Topics Limited to 11 Pages?


Chrono Cadet
After trying to post a couple of times and seeing the number of postings increase but not the pages...I assume it is limited to 11 pages.

Any thoughts?
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Mr. TT_0,
Let us assume you are a time traveller. I do not see any viable way for you to return to your own time line then. I say this because that you mentioned the difficulty with time travel in the sense of divergences. You said that you travelled back in time from 2036 to 1975 with a ~1-2% divergence. You also mentioned that in your time frame a 0% divergence is sort of a myth, i.e technologically improbable. Now if I understand your plan, you say you will once again travel back to 1975 before you arrived and then go forward as to avoid going into the future of our time line, which by your presence here would be an alternate future from your own. But what I would ask is, if you plan to go back to 1975 from 2000, you should incur a certain non-zero percent divergence just as you did going from 2036 to 1975. I would surmize that it is impossible or technologically improbable for you to go back to the exact world line you departed from then. Even if you are able to travel back with a 0% divergence, which by your previous words would be mythological, what would ensure you that the future you travelled into was exactly the world line you left. Since there are an infinite number of possible world lines departing from 1975 into the future. I suppose the key point of this argument is that any trip through time with your technology would result in a non-zero divergence, and in order for you to arrive in your own world line you must create a 0% divergent trip. This is amusing in the sense that the harder you try to get to your own world line the more divergences you incur and hence the furthur away you get. I believe I see the birth of a new temporal paradox.
Greetings everyone. I’ve been away for a while so I apologize for not getting back to these questions sooner. Since Trott brought up a few things I had addressed in the mysterious mail that never made it to the board…I will post it here. The others are responses from other questions.

((First, where does your interest in the (our) U.S. Constitution stem from? Why do you think it is so vital for us to read and understand it?))

After the war, the United States had split into five separate regions based on the various factors and military objectives they each had. There was a great deal of anger directed toward the Federal government and a revival of states rights was becoming paramount. However, in their attempt to create an economic form of government, the political and military leaders at the time decided to hold one last Constitutional Congress in order to present a psychological cohesion from the old system. During this Congress, the leaders discovered and decided that coming up with a new and better form of government was nearly impossible. The original Constitution itself was not the problem it was the ignorance of the people that lived under it.

((Second, do you not like your "new" Constitution? Or feel that it is not as effective as the original?))

From my viewpoint, it’s very effective. I am a very strong believer in local or state’s rights.

((Third, you keep saying that you will be going back to your worldline soon, how soon will this be?))

There are certain windows I must wait for in order to leave. There will be two this year. The first one opens this spring.

((Is it physically possible for you to get back to THIS time line once you leave?))

Not with the machine I have now.

((If all 7 Billion of us here each had our own time machine do you think that would we would end up trashing the rest of the local worldlines?))

Since everything is already happening and possible on different worldlines, the answer is yes….and no.

((Correct me if I'm wrong here but I see you as a Libertarian who expounds on the need for humanity to get back to certain basics. Like the issues defined by the Constitution and your comments earlier on firearms tend to make me believe you are a Gun Rights activist.))

I suppose from your vantage point that’s a fair assessment. I would call myself more of a centrist. Although I understand the “gun rights” issue here, I cannot relate to it all and it is a common point of argument with my mother. I keep saying her tune will change in about ten years and she’ll be cleaning shotguns in her sleep but it doesn’t help. If it makes you feel any better, I never shot anyone who wasn’t trying to kill me.

((could you give us your thoughts on how us "less enlightened" ones here in this worldline of the here/now can solve the technical problems of time travel so that we may be able to enjoy the same first hand knowledge you have that gives you these social insights?))

When you say “us”, what do you mean? Do you mean “you”? Where would you go if you had my machine? How do you think the rest of the world would react to the U.S. having a time machine and they didn’t?

((You said that you traveled back in time from 2036 to 1975 with a ~1-2% divergence. You also mentioned that in your time frame a 0% divergence is sort of a myth, i.e technologically improbable.))

Yes, a “ZD” is thought to be impossible. However, consider that an exact entry point “may” not be necessary to get home. The important factor is the path, not the destination. Under multiple world theory, there are an infinite number of “homes” that I could return to that don’t have me there. The divergence for that window is somewhere near .0002377%.

