Y2K ? - ... 0.o...
Its all a lie as well too. The reason for such problems with the date was because most computers have MICROSOFT WINDOZE on them. I had an IBM Aptiva E24 model bought in 1997- when 2000 came along, it crashed. Why? Cuz WINDOZE cant tolerate the change in direct assembly of time. They had to 'patch' the line parameters to force the issue of accepting the Y2K direct confrontation.
Otherwords, the computers that you see today, for example, running MS Windoze, you see the clock on your desktop, it will show the true date and time- but in the background of compressed datas, its actually in a negative front. YUP.. negative time processing. Its the ONLY way to patch it that way without really causing a problem with computer systems. (Why do you think Windoze always have "virus looking" problems?) hmm..
If you think about it, and do some research on that matter, you will see how "Y2K" was averted. It's a little known trick stemming back during 1995 when few top notch people started to worry about "Y2K"-
Now there has been some contradiction on where 'they got those parameter adjustments' from. Some say they got that idea off of a 'time machine' - ... 0.o.. what time machine are they referring to?
Linux on the otherhand, must have upgraded Kernels all the time to adjust to the permanent 'markings' of time and of course new software repositories.
I do not think its true about 'time lines' regarding influence of such things across our realities. I do know its a 'dimensional aspect', -but not a time line. It may be a confusion between 'dimensional aspect' and a 'time line' so I would let it go at that. It could mean the same thing to some while it means differently to me.
Did we bypass Armageddon with the computer systems by doing this? Or did we REALLY have a visitor from the future/past/different dimension - giving us the knowledge/tech to adjust our world into this dimensional aspect of reality? - I wonder..
If Y2K had occurred... in a serious matter.. I wonder.. if the World Trade Center hadn't been hit? because Y2K was the issue that stopped it all? -and changed the world forever? - not only WTC- but other bombings all over the world as well..
Could it have been the conflict of time? - A Paradox perhaps? - hmm..
And another thing- ---
When we are asleep..in bed..
How is it that we know we did not 'jump out of time' and go into a new "similar reality" the next morning we wake up from our beds????
Is this an illusion to the real reasons why we have dreams/nightmares? -
There is a biblical reference that we will go into a period of darkness for '3 days'- ... Did that happen to us already and we didn't know it?-
Could it be that our brains are so tuned into this facet of reality for we all know, we slept for a period of 3 days in the darkness (frozen in time) and yet our calendars, clocks, etc, says its the same as it would be for the next day as expected.
Did you ever think that this could be possible? Are we all 'electrical' "Robots" that we can be 'shut down' and we wouldn't even know it?
If we realize that is true, then it would scare the living hell out of the world population- Could the Earth stop spinning for a moment and we wouldn't know it?
Is this why 2012 is the doomsayer's favorite topic? Is this why there are so many UFO topics out there, discussions about 'being abducted' here and there- so many stories-
Would it be scary if we were to think... "The world stopped... We fell asleep... ... these beings come in and take us out one a time, doing whatever they will do to us..."---
I can imagine this:
Being #1= "ok, let's take this guy out and do some examinations on him.. and make him get into a process of thought for doing the things on "his" next day because its important that he must not realize what is happening"
Being #2= "ok, we need to make this leader of this country, do some actions towards another countries"...
Do you think that maybe we are being 'controlled' by another higher intelligence in some way that we do not realize it? - A Hidden intelligence is present among us, we know that for a fact, if we look at it that way.
Why is it we are so fascinated with 'time travel', UFOs... mysterious things... etc?- do you think this is why because we are experiencing these things without realizing it?