I love cigars. They're good-
"John Titor" is nothing but a lie, a gimmick for a movie production. Pamela on here is also lying too. She isn't saying much about her 'past history'- Florida anyone? ROFL! (just don't take it too harsh, Pamela- I am just giving it as an example)
Its a very good way to analyze all the "intel" by many people posting, to gather the percentage of thoughts from each individual in an controlled environment.
One person says "I am from blah blah blah" -
I think maybe we all are nuts in someway somehow.
You really want Titor? - why don't you ask him? - bring up Titor again, for the popularity vote soars high with Titor fans everywhere. Gee.. why don't we let it die? - we don't need this anymore.. Titor was once a good puppet of time travelling claims. He was fascinating when I first read his stories- but the more I thought of it, the more I know the facts that its all a lie.
Maybe- let's say that I am a time traveller from the year.. hmm... 14000 B.C.
??? -- why not 14000 A.D ? - ....
14000 BC, nobody had the technology? - are we sure about that? - Are we absolutely SURE about that? - There are things found all over the planet.. weird things..small things, etc.. in rocks and all.
I was watching the History channel some time ago- about the future. I was like WOW..it's a real eye opener.. Did you know that in 10000 years, everything on Earth would be wiped clean- if noone were here to keep things 'in shape', that natural ingredients in the air would dissolve even the toughest metal on Earth during all that time and convert it back to dust... then Earth will repopulate itself with fertile lands once again. Its the famous word of 'corrosion'
So what really did happen back in 14000 BC? - hmm.. hmm... We don't know because all the evidence disappeared due to mother nature's acts. Pyramids in Eqypt are fascinating.. they found a way to keep those stones all alive for thousands of years- We have some records, but not enough to construct the time period for 14000 BC. (Back then it wasn't even called "BC" as they had another name for it?) hmmm... Science says 'this is what happened'.. and I say.. "Are we sure? absolutely SURE?"
It's all about LIFE- the way it is, and why everything's a LIE. Maybe its meant to be spelled as LIE instead of LIFE? lol-
The Hadron Collider - it's a joke. Mini blackholes created and dissipated- because its due to the lack of energy to supplement the looping of a black hole...or even a worm hole. Trying to find the Higgs Boson particle, to study it. There's no such thing- its all a lie. One thing, though, if they keep fussing around with the energy displacement fields, they're going to find themselves with missing parts of the Hadron Collider. Small things like screws, metal bulbs, just enough to cause it a problem. Those items are sent back into time and 'incidently' dropped into molten lava, an molten sea in which millions of years later, they are accidently found in coal, lava rocks and so on.
It may very well be proven that time travel is possible with a displacement field of that magnitude. Again, its harmful and they shouldn't keep doing that.. the more energy they build it up to, the more it will have effect on human lives as well. We're basically all 'electric' within us to control our bodies by having the brain to 'send' electric impulses to our fingers to move the muscles and so on. Having that much of an effect on those who are working at the Hadron collider, will end up with pre stage tumorous, mutating cancerous cells in their bodies caused by manipulation of such energy fields.
They say it's safe. I do not think so. There are energy fields that science hasn't discovered yet, not for another 44 years from now. We are so young in this field of technology- and yet we keep toying around with it. Sooner or later it's gonna go BANG! An accident on the news worldwide, with a silence of the population of untold billions.
To John Titor-
It was good while it lasted... but you're just a dude who loved playing mental games with Pamela and others. I know you're watching these forums, watching everything and everyone.. sitting back in that luxury chair of yours, laughing at everyone.. it's your EGO that's gotta go..