Re: Food as Energy
The computer now is working fine, but I suspect that in a short while it will start up again, but I can not find anything on it, and all programs say it is running normally. But when it starts acting up, I restart it and it stops sending out more bytes then it is receiving.
After moving Visual Studio. NET 2002 on my computer, (no, I really do not want to re-install that program -- if you ever seen the Install readme's (yes, more than 2) then neither would anyone else), and now I just have about 500 Registry items to change reflecting the change, after Partition Magic 7 checked bad sectors on my hard drive boot disk and wrecked something again, but I reverted back to a previous good configuration. The patch I never could download for that dang program and for the most part it works, but I have no idea what it did, because with Windows 2K, I can also do that with Microsoft starting up the computer and checking the harddrive.
I just have to move Visual Studio. NET because my harddisk partition is running out of room, and even though I could recombine the logical partitions on my big harddrive, I thought it would be easier just to move the darn folder. However, how did I know that there be like it seems to be -- 1000's of Registry items for that dang program. Gee's! Let alone trying to decide if I have a rootkit on my computer, which does not seem so, but just wanted to make sure. The only real way to defeat one of those is to --- re-install the OS system --- and even Microsoft says -- you should be afraid. Now, exactly what is the problem here with that OS being that way. Now, they say the new one (Vista) will be in the Protection 0 ring of the stupid computer, which of course, most of that could have been done in the first place, except reading any programming book on that - leaves one confused over and over again. Yes, there is the Protection 0 ring, the 1 ring, the 2 ring, and the 3 ring because of the CPU or there use to be. Extremely sensitive stuff like parts of the OS should have been there long ago, it was even used to create expanded or extended memory when it was done with ms-dos way back then. I threw the ms-dos book away.
Now, it is back to another computer game, perhaps someday:
SMAC (Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri) version Mod for Civilization IV. They quickly got that done, and some people still play that game from 1999. Sci-fi books were written because of that game. It seems that finally at the end of Civilization game, humans do leave for Alpha Centauri and find planets there, and aboard the spacecraft going to Alpha Centauri, factions are born after the Captain of the Ship dies (from something) and now there are 7 human factions on Alpha Centauri.
SManiAC, I think on the last page somewhere there. Well, I downloaded, and have not had time to try it. 3D -- Civilization IV, now modded to make Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri.
Of course, the game has fungus and mind-worms running around the planet along with a few other things instead of like only on the computers on Earth.
And of course the human factions are typical of Earth's humans.
Well, back to working on the computer for a bit yet, as 15gB I will probably never have for any new OS from Microsoft to install it. Why don't they just leave it on the disk -- probably now a DVD for that new whatever OS coming out soon. Most of it could be left off of the computer and the 3D part is so slow, everyone is saying that with current computers you might as well, just leave it in 2D like the other OS's. Slower OS even more so with Vista. Direct X 10 will not be compatible with any previous OS's so new games will probably have to be made for Direct X 10 and the other Direct X included with the OS -- Direct X 9.0L version instead of the current "c" version. I wonder if the "L" stands for -- "Lousy".
Microsoft is great for spending your money though. I may even buy XP although I had it on my computer when I bought it, but purposely bought Windows 2K back then, so I think I destroyed XP on my computer and well, I won't really miss it anyway.
I don't mind registering programs and I do buy them, it is when, they can not be activated except by signing up that I start to wonder. I still think there should be another way, and at least computer games are considering that -- like Galactic Civilizations II game -- no protection on the CD (like Starforce which may wreck your computer since it does not get along with R/W drives and has been used with some games lately, all of which makes people crabby in the end) and signing in to download patches for the game before you can download the patches for the game.
Ask me if I want to spend a week like before redoing my computer because I change things around on it sometimes, and the answer is "No" because it is all the patches nowadays one has to download from Microsoft because the OS still ignores all the recent changes and installs the original OS and Internet Explorer 5 of all things. (like Windows 2K).
I just do not have the time to do that anymore, it is bad enough just to keep the computer running from the next worm or virus some people may come out with, and sure, having a firewall may help, but having a hardwall firewall will help more. I just do not have all the time to spend securing anything like a computer just to make it run. That should have been done in the OS, in the Protection Rings that the processor has in it from the beginning with the Intel Processor.
At least to me, except if running maybe an AMD processor and that I do not know about.
I sure people want to spend money on just having people around to do that for a job, now only if I could have one of those jobs and make mula money also in the process. I sure some businesses can afford all that stuff done, while others are still using Windows 98 on their computers which is no longer supported, but at least Windows 2K will be supported until 2010. Read the fine print over at the Microsoft's website. There is tons of reading just there to do about any thing concerning computers and programming.
The only good use was a compute game on a computer to simulate knowledge to use in other endeavors and make the world better through the use of computers. Now, certain people in the world, want to attack anything they can with computers, because probably because of Microsoft.
Back to the real "24 hour day". Time and money were the only things to consider for the most part, and still now even the time involved is taking up too much time just for a computer, hence the computer games of making computers better.
All will be 3D coming up shortly, in a few years of so. Even China wants in and wanted to create a open-source OS system. And there are a lot of people working on open-source programming.
My, all the wonderful things to spend your time on. (of course, I am being sarcastic!)
Exactly who is paying for it all!
Rant over!
My, I am in a TimeWarp!
Installing Microsoft OS versions and Sid Meier versions of games, next is Railroad Tycoon. Anyone got an Ace up their sleeve.