The Other John

Darby is wrong in his last assumption!

Pamela is so Special!!!

No, recall that is not the right B52 song. I have kept that to myself aswell.

No problem with that /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I have two sets of feelings for John. One if he was if he was some jerk.
Well, so far if a Bizzarre accident happend and John was divided in two separted entities, you may got indeed 4 sets of fellings regarding John ... oh my!

To find out there were two Johns?? Dont you think that was something you should have told in the beginning?
What if didn´t the original John know about the other John ?

Just Wondering:

i want to know if is possible than the other girl wrote about her part on this "Drama" and post these video or stills of Nebraska...

John Titor Letter 177 tempus edax rerum

John Titor Letter 177 tempus edax rerum

Is this the video ?

This is the transcrit of the video for those that can´t display flash videos on their mobile devices:

I´m the man you know as John Titor
I´m one of the men
now as John Titor.

in 1999,
I was the second to arrive
on the same worldline

as the other man
you know as John
It was I who wrote
the post in November and January

When I return to 2001
I will write for the final month of March
my mother will release
this message in november of 2009

The other John write the messages
of December and February
He, too will write his final posts
in march of 2001

As I write this now
the date is march 22 2009
and the divergente is 1.941

This is not the first time I
been in your future
I was here before writing
the first post in 2001

I tried to warn you
I tried to wake you
as time passes.

I fear you will witness
the transition for your apathy
and dependence to yours childrens
fall in bondage.

I fell sorry for you
You will not know the peace and freedom
I will have when will return home.

In spite of my efforts
the war that gave the gift
to me may come to you much later.

To probe to you who I´m
a friend will corraborate the
significance of the group B-52

I´m sorry about the strife
and dificulty you have had
these past years
it was requiered.

As I said, after 1975
when I arrived in 1999
there was already another
John there.

The two of us devised
a plan to return to
separate worldlines.

The plan requiered that
each of Us travel to different
time periods between 1998 and 2009
and take measurements with
our displasement machine.

We had to find a way to comunicate
these measurements in a way that
would last.
and could be easily found latter.

Our First attempt was with
the FAX to Art Bell.

I traveled first to 1998 first, and
left the first fax with Art.

The other John traveled there
latter and was able to find my FAX.

He then left the second FAX.
As the plan is now progressing
we were able to use the Internet.

The post we made and will
make, are a foundation we will
need to get home.

In each month we will post
the measurement we had made
in various time periods
on differents worldlines.

Every time someone post
after John Titor after 2001,
they will become more permanent
and easier for me or another John to find.

If the other John or even another John
ever arrives in your future
trying to get home he will now see
the numbers he need in the posts.

If he were to hear this message,
he will know what to do.

The final measurements are on
the website my mother´s attorney
has overseen.

this is the reason we made the posts.
with your help they will last.

They are a sign post to others Johns
who are losts and need our work to
return home.

For this i must thank all of you.

one seven seven.
Tempus Edax Rerum.
Time will devour all things.

Kay Titor requested this letter from John Titor be posted in November of 2009. The website is located at - Good luck John.

Recall 15 here:
John, you have to know that your Singularity Energy Power System has a severe fault= It damage the living tissue. Get the new revision of the Visitors -115 element- based at A19G3Z @ 20031111 1930UTC.
Greetings to the Council!!!
And that's the reality. Had you and I not kept the subject alive by constantly posting and arguing about it back in late 2001 onward the John Titor Saga would have been a non-issue.

A point I have myself made time and again. To the extent that any newcomer to the whole saga could seriously be forgiven for wondering whether Pamela is actually 'innocent victim'....or just another member of 'Group Titor'

I myself cannot help but feel that Pamela willingly jumped on the Titor bandwaggon, at the very least. So now, 10 years later, we have a belated plea that maybe she has been duped....that somehow Titor 'owes' her something. Hmm...I guess 10 years back pay for being someone's #1 media publicist.


This has always been a problem. You've taken the position that you are a "special" person in the John Titor Saga and that whatever drives the story forward has to revolve around you.

A point I made way back when I was posting here and on other sites in 2003. Thread after thread in which Pamela steps forward to the podium as if the 'oficial Whitehouse spokesperson'. One can sense an increasing claim to 'ownership' of the story.

I do not buy all this Macbeth type 'was he real or wasn't he ?' wringing of hands.....