((Someone correct me where I'm wrong here but as I understand it, these Parallel Universes or Alternative Timelines are "created" by events in our own, (timelines) or even in others.))

Parallel universes exist independently of each other and only interact to avoid the collapse of the wave function for any given particle or event that you are looking at. I like to imagine it as a series of parallel lines crossed by a wavy wave. Each point on the wavy line where a straight line crosses it represents an alternate outcome. The multiple “yous” on each worldline record a different result for the activity of the particle.

((Actually, in science, "Multiverse" theory is something that has NEVER been proven. For lack of evidence. It crops up from time to time as a way to explain certain SEEMING paradoxes like the EPR double slit experiment with polarized light. But then, just because it can be used to explain something doesn't mean it is so.))

I agree with you that an explanation doesn’t make it so. However you can build a model to describe physical behavior. Even if the model is not complete, its “truth” can be measured by how well it predicts the behavior it describes.

((So help me here. Where did multiverse come from as a theory? Where is the observable evidence of it's existence and the experiments to back it up that can be duplicated with certainty and repitition?))

I believe the closest non-related evidence for multiple universes right now comes from the physics (derived from special relativity) of rotating (Kerr) black holes. If you examine a typical Penrose map, science agrees that you can travel to “other universes” through these cosmic oddities. They can’t be different places in your own universe (worldline) because you would have to violate the speed of light limit to get there.

Since the existence of multiple universes is a reality from my viewpoint, please allow me to disclose an idea we toss around a bit in 2036. Since all possibilities, outcomes and events are occurring and exist simultaneously, it would mean there are multiple universes out there where “you” are living a day behind and a day ahead of the “you” on this universe.

There are some who believe that memory is some sort of information transfer or communication with the “yous” in the past, across worldlines or universes. Although this is seemingly quite ridiculous, if you think that could be true, than physics tells us that the same information transfer from our future selves on other worldlines is not only possible but certain. Could it be that fantasy or “what if” scenarios are actually future memory from an alternate “us” on a future worldline?

According to physics, there is no reason why this cannot be true although I probably fall a little closer to DiViper’s feelings about this as he does on multiple universes.

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I now see it plainly states the topics are limited to 11 pages. I guess this only proves I'm not the brightest singularity in multidimensional spacetime.

good! I see you were finally able to post your posting.
I think there was something wrong with the 11th page. I was there a couple of times and it was just blank.
you could click on it and it went to the 11th page but there was nothing there.
Hi TTO, you must be on right now! because your last post above me was not there when I posted!
so we have solved the 11th page mystery! your right I tested it again and it accepts my post but then it disappears and does not show up on the page at went interdimensional and is posted on some other world lines page! hahaahah
where does it say it is limited to 11 pages though...I don't see it.??....wait a are not looking at the third open folder at the top of the page are you?
....YOU posted that! hehehe


<This message has been edited by pamela (edited 26 January 2001).>
((Yes, a “ZD” is thought to be impossible. However, consider that an exact entry point “may” not be necessary to get home. The important factor is the path, not the destination. Under multiple world theory, there are an infinite number of “homes” that I could return to that don’t have me there. The divergence for that window is somewhere near .0002377%. ))

Well, that being said, you have clearly stated you will never return to the EXACT universe you departed from. In otherwords, the universe which supposedly required your assistance to bring them a 5100 IBM computer from the past. That society will never receive the computer, your true parents will never see you again, etc... So, it would seem to me that your "mission" to go back in time to help your society in the future seems rather illogical, because in fact you can not help them without the ability to make, what you termed a "ZD", a zero divergence trip. It just seems pointless to me to return to an alternate timeline when your mission was desired or required on your own timeline.

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If I understand TT_0 properly (which, I'm afraid, may be debatable)and if I may be so presumptuous as to risk an idea based on Trott's question to test my understanding:

If the potential divergens is approximately .00024%, then the difference between "adjacent" worldlines has the highest probability to be negligible.

Assuming that, then a TT_0 from "the next worldline over" is likely to have left to go on a similar mission and will return to "the original" TT_0's worldline.

