The HDRkid Thread

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Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

Take a look Kid:
<font color="red">
Shipping rates hit zero as trade sinks
Freight rates for containers shipped from Asia to Europe have fallen to zero for the first time since records began, underscoring the dramatic collapse in trade since the world economy buckled in October.

By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, International Business Editor
Last Updated: 5:42PM GMT 13 Jan 2009

end quoted...

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Link to <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

To Recall:
Thanks for the link. You might not believe this but doing remote viewing I saw riots, roving gangs, and massive unrest ahead. We will see epic monumental changes in the future, fasten your seat belt, its gonna be a bumpy ride!

To Mike:
Things are good now, wait till there is no food in the grocery store.

To Kanigo:
It trouble me that food banks are closing. There is plenty of food, no shortages, YET! Still our economic crisis and severe recession are just the beginning. It seems we are taking lessons from Zimbabwe and weimar germany on how to run a currency.

Back in 2005 when I predicted that a complete collapse of the financial system would take place there were howls of laughter from the debunkers. Darby said I was crazy and needed medication. Well, fast forward to 2009 and MSM is saying it and the debunkers claim it was obvious.

"I think within 12 months, Citigroup no longer exists," said William Smith at Smith Asset Management, who owns Citigroup shares.

"Citigroup is not alone. JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo and most other big banks all expect enormous losses as millions of consumers default on their mortgages, credit cards and automobile loans."

problems in the financial sector are far from over, and more government bailouts are coming.

Today Nortel declared bankruptcy. At one time it was the biggest company in Canada. Do you know when I sounded the alarm that Nortel would go under? 2000, back then the stock was over $1,000 a share, today it was seven cents!

I gave people plenty of time to sell their houses and unload their stock portfolios.

Well, here comes another prediction, russia will attack america! John Titor alerted me and I did the remote viewing. RV NYC in 2017! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/cry.gif
from hdrkid

As I have been saying for some time, Castro will die in 2007. News of his ill health is now front page news. This is another one of my predictions comiing true. You don't need a time machine to see this one. Although the Cuban media says Castro is recovering, the truth is he is dying.

what's the latest word on poor old dying castro?

Poster: hdrkid
Subject: Re: The HDRkid Thread

To Darby:

As for future prediction
Including Hillary winning
Dow going down
Shortages of gasoline in the future (PEAK OIL IS REAL)
Gas over $3, not 4, $3 on Dec 31. 2007
Shortages of food (NO FUEL = NO FOOD)

They will come true.

How much of your hard earned money do you want to bet on Hillary not being elected president on Nov 4, 2008?

Your rep got trashed bacause you made fun of my predictions and when they happen, as they do. You claim "THAT WAS OBVIOUS!"

I just happened to look at the first page of this thread and look at how retarded this delusional bozo looks, especially about this hillary crap.
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

Back in 2005 when I predicted that a complete collapse of the financial system would take place

I don't think you did...prove it with a link or accept you are making it up as you are going along

Do you know when I sounded the alarm that Nