The Other John

the issue may be resolved as intended avoid of a Timeline Paradox, using a wrong date of a event...

Sure.....and pigs might fly, and the leprechauns at the end of my garden are always helping out passing Jumbo jets and preventing accidents, and the pixies dance merrily through the local enchanted forest.
and the leprechauns at the end of my garden are always helping out passing Jumbo jets and preventing accidents

Man, I have to come see this garden some day. It seems pretty you actually grow viable fruits and veggies in it, or is it just a hang-out for supernatural beings??? :D

Man, I have to come see this garden some day. It seems pretty you actually grow viable fruits and veggies in it, or is it just a hang-out for supernatural beings???

Actually I'm about the laziest gardener imaginable......which I get away with by calling my garden an, er....wildlife reserve. I figure all those weeds and nettles at the end of it are doing their bit for CO2 reduction.

Fact is, though, that the birds much prefer the trees at the end of my garden to those of the neighbours. Which is not surprising as the insect population is probably higher.

And of course....everyone knows that leprechauns love such conditions too.

You know, the sentence structure here doesn't seem the same as in some of the other Titor material. Is it possible that this is an email from some other writer?

Sure, it's possible that some other writer sent the two faxes to Art Bell. But that doesn't help the Titor Case. If someone else sent the faxes and never followed up, leaving Group Titor to do it, then the scenario becomes one of yet another OETWO. Group Titor just ran with someone else's two year+ idea.

BTW: It wasn't HDRKid. The Kid graduated fdrom High School in 2005 or 2006. Take that back to 1998 and he would have been 10 or 11 years old. The faxes were not sent to Art Bell by a 5th grader.
The leprechauns

told me that adding this link will help:

Link to the garden of knowledge

LOL :oops:
The whole Y2K thing was as hyped up as Titor's hoax.

No. The Titor Y2K prognostications were the result of the guests on Coast-2-Coast, especially Gary North, and the new form of mass communication - the Internet. Group Titor was playing on the hype that had already existed at the time of the first fax.

Y2K issues were not new in 1998. The issue of computerized six digit date rollover problems first came to light in the 1960's. The problems with thirty year mortgages and long-term bonds (30-year bonds) was obvious to the financial sector prior to1969. The "Y2K Horizon" began to have problems in 1969 because the computers that were limited to six digit date codes began to have difficulties on 1-1-1970.

The real issue for Y2K was not Windows or any other commonly used system. The issue was for embedded systems that had been in place for decades that used proprietary OS's. Fixing Win-98 was staight forward. Fixing the odd-ball OS items was also straight forward. It was just expensive and time consuming because the users had to call back retired programmers who developed the languages so that they could make appropriate patches.
is the new trend!!!

No. It isn't the "new trend".

Anyone who lived through and can remember 1962 also remembers the fall-out shelter nutz. I live in Santa Barbara and did so in 1962. Our community was targeted for several multi-megaton devices. Digging a shelter ten feet underground was simply digging a better grave for my community members had the Soviets chosen to unleash the dogs of nuclear war.

But it is rather revealing as far as a comment goes. Over the years I've had two mining engineers contact me who identified Titor's gadget schematic as a kit-bashed BOC (British Oxygen Corp) modular NBC detector that was commonly installed in community fall-out shelters in the late 1950's on to the late 1960's. They've even identified the round vessels in the schematic as the holding tanks for intake air samples and the "voids" on the right side of the schematic as the area where modular PC boards were slid in for a specific purpose (identification of nuclear, biological or chemical agents).

using Wikipedia:

" leprechaun (Irish: leipreachán) is a type of fairy in Irish folklore, usually taking the form of an old man, clad in a red or green coat, who enjoys partaking in mischief. Like other fairy creatures, leprechauns have been linked to the Tuatha Dé Danann of Irish mythology.[1] Popular depiction shows them as being no taller than a small child. Their trade is that of a cobbler or shoemaker."
end quoted

/ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif :oops: :D
using the WWW to promote the NBC Shelters, not only to TPTB, as usual...
but to all.

did they have a Season offer? LOL

Never mind.

