the same for hard disk space after doing all that work - I goofed. I un-installed the whole darn thing. So I sat here trying to re-install it and gee, might as well change and add some things perhaps just to have it all on there. Well, that don't work that way for that install part either, and those instructions should be read.

Well, I can not re-install it, because although it says it is re-installed, there is nothing there to use it. I found the main program and started it up. Well, it generates a script file to install anyway every time, and lol, the first time it did not install because I added in that other part (I tell you what it is, but really for my install it is not needed -- remote stuff). I sat there 3 times the last two times reading there are no errors during install, but there is no program to use either after all of that 1.87gB install that takes over an hour. Well, being hardheaded, because certain things must be on the computer to install the program, and although I ran that, also the computer has been changed by all the security updates and whatever over the last 3 years. Well, now I am taking off all the security updates from Microfrost, and going to try it again.

I did have it working, and with just a little more thought I could have used it, now I am undoing my computer to try and re-install it finally, so I can download all the security criticals that Microsoft came out with over the last few years.

I hate computers, and I have nothing good to say, because although I should be able to remember an install of a program that only installs a certain way, because of all this security, I have to backtrack my computer back to 3 years ago, and un-install all those patches. Is the computer working? Yes! Here I am, and I have an anti-virus program so I probably don't need those updates anyway, but I guess I get to do it all over again, for one little mistake, after everything was working in the first place. I guess changing all those entries in the Registry, must have dumbed me down, or else I need an excuse. This only proves, that my method was quicker, unless you have a fast connection and don't mind re-doing your computer because of security updates.

This will take probably like a week to finally solve this, and I am not sure it will even install like it did (it should) but then there is the registering of the program that is already registered with Microsoft, because they also have changed links and nothing works because the old links to connect to -- do not work anymore.

Ya, I need a Holiday, or copies of every security update by copying the update section there at the Microsoft website, because I have no idea what Q8809657 just for example update was about anyway.
Only about 30-40 more to go and un-install.

But then, the computer is working faster than it did with all the security updates and I am sure, that I have room on my hard disk now, without changing anymore on any darn computer and OS from Microsoft.


Goodbye, cruel world. It may pay your bills, but it ain't paying mine.


Oh, such delight to work all day and night -- on a computer!
I got other things to do.

Someone said that they completely redo their computer sometimes and all of that -- I say copy the Registry file somewhere else on your computer, make logical hard drive partitions, so when the boot hard disk section goes bad (and yes, I had a hard drive that went bad before its time, so at least once that did happen) you can read your logical drives with all the other programs, and the only thing you can not read is the boot disk, but if you save your Registry somewhere else, that probably won't fail and the programs and the documents and all of that, then all you have to do is transfer it over to a new hard disk drive (after making all the partitions - which the only way I am sure it is done, is still in ms-dos by the fdisk program - but maybe done in Windows also now) because if anyone thinks I want one C:\ drive for a 120gB or even 80gB hard drive -- no I do not.
Logical drives can be read when a hard disk fails and installing the old drive as the second harddisk drive instead of even a CD drive for a brief period, means that when the OS is on the new drive, and you have the Registry data and it reads it, -- all you have to do to restore your computer is copy the info onto the new hard drive partitions, and away you go, because of the Registry -- unless you want to re-install all of your software, along with all of the patches, and all of the updates again, so you can spend two weeks doing all of that.


It takes about a couple of hours for the OS install and then a couple more hours to copy all the other programs back to the new hard drive partitions, and even if it takes longer, your computer will work must sooner than re-installing everything. So..............back to restoring my computer back to when Microsoft did not have security critical updates, and all of that lately.

Yes, my computer is working faster also, with only some of it gone.

And there is nothing happening on the Internet so far, but anti-virus and programs that catch anything while on the Internet, may and is your best bet along with a firewall (I do not have a firewall though).

Well, back to work..............................Bah!
Re: Food as Energy

Downloads anyone?



Microsoft XML Parser (MSXML) 3.0 Service Pack (and then Service Pack 4 - although version 5 fixes bugs and such and it is now up to Version 7 or SP7 - service pack for 3 version - although there is version 4, 5 and lately 6 version for who knows what of msxml(put in number here).dll which is the XML Parser from Microfrost I mean Microsoft.

http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=2CF40AE6-368C-4B6B-A185-2DFA92FB7993&displaylang=en (msxml 3 version SDK version.)
IE6 uses XML Parser version 3 SP4.

