I'd say on the philosophical level I certainly agree with you.
What's odd, is that on the philosophical level I agree with TT_0 also.
Go figure!
For me, It's really about how we can apply creative thought to solving the problems that have plagued the human race since it's inception.
If we are ever to solve the question of "Time Travel" or any other of the newly aware concepts we face now since we have come technologically this far, it will be through throwing off the old prejudices of the past, having the FAITH in ourselves to do so, and give up the antogonistic ways we have lived by for so many generations.
Frankly, to me, the only "clan" left on Earth is the Human Race. WE ARE IT. And it is time we start viewing ourselves as "Earthlings" instead of Frenchmen, or Americans, or Jews, or Hindus, or White Guys, or Negroes, or Trailer Trash, or Kings.
Hey, WE are the inhabitants of Earth. And it's time for us to start thinking like it.
In the end, we ALL have something to say.
And it behooves ALL of us to at least listen.