WE the people will find them... (TPTB)
no matter how deep they want to hide!

BushGnome 4.0 - George W. Bush Garden Gnomes
This web site sells hand painted George W. Bush Yard Gnomes. Made in the USA.
<font color="red"> Unfortunately this item no longer seems to be available. How soon they forget! (lol)[/COLOR]
I think the real problem with Titor's Y2K 'disaster' was his rather preposterous notion that the world was going to grind to a halt as a result. But even if the utility companies had fallen victim to it......though I am no expert in how the power grid works, I would find it incomprehensible that there was no existing proviso for simply overiding the date parameters altogether and letting the juice flow.

I simply cannot believe that anywhere in the power grid there is any device that would say ' no, you cannot have electricity as it's now Jan 01 1900 and you haven't been born yet ' and that even if any such device did exist it could not simply be over-riden.
Incidentally....Titor's second fax to Art Bell was posted at almost exactly the same time that the best seller game of all time.... 'Half Life'.... was released. I recall buying it at that time. A game that plays very much on people's fears of a total breakdown in technology with disastrous consequences. an aside....if you have ever played the game 'Prey' you hear a great spoof performance by Art Bell...

Our Half Life?

Understanding John Titor
You will hear people who haven't researched Titor's story well claim it to be a hoax, but to this day it remains internally consistent and 'undebunked'. Start with the premise of multiple worlds theory being true -- that would mean that we live in a probabilistic universe in which some things are more changeable than others. The laws of physics for example might actually vary across widely disparate probabilistic universes, but not any of the universes that our own could ever evolve into. So the physical operation of Titor's time machine is not likely to vary from our worldline compared to the one that Titor claimed to grow up in. Nor would you expect major social trends and world events to vary greatly from one nearby worldline to the next, like the assaults upon the American Constitution we have witnessed over Bush's eight or so years and the apathy of most Americans toward those assaults, or the nonexistence of WMDs in Iraq. It would take a VERY LARGE DIVERGENCE between worldlines to make those kinds of things turn out different from one to the next.

What CAN easily change between nearby worldlines however are details about some of Titor's predictions like the dates and intensity of civil war he described, date the LHC would come online, and the date of global nuclear war. These are all easily modifiable by human intention and should not be expected to remain the same from one worldline to another ESPECIALLY in the case where you have a reasonably intelligent psychopath like Karl Rove whose plans may have been modified as a result of Titor revealing them to us, thereby GREATLY CHANGING OUR WORLDLINE. It is true that Titor didn't think we would change our worldline, but then again he was pretty cynical about the sheeplike apathy of contemporary Americans of his worldline and ours during the timeframe he was here. But he was just a soldier, not a prophet, and time travel would still be pretty new in only two and a half decades. It would therefore be wrong to consider him infallible, and people also forget that he didn't care whether we believed him or not! Titor explained that we could change our worldline if we wanted to badly enough, and Titor's story remains consistent with DETAILS actually changing while MAJOR things would not, and have not.

It is true that the Bush attacks upon our Constitution never sparked overt civil war, but it should be understood unambiguously that American freedoms were indeed under attack, that civil war could have easily broken out if Bush had pushed things far enough, and that many minor conflicts that had the potential to escalate were filtered out from the public consciousness by a compliant news media failing to report them. He never used the domestic relocation camps FEMA operates for example, whereas in Titor's original worldline they may have been used for the internment of Americans under the guise of imprisoning 'domestic terrorists' and we certainly came very close to accusations of 'domestic terrorists' in our worldline. That is all it would have taken to cause our timeline to diverge significantly from Titor's, pulling back just enough to stop the overt civil war. But anyone who doubts that our civil liberties were under attack and actually compromised by the Bush administration hasn't been paying attention very well. Titor's predictions about that were spot on, and nobody could have reasonably envisioned that in 2000 or 2001. That is validation no skeptic can deny.

John Titor told us our timeline could be changed
Similarly, the LONG delay in starting the LHC could easily have been manufactured so that the pre-warned governments would have the opportunity to research Titor's claims out of the public eye, remember how Titor indicated that governments would be very threatened by the prospect of time travel? The logical thing is that Titor's warnings to us were picked up by the very types of people that in his worldline did all the evil things he described, but in our worldline they had to go undercover so as to not be perceived as precisely following Titor's predictions. Consequently it is stupid and wrong to quibble over details AS IF there was no such thing as multiple universes, AS IF the smaller things couldn't be deliberately altered. We are only left in a state of uncertainty over small details today, while the bulk of the evidence, the major events not likely to be easily changed between worldlines, do support Titor as genuine.

Titor indicated that the next President would continue the policies of the former (Bush Jr. we now know) and while being well-meaning, would not change the direction of anything. That description exactly fits McCain and MAY fit Obama, but probably not; we are going to find out in the next few years by how aggressive and successful Obama turns out to be in stabilizing American and world financial markets and international tensions. The most likely situation which fits the evidence best is that McCain won the last election in Titor's worldline, he just kept on doing the same stupid warmongering that Bush did, and consequently there was nuclear war in 2015. But in our worldline enough of us were warned by Titor to make a difference -- the online world is much more powerful than most people realize yet -- and combined with the bad guys pulling back the police state to deliberately avoid Titor's predictions we have instead elected a much smarter and more capable President that is quite hard to imagine following in Bush's footsteps like McCain obviously would have. Consequently it is likely that Titor's story was PROBABLY true, but our timeline changed due to his presence much more than Titor expected it might, and that we now have a chance to avoid the nuclear war of 2015. That chance would be amplified by whatever extent we are able to make progress toward Obama's stated intentions to ratchet down the nuclear weapons in the world. Our major threats are therefore not foreign terrorists and foreign countries but domestic right-wingers soaked in fear and hate (i.e. Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter, etc.) and wanting to see Obama and America fail so that more war and strife would be justified.

Takehome lessons
Be smart, people. Titor came seemingly out of nowhere with a message about the direction our culture was headed and the consequences that would follow if nobody cared, and indeed he was correct about the major directions things would go. While details have not been 100% correct that is what multiverse theory predicts across slightly divergent worldlines as Titor illustrated by books not written and sporting events ending differently. But MAJOR things are less likely to be changed, so they are the best indicators of Titor's authenticity. Sure it could be just an amazing coincidence that Orwell's dystopia came late but reason and logic in the light of the internal consistency of Titor's worldview cannot falsify his story; on the contrary the test of time so far supports it. There have been many attempts to discredit Titor's story, by impersonating him and claiming to know his mother and even fabricating additional documents to conflate his original story with falsehood. Self-styled 'debunkers' seize on any discrepancy, typically ignoring or never understanding the implications of multiverse theory, and spout some of the wildest conclusions as if they have proven something with utter certainty. Their denial of any rational scientific view of accepting reality whatever the evidence indicates it to be invalidates whatever agenda it is they are driven by.

I know that the world I live in now is not the one that Titor described growing up in, although it easily could have been. That is consistent with divergence between worldlines created by the forewarning we received. Millions of people learned about Titor's story and watched it begin to play out at least, waiting for the other shoe of full blown civil war to drop. That had to have an effect. If Titor's worldview is correct enough of us cared to change the worldline, and Obama's inauguration would be evidence of that as most of us have chosen hope and change over hate and fear. Certainly hate and fear describe the direction Titor's worldline took, and since hope and change seem necessary requirements for changing the timeline, we may have exceeded Titor's opinion of us after all. Time will tell but we are not out of the woods yet. I like to think that the people of Titor's worldline that he judged so harshly did not have the benefit of the warning he gave us, and their normal human tendencies to place trust in their leaders might account for a lot of the 'apathy' that let things get much worse for them. We on the other hand know better by benefit of being warned, desired change, and it looks like it is happening. Only the stupidly warlike and apathetic type of Americans Titor so despised when he first got here could still cause Titor's prediction of global nuclear war to come true, and while there are still plenty of them, we have proven ourselves smart enough as a nation to abandon hate and fear as motivators and instead seek something greater and more noble for our country. You should still pay attention to whatever new evidence arises and keep your mind open to it, but don't be swayed by the arguments of lightweight right-wing loudmouths who will claim the story a hoax because they are speaking from superficiality and ignorance and they would be among the Americans that Titor detested for their complacency, apathy, and willingness to accept the status quo. There are still many of them and they would drag us down with them if they could. But we are better than that, America is better than that, we are not driven toward nuclear war like so many lemmings headed toward a cliff so long as we remain aware that WE create the world we live in. That we have the ability to guide the outcome of our worldline explains how we can have free will and is perhaps the most important message Titor gave us.
I didn't tend my garden this year--just let it grow wild.

