The Other John

About the 'Other John Titor', something from his writings. Perhaps hints that we would hear from John 2 in the future...

Page 147 (March 5, 2001): "There are two real issues I hope people think about when I'm gone.<font color="brown"> One, how will you react when another time traveler shows up?[/COLOR] Two, how are you going to handle the responsibility of time travel when its invented?"

Also Page 3 (November 4, 2000): I have met and/or seen myself twice on different world lines. The first was a training mission and <font color="brown">the second is now[/COLOR].” (Although JT was with his younger self, he may have been referring to John 2 as well.)
If people paid half the attention to our government as they do to John Titor, our country would not be in the trouble that it is today. We still have 'freedom of speech' here. Contrary to popular belief, a person should not be crucified for their opinion, just because they do not conform.
I think it would be so odd to see yourself as you traveled. You couldn't help but stare and you would be very tempted to touch their hand just to see if they felt any different. If john was real and I would meet him I definetly would reach out to shake his hand and touch the top of his hand with my other hand. I think it would be quite an experience to know you are touching someone from another worldline. I would wonder if I could feel a slightly different vibration or something. Lol but that's just me.
You and a few others experienced something that is fascinating. We watch movies to imagine what it's like to experience the unbelievable, but you had a real encounter. Never let anyone take that away from you.
Wow. The drama here is getting well-beyond knee-deep.

Perhaps that is all America is good for anymore...generating drama. Sure does seem that is what our elected officials believe their job is these days. No reason why the general populace should not fall victim to the same "look at me/us" disease.

Hi Pamela, I was able to order "The Triangle" online. It will arrive in a few days. I'm anxious to see it. Thanks for recommending it. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
John Titor, if you read this, there's something I'm very curious about. Over the years, I studied prophecy, including Bible prophecy. If you are familiar with the text of "Revelation" of John from the Holy Bible, is the prohecy in Revelation the same in the Bible on your Timeline as it is on ours? Or are some aspects of it different?

For instance, in our Bible, Revelation foretells of the mark of the Beast (believed to be an implanted computer chip), and that no one will be able to buy or sell without it. That never happened on your Timeline (as you replied to a question about it in one of your postings), but many people believe that we are headed towards that on our Timeline. (The technology for it has already been developed and it's being used, but not by the general public...yet). I'm very curious about this.
Darby, does this letter in the video seem to you like the same person we talked to who called himself "john titor"?

No, especially not if you take the context of the original story into account. According to the original story it isn't possible for the "original" Titor to return here or even to his original reality. And the yak about "divergence 1.941" - which must be what the numbers in the table refer to - What's that supposed to mean?

What it does sound like is every other Titor wannabe who has appeared since 2001, except that in this case Larry Haber is the person introducing the wannabe (Larry posted the video for nonexistent "Momma Kay" Titor). Someone is mixing up Zeshua and Titor into a weak meme that actually exists only on this thread, the video and a GoDaddy website, consisting of nothing more than the table, registed in August of 2008.
I agree. Yet he claims to have made atleast half of the posts. Iam wondering...hey what happened to the original guy?? The guy we talked to?
Pamela wrote (excerpts),
I read this post and did a search on youtube for" 177 tempus edax rerum" and found a video posted by Larry from Kay on the rest of the info...The thing I don't understand is it talks about two johns also. But there is a part in there where it talks about someone validating that it is who he really says he is. It mentions a B52 song. I wrote Larry and asked him if I was the one who was suppose to be validating this other john and he said he didn't know and he would ask his client...

Pamela, you wrote to Larry about the video and he replied that he would "ask his client" about the meaning of that particular content. To me, his acknowledgement of the video and reference to his client indicate the YouTube profile is his, and that he posted the video. If that's the case, then the video should be significant, because Larry is a professional attorney representing John's family. (I don't think he would post anything unless he believed it to be genuine, as he is already hounded by inquiring minds.) I would think the B52 song written in your book could certainly be what JT-2 was referring to in the video. From the accounts over the email experiment, there have been many changes to our Timeline since JT's presence here. Regarding the B52 song being different from your original song, perhaps it's another altervu or something along those lines.
Everaftergirl, yes I know larry posted the video. There is no doubt about that to me. I asked him "are you sure this letter came from your client?"The letter does not seem to have come from the john I knew. But no one else came forward and the b52 song is in my book. The thing is larry said he did not mail the book to me.I was not sure if I was suppose to verify this john or not. Noone else came forward. But what does the B52 song mean? John never spoke to me about this song. How's come the client doesn't write me and tell me..or tell Larry to tell me atleast? I feel like I am in a freakin mind game
But what does the B52 song mean? John never spoke to me about this song. How's come the client doesn't write me and tell me..or tell Larry to tell me atleast? I feel like I am in a freakin mind game

I understand. But as you well know, people searching for JT have gone to great lengths to get to anyone associated with him, so it doesn't surprise me that the client didn't write back. Anyone connected with JT has been hounded, including you. If the video message from John is genuine, and the client is John's mother (for example), she's trying to keep her whereabouts confidential. I don't think the non-reply from the client is necessarily personal towards you, but rather a precautionary measure towards anyone trying to get in touch, because the search for JT is out-of-control on many levels. It's too bad an exception isn't made in your case, especially if you're the friend referenced in the video (which seems to be the case).

If John-2 didn't know the title of the song that you and John-1 shared, perhaps John-2 sent you that book with the B52 song written in it, specifically so you would have a way of verifying that it was him...even though you weren't aware that there were two Johns at the time. That would at least give you and John-2 some kind of connection that you could share with others online after the video was posted. Does that make sense?
If john was real and I would meet him I definetly would reach out to shake his hand and touch the top of his hand with my other hand.

