You mentioned in one of your past postings, that your world-Line has established a decentralized form of Independant "Generators" to produce energy for independant dwelling areas since most people occupy "Rural" areas. Could you elaborate more on how this was done?
*What kind of generators are being used to produce your energy?
*How do they work?
*Is there perhaps, any relation of interconnectedness, to our current energy problems being faced on our world-line right now that gave way to pioneer the use of the independant generators being used on your current world-line?
Please read the following, and give us your comments pertaining, and how this makes a connection to the way your world-line operates on.
I would like to point out, that the response met by the power companies in the midst of our current energy crisis in the form of "Rolling Black-Outs" is nothing short, than an act of "Capitalistic Terrorism"
"You Should Hear, What I Really Think"!!
...Meanwhile, you might wish to review my recent press release.
"TAP-TEN Research Foundation To Produce Next Generation Independent Power Generators!"
Conservative approaches by reducing our usage of energy by use of other alternatives such as "Wind, Solar, or other forms of more effective insulation, is very effective, and reduces a customers electric costs, but it again places much financial burdens upon the customer, and is not a consideration to tenants who rent from building owners, that refuse to spend their profits for these upgrades, or those who simply cannot afford these much needed upgrades. Again this process will take many years before it is as common as an ordinary housould appliance.
although conservative use of our demands for power, may teach us to become more resourceful with our energy, it is no "Magic Bullet" in relation to put a stop to the ongoing energy crisis at hand.
Perhaps if our Nation's Hindsight was at best from the beginning, we would have no need for this conversation, but you must not loose sight of what a society that continues to sponsor leaders that support their own interests in the name of economic GREED! (Sorry) but it's much to late in the game to expect this to become the most effective resolution to solve our current(no pun intended) energy crisis, within a given time-frame that would put a stop to this.
In order to put an end to this ongoing problem, you must go directly to the root of the source, or "Sources" that continue to contribute to delaying any actions that would resolve these issues, and one of the most important issues that gives good reason to fight for, that any true Patriot would agree to, is in relation to my "Prior" comments on changing Legislative regulations that quite frankly, "Get in our own way" & "Prohibit" any Alternative energy efficient devices that are non-detrimental to our environment!
The following example below, represents just one, of many examples of "Available" technology that demonstrates an alternative no-detrimental to our Environment to provide us with efficient, non invasive, independent "Power Producing" alternative energy devices.
The Home Of Primordial Energy
Website of the Late Mr. Bruce Depalma
(Scroll down, and click on the "Audio" icon, to listen to a pre-recorded "Interview" from 1997 while Bruce Depalma was alive & well, as he goes into elaborated details, describing his overunity, N-1
" Homopolar electrostatic Generator."
Mr. Bruce Depalma has received a series of International Patent Awards for this Incredible Invention based on Faraday's principles of extracting electricity direct from rotating doughnut shaped magnets counter-rotating with opposing polarity.
Welcome to "FREE ENERGY " : Don't take MY word for it. Take it from the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office!
...or you may wish to examine various others out there who have been attempting for several years to bring "Alternative" Energy Devices to market through their research. Again, it is not the lack thereof for reasonably sound methods to "REPLACE" our need for fossil fuels, however before any of them can become a reality, we must go direct to the source & attempt to "REPLACE" the ambitious intentions by those leaders whom are fueled by greed, & will stop at nothing to blockade anything that detracts from their kingdoms of centralized power, depending on the oil cartels!
NOTE:] All of the following links can be found at the following website of Alternative Sciences
ZERO-POINT FIELD-information on Dr. Haisch's theoretical research into the Zero-Point Field.
FREE ENERGY- Theory- Devices and Progess, A review by Patrick G. Bailey, Ph. D.
REVIEW OF FREE ENERGY EXPERIMENTS--summary review is presented of the experiments and demonstrations that have been reported in the past few years to produce near-unity or over-unity operation.
STIRLING ENGINE-The Stirling engine was invented in 1816 and can use any type of fuel, as well as solar energy.
GEET Releases Technology For FREE! - Paul Pantone founder of Global Environmental Energy Technology recently announced that he would release their "Small Engine Plans" (< 20 HP) for FREE! Plans are now available online. [P>COLD FUSION-a list of links to sources of cold fusion info available on the net.
COLD FUSION TECHNOLOGY-See what the newest research is yielding, and learn the intriguing possibilities of what the future might hold.
ENERGY INFORMATION-Automobiles achieved between 171(1936) and 376(1973) mpg. Yet, government, industry, media and 'environmental groups' say that to achieve 40 mpg an automobile must be downsized.
ELECTRIFYING TIMES-breakthroughs in electric car design are making this mode of transportation more of a feasible reality.
PERFECT SCIENCE AD-has developed a formula to aid in the purification of hydrocarbons. This formula succeeded in breaking the hydrocarbon chain, transforming it into fatty and amino acids. A MUST VISIT SITE.
THREE EXPERIMENTS ON FREE ENERGY-an open letter written to the Space Energy Association, from Harold Aspden.
INSTITUTE FOR NEW ENERGY-Advanced Energy Conversion, New Energy, Free Energy, Zero-Point-Energy, Rotational-Electromagnetics, Earth Electromagnetics, and more.
POLLUTION-FREE Energy Generator -a claim that a perpetual motion device that does not break the first and second laws of thermodynamics has been designed.
FREE ENERGY PAGE-Free Energy Antigravity website by Rick Todish
GYROSCOPIC INERTIAL THRUSTER-This website is a detailed description of a tested and proven "reactionless" inertial propulsion device.
JOSEF HASSLBERGER WEB SITE-an attempt to catalyse energies for change. The economy, physics and technology are in dire need of renewal!
IARC-Ionically Assisted Reaction Cell-a unique fuel cell that could answer our electrical supply problems.
MORE BEARDEN-The Files in this area are produced by T. E. Bearden. The Directories include: The Final Secret of Free Energy with Comment, plus many others.
TESLA COIL-Tesla’s best-known invention
LOST INVENTIONS OF TESLA-links to numerous Tesla sites.
TESLA COILS- How they work, with excellent photos.
TESLA'S ELECTRIC CAR!!!-very interesting article from KeelyNet.
TESLA'S Free Energy Receiver-patented in 1901 as An Apparatus for the Utilization of Radiant Energy.
Dear Time02112,
Thank you for your kind words of support. I have just updated my
alternate web site, and another update will come later. You should
visit: <>. You may want to bookmark our web site
and watch for updates. We have seven more busts to donate, two of
which are going to the University of Wisconsin and Purdue University.
Also, we are negotiating with Columbia University now. After paying
for these busts our coffer is bare, so we are planning to resume our
T-shirt sales later to earn money for additional busts. We are not
selling them now. Perhaps later you will want to support us by
buying a T-shirt. We hope so because we can use all the help we can
get. Our quest has not been an easy one.
Did you happen to see the PBS documentary on Tesla December 12? If
not, you should watch your TV guide for possible reruns. Stacy
Keach, the Hollywood actor, narrates the voice of Tesla. I recently
received a letter from Stacy who also congratulates us on our work.
See: <>
The documentary is based on Margaret Cheney's latest book, TESLA,
MASTER OF LIGHTNING. She cites our work in preserving Tesla's memory
three times in this book. It is available from Barnes and Noble at
the following URL:
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to write me.
John W. Wagner
Ann Arbor, MI
We welcome you & your associates to join us, and share your talents to work for our common goal to provide free energy to the world, "In Honour of the Memory of Mr. Nicola Tesla"
--- Time02112
TAP-TEN Research Foundation