Re: Who Lives And Who Dies In A Pandemic...
To Angleochoas:
You said "It doesn't take a genius to know we've been aware of energy sources and industry coming to a changing point / forced transitioning for ohhh what? two decades of predictions? - GM was just the largest example to pick on."
Take a look at the above chart. I told people that GM, the engine of america would fail. I said that in 2005. However, in 2006 GM stock was going up, the debunkers were laughing, but I said it would crash. End of the road for GM. See how slowly the stock went up and how fast the collapse came. Oil is cheap now. Why is GM underwater?
Answer - I said in 2005 that the real estate market would fall like a house of cards. This would cause banks to fail. The people cannot get loans to buy cars. THAT is the problem.
Let me explain, in 2005 debunkers said that only rich people buy Hummers, that iconic GM suv. So that if oil went up, the rich would still buy Hummers. Well, come Aug 2008, Gas is over $4/gal and they claim that high gas price causes people to buy Prius instead of Hummer. When gas goes under $2/gas Hummer sales are even lower. Gasoline is not the reason.
To rain:
If the weatherman gets the weather wrong 5% of the time, I still feel his predictions are valuable. I do not use a wrong prediction as an excuse. Most of my predictions have come.
Today the news says jobless rate hit 8.1%
This increase in unemployment rate causes more houses to go into foreclosure forcing more banks to fail. Remember, bank failures are at the heart of a depression. The economic crisis feed on itself cauing a rapid downward spiral in which businesses close causing even more jobs to be lost.
We hit peak oil in 2005, expect shortages in the future.
Yes, oil is going back up
As goes Detroit so goes our america.,29307,1864272,00.html
Hi Olly:
Using astral time travel I have seen a nation fall apart. Food & fuel are very important.
GM shares reach 75-year low
Unemployment today hit a 25 year high.
It is important to see that the global elites are going to be destroyed unless they take action.
Hi SkeptiSaurus:
When there is no food in the store, you will remember that I warn you to stock up on food & fuel. RV the future. Do not depend on me, see it for yourself.
Hi Packerbacker:
Intelligent people are digging into the sides of mountains. When US collapses russia hits us hard.
Hi Darby:
Darby, do you still remember when I predicted that I saw in the future overgrown lawns, green pools, and empty houses?
Listen to FDR in 1933
Collapse of US is similar to USSR
In 2006, Peter Schiff tells people to get gold and that real estate was about to collapse.
The debunkers made fun of him. Take a look around. Financial catastrophe is here.
For years factories were closed down and sent to Red China. Firms started to downsize their work force. The high paying high tech jobs were outsourced to India. When 99% of everything in Walmart says MADE IN CHINA and the government's plan is to raise taxes on small business, you can see trouble ahead. There are over 20 million illegal immigrants competing for the few fast food low wage jobs that are now still available. It is a recipe for catastrophe.
California Mortages

To Angleochoas:
You said "It doesn't take a genius to know we've been aware of energy sources and industry coming to a changing point / forced transitioning for ohhh what? two decades of predictions? - GM was just the largest example to pick on."
Take a look at the above chart. I told people that GM, the engine of america would fail. I said that in 2005. However, in 2006 GM stock was going up, the debunkers were laughing, but I said it would crash. End of the road for GM. See how slowly the stock went up and how fast the collapse came. Oil is cheap now. Why is GM underwater?
Answer - I said in 2005 that the real estate market would fall like a house of cards. This would cause banks to fail. The people cannot get loans to buy cars. THAT is the problem.
Let me explain, in 2005 debunkers said that only rich people buy Hummers, that iconic GM suv. So that if oil went up, the rich would still buy Hummers. Well, come Aug 2008, Gas is over $4/gal and they claim that high gas price causes people to buy Prius instead of Hummer. When gas goes under $2/gas Hummer sales are even lower. Gasoline is not the reason.
To rain:
If the weatherman gets the weather wrong 5% of the time, I still feel his predictions are valuable. I do not use a wrong prediction as an excuse. Most of my predictions have come.
Today the news says jobless rate hit 8.1%
This increase in unemployment rate causes more houses to go into foreclosure forcing more banks to fail. Remember, bank failures are at the heart of a depression. The economic crisis feed on itself cauing a rapid downward spiral in which businesses close causing even more jobs to be lost.
We hit peak oil in 2005, expect shortages in the future.
Yes, oil is going back up
As goes Detroit so goes our america.,29307,1864272,00.html

Hi Olly:
Using astral time travel I have seen a nation fall apart. Food & fuel are very important.
GM shares reach 75-year low
Unemployment today hit a 25 year high.
It is important to see that the global elites are going to be destroyed unless they take action.

Hi SkeptiSaurus:
When there is no food in the store, you will remember that I warn you to stock up on food & fuel. RV the future. Do not depend on me, see it for yourself.
Hi Packerbacker:
Intelligent people are digging into the sides of mountains. When US collapses russia hits us hard.
Hi Darby:
Darby, do you still remember when I predicted that I saw in the future overgrown lawns, green pools, and empty houses?
Listen to FDR in 1933
Collapse of US is similar to USSR
In 2006, Peter Schiff tells people to get gold and that real estate was about to collapse.
The debunkers made fun of him. Take a look around. Financial catastrophe is here.
For years factories were closed down and sent to Red China. Firms started to downsize their work force. The high paying high tech jobs were outsourced to India. When 99% of everything in Walmart says MADE IN CHINA and the government's plan is to raise taxes on small business, you can see trouble ahead. There are over 20 million illegal immigrants competing for the few fast food low wage jobs that are now still available. It is a recipe for catastrophe.
California Mortages