Someday you might be visited by a younger JT who wants to meet the woman who befriended his "uncle" from another Timeline. It could happen, because the young JT is on this Timeline. I'm sure someday he'll read the book and you're mentioned in it. He may even become a soldier and Time Traveler in our world. If so, he may want to meet you. Perhaps you have already thought of this.
I have thought of it. Someday when I am old and further on in years. I could be sitting at home and I could hear the doorbell ring. I've forgotten all about it and went on with my life. I open the door to see a young man standing there. "Pamela?'s me John.John Titor" As all the memories come flooding back I look at him in unbelief "it's really me Pamela.Can I come in?". I will probably still be gracious and open the door and invite him in probably give him something to drink and offer him something to eat. As we discuss the most amazing things in the universe. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Y2K ? - ... 0.o...


Its all a lie as well too. The reason for such problems with the date was because most computers have MICROSOFT WINDOZE on them. I had an IBM Aptiva E24 model bought in 1997- when 2000 came along, it crashed. Why? Cuz WINDOZE cant tolerate the change in direct assembly of time. They had to 'patch' the line parameters to force the issue of accepting the Y2K direct confrontation.

Otherwords, the computers that you see today, for example, running MS Windoze, you see the clock on your desktop, it will show the true date and time- but in the background of compressed datas, its actually in a negative front. YUP.. negative time processing. Its the ONLY way to patch it that way without really causing a problem with computer systems. (Why do you think Windoze always have "virus looking" problems?) hmm..

If you think about it, and do some research on that matter, you will see how "Y2K" was averted. It's a little known trick stemming back during 1995 when few top notch people started to worry about "Y2K"-

Now there has been some contradiction on where 'they got those parameter adjustments' from. Some say they got that idea off of a 'time machine' - ... 0.o.. what time machine are they referring to?

Linux on the otherhand, must have upgraded Kernels all the time to adjust to the permanent 'markings' of time and of course new software repositories.

I do not think its true about 'time lines' regarding influence of such things across our realities. I do know its a 'dimensional aspect', -but not a time line. It may be a confusion between 'dimensional aspect' and a 'time line' so I would let it go at that. It could mean the same thing to some while it means differently to me.

Did we bypass Armageddon with the computer systems by doing this? Or did we REALLY have a visitor from the future/past/different dimension - giving us the knowledge/tech to adjust our world into this dimensional aspect of reality? - I wonder..

If Y2K had occurred... in a serious matter.. I wonder.. if the World Trade Center hadn't been hit? because Y2K was the issue that stopped it all? -and changed the world forever? - not only WTC- but other bombings all over the world as well..

Could it have been the conflict of time? - A Paradox perhaps? - hmm..

And another thing- ---

When we are bed..

How is it that we know we did not 'jump out of time' and go into a new "similar reality" the next morning we wake up from our beds????

Is this an illusion to the real reasons why we have dreams/nightmares? -

There is a biblical reference that we will go into a period of darkness for '3 days'- ... Did that happen to us already and we didn't know it?-

Could it be that our brains are so tuned into this facet of reality for we all know, we slept for a period of 3 days in the darkness (frozen in time) and yet our calendars, clocks, etc, says its the same as it would be for the next day as expected.

Did you ever think that this could be possible? Are we all 'electrical' "Robots" that we can be 'shut down' and we wouldn't even know it?

If we realize that is true, then it would scare the living hell out of the world population- Could the Earth stop spinning for a moment and we wouldn't know it?

Is this why 2012 is the doomsayer's favorite topic? Is this why there are so many UFO topics out there, discussions about 'being abducted' here and there- so many stories-

Would it be scary if we were to think... "The world stopped... We fell asleep... ... these beings come in and take us out one a time, doing whatever they will do to us..."---

I can imagine this:

Being #1= "ok, let's take this guy out and do some examinations on him.. and make him get into a process of thought for doing the things on "his" next day because its important that he must not realize what is happening"

Being #2= "ok, we need to make this leader of this country, do some actions towards another countries"...

Do you think that maybe we are being 'controlled' by another higher intelligence in some way that we do not realize it? - A Hidden intelligence is present among us, we know that for a fact, if we look at it that way.

Why is it we are so fascinated with 'time travel', UFOs... mysterious things... etc?- do you think this is why because we are experiencing these things without realizing it?
Well I've just came back from work today from a few days leave, and decided to read up on the new posts from the past week. All I can say is my side is hurting from laughing so hard. This has got to be some of the funniest stuff I have read in a while, not because I find the post humorous in a funny way, but because there are people who seem to actualy believe what they are writing. How in the world could you possibly believe this nonsense??

Pam- god forbid some kid shows up on your door step claiming to be John T. LOL, you'd be swindled out of everything you have. All the kid would need to know is a few basic details, I mean, he could just claim he can't remember because after all...he can only tell you what he has been told since it was another self who was supposed to have done these things, the kid wouldn't have the actual memories himself.

Hey, I can play this game to...since you actually believe this So Pam, did you ever think that maybe this B-52's song you keep refering to was actually the correct song? Maybe John 2 on a seperate world line gave "his" Pam a B-52's song, so he comes back and gives you what he believes is the correct song, because it was on his world line. and John 1 gave "your" secret song to the Pam on the other world line. we have two Pams on seperate world lines wondering why they got the wrong songs. You know... since they can't really get back to the exact world line and all bacause of all this divergence.

Not if I know what John looks like.
Yeah well I don't ever recall John saying he looked identical in different time lines unless he told you that in secret, and people also change with age. Even so, that still did not address the issue of the secret song?? I think the WRONG John, sent you the RIGHT song...for "his" Pam on "his" time line, and vise versa. After all, if you believe in alternate time lines, and such...then that means there is more than one of you

Maybe John 2 talked to his Pam about the B-52' never know huh /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif