Classical physics isn't the real issue, though there are a boatload of issues. Your first issue is the electric charge. You're trying (as Titor/TTO suggested) to fuse electrons. I'll ignore the problem of fusing leptons. Leptons such as electrons are fundamental particles that do not respond to the strong force (they have no color charge/no QCD). The strong force is what binds hadrons like protons and neutrons with each other in the nucleus.
But, as I said, let's ignore reality and try to bind electrons. Their charge is -1. Like charges repel; the Coulomb Force. When the electrons approach to a bit less than 10^-12 meters apart the repulsive force is about 30 kg! For a particle with the mass of an electron (9.2*10^-31 kg) a repulsive force of 30 kg may as well be an infinite force. To brute force the electrons closer together than 10^-12 m you have to accelerate them to near the speed of light. Even the core of the sun with a temperature of 21 million degrees F or 15 million Kelvin can't fuse protons through brute force. It's not hot (energetic) enough. Fusion in the sun's core is the result of there being 10^57 protons available and the uncertainty of their position allowing them to once in a blue moon to quantum tunnel closer together. It's a quantum physics solution but if not for the fact that their are so many protons available, the probability of any two protons fusing due to uncertainty of position is about 1 : 10^28, 1 : 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000)!
This is not a DIY amateur project. It will take a lot more than $5 million to purchase a particle accelerator, pay the electric bill to run the accelerator (you'll probably have to build your own power generation plant), rent/buy a proper building, hire proper PhD physicists, technicians, programmers, coders, equipment, computers and general staff. You'll probably need to start with a minimum of $100 million. Your electric bill alone could run you about $30,000 a month.
And then the project will fail because you can't fuse electrons. But you can fuse protons. The sun fuses 10^38 protons every second and has been doing so for the past 4.5 billion years. No time machine. In fact, fusing a few particles isn't going to create a black hole. Researchers have been colliding particles since the 1930's and they have yet to create a black hole or a time machine.
BTW Prez had it correct about the event horizon radius.