That is, the TT_0 we've obviously found so stimulating will return to a different worldline, surely, but it would be so similar to his own, it might as well be his original.

Similarly, a TT_0 ("not ours") will return from a worldline similar to our own to "our TT_0's" worldline and be such a perfect doppleganger that the "originating" worldline recieves the IBM, and his Mom never knows the difference.

Am I even close, TT_0?

((So, it would seem to me that your "mission" to go back in time to help your society in the future seems rather illogical, because in fact you can not help them without the ability to make, what you termed a "ZD", a zero divergence trip.))

The reality of infinite possibilities is rather difficult to get a grip on and if it were not for the math, I would delegate it to the realm of religion. I like to think of it as standing in a room with mirrors on all the walls. I can look to my right and left and see many “mes” all doing exactly the same thing. If we all took a step to our right and passed through a dimensional doorway to the next mirrored room, it would be very difficult to tell if anything had changed. In that sense, there are an infinite number of worldlines waiting for me to return with the computer. If I can get to one of them, I have completed my mission.

((Similarly, a TT_0 ("not ours") will return from a worldline similar to our own to "our TT_0's" worldline and be such a perfect doppleganger that the "originating" worldline recieves the IBM, and his Mom never knows the difference.))

Bingo!! Seems like something they would do a lot of psychological testing for before they sent us off.

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((where does it say it is limited to 11 pages though...I don't see it.??....wait a are not looking at the third open folder at the top of the page are you?

....YOU posted that! hehehe))

I was just trying to be clever. However, I am still unable to see any postings past 412. Can everyone else see them?

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I wasnt aware that the postings had numbers. you didnt go back and count all 412 posts did you?
this is the last post I see on MY computer......copied and pasted:
(I wonder if everyone else has the same this the last one you have too?)

unregistered posted 26 January 2001 12:55
What happened to Pamala and TT_O? They both dropped off the board at the same time.
PC crash, hanky panky?

maybe the Mighty Moderators will check into it. Mop will get to the bottom of it. he'll be able to tell us what is happening to mysterious page 11!

TTO- check your email I sent you something!

<This message has been edited by pamela (edited 26 January 2001).>
Dear TT0,

That is interesting what you said about parallel universes having a time delay. Infact just a couple of days ago I came up with a very similar conclusion.

I believe that all mass quantities have both a linear fourth dimensional past and a transverse fourth dimensional past. The parallel masses are masses existant in the parallel time frames.

I believe that an instant of time in the parallel universe a 'transverse' instant that is in phase with any given instant in this universe is exactly or approxametly one instant in the past with respect to the instant in this universe and would appear (and I could be wrong about this assumption) to exist within the same given space as negative one instant in this world line one 'linear' instant in the past.

However if we were viewing the travsverse instant from the position of the linear instant--that is--if we were to view the parallel instant from one instant back in time, then the transverse instant would not appear to coexist in the same space as our the instant that we occupy but, instead,

would apear to propagate perpindicalar-or-would be perpindicular to our position. This is all hypthetical not theoretical.

I leave you with this graghical model for review. if one were to trace all linear instants along their past world lines to the bigbang, and if one were to trace all transverse time instants back to the big bang, and then gragh these events, one would discover that all transverse time instants are ninety degrees out of phase with the linear time instants.

I believe that one would also discover that these time instants travel outward in the form of temperal waves and that the bandwidth of these of both the transverse time instants and linear parallel time instant's bandwidth streches as time accelerates into the future as though time were exploding into an expance.

I believe that the rate at which transverse and linears instant's bandwidth increases simultaneous and equal so that the phase differencial between all linear instants and thier parallel counterparts the transverse instants has always been constant from the big bang till now. At the big bang all linear instants and all transverse instants merge.