XML Parser version 5 SP download:

I have version 7 already on my computer downloaded, but it fixes probably more bugs and whatever.

I think the program installs version 2.6 or 2.7 but it is still mainly the version 2. Fun!!! XP came with both version 2 and version 3, I think looking for all these msxml(insert number version here).dll whatevers. Then there is MDAC versions that update for both programming language and use on the computer. I think version 2.7 is on my computer but I did download version 2.8, but probably need for that old programming Visual Studio.NET 2002 version 2.5, which it probably installs making a mess and who knows what anymore, unless one is downloaded patches and updates for all of it. I do have the patch on my computer, and still have not downloaded Visual Basic 6 SP 6 (sevice pack) version yet, since it is over 60mB and probably includes the new MDAC version (COM stuff I think) which is probably 2.7 version but I also probably have 2.8 version. Another day, and its Microfrost versions to download. But what with what. Compatible -- well, for the most part, unless you try and program something and write your program with a certain version, but afterall you can package it all up and install it, if anyone buys the program or you install it in a business computer or something to make sure your program works, because it needs the correct MDAC version you wrote the program in. Fun!!!!!???????
MDAC version 2.5 came with the program to install before installing the rest of the program.
(Visual Studio .NET 2002 that is.)

COM is usually needed for all those databases out there that store all your information on them. (unless you use Unix or another programming language base like Linux or whatever. Fun!!!!????????? (or some other basis of programming language.) IBM 370's or something.

May need version 2 - or msxml2.dll version for older programs. although one has to install the new version so both versions work or (Side by Side)(or Both) or should be and not use "Replace" at all.


Windows Installer Cleanup Utility.

Windows Installer 2.0 version - came on Windows 2K

lately been updated to version 3.1 but who knows which version although suppose to be compatible old programs really need. Did not come on Windows 98, some other version, perhaps version 1.

Windows 2K version:

Lucky for me, that games even work, but I think they bypass most of this crap for business or databases or whatever it is.

Now I am in Windows 98SE, and I must go back to Windows 2K to try and install that program --- some day, perhaps maybe, but who knows?

And who needed Windows Update for more critical updates or what?

Someone is making money doing something.
Re: Food as Energy

Freakin' Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!
It works.
After taking off (how many) about 80 security updates and a little housecleaning on the computer.

Now to Windows Update for all of that crap.

Oh, the computer had to be restarted about every time after un-installing those Hotfixes Security whatevers. And I deleted the NET Frameworks also, since I only use the one that came with the program. Anyway, I like real programs not managed framework programs that only work if you have that framework, which is only because of Microsoft's programming IDE and languages. That is 3 of those. Version 1 for VS.NET 2002, Version 1.1 for VS.NET 2003 and yes, NET Framework 2.0 version for you guessed it -- VS.NET 2005.

This 3.75gB about monster is back on the computer. Framework is about 1.75gB and the VS.NET 2002 is what depending on what is installed -- about 1.87gB. Now for Hotfixes with those, and I really do not really want those on my computer but un-installing NET Framework 2.0 version did not go so well, although it disappeared from the Add/Remove Programs list, but it somewhere there, afterall the OS does not take up 3gB or so, it is the Framework that does. Well, I am just happy, happy, happy, despite all the downloads again from Microsoft. Before I do, time to check if everything I need is really on the computer.

But it works.! Yeah!
Re: Food as Energy

Working again, and never ever take off old programs before Microsoft Security Updates, unless you actually do have the money to buy everything "new".

Last Tutorial for Direct 3D:
No, it is not a Blog.

// Name: Vertices Direct3D Tutorial
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

The Vertices tutorial demonstrates the necessary API to render vertices
using Direct3D.

Source: DXSDK\Samples\C++\Direct3D\Tutorials\Tut02_Vertices

Programming Notes
To render geometry in Direct3D, a vertex buffer must be created and filled
with vertices that described the geometry. Vertices can have many components
including positions, normals, blend weights, colors, and texture
coordinates. This simple tutorial uses vertices with only positions and
colors. The important parts of the tutorial are vertex buffer creation,
locking and filling the vertex buffer, and rendering the vertex buffer.