But I was angry...hurt..almost felt betrayed. All this time I have kept secrets even though I felt he may be some jerk that was lieing to me and using me...which he could very well be. Kay and John need to keep in mind that I have no way to verify if any of this was real. I have two sets of feelings for John. One if he was if he was some jerk.

It has been patently obvious for years, on this forum, that there IS no ' if he was real '. Somewhere back on this forum, there is a letter from a nuclear physicist ( to Derby I think ) which completely demolishes the entire basis for Titor's alleged time machine. The device, as described by Titor, is not physically possible. I myself pointed that out right here in this forum years ago.

There is not simply one minor little technical difficulty with Titor's machine.....but a whole series of total impossibilities and violations of the basic laws of physics. And no, we're not talking about things that may be impossible now but might be in 30 years.....we are talking impossible as in pigs flying or the moon being made of cream cheese. And that's before one gets to the fact that Titor's alleged machine must have weighed several million tons....and would have wrecked any car's suspension !! WHY can't the believers finally grasp this ??? needs repeating. The device is a physical IMPOSSIBILITY. Is there some part of that the 'believers' don't comprehend ???? Does 'Impossible' mean the same thing in their dictionaries ??

Now as Titor's 'time machine' was a physical thus follows that Titor CANNOT have been a time traveller. There are no 'ifs' about it. There is no sense in which one could be left wondering. There is absolutely no room for ambiguity. It is 100% clear and concise and certain and indisputable......100% proven, with not a shred of room for doubt......proven 'beyond all reasonable doubt'......that Titor cannot have gotten here using that device.

One can thus state with absolute CERTAINTY that Titor was a hoax. This is an indisputable matter how much the believers may wish to ignore it.

Pamela has known all this for years......yet still we have Macbeth style wringing of hands and calls to Titor to come forward with 'the truth'. Never mind that the truth has been blatantly obvious for a long, long time.
Re: John Titor Letter 177 tempus edax rerum

I am very aware that he could be asking someone else to step forward and verify him.....but I have not seen them yet. Perhaps we just need to wait a little longer. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I got problems with these Human verification codes, when you post comments...

But this one, on Youtube Well, That Was Easy /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Ok now, come on Pam. I don’t know you from Adam, and I’m sure in the beginning of this whole John Titor fiasco it may have been exciting for you, as I’m sure it was for others to think that possibly, just maybe, somebody had came back from the future to warn of things to come. To think you were some special person (and in no way am I implying you are not special to somebody) in this time travelers tale, only to wait all these years to see one prediction after another fall by the way side? I mean really. You have said yourself you spent countless hours chatting with this individual. Surely in those conversations the subject of the future was discussed and he told you all about how things would be, and unless he told you something substantial which has came to pass and you just have not told anybody; I fail to understand why you still hold on for dear life. Ten plus years of your life has came and gone while you have waited for this non-event. You still are waiting on a video of human time travel for god sake? Have you ever stopped to think that if indeed a person were to travel in time back to our date and then actually posted on the internet, that the Government would not be crawling all over that? The government already covers anything remotely suspicious about UFO’s even though it is probable that they exist, for fear of mass public hysteria, but time travel, oh my god, that’s like the holy grail. I’m also sure they look for certain things on the internet as well, believe me, I’m sure I could write certain things on the internet and the government would be pounding my door down if they thought it was serious. Do you not think if the government thought it was real they could not find this person or that the CIA would not be “talking” to that Haber guy. I’d like to see him use the whole client/attorney thing then. Now this new thing comes out in late ’09 about there being two Johns? Are you serious? You said you had three sets of emotions about this clown, well I would only have one. I would be pissed that somebody spent hours lying to me because they obviously thought I was gullible enough to believe them, played with my emotions only to leave me flat, and now the jokes on me for having done so. I would release everything I knew about them, every conversation I could recall would be put to record. I would do everything I could to ensure he never made another penny from this scam, but that’s just me I guess. Seriously though, it’s time to let this go. Move on with your life and go do the things you enjoy doing with people who matter and actually care for you and put the past behind.
Do you have Titor envy?

The Divergence Table:

Titor 1
1999DEC28 2.480
2009MAR12 1.900
2000OCT12 2.005 NOV POSTS
1998OCT12 2.500
2001JAN02 2.004 JAN POSTS
2009MAR21 1.941

Titor 2
1999DEC28 2.490
1998JUL29 2.500
2000NOV27 2.004 DEC POSTS
2009JUL29 1.941
2001JAN31 2.004 FEB POSTS
1998OCT29 2.500

Some readings are from Pre and Bush´s Era
Others are Obama´s Era,
and The Hillary Clinton´s Era

Yes...that's what any ordinary regular person would do. But I am not an ordinary regular person... I'm "special". Remember? Lol /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
You said you had three sets of emotions about this clown, well I would only have one. I would be pissed that somebody spent hours lying to me because they obviously thought I was gullible enough to believe them, played with my emotions only to leave me flat, and now the jokes on me for having done so.

