The Other John

There is a very specific term for this absurdity: It is called "Popper unfalsifiable", in memory of the great scientific philosopher Karl Popper who first defined that REAL science can only be falsfied, not "proven". So if you set up a "theory" that can never be falsified, by definition it is pseudoscience. And that is exactly what Titor's story is: pseudoscience.

Not hard to see why people believe in Titor....when the 'logic' of their belief is such that almost any faux pas in the Titor story has a getout clause.

It is actually very similar to what I've found in religious belief. A sort of circular logic....a bit like this :-

Q :- Why do you believe in the Bible ?
A :- It's the word of God.
Q :- Who says it's the word of God ?
A :- God does.
Q :- But why do you believe in God ?
A :- Because the Bible says he exists.
what about it?


More at:

Your comments are welcome...

Lol.....I find it very hard to take seriously any poll which has as an option ' Absolutely - I know this is true '. Sort of recall similar polls about WMD in Iraq.......and there was more evidence for them than ever existed for Titor.
I read this post and did a search on youtube for" 177 tempus edax rerum" and found a video posted by Larry from Kay on the rest of the info but I am having a hard time posting links on the device I am using so I will probably need Kerr's help again in converting it over to something you can click on and watch. The thing I don't understand is it talks about two johns also. But there is a part in there where it talks about someone validating that it is who he really says he is. It mentions a B52 song. I wrote Larry and asked him if I was the one who was suppose to be validating this other john and he said he didn't know and he would ask his client. Of course the client never responded. I am thinking to myself...that is not the secret song why didn't he just use the secret song. Even if john was fake he would remember the song and could post it. I have no idea what the B52 song is suppose to be so I told larry well maybe someone else is suppose to verify him. I waited and waited but no one else posted anything on the video.

Now, I will say this...when I received my copy of the book in the mail it was signed and a message was written to me and at the bottom was a B52 song. But to me that doesn't verify that this is the real john it only verifies to me that it is possible that whoever wrote that letter also sent the book to me. What I can't understand is if they really wanted me to verify the real john why didn't they use the secret song? I never did understand what that B52 referrence was suppose to be in the book....maybe the other pamela knows???? If there was two johns I think they should have told me that in the beginning!

The only thing weird around those dates is that the thread went corrupted and john had asked for me to resend my previous emails because he had lost my other ones. I have no idea what this all means because there being two johns is new news to me. But what the heck does the B52 song mean? I have no idea. It doesn't verify john to me.

There were so many other things he could have used as a verifier. We talked for hours in chat and we emailed A LOT. But if there are two johns...I have no idea what that really means.the secret song was told to me in chat not email though so if there were two johns I don't know what that means. Unless someone is trying to guess at the song. Or is "two johns" a way to get around telling me the secret song? I told larry I am only telling the truth about this whole thing and to me it does not verify john to me only that it is possible that the person that wrote the letter also sent me the book. But I can't help thinking if the whole thing is just fake why didn't they just use the secret song? Verification would have been easy for me to do. Unless...someone else is going to verify him. ????? Just posting the facts as I know them. I have no idea who that "other" john is. Maybe Kerr can post the link. Or someone can find it by looking for 177 tempus edax rerum on you tube. That's how I found it. I can't post links from here. Lryhaber posted it on there from Kay.
Yes it is. Thankyou Kerr for posting it. This is the first I ever heard of there being two John's but in all fairness maybe there is something to be said of Darby's "group Titor" because according to Kay there was more than one John. Now I have to figure out which one said what to me and who I said what to? I guess there really was a group Titor after all. Except they were all different Johns. ????
All I know is I can't verify it as the john I knew. I have no idea why it was posted. It doesn't make any sense to me why would john need to find his way back using divergence codes? I thought, according to his story they were automatically saved as he traveled in his computer. Like I said ...doesn't make sense to me. Why would there be two johns anyway? There would be way more than two wouldn't each one be different?
....And he was here in March of 2009 and didn't even think To stop by and say "hi?". Some friend. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif
blah, blah, blah, he's using divergence codes to find the world closest to his... blah some more, hype up movie... yet more blah, get rich.

that sum it up enough?
....And he was here in March of 2009 and didn't even think To stop by and say "hi?". Some friend.

Hello everybody
Recall 15 here:

I Just "add" the Maria's Letters to this new Mix in this Thread:



Also the "The B-52's songs":

The following 25 pages are in this category, out of 25 total.


how about the Weather? i remember the poem of the Winter but what if: 2000=2010 ICE
No, recall that is not the right B52 song. I have kept that to myself aswell.
Anyway I tried to post a link to this thread on you tube. I even went to the library but I do not see it coming up so I am not sure if it will eventually come up or not. But I will get a link there one way or another.

<font color="red"> Anyway most of the following will be for John (real or not) to see.

Anyway, I am positive that Kay has links to John or whoever John was so I am sure that he will eventually see this. After all they are going to be looking at comments on their video.

I will say this has been a wild ride. Believing him one minute and thinking he was some jerk who tricked me the next. Not being given the departure video that I waited years to recieve and then finding out Larry got to see it.. I actually felt.. (I am not even sure what the word is) But I was angry...hurt..almost felt betrayed. All this time I have kept secrets even though I felt he may be some jerk that was lieing to me and using me...which he could very well be. Kay and John need to keep in mind that I have no way to verify if any of this was real. I have two sets of feelings for John. One if he was if he was some jerk.

Feeling more and more jaded as I see links for Kay on facebook and twitter but no communication to me what -so- ever. Hearing interviews of her on Coast to Coast. Sending ten thousand emails to Larry Haber just hoping to get some kind of answer...even a small one. Will she respond this time?
So much for staying safe and hidden. What happened to my friend John? Finding out he was here in 2009 and not even getting a visit from him? Maybe we dont have the same understanding for what "friend" is.

I have been a friend to you even when I thought you were a jerk. But I feel like you have not really been a friend to me. There is no reason for "your family" to not communicate with me about you when they are strung out all over the internet.
And if you are a fraud and you kept me on this string all these years then you need to be a man and step forward. Do you have no conscious at all? I deserve to atleast know. What kind of person are you?? I helped you a lot and never asked anything from you. How can you treat me this way?
seriously?? Do you realize I have kept your email secret for 10 years? Not even my best friend knows it. I have kept all these things in my heart all these years....for what? To find out there were two Johns?? Dont you think that was something you should have told in the beginning?

You owe me an answer John. You really do. I don't care if you were a real time traveler or a joker playing around on the internet you need to be a man and let me know the truth....once and for all.
Even if john was fake he would remember the song and could post it.


This assumes that when we had comminication with JT/TTO s/he knew that the meme would catch on and that the emails between the two of you would be something to remember.

S/he never mentioned that the meme would die in 2001-2002 after the "departure" and that we (you and I) would have to pump the subject on Anomalies during the dead-as-yesterday's-newspaper days to keep it alive.

And that's the reality. Had you and I not kept the subject alive by constantly posting and arguing about it back in late 2001 onward the John Titor Saga would have been a non-issue. On this site is was truly dead. This site itself was dead. The only people posting here were sending personal nonsense messages between themselves. I even complained on Anomalies, back in 2002, that the subject of John Titor might be considered for a funeral ceremony.

The subject of John Titor only became known widespread around the Net when TJ Fan did the Internet Blitz from Larry Haber's office (the John Titor Foundation office) in August of 2003.

The real bottom line is, "So what?" Nothing that he "predicted" has come true. He was just an interesting writer who managed to engage the fantasy world of some people...and make money for some people through film, books, T-shirts, etc. Beyond that his story is not that much different than any other TT Saga that has come along since (though most of the sagas that have come along since play on the original John Titor Saga).
I have to disagree with you Darby. This was something he would NOT forget. He reminded me several times of it. Now if there was more than one person doing it as you suspected then yeah the other one may not know. However....I myself do not know what the B52 song at the end of the book was
suppose to mean. I thought maybe the person was guessing at the secret song. John never mentioned
this song to me so why he would use it in the book and weird. Also Larry told me he did not send me the book so I am unsure where the book actually came from.

I noticed eyesview said their book came from omaha. They didn't mention their book having a message in it like mine did either.
Feeling more and more jaded as I see links for Kay on facebook and twitter but no communication to me what -so- ever.


This has always been a problem. You've taken the position that you are a "special" person in the John Titor Saga and that whatever drives the story forward has to revolve around you.

The evidence that we have been able to gather says that there is no "Mother Kay" thus there is no one from whom you could receive communications. So stop worrying about it. The entire ploy about keeping the identity of Little John Titor, his father and mother's names anonymous is silly...beyond silly. Raul Burriel knows who the "TimeTravel_0" account belongs to and who he was before he became "TTO". Art Bell and Keith Rowland know who the account for "John Titor" belongs to. They even know his snailmail address and phone number. That much we know from the two faxes sent to Art Bell.

"Mother Kay" is just one more fictional character in this meme. You'll never know the real "truth" because you already know the actual truth. It's a prime example of an online sci-fi story. Pamela, we even know that the same people who produced "Momma Kay's" book, "The Book", also produced the additional and previously unreleased pages from "The Manual" that were included in the "online purchase only" version of The Book It was whomever posed as "Momma Kay" Titor...a group of peole, i.e. Group Titor. "Buzzmaker" already told us that he watched them produce the additional pages in the shop. And we know that Buzzmaker was intimately involved with the John Titor Foundation because he used that same email address as JT Fan. He even admitted that much.
<font color="blue"> ok..I guess links are not allowed on youtube. I did direct him here to read this. So if anyone has comments for is the time. I know he will read these. So if you have anything to say to the person behind is your chance on this thread. [/COLOR]
How many Johns does it take to screw in a new lightbulb?

(the music theme from the movie 'Jaws' comes into mind on what to do with the Doomsday Clock, being changed on Jan. 14, 2010 10:00EST, and what a shark could do with the clock.)