Follow-up on The Book:
Posted by John Titor on 01-28-2001 06:35 AM
My initial flight was from 2036 to 1975 (61 yrs). I then went from 1975 to 2000 (25 yrs.) Later this year, one of two favorable windows will open and I will return to my 2036 (35 yrs.) I am here now for personal reasons. The web page is not mine. I have been speaking online for about three months and the page is a collection of the various documents and pictures I have sent to other individuals.
Pg 64: Momma Kay wrote, “Actually, John’s trip from 1975 was to 1998, not 2000.â€
In the forward, pg III, and on pg 1 Momma Kay says that he arrived in the summer of 1998, July 27th, 1998 to be exact. John got the date wrong in his 2nd post on Post-2-Post (“I am from 2036†thread).
Art Bell received the first fax on July 29, 1998.
The next most glaring problem in The Book is how Momma Kay describes JT’s reaction to No Y2K.
Pg III: Momma Kay wrote, “I paid little attention to the year 2000 computer problem until July 27, 1998, the day we met John Titor…On January 1, 2000, the world did not end as John said it would. Strangely, this did not seem to surprise him and instead this seemed to be a burden as a deep sense of sadness overtook him.â€
The Book is about Y2K. John was very upset – burdened – overcome by a deep sadness when it didn’t occur. We get that from the Forward; the letter from Momma Kay. But if we refer to the posts on Post-2-Post and here there’s barely a word about Y2K from John until his last post on 23-MAR-2001.
Posted by John Titor on 03-24-2001 06:19 PM [snip the first part of the post for brevity] What amazes me is why no one here wonders why Y2K didn’t hit them at all?
Bring a gas can with you when the car dies on the side of the road.
That’s it. That’s the entirety of John Titor’s Y2K postings. The post Y2K online story evolved into a Y2K38 problem. It had nothing to do with Y2K…for pretty good reasons, obviously.
This person, whomever played Momma Kay, wasn’t involved in the original writings. “She†wasn’t much aware of what had transpired online.