The HDRkid Thread

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Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

To Kanigo:
There are people who get ready for the hurricane with candles and flash lights and can food. There are people who think that by making fun of the weather forecast they prevent the hurricane from hitting. Guess what - they are wrong. The hurricane is not affected by what you think.

Take a look at what I predict, and take a look at whatg happens. I this stimulus package rescues our economy and the dow is back up over 15,000 this year then you can go back to sleep. BUT, i predict that things will get a lot worse.

To Mike:
Yo say you will ignore me and here you are........

To My_time:
You ask for a link proving my abilities. Here is a link. BTW the stock market is still open.

To Darby:
You are not listening to me. This will get a lot worse than now. Back in 2008 when when the stock market crashed, it was my hope that the skeptics would wake up and realize how bad things were. However they continued to ridicule me and claim everything was fine. That reminds me of David Letterman's famous line - "Joaquin, I'm sorry you couldn't be here tonight." Joaquin Phoenix will soon join his brother river.

Here is my view of debunkers.

Here is my opinion of scientists

BTW, this is what martial law looks like.

"'Inside the Meltdown," which airs tonight on WGBH, provides the clearest explanation I've seen of how last year's catastrophic collapse of our economy occurred. It is an indispensable primer on the financial carnage."

According to debunkers there is no meltdown, that is "conspiracy theory" and everything is fine. I believe it was John Titor that said - "The year 2008 was a general date by which time everyone will realize the world they thought they were living in was over."

---my vision of the future is more bleak and stark than the rural agrarian ecotopia John Titor saw --

I have seen myself clearing ruble out of large highways after the war. Critical supplies are brought in trucks to the two remaining cities of Calgary and Edmonton. Why the russians spare these two cities of NAU is still a mystery to me. Attempts are made to rebuild the internet as a means of communication. In the US only small patches of survivors exist in deep underground shelters far away from cities. A desperate attempt is made to find parts as little can now be manufactured. Most of our high tech infrastructure is gone, and what little remains is in tatters. Sadly, our knowledge base begins to erode as people focus all their energy on finding food; not on learning math and science. People find that the amero is worthless and soon run out of bullets. Due to human survivors living in small isolated pockets of less than 100 people and many of these rendered infertile due to radiation, inbreeding is a problem. Small scattered communities use gold and silver to trade for critical supplies.

One of the saddest things I saw in the future was the disappearance of music, culture, poetry, sport, song, and art as people focus all their resources on finding food to survive.

Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

i wish somebody would ban this troll and be done with it .

i mean isnt there some kind of rule about harrassing other forum members with doom and gloom threats?
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

Oh, Darby...

You really are a Time Travel Goo-ooo-ROO, you. How could you possibly call it as it happend if it weren't so? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Tee-hee-hee. Indiana - my home, sweet home.
poor effort

To My_time:
You ask for a link proving my abilities. Here is a link. BTW the stock market is still open.

Poor, I did ask for a your 2005 predictions. That link you have provided is rubbish, do you know how many people predicted the same thing on that day? the daily market proves nothing of your abilities. Show me a link that proves your earlier statement re 2005.
Re: poor effort

I also notice that you didn't predict the DOW bombing the week you made this entry to your journal.... HDR sees the DOW drop 400+ week 9th -13th feb (not!)

quoting HDR'd Journal:

<font color="blue"> February 10th, 2009
95mpg car
A do it yourselfer have created a 95mpg honda civic car.

This is good news. I hope more people will build their own devices. The future can be bright, it we maker it. [/COLOR]

E for effort HDR
Re: poor effort

To Mike:
You claim I am stalking you, but you keep posting on my thread. Yeah, banning me would have prevented the Dow from hitting a six year low today. Back in 2005, I was kicked out of a forum for predicting gloom and doom. Gold has not hit $2000 yet, but it will.

To Ruthless:
Trampoline video. If the earth is rotating at over 1000 mph then why is it that when I jump up real high the tramp dont move? Also, how is it that if I am in a supersonic jet I can talk to the person in the seat in front on me? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
If you use a time machine the earth does not appear to move away while you are time travelling, particles inside the LHC that move at near the speed of light - have time slow down. They do not disappear because the earth is moving.

To My_time:
Here is another link.

To Darby:
Today the dow hit a six year low. That is not what I am worried about. I worry about a lack of food. As states run out of money, they will not pay police. This could lead to total chaos. Reports from other remote viewers say that we face complete collapse. I have seen food riots in the future.

One good piece of news is that our government is trying to avert catastrophe by creating jobs. However as we print more and more green pieces of paper their value goes down.

My solution is to go for the gold. As you may have noticed the price of gold is going up, while the dow goes DOWn!
Re: poor effort

If the earth is rotating at over 1000 mph then why is it that when I jump up real high the tramp dont move?

Idiocy. Intelligent people (of which you are not) see the flaw in your proposition.

Also, how is it that if I am in a supersonic jet I can talk to the person in the seat in front on me?

Idiocy upon idiocy. Fool.

Don't you realize, Kid, it is all about ME!

Me, me, me, me, me, me, me (not you), me, me, me, me, me, me, me, MEEEEEEEEE!

I am the great one here. Not you, HDRKID.

All bow down before ME.


<font color="red"> Pay attention to ONLY ME! [/COLOR]

<font color="purple"> RMT has seen all. RMT knows all. RMT is the only one who can save us all. [/COLOR]

The 15 minutes of HDRKID are now up. I, the holy RMT, will decide when you must be cast to the dogs as their sustenance.

Thou shalt serve me, and only me. That is your new commandment, HDRKID.

I have forseen your passing, HDRKID... and it is not pretty. I have RV'ed the future and I see angry mobs hunting down the HDRKID (because I have given them dispensation to do so) and they are force-feeding you your own words, in CLOCKWORK ORANGE style...

You are now permitted to log off and pray (to me) and consider your filthy life.

Re: poor effort

In reply to:
If the earth is rotating at over 1000 mph then why is it that when I jump up real high the tramp dont move?

Idiocy. Intelligent people (of which you are not) see the flaw in your proposition.

In reply to:
Also, how is it that if I am in a supersonic jet I can talk to the person in the seat in front on me?

Idiocy upon idiocy. Fool.

Don't you realize, Kid, it is all about ME!

Me, me, me, me, me, me, me (not you), me, me, me, me, me, me, me, MEEEEEEEEE!

I am the great one here. Not you, HDRKID.

All bow down before ME.


Pay attention to ONLY ME!

RMT has seen all. RMT knows all. RMT is the only one who can save us all.

The 15 minutes of HDRKID are now up. I, the holy RMT, will decide when you must be cast to the dogs as their sustenance.

Thou shalt serve me, and only me. That is your new commandment, HDRKID.

I have forseen your passing, HDRKID... and it is not pretty. I have RV'ed the future and I see angry mobs hunting down the HDRKID (because I have given them dispensation to do so) and they are force-feeding you your own words, in CLOCKWORK ORANGE style...

You are now permitted to log off and pray (to me) and consider your filthy life.


No Way, RMT...
Re: poor effort

No Way, RMT...

Yeah huh! I'm better than HDRKID and he knows there! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif Besides, I have a pact with Satan, so everyone had better pay attention to me.

I have spoken.

Yeah huh! I'm better than HDRKID and he knows there! Besides, I have a pact with Satan, so everyone had better pay attention to me.

I have spoken.


Yadda Yadda Yadda...

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.!!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif


Do not listen to He Who Has a Pact With Satan. Listed to the Goo-ooo-ROO and only to the Goo-ooo-ROO:

Quit your job, sell the house, move to Las Vegas...errr...Swiss...Las Vegas. No; Swiss.

Quit your job, sell the house, move to Swiss

Repeat the mantra:

Quit your job, sell the house, move to Swiss
Quit your job, sell the house, move to Swiss
Quit your job, sell the house, move to Swiss
Quit your job, sell the house, move to Swiss

in times like these, i have to remind you that bob dole does, in fact, love bob dole.

...and thats the way he went george.

Do not listen to He Who Has a Pact With Satan. Listed to the Goo-ooo-ROO and only to the Goo-ooo-ROO:

Back in 1876, I predicted that you would say that, Darby.

For not only am I all powerful, but I have lived forever. I see all. I know all. I am all.

In fact, what are all you mortals doing in my universe? I thought I predicted that the Great Catastrophe would have wiped you all out by now?


To Ruthless:
If you take a time lapse photograph, you see the rotation of the stars - this proves that the earth is rotating. However the stars are far away, as in light years distant. A time machine does not have to follow the earth as it is already inside our system.

To Rain:
The few who worship God, look forward to an eternity with Him. Those who serve Satan, fear spending an eternity in the infernal regions. If you think the devil ain't real, after you see what is coming you may wish to re-evaluate.

To Darby:
OK, let's look at where we are today. Here are predictions that have come true so far ---

GM stock drops to lowest level in 70 years

Raft of bank failures

Dow at multiyear lows{844E6141-0F9C-487A-930E-BF2358945883}

Gold over $1000

Job losses worst in 50 years

To give you an idea of how bad things are, in January more cars were sold in China than in the US. This is so staggering. It is like a nightmare that does not end.

A debunker might claim "BUT, you said that the banks would fail like in 1930's"

OK, lets take a look at the banks - Bank of America has gone from $197 billion to $24 billion, Citigroup down to $13 billion from $125 billion last year, AIG have gone from $116 billion to down to an incredible $7 billion. These declines are so incredible your eye balls pop out of their sockets. According to Alan Greenspan we may have no choice but to nationalize the banks.

There is one product that is selling like hot cakes - BULLETS. Store owners tell me that not only is cold gold selling, but so is hot lead.

OK now I understand;

RVing the future=quoting current events in the MSM

Predicting the future=quoting industry specialists opinions on what will happen next given their understanding of their specialist fields.

Darby is correct. You ARE a GooooooooooRoooooooooo or is that GooGooGaroooo

BTW. LINK= 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005

Get that? 2005
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