What really gets me is that the whole Titor hoax was resoundingly PROVEN to be just that, even way back when Titor was posting. Even then, people were pointing out the impossibility of a 'black hole' that must have weighed millions of tons......resting comfortably on the back seat of a Chevvy without wrecking the suspension.

Even way back then....people were pointing out the absurdity of a supposed mini black hole being able to bend a beam of light by 30 degrees. Do the believers have ANY idea how much mass it takes to do that ?? The entire house...and half the surrounding town...would have imploded under the required mass.

As for Titor's claim about dropping electrons onto the mini black is laughable ! A black hole of the size Titor claims would be absolutely miniscule ( a black hole with the mass of the entire earth would be only 1 centimeter across ). It would be millions of times smaller than an atomic nucleus. The idea that one could just drop electrons ( whose electric charge is 10^40 times stronger than gravity ) onto it is frankly a joke !

And worst of all for Titor.....all black holes evaporate, at a rate proportional to their radius. For a mini black hole, we're talking billionths of a second. And no.....for such a black hole you CAN'T ( as Titor seems to think ) just throw more mass at it to keep it stable. The evaporation ( due to virtual particle pairs ) occurs faster than you can keep up...MUCH faster.

These are not simply things that I 'speculate' may be the case......they are FACT that one can check with any reputable scientist.

Titor's 'time machine' is a patent lie. People were saying so even 10 years ago. There is NO excuse for being 'taken in' by Titor.

All those comments just went 'wooooosh'...right over Pamela's head. Instead of those with actual scientific knowledge being listened to, they were just totally ignored as the likes of Pamela jumped on the Titor bandwaggon. The scientific minded by and large just threw their hands up in the air and wandered the Titor farce had reached epic proportions of cognitive dissonance among believers.

To find anyone still....10 years later....wondering if Titor was 'the real deal' or not is frankly farcical in the extreme.

Yes, Pamela, you WERE 'duped' by Titor. And you played a nice little role of propagating his hoax for him, and keeping it alive long after it passed it's 'sell by' date.
The Divergence Table: a freakin pseudo-scientific joke. The divergence measuring device is yet another scientific impossibility. It's a piece of made up claptrap, as no such device could ever possibly exist....not least because it would violate one of the most basic fundamentals of quantum physics, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.

And come off it............the idea that some crappy little piece of circuitry in the back of a Chevvy can instantly measure 'divergence' ( whatever that is ) across the entire universe, when it would take any signals hours to even reach the nearest planets, is laughable.

It is not possible to even accurately measure the position of every particle within a test tube......let alone across the whole world. To anyone with even the remotest degree of scientific knowledge....Titor's 'divergence measurer' may as well be cardboard and duct tape for all the difference it would make.

But hey...believers...don't let such mere things as the facts stand in the way of a good episode of cognitive dissonance.
you ARE the mofo!

take it from me, its a neverending circle here, and the ones you want to convince, will always turn a blind eye. i hope for your sake that you dont get sucked into it like i once was.

just remember, people like you are an essential part of selling titor too.

i love everyone on this site, including all the bad apples, but i have decided to move on. im not interested in playing fantasy or role playing. this site is just a distraction to the person that wants to learn.
this site is just a distraction to the person that wants to learn.

I’m not sure if I would necessarily call this site a distraction in a bad way. I have always followed this site over the past five or six years, I’ve just never posted. I have always found it interesting to know other peoples perspectives on these types of issues. I do find it fascinating how people can believe in something when logic is staring them in the face and saying it can not be. When something is proven to be false I move on, how ever difficult that may be. The whole John Titor thing I found interesting because it shows how easily people can be sucked into believing a fabricated story which has been proven false on numerous occasions. Now, something new gets released, and the same people are dumb enough to fall for it all over again? It’s like the start of the Mormon church, read about it because it’s pretty funny.
Did someone mention that they ride the short bus?

can instantly measure 'divergence' ( whatever that is )

This has always been my beef with the hoaxer's story. He certainly was telling the truth about at least one thing: He was certainly no scientist. He made two crucial errors when he dreamed-up and presented his concept of "divergence" (the purpose of which was to make certain his story could not be properly falsified):

1) He did not figure that by using a percentage measure, that someone who actually understood science would ask the obvious question: What is the measure that equals 100%? In other words, what is the basis for this relative measurement?