// File: Vertices.cpp
// Desc: In this tutorial, we are rendering some vertices. This introduces the
// concept of the vertex buffer, a Direct3D object used to store
// vertices. Vertices can be defined any way we want by defining a
// custom structure and a custom FVF (flexible vertex format). In this
// tutorial, we are using vertices that are transformed (meaning they
// are already in 2D window coordinates) and lit (meaning we are not
// using Direct3D lighting, but are supplying our own colors).
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
#include <d3d9.h>
// Global variables
LPDIRECT3D9 g_pD3D = NULL; // Used to create the D3DDevice
LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 g_pd3dDevice = NULL; // Our rendering device
LPDIRECT3DVERTEXBUFFER9 g_pVB = NULL; // Buffer to hold vertices
// A structure for our custom vertex type
FLOAT x, y, z, rhw; // The transformed position for the vertex
DWORD color; // The vertex color
// Our custom FVF, which describes our custom vertex structure
// Name: InitD3D()
// Desc: Initializes Direct3D
// Create the D3D object.
if( NULL == ( g_pD3D = Direct3DCreate9( D3D_SDK_VERSION ) ) )
return E_FAIL;
// Set up the structure used to create the D3DDevice
ZeroMemory( &d3dpp, sizeof(d3dpp) );
d3dpp.Windowed = TRUE;
d3dpp.BackBufferFormat = D3DFMT_UNKNOWN;
// Create the D3DDevice
&d3dpp, &g_pd3dDevice ) ) )
return E_FAIL;
// Device state would normally be set here
return S_OK;
// Name: InitVB()
// Desc: Creates a vertex buffer and fills it with our vertices. The vertex
// buffer is basically just a chuck of memory that holds vertices. After
// creating it, we must Lock()/Unlock() it to fill it. For indices, D3D
// also uses index buffers. The special thing about vertex and index
// buffers is that they can be created in device memory, allowing some
// cards to process them in hardware, resulting in a dramatic
// performance gain.
// Initialize three vertices for rendering a triangle
CUSTOMVERTEX vertices/ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif =
{ 150.0f, 50.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0xffff0000, }, // x, y, z, rhw, color
{ 250.0f, 250.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0xff00ff00, },
{ 50.0f, 250.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0xff00ffff, },
// Create the vertex buffer. Here we are allocating enough memory
// (from the default pool) to hold all our 3 custom vertices. We also
// specify the FVF, so the vertex buffer knows what data it contains.
if( FAILED( g_pd3dDevice->CreateVertexBuffer( 3*sizeof(CUSTOMVERTEX),
return E_FAIL;
// Now we fill the vertex buffer. To do this, we need to Lock() the VB to
// gain access to the vertices. This mechanism is required becuase vertex
// buffers may be in device memory.
VOID* pVertices;
if( FAILED( g_pVB->Lock( 0, sizeof(vertices), (void**)&pVertices, 0 ) ) )
return E_FAIL;
memcpy( pVertices, vertices, sizeof(vertices) );
return S_OK;
// Name: Cleanup()
// Desc: Releases all previously initialized objects
VOID Cleanup()
if( g_pVB != NULL )
if( g_pd3dDevice != NULL )
if( g_pD3D != NULL )
// Name: Render()
// Desc: Draws the scene
VOID Render()
// Clear the backbuffer to a blue color
g_pd3dDevice->Clear( 0, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DCOLOR_XRGB(0,0,255), 1.0f, 0 );
// Begin the scene
if( SUCCEEDED( g_pd3dDevice->BeginScene() ) )
// Draw the triangles in the vertex buffer. This is broken into a few
// steps. We are passing the vertices down a "stream", so first we need
// to specify the source of that stream, which is our vertex buffer. Then
// we need to let D3D know what vertex shader to use. Full, custom vertex
// shaders are an advanced topic, but in most cases the vertex shader is
// just the FVF, so that D3D knows what type of vertices we are dealing
// with. Finally, we call DrawPrimitive() which does the actual rendering
// of our geometry (in this case, just one triangle).
g_pd3dDevice->SetStreamSource( 0, g_pVB, 0, sizeof(CUSTOMVERTEX) );
g_pd3dDevice->SetFVF( D3DFVF_CUSTOMVERTEX );
g_pd3dDevice->DrawPrimitive( D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 1 );
// End the scene
// Present the backbuffer contents to the display
g_pd3dDevice->Present( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
// Name: MsgProc()
// Desc: The window's message handler
switch( msg )
PostQuitMessage( 0 );
return 0;
return DefWindowProc( hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam );
// Name: WinMain()
// Desc: The application's entry point
// Register the window class
WNDCLASSEX wc = { sizeof(WNDCLASSEX), CS_CLASSDC, MsgProc, 0L, 0L,
GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
"D3D Tutorial", NULL };
RegisterClassEx( &wc );
// Create the application's window
HWND hWnd = CreateWindow( "D3D Tutorial", "D3D Tutorial 02: Vertices",
WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, 100, 100, 300, 300,
GetDesktopWindow(), NULL, wc.hInstance, NULL );
// Initialize Direct3D
if( SUCCEEDED( InitD3D( hWnd ) ) )
// Create the vertex buffer
if( SUCCEEDED( InitVB() ) )
// Show the window
ShowWindow( hWnd, SW_SHOWDEFAULT );
UpdateWindow( hWnd );
// Enter the message loop
MSG msg;
ZeroMemory( &msg, sizeof(msg) );
while( msg.message!=WM_QUIT )
if( PeekMessage( &msg, NULL, 0U, 0U, PM_REMOVE ) )
TranslateMessage( &msg );
DispatchMessage( &msg );
UnregisterClass( "D3D Tutorial", wc.hInstance );
return 0;