There were a lot of of evening primroses from a plant that went to seed last fall. It was usually full of the small black and yellow bumble bees--I think they are called "carpenter bees--which for all I know could have been fairies wearing little Pittsburgh Steeler uniforms. I hasten to add that I am not implying that Ben Rothlisberger and his teammates are fairies, for Heaven's sake!
They spent their time working amidst the primroses. Bees are serious little creatures but not a problem unless you stand between them and their job.

There was also an abundance of Queen Anne's lace, whose austere whiteness (except for the tiny purple flowerette in the center of the umbrel) suggests that the lace did not come from the queen's panties. Also seedling strawberry rhubarb (which really has nothing to do with strawberries except the color), and a patch of spearmint, which with some crushed ice and a half a quart of Southern Comfort would have made a wonderful mint julep (if we had had some Southern Comfort).

There were swarms of bugs and bees out there a few months ago, circulating between the primroses, morning glories and cosmos. Plenty of black and yellow striped flying bugs of undetermined species--not bees,not wasps (although there was a beautiful large black wasp that showed up several times a day) but something else altogether.

But the flowers of summer are gone, now, and as Robert Frost says, "Up my foot, to stay atop, another year of snow." /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
You will hear people who haven't researched Titor's story well claim it to be a hoax, but to this day it remains internally consistent and 'undebunked'.

The trouble is.......that just isn't true. Titor was resoundingly debunked a long time ago

That is all it would have taken to cause our timeline to diverge significantly from Titor's, pulling back just enough to stop the overt civil war. But anyone who doubts that our civil liberties were under attack and actually compromised by the Bush administration hasn't been paying attention very well. Titor's predictions about that were spot on, and nobody could have reasonably envisioned that in 2000 or 2001.

Not really. People have claimed the Constitution, or their fundamental liberties, were under attack ever since there was a Constitution. Titor nowhere predicts 911...or any of the specific outcomes such as the invasion of Iraq. His is just a general gripe about civil liberties....of the sort that has led people for decades to be holed up in some log cabin with their shotgun and a 'Feds Keep Out !' sign at the entrance. Nothing new in it at all.
Be smart, people. Titor came seemingly out of nowhere with a message about the direction our culture was headed and the consequences that would follow if nobody cared, and indeed he was correct about the major directions things would go. While details have not been 100% correct that is what multiverse theory predicts across slightly divergent worldlines as Titor illustrated by books not written and sporting events ending differently.

Ah yes.......whenever a Titor prediction failed, one had the convenient cop-out of falling back on 'divergence' in timelines.

In other words.....Titor could have predicted that pigs will fly, and there'd still be believers insisting that he got it right in some other timeline. The whole logic of Titor story is absurd....where a person can predict whatever they like and then have some ready made excuse built in if it fails. This is sort of like a coin with heads on both sides.

As for being smart.......the smart people recognised Titor as a hoax a long time ago,
The whole logic of Titor story is absurd....where a person can predict whatever they like and then have some ready made excuse built in if it fails. This is sort of like a coin with heads on both sides.

There is a very specific term for this absurdity: It is called "Popper unfalsifiable", in memory of the great scientific philosopher Karl Popper who first defined that REAL science can only be falsfied, not "proven". So if you set up a "theory" that can never be falsified, by definition it is pseudoscience. And that is exactly what Titor's story is: pseudoscience.

Anyone who says any different is absolutely matter what they say.