2) Because he did not properly plan this part of the story, and one of us was certainly going to ask the question identified in (1) (and the question was asked), he was forced to commit his second glaring error with respect to "divergence": In what was clearly an attempt to try and prevent the lid from being blown off his story he said it was "an empirical measurement". What he did not understand was that he just dug his grave even deeper, rather than trying to throw people off the trail. Once you admit that something is an empirical measure, you are admitting that there is a defacto measurement basis for it (i.e. you HAVE to answer the question posed in problem 1 above).

He could have avoided problem (2) if, rather than just giving a flippant non-answer (which made thigns worse) he would have actually looked-up the definition of empirical first:

<font color="red"> "1. derived from or guided by experience or experiment.
2. depending upon experience or observation alone, without using scientific method or theory, esp. as in medicine.
3. provable or verifiable by experience or experiment. " [/COLOR]

So, while he thought by calling "divergence" an "empirical" measure would allow him to duck the first question (what is the 100% measure based upon), it actually made it that much more pertinent that he answer the very question he did not wish to (and could not) answer! Clearly, this was a trap of his own making that shows he did not properly research and prepare for questions about his "divergence" plot tactic... which is all it was.

These two problems are the most basic of scientific tenets, folks. And while Pamela may, indeed, be "short bus special", I know she is not so ignorant to not understand both of these problems were, in fact, problems with Titor's story. But like any true believer, she was not bothered with the facts. It was a romance novel to her. :D

Given his epic failure in these most basic tenets of scientific measurements, why anyone would choose to believe this admitted non-scientist when it comes to the technical makeup of his alleged time machine is beyond me!

I also had a good laugh back in the day when I saw him use a numerical value that is very well known to those of us in the aerospace business:

<font color="red"> "TimeTravel_0
unregistered posted 26 January 2001 13:32
-- Yes, a “ZD” is thought to be impossible. However, consider that an exact entry point “may” not be necessary to get home. The important factor is the path, not the destination. Under multiple world theory, there are an infinite number of “homes” that I could return to that don’t have me there. The divergence for that window is somewhere near .002377%." [/COLOR]

That was his attempt to make-up a number with a very small divergence. Let's not forget that this is a percentage measure, so the actual divergence in fractional measure is .00002377 times whatever the basis measure is for "divergence". But that numerical value sticks out like a sore thumb to an aerospace engineer. Why? Because every one of us recognizes that very special number as the standard day, sea-level density of air expressed in the British units of slugs per cubic foot!


Note the far right column for the measure of density...

Such things like this are not a coincidence. He was just throwing around numbers that he thought no one would recognize.
yet another scientific impossibility.
Some Hard data follow:
Researcher Uses 100,000 Degree Heat To Study Plasma, What Happens To Matter Around Black Holes

ScienceDaily (Sep. 5, 2009) — Using one of the greatest artificial sources of radiation energy, University of Nevada, Reno researcher and faculty member Roberto Mancini is studying ultra-high temperature and non-equilibrium plasmas to mimic what happens to matter in accretion disks around black holes... Physics department professor and chair Mancini has received a $690,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Energy to continue his research in high energy density plasma; plasmas are considered to be the fourth state of matter. He will serve as principal investigator for a project titled "Experiments and Modeling of Photo-ionized Plasmas at Z."

"Receiving awards such as this exemplifies the academic caliber and national importance of the work in our Physics Department," Jeff Thompson, dean of the College of Science said. "We're proud of the team of researchers here working on cutting-edge science."

Mancini has been studying the atomic and radiation properties of high-energy density plasmas for more than 15 years, and this new grant will allow him to further explore what happens to matter when it is subjected to extreme conditions of temperature and radiation –

is not possible to even accurately measure the position of every particle within a test tube......let alone across the whole world. To anyone with even the remotest degree of scientific knowledge....

Not exactly, but what about "shaking the Space time" in a lab...

Scientists propose lab-grade black holes
New method may uncover fundamental physics properties
By Laura Sanders
Web edition : Thursday, August 13th, 2009

One day, scientists may create the ultimate tempest in a teapot — an artificial black hole in a millimeter-long gadget. Such laboratory-grade black holes may illuminate enigmatic physical properties of their wild galactic counterparts, all from the safety of a lab bench, a study to appear in Physical Review Letters suggests.