From Direct X 9.0 SDK -- oh, ya, Direct X 9.0c can be downloaded also from Microsoft -- all 443mB of it. Books come in handy when it is included with the book on a CD. Downloading it though, at my speed, is around 18 hours worth. More downloads, more Time, more, more, more. Soon there is no Time leftover.
Aren't you enjoying these Tutorials for all that programming that will be sort - of Vista the new OS from Microsoft. Oh, I forgot, probably need a 6gHz computer to make it run fast enough though.
Well, back to the Flexible Vertex Format -- which is really all of all of this is actually C or C++ programming underneath it all. Meaning that in normal C programming things like HRESULT would probably just be a number and a "long" in C, just like HWND is a handle to the Window that is an "interger" in regular programming. Different numbers take more memory to store in the computer, so an interger on the computer can be a "short" "int32" or "int64" anymore nowadays, meaning the bigger the number the more room it takes to store it on the computer, until you start using Scientific Notation like 1.77956840394 E to the plus 38 power, which is kind of a FLOAT number you know like 3.14259 whatever PI is which is also a Transdental Number whatever.
Strings are different though, and there is a variety of those also either with "0" termination or not or NULL termination to tell where the end of the String data is at. Your name is a String, Address, etc. Bunch of commands to the CPU and strings and numbers of data. Logic though is needed to program though. The computer is dumb. A lot of people start out by trying to give the computer -- orders, which reminds me of an old Startrek movie that had "Scotty" trying to speak into the mouse -- "Computer", "Computer" (no reply from the computer back in the time travel trip back in StarTrek IV movie -- "Just Use the Mouse" and click it.


There is more on the Internet like the entire MSDN (Microsoft) Library to look it all up and read, along with other websites discussing any of this programming.
Re: Food as Energy

Instead of editing that entire thing:

That is the Direct X 9.0 SDK (software development kit) that is 443mB, if Direct X 9.0 whatever version was that big, no one be using it, but this is all the Header files and Library files and such needed to make the program compile and link to create the program, so you can buy a computer game to play, or a program to use.

But you still can download it all along with the Microsoft Platform SDK for regular programming from Microsoft if you want to. Just need something that will program a Microsoft program on your computer, like the one that I accidently took off, only to find that all Security Updates from Microsoft had to be taken off (since the program came out and as installed before the Government took Microsoft aside and told their OS's are not Secure) and would not install with all those Security Updates on the computer.

(sacastic tone of voice or reading used.)

Now, back to reading the entire Microsoft License included with their software. Now that is funny!
Like, really, no, I am not going to read it all.

Oh, they did finally get all those updates down to 43.7mB of downloads. Ya, that is what I really needed to do. (that is compressed, actually not the entire room it will take on your harddisk.)

Whoa Nelly!
The Other Side of Food

That's great.

This weekend I am doing requirements analysis and design of a septic system for my new property in Colorado. So you could say I am thinking about nothing but a bunch of sh!t!
