The HDRkid Thread

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Re: A Short Commercial Message from Our Sponsor

All powerful He Who Has a Pact With Satan - I do not occupy your tiny and insignificant universe. I occupy Bern, Swiss - a universe unto itself. A universe that can kick your Flatlander universe's tiny asymptotically flat butt.

Goo-ooo-ROO the Great and Wonderful, by His Grace, Lord Emperor of Bern

Second Mantra:

Sell your dog, eat the neighbor's kids, move to Swiss
Sell your dog, eat the neighbor's kids, move to Swiss
Sell your dog, eat the neighbor's kids, move to Swiss
Sell your dog, eat the neighbor's kids, move to Swiss

I normally stay out of this thread on purpose...I realize some of you have too much fun with it...
however after reading one post...I'd like to address some 'negativity' projected here.

If you take a time lapse photograph, you see the rotation of the stars - this proves that the earth is rotating. However the stars are far away, as in light years distant. A time machine does not have to follow the earth as it is already inside our system.

3D meanderings getting into 4D make no sense anyway - motion as observant from a 3D point of view talking then about how 'laws' of a 3rd dimension should apply to the 'law' of 'time'...sorry nice thought but not very substantial or founded

The few who worship God, look forward to an eternity with Him. Those who serve Satan, fear spending an eternity in the infernal regions. If you think the devil ain't real, after you see what is coming you may wish to re-evaluate.

Drama - If you knew RMT a tiny bit by now, you'd realize you played right into his hand of linear thinking

OK, let's look at where we are today. Here are predictions that have come true so far ---
GM stock drops to lowest level in 70 years

It doesn't take a genius to know we've been aware of energy sources and industry coming to a changing point / forced transitioning for ohhh what? two decades of predictions? - GM was just the largest example to pick on

Raft of bank failures

We've been aware of things needing revamping since the international economy has been restructuring and the 3rd/2nd world nations of over populated regions have been expounding on cheap labour for oh....a couple decades at least

Dow at multiyear lows

see above -prior response- for ideas

Gold over $1000

see above -prior response- for ideas

Job losses worst in 50 years

see above -prior response- for ideas

To give you an idea of how bad things are, in January more cars were sold in China than in the US. This is so staggering. It is like a nightmare that does not end.

thank you for proving above, above, above etc points

A debunker might claim "BUT, you said that the banks would fail like in 1930's"

Easy comparison for rationalization & grasp much like the tendency of over generalizing for sake of an easy reference

OK, lets take a look at the banks - Bank of America has gone from $197 billion to $24 billion, Citigroup down to $13 billion from $125 billion last year, AIG have gone from $116 billion to down to an incredible $7 billion. These declines are so incredible your eye balls pop out of their sockets. According to Alan Greenspan we may have no choice but to nationalize the banks.

Reference way above... predicting after shocks of a foreseen event from natural circumstance in areas obviously largely impacted in an economy isn't too 'supernatural'

There is one product that is selling like hot cakes - BULLETS. Store owners tell me that not only is cold gold selling, but so is hot lead.

Where are your purchasing demographics from? There's a big difference in purchasing tendencies in say Texas & Hawaii etc etc. I know lately alot of people in Texas are protecting themselves from any threat from Mexican banditos looking to rip off their rims or T.V's, but that hardly spells the 'end times' to me

Sorry, saw way too many holes in these 'predictions'.

Re: A Short Commercial Message from Our Sponsor

Sell your dog, eat the neighbor's kids, move to Swiss

Or is it more like:

Eat your Swiss, sell your neighbor's kids, move in with your dog?

It matters not, for all things are possible thanks to my omnipotence. I have forseen even this, but it never ceases to surprise me how great I am.

I often find it hard to keep up with my greatness. But I know you are laughing at me Darby. Soon you will see, when all I say comes to pass. more bowing before me. Now comes the time to send me muuuuuuhneeee!


You shall now begin addressing me as "His ominence". Thank you, plebe.

The few who worship God, look forward to an eternity with Him.

You should be thankful I allow you in My presence on this forum. But with this wish you are pushing it. Nevertheless, I accept your worship. However, I would accept cash or paypal even more. That would make Me happy. Chop chop. Then we shall see if you are worthy to spend an eternity in My presence.

Those who serve Satan, fear spending an eternity in the infernal regions.

So mote it be. You have now sealed your fate, and taken the bait. I predicted this on February 29th, 1963 at 6:35AM, right after My holy morning constitutional....which oddly enough looked a lot like you. Must have been that Swiss I had for lunch the day before.

If you think the devil ain't real, after you see what is coming you may wish to re-evaluate.

You have obviously chosen to ignore My prior post on this topic, directed at your insignificant little life form. Because I am all-forgiving (but I have My limits) I will direct you to it again:

Your vanity and fear mongering are reaching a dangerous level. You should start praying for My forgiveness immediately.


To Angleochoas:
Let's deal in a little reality here. Today the stock market came crashing down over 250 points to 1997 levels. There is talk of nationalizing Bank of America and Citigroup.