Think or write the following graph to replicate the mathematical logic behind this phenomenon. Get a pieve of paper and draw a right triangle. Make it so that the horizontal line points to 3 O'clock and the vertical line points to 12 O'clock. Now take the ruler or what ever straight object you used to draw the triangle and draw a diagonal line from the intersection of the vertical line and horizontal line to 2 O'clock. Now I want you to measure the length of the vertical line and then divide the length into quarters and place a small mark on the vertical lines at each of the quarters. Now I want you to draw four parallel lines through the four marks on the vertical line, such that there is one line through each one of the four marks on the vertical line of our triangle. Make sure that the four lines are horizontal with respect to the line that marks the base of our right triangle. Now I want you to goe back and make sure that the diagonal line that you drew is long enough to intersect each of the four parallel lines you drew. Now the parallel lines on the graph are time instants 1-4. The vertical and horizontal line is a the measure of a mass in three dimensional space. Now you will notice that each of the four vertical lines instants 1-4 intersect the diagonal line at the 1/3 mark so that each parallel time line 1-4 is always divided at the 2/3rds mark.

Yet if one looks closely enough one will notice that the vertical line of our triangle, the diagonal that we drew, and the base of our triangle all intersect at a point.

Thus 2/3rds and 1/3rd are equal quantities at an infinitely small point. If the parallel time instants follows after this mathematical topology then the transverse instants and thier parallel counterparts all exist out of phase thoughout history accept at the exact instant of the big bang.

Thus if one can triangulate the temperal location of the big bang while in time warp the ship could travel through temperal space to into the big bang and use the big bang to as sort of an infinite amplifier to solidify the and or isolate the location of ones exact world line and thus travel through time with zero divergance.

Does any of this sound correct TT0?


Edwin G. Schasteen e-mail address is [email redacted] or if you wish for a secure line [email redacted]. Feel free to e-mail me directly. But I will understand if you can not.

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(((please allow me to disclose an idea we toss around a bit in 2036. Since all possibilities, outcomes and events are occurring and exist simultaneously, it would mean there are multiple universes out there where “you” are living a day behind and a day ahead of the “you” on this universe.

There are some who believe that memory is some sort of information transfer or communication with the “yous” in the past, across worldlines or universes. Although this is seemingly quite ridiculous, if you think that could be true, than physics tells us that the same information transfer from our future selves on other worldlines is not only possible but certain.))))

If you could occassionally communicate with the you's from different world lines (day ahead)(day behind) would this explain the common dejavu people seem to have at times?
the definition of dejavu is as follows "which is described as the illusion of having previously experienced something actually being encountered for the first time"
hmmm...this is very interesting indeed.
If this be true it could explain alot of other things as well such as an unexplained bad feeling or fear of not getting on a plane that you find out later crashes.
Is it possible to recieve messages from other world lines? if so how is it done?
how do you pick up on such a thing? or is this something all together different. we have all heard the stories of things like this happening but often times there are no explainations.

<This message has been edited by pamela (edited 27 January 2001).>
Ok just for the fun of it let me add to the confusion by submitting another theory. I THE GREAT SHADOW CAN CONTROLL THE CREATION OF ALTERNATE WORLD LINES! How?

I sit down at the kitchen table and slide my coffee cup to the left one foot. A second world line is created that is exactly the same as the first ......except the cup is in a different spot. Both lines are so similar and close in time and space that the miraculous event goes un-noticed and un-applauded.

Every event and object of a parallel world that does NOT differ from our present one IS the present one and is shared over time and space, with all the alternates. Only the differences would be detectable and those differences would be by definition elsewhere. We could have "parallel" worlds by the zillions glued so tight together as to be "too close to see".

In other words when I move the cup over to the left I am just moving the cup to the left and not moving the rest of the universe over to the right as is suggested in the multi universe therory.

Your idea certainly seems to be a plausible hypothesis.

I may be oversimplifying the matter (or have missed a major point entirely), but I can't help but wondering about the physical ramifications of being even temporally present at the big bang.

That is, wouldn't being there at the time of the mother of all explosions be a little difficult to survive?

Let me change gears in this post to present a slightly oddball idea:

I truly like the idea of slight temporal differences between worldlines. If we take this concept a step further, and looked further across (as opposed to "down") the worldlines, we may see greater differences in time. That is one worldline at our reference time 2:00pm would be at 3:00pm at another worldline further across this array of worldlines. The further across, the greater the temporal difference.

That being said, we can state that all times exist simultaneously. Therefore, time travel need not be a linear event, but rather a "skipping over" of worldlines. Of course, it can be agued that this would not be a genuine form of time travel, merely an illusory one. could this be accomplished, folks? Any ideas?

I'm guessing a singularity of some sort may still be required. However, I think Pamela and others may have really hit upon something with their ideas of deja-vu and other phenomenon. Maybe it's a bit easier than I've been thinking.

Just to add to the recent theory on Déjà vu. I have about on an average day 5 deja vu experiences. Accompanied by visions, and manifestations. Wherever I go, I know in my mind that I have been there before. Whoever I meet, I know that I have met them before somewhere, or some time. Although as a child they were much more frequent, the intensity has since gone up from the last 2 years.

I created a theory for this phenomena, which I called “Temporal Networking and its Mechanics.” However, it wasn’t to my satisfaction, so I decided on taking it down from my website. It’s hard for me to describe what I am feeling, and even more since I am not a scientist. However, I feel like each day that passes, I come closer to understanding this feeling, and my place in this world.

"For what was, for what is, and for what will be. I will fight for it's preservation."

So tell us, what was the real reason you were away from this board for so long? Was it to fine tune your responses to the questions that were being asked while away? They seem pretty well thought out, you sure you didn’t have help? Your character speaks more like a writer, then a Time Traveler.

I still don’t buy your story though, just the whole way you’ve come forward with it, just doesn’t feel right to me. And you never showed us a picture of your machine or your uniform. Let’s see your credentials, something we can bring out in the open. That way, you can free everyone from doubt, and everyone will believe your story.

Seems only fair, and you’d have everyone’s unconditional attention. Which is, what I’m sure it’s what you want. You said it your self, you want to be interesting…

And since where bringing up things said in the past, why haven’t you commented on what you said about not caring about your worldline? I know someone made the mistake of answering for you, but I don’t think that will happen again.

So come on, share with us?


Javier C.

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I missed you to TTA.

((And you never showed us a picture of your machine or your uniform.))

Actually, there are numerous places I have posted pictures. I believe the links are still on the board.

((why haven’t you commented on what you said about not caring about your worldline? I know someone made the mistake of answering for you, but I don’t think that will happen again.))

I’m not sure what you’re asking. I think those statements speak for themselves and your interpretation of them may be… unique.

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here is where TTO's pictures are located (his machine,some diagrams from his manual and also a drawing of the patch he wears on his uniform.)

cannot do a direct link so use the above and click on the topic- Timelord's anonymous
and then click on -anonymous gravity/time device pictures. you will find all the pictures there.


<This message has been edited by pamela (edited 28 January 2001).>
Enforcer of Time,
The more I read your postings the more I am beginning to think of the possibility of something being terribly wrong with your time lines. I've been thinking deeply on the the statement you have made:

(((Just to add to the recent theory on Déjà vu. I have about on an average day 5 deja vu experiences. Accompanied by visions, and manifestations. Wherever I go, I know in my mind that I have been there before. Whoever I meet, I know that I have met them before somewhere, or some time. Although as a child they were much more frequent, the intensity has since gone up from the last 2 years.)))

and with the new knowledge I am gaining daily. you seem to be having a "bleedover"
between timelines. at first I thought something had happened to you as a child to cause this severe distortion. some kind of severe trauma. but now I am beginning to wonder about the possibility of time interfereance. here is an interesting question: what would happen to an individual that was interferred with over and over and over? would the time lines eventually break down and cause bleedthrough to other timelines? this is very interesting to think about.
I was talking to a man that was involved in the Montauk project (atleast he said he was,it is hard to find out the truth about all things)
and one interesting thing he was telling me is he was hooked to the projects with some of his essence. I will not reveal too much of what he said but it is interesting that he said in the Montauk area he had noticed that because the area was, how can I say,
so "messed with" in the area of time distortion that the whole area had many bleedthroughs and astrally they were seen as images of different stages such as a tree that was there. could be viewed as tree stump and then superimposed over that image was one of a young tree and also an average tree.
the area had been literally ripped apart sortof speak and many "times" were (Im not sure if this is the right word) "overlapping" in different areas.
I thought this was very interesting. not that I believe it all but I do keep it all in mind. because it is interesting what you can relate it to later.