“For black holes, we just don’t understand the physics at all,” says physicist William Unruh of the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, who was not involved in the new study. The prospect of conducting actual experiments on systems resembling black holes is exciting, he says. “Belief is not the same as doing an experiment.”

Mysterious black holes were originally thought to gobble up everything around them, including light (hence the name). But in the 1970s, British physicist Stephen Hawking predicted that because of quantum effects, these voracious monsters should emit photons. Right on the brink of the black hole, these photons “are so energetic that they go beyond what we understand,” says study coauthor Miles Blencowe of Dartmouth College in Hanover, N.H. Such emitted photons, known as Hawking radiation, have not yet been caught in the wild, nor have they been simulated in an experiment, leaving knowledge of their basic properties — and existence — in limbo.

In the new study, the researchers propose using a series of tiny, cold superconducting devices called SQUIDs in a linear, train-track–shaped arrangement to create a black hole analog. “But unlike a black hole out in space, we know the physics of this system,” says study coauthor Paul Nation, also of Dartmouth College.

Particles inside a black hole’s boundary, called the horizon, get sucked into the depths of the black hole, while particles outside the horizon can escape. Blencowe likens the horizon to a steep waterfall, where a fish above the drop can swim at normal speeds, but once a fish hits the fast-flowing water in the waterfall, it is swept down into the water below.

Similarly, the proposed system also creates a horizon, in the form of an electromagnetic wave that moves across the device in response to a magnetic pulse. Photons behind this horizon are trapped, while photons ahead of it move normally. By detecting and studying the photons that emerge from the device, researchers hope to have a better idea of what happens to particles near the edge of a black hole, both those that escape and those that are pulled in.

Changing the strength of the horizon-creating magnetic pulse may create conditions that fluctuate, making a system that simulates “shaking spacetime,” Nation says. Watching how photons behave in such a quantum system may answer some basic questions about the quantum nature of gravity, he says.

just remember, people like you are an essential part of selling titor too.

and some info regarding: The "Naked-Truth"

“Naked” black hole’s existence may breakdown laws of physics in Universe

* Posted by newspostraj in Science

Computer simulations indicate that a “naked” black hole may yet emerge in our universe, after spinning away its event horizon, which would lead to the breakdown of the laws of physics.

In 1969, physicist Roger Penrose postulated that every singularity, or black hole, must be shrouded by an event horizon from which nothing, including light, can escape.

The event horizon is the gravity field of a black hole where the space-time is so bent that light cannot escape it.

But, according to a report in New Scientist, simulations developed by Ted Jacobson and Thomas Sotiriou at the University of Maryland at College Park indicates that a black hole may emerge in the Universe that has escaped its event horizon.

If this holds true, it would be bad news for cosmologists because if the laws of physics cannot describe even one location in the universe, the future of the universe – as predicted by those laws – is cast into doubt.

Our description of photons, for instance, may be undermined because those photons may have interacted with a naked singularity while zipping across the universe.

In theory, adding matter to a black hole could make it spin fast enough to shed its event horizon, but previously, physicists have calculated that the spin of black holes has an inherent speed limit that prevents such shedding.

This limit is partly determined by the swirling tornado of space-time that surrounds a spinning black hole.

Past simulations showed that if material was added that made space-time swirl faster, adding yet more material would be increasingly difficult because the increased centrifugal force might fling it outwards before it could reach theblack hole’s event horizon, spin it up and disrupt it.

Infalling matter can disrupt a black hole’s event horizon, exposing a ‘naked’ singularity

I do find it fascinating how people can believe in something when logic is staring them in the face and saying it can not be. When something is proven to be false I move on, how ever difficult that may be.

Is time to remember some old news you already know...:

Professor McHardy comments, "By studying the way in which the X-ray emission from black hole systems varies, we found that the accretion or 'feeding' process - where the black hole is pulling in material from its surroundings - is the same in black holes of all sizes and that AGN are just scaled-up Galactic black holes. We also found that the way in which the X-ray emission varies is strongly correlated with the width of optical emission lines from black hole systems."

He adds, "These observations have important implications for our understanding of the different types of AGN, as classified by the width of their emission lines. Thus narrow line Seyfert galaxies, which are often discussed as being unusual, are no different to other AGN; they just have a smaller ratio of mass to accretion rate."

