No, especially not if you take the context of the original story into account. According to the original story it isn't possible for the "original" Titor to return here or even to his original reality. And the yak about "divergence 1.941" - which must be what the numbers in the table refer to - What's that supposed to mean?
The whole ' I cannot return to this timeline ' malarkey is a great excuse for disappearing, but alas is scientifically just not true. Now I'm not arguing that multiple timelines exist, but IF they did, they would have to follow the laws of logic.
Logic dictates, that once you leave this timeline for another one, then this timeline is nothing 'special'. It's just another timeline, in a sea of timelines. It does not have some bizzare ' no entry' sign on it. Why should it ? There really is NO reason.....other than as a great excuse for a hoaxer disappearing.
As for the 1.941 'divergence'....what nonsense. Leaving aside the question of what this is actually divergence of ( just the world ? The solar system ? The entire universe ? ).....the notion that some piddling little device could even measure the position and momentum of all 10^30 atoms in a scientific lab ( let alone the whole world, solar system, or universe ) is frankly LAUGHABLE given that :-
1) The Heisenburg Uncertainty Principle makes such measurement impossible.
2) It is impossible to measure the position/momentum of 10^30 atoms without emmitting at least 10^30 photons and having some device to measure the response of each one within trillionths of a second........and your photons then ALTER the very thing they are measuring !!
3) Scale this up even to The World ( and surely divergence is only really meaningful at a huge scale such as the universe as a whole ).....and you're talking IMPOSSIBLE. I mean come off it ! A device that can measure the position and momentum of every single atom in the world ??? And then miraculously ( this makes water into wine look easy ) calculate for quadrillions of atoms even the tiniest little deviation in position ? And all within seconds at the touch of a button ?
4) Not to mention that the energy required to make this measurement would blow half of Florida off the map.
Lol !