What happened in the Great Depression? Stock market crashed, banks fell...

I predicted back in 2005 that this would take place.

The ability to see the future is one thing that I want other people to have. Using remote viewing you can see what will soon take place. By developing this skill you can perhaps survive what is coming.

To My_Time:
MSM is not predicting that grocery store shelves will be empty. They are not warning people to plant gardens or took stock up on food. One of the big problems in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina was lack of food and power. When you are given a warning it is best to act then. If you wait until the shelves are empty it is too late.

To Darby:
In 2005 I predicted that Hurricane Katrina hitting New Orleans gave us a feel for what the future would be like, a complete collapse. I defined that the real estate market would fall like a house of cards taking down the banks with it. Also, that the stock market would crash. The safe haven of gold was identified.

I did tell you that an old Jewish guy warn my father when he was young man about the importance of leaving america behind. That he must plan ahead to leave. This was a formative experience for my father because he had always thought back then that his world would remain. Sadly it has not. My father was able to sell properties he developed and make money. He saw first hand the crash. He believes that he made the right decision. Time will tell.

To Ruthless:
You said - "Too funny"
As I have said before, your laughter shall turn into tears. If you think that things are bad now, you are in for a rude awakening from the american dream to a post apocalyptic reality. Your name foretells your future.

To rain:
Let's just say you are going to get a little taste of hell, soon enough.

The ability to see the future is one thing that I want other people to have. Using remote viewing you can see what will soon take place.

Except for the "big bones" things like: Who will win the US Presidency, what gas prices will be doing in the coming months, or any other number of "important" things that HDRKID has gotten wrong.

Let's just say you are going to get a little taste of hell, soon enough.

Unlike you, I prepare myself intelligently. Because I know it is a lie that you purchased a massive amount of gasoline at close to $4/gallon, you are also likely lying about the other (unintelligent) "preparations" you claim to have taken on for yourself.

You see, I am a graduate of the Boy Scouts, along with many other organizations that teach self-responsibility. There is no doubt in my mind that I am much better prepared than are you. The people who will experience hell are all those truly poor people who thought all they needed to do was elect Obama and he would rob from the middle class and give to them. As with all stupid Democratic initiatives, it is the poor who will suffer the most... the very people the Democratic rhetoric claims they are going to help.


The ability to see the future is one thing that I want other people to have. Using remote viewing you can see what will soon take place.

You MIGHT if you are LUCKY, see a POTENTIAL, after many attempts and piecing things together. You, however, would appear to be spinning Lucid dreaming accounts to anyone receptive enough to take it as real.

It is when you fall, subtly, asleep with an image/ intention/ purpose on your mind and you seem to be semi-aware. After you wake up - you fall into all sorts of problems (filling in the gaps/ false memory/ creating your dream and thinking it is a legitimate version of your waking reality etc).

If you were going 'astral', you would be reporting different experiences to the ones you are now.

If you were RVing, you would not be reporting in the way you do, at all.

It is simple deduction really.
Re: A Short Commercial Message from Our Sponsor

Third Mantra:

Sell your Swiss, eat the neighbors, move in with the kid's dog
Sell your Swiss, eat the neighbors, move in with the kid's dog
Sell your Swiss, eat the neighbors, move in with the kid's dog
Sell your Swiss, eat the neighbors, move in with the kid's dod

Thus sayeth Goo-ooo-ROO the Great and Wonderful, by His Grace, Lord Emperor of Bern and Adversary of He Who Has a Pact With Satan. Amen.

The ability to see the future is one thing that I want other people to have. Using remote viewing you can see what will soon take place. By developing this skill you can perhaps survive what is coming.

10 Tapping into the superconscious for the simple sake of projecting negative 'views' into the possibilities of outcome?
20 "IF" goto 10 (kidding
who's old enough for that???)
"IF" you believe that you are remote viewing a VCR tape of life/reality, why do you care?
Let it play...

OBVIOUSLY you do not - therefore do not project negativity on others plz.
"IF" you believe a negative situation is imminent, or possible, what is more helpful?
Positive thoughts or negative?

Remember HDR, mirrored negativity tends to amplify...some call it karma, some call it universal balance...I call it sad.
Do you realize visual projection vs. remote viewing?

It's really quite simple...
The little train that thought he could, never stopped to believe what was 'likely'.

Hell is a very personal prison, heaven a shared dream


Wise Words of Darby:

Do not listen to He Who Has a Pact With Satan. Listed to the Goo-ooo-ROO and only to the Goo-ooo-ROO:

Quit your job, sell the house, move to Las Vegas...errr...Swiss...Las Vegas. No; Swiss.

Quit your job, sell the house, move to Swiss

Repeat the mantra:

Quit your job, sell the house, move to Swiss
Quit your job, sell the house, move to Swiss
Quit your job, sell the house, move to Swiss
Quit your job, sell the house, move to Swiss

Let`s hear it on Youtube:
The "Wise Words" on Youtube...

:D :D :D

10 Tapping into the superconscious for the simple sake of projecting negative 'views' into the possibilities of outcome?
20 "IF" goto 10 (kidding who's old enough for that???)

Failed that in school, can't understand why, maybe I should have spent less of my life climbing trees..............or, maybe not /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif

To My_Time:
It is happening in real time, right in front of you. Today you saw the market drop nearly 300 points. It crashed thru the 7,000 barrier. At a store today I saw a sign that said generator were selling out - people are in panic mode.

To Recall:
You said "LOLOL!!!"
Not a lot of laughing in the future.

To Angleochoas:
It is like a person tells me that everything is fine and I yell "Get off the train tracks!"
Today the train smashed thru the 7,000 barrier. People are wiped out, their house is becoming worthless, their 401K will soon follow. What is left? The money in the bank. Guess what, FDIC is in trouble.
Farmers deal in reality. I can wish for rain, but if my well goes dry, the crops dry up.

Hi Packerbacker:
Today, is but a foretaste of what is coming...

Hi Olly:
The light breeze you felt today, it nothing compared to the financial hurricane that is coming. In 2005, I compared the event to Katrina and also the Great Depression. An event so powerful that it will shake the world to its very foundations.
Other remote viewers have told me what they have seen. I believe that the Time Monk George Ure that uses web bots says we are going to face a summer of hell. Actually, what I see is that people are in a state of panic and don't know what to do. Well, I can tell you to plant a garden, and have animals like chickens, you will need protein.

To rain:
The weatherman on channel five is also wrong, from time to time. He predicted snow and instead we got rain (pun). However, most of the time he is right. Most of my predictions have come true. Take a look at what took place today on Wall Street.
Get all the food you can get and all the fuel you can get. I believe that there will be shortages in the future, we hit peak oil in 2005, also. Remember that in preparing for a Katrina like event food & fuel are important. However, those of you that got precious metals (Gold, platinum, silver) like I told you to. Please remember to get a very precious metal - LEAD!

I don't suppose that the RVers told you, by broadcasting a potential 'reality' - or rather - 'potential', and advising people to pre-pare for it; is very much manifesting it?

It is lucky that you are very small in legion, that is for sure.

According to steven gibbs, the rapture was supposed to occur 18 months ago...


I, Goo-ooo-ROO the Great and Wonderful, by His Grace, Lord Emperor of Bern and Adversary of He Who Has a Pact With Satan, Amen, bid you well met and welcome back to The World.

Fifth Mantra:

Kiss the Paladium, sell the dollars, eat the gold.
Kiss the Paladium, sell the dollars, eat the gold.
Kiss the Paladium, sell the dollars, eat the gold.
Kiss the Paladium, sell the dollars, eat the gold.

Most of my predictions have come true.

Haaaaaaaaaaaaahaahaahahahahahahahaahhahahahhahahahah...sorry, can you qualify that with any 'real' evidence?

Man, you can't even provide a link to your much lauded 2005 predictions (that you never made)

I'm with the new Goo-ooo ROO, scuse me while I chant........

Kiss the Paladium, sell the dollars, eat the gold.
Kiss the Paladium, sell the dollars, eat the gold.
Kiss the Paladium, sell the dollars, eat the gold.
Kiss the Paladium, sell the dollars, eat the gold.

What is next oh great goo-ooo ROO? The gold doesn't sustain me and doesn't taste good.. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif

HDRKid: Most of my predictions have come true.

There cannot be one single person on this board who knows your history, HDR, who buys this simple and plain falsehood for half a nanosecond. :D You clearly live in a world of fiction and make-believe if you believe it yourself.
Who Lives And Who Dies In A Pandemic...

Military and Homeland Security Dictate Who Lives And Who Dies In A Pandemic

Quoted from:
Link to Infowars...
<font color="red">
A new report compiled by a medical "task force" comprising physicians from prestigious universities, medical groups, the military and government agencies has outlined that specific groups of people should not be treated and be left to die should a flu pandemic or other deadly disease disaster infect millions throughout the USA.

Doctors in the pay of federal government agencies including the Department of Homeland Security, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Department of Health and Human Services have concluded that the already ill, the weak, the severely injured and the elderly will have to "forgo" life.

According to the report, which appears in the May edition of Chest, the medical journal of the American College of Chest Physicians, those who won’t be treated will include:

• People older than 85.

• Those with severe trauma, which could include critical injuries from car crashes and shootings.

• Severely burned patients older than 60.

• Those with severe mental impairment, which could include advanced Alzheimer’s disease.

• Those with a severe chronic disease, such as advanced heart failure, lung disease or poorly controlled diabetes.

Designated hospital "triage teams" will ultimately decide who gets treated and who is left to perish.


end quoted...

More at given link... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Re: Who Lives And Who Dies In A Pandemic...

Military and Homeland Security Dictate...

Not to worry. None of the TTI members fall into these categories. Remember the slogan,
"No HDRkid left behind." /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
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