The research shows that the characteristic timescale changes linearly with black hole mass, but inversely with the accretion rate (when measured relative to the maximum possible accretion rate). This result means that the accretion process is the same in black holes of all sizes. By measuring the characteristic timescale and the accretion rate, the team argues this simple relationship can help determine black hole masses where other methods are very difficult, for example in obscured AGN or in the much sought after intermediate mass black holes.

Professor McHardy continues: "Accretion of matter into a black hole produces strong X-ray emission from very close to the black hole itself. So, studying the way in which the X-ray emission varies with time, known as the X-ray lightcurves, provides one of the best ways of understanding the behaviour of black holes.

It has been known for over two decades that characteristic timescales can be seen in the X-ray lightcurves of Galactic black hole systems. The timescales are short (second) and so can be found in short observations.

Here's the full fax -

This is the Transcript of the Second FAX for Easy reference:
Dear Mr. Bell I am glad you ‘re back. I faxed this information to you the day before you left the air. I wanted to make sure it was n’t lost in the shuffle so I am sending a gift.
If you’ve already seen this please accept my apologies if you choose to make this public please do not publish the fax number.
I had to fax when I heard the other time traveler calling in from the recent time past infact the year 2500 Ad.
Let me explain…
Mr. Bell I sent a fax with this opening on July 29 1998.
As I said then I am a time traveler. I have been on this world line since April of this year and I plan to leave soon. Typically time travelers do not purposely affect the world lines they visit..however this mission is unusually long and I’ve grown attatched to some of the people I have met here.

(isn’t that the stockholm syndrome or something? – Art says)

Anyway for my own reasons I have decided to help this world line by sharing information about the future with a few people in the hope that it will help their future. I am contacting you for the same reason. Unfortunately there is no historical reference to your program in my worldline .

I believe you can change your future by creating one now.
Some of the information presented on your program maybe invaluable to upline researchers . I suggest you isolate the programs that concentrate on military technology and new physics theories. Transcribe these programs and put them someplace safe away from the box. I recommend someplace in the mid west.

(away from the box what does he mean?-art says)

I also urge you to reconsider your paranoia to the Russians
(I am not paranoid about the Russians)

They are not preparing for war with the average US citizen . They are preparing for war with the US government. They will eventually save this country and the lives of
million of Americans.

I realize my claims are a bit difficult to accept so I will send the following once I know you have recieved this fax.
A few pages from the operations manual of my time machine. And a few colored photographs of my vehicle.

( alright so you know I got it send them along.-art says)

If you wish to contact me I will be happy to share with you the nature of time , the physics of time travel and some of the events of your future.

(God I hadn’t read this earlier..)

Please send a return package to (and he gives the number..)


An a reference to the Y2K <font color="red">16[/COLOR] Bug...problem
Y2K16 Bug Link
CNN tracks the origin of Y2K 16 Bug...

<font color="red">Microsoft glitch sends texts from the 'future' [/COLOR]

January 12, 2010 -- Updated 2150 GMT (0550 HKT)
(CNN) -- Some smartphone owners running Windows software say they're getting messages from the future.

At least that's how it looks. Since New Year's Day, a small but growing number of users are reporting that the date on the texts they're receiving says that it's 2016.

While the problem with Windows Mobile was first reported on January 1, other users have reported it cropping up in the days since.

For the most part -- largely, no doubt, because there are no other obvious problems with the texts -- users appear to be having fun with their supposed glimpses ahead in time.

"Kind of throws a kink into that 2012 theory, eh?" wrote one user on a Sprint message board, referring to the apocalyptic (and oft-mocked) theory that the world will end that year.

"I got a text from my girlfriend from the year 2016 ... ," wrote another. "Apparently in the future I still haven't cleaned out the hallway closet."

Microsoft said it is aware of the problem and working on it with telephone manufacturers and other partners.

"These reports have not yet resulted in widespread customer inquiries," the statement said. "However, we are working closely with our manufacturing and mobile operator partners to investigate the cause and correct the issue as appropriate."

While some online users have posted workarounds for the problem, Microsoft is yet to get rid of it.

According to multiple tech blogs and message boards, most people reporting the problem were using HTC phones and the Sprint network.

Until Microsoft or one of its partners comes up with a solution, users will just have to deal with the fact that, as tech gadget site Gizmodo wrote, the futuristic texts "are a bug, not a feature."

Link to a Bug, not a feature...