Hello, many of you know me as a hoax, who came here about 1 year ago. I was. And I apologise for it, but it was needed.
I was doing my own research, and needed to get some key people's reactions, to a less elaborate story. I did it with some sucess.
I am not a time traveler, and certainly not from 2044. If anything I have experienced some psychic things related to me, but thats another story.
Like most the Titor saga intrigued me for years, and for years I was just a silent guy, coming here to read, until I decided to pull my investigation.
I still find it funny how some of you never crossed the right dots.
Per instance, why doesnt Oliver Williams appear on cameras? Why does he always has the info about Titor say... 5 minutes after it appeared? But the big question no one asked is: WHY IS OLIVER WILLIAMS VOICE, EXACTLY THE SAME AS LARRY HABBER? Sure the guy does try to change is voice, but his tone, and accent... still there.
Another part of my investigation, led me to discover that Pamela, is indeed part of part of Team Titor.
Oliver Williams website on titor, is registred under the same domain, and has the same owner, as the new JohnTitorFoundation.com website. Godaddy.com
The idea for Titor was just to play a hoax on you guys. But as it gained interest, Larry, took it to a new level, and tried to generate even more interest, so that he would sell all kinds of merchandise.
I still believe Pamela, probably isnt who she says she is. It wouldnt surprise me, if she was also one of the Habber boys doing her part. In the case of my "character" Linkman, its surprising (or not), how she quickly tried to disprove me, when its so easy for "her" to accept a guy she never met.
The 2 titor thing, was a necessity for the Habbers, considering there was already alot of talk about the titor story having flaws here and there. With Razimus doing his investigation, and Rai 2 following Larry's brother, the way to escape and try to refresh the story was to say "hey, im not just one, we are 2 time travelers, yeah, thats why you think im fictional, and i missed some points bla bla bla"
Theres another reason his book is worth 800 dollares or so. They dont want to sell it to the regular audience. They want the media to pick it up. The Hollywood writers. Thats their goal.
Titor is and always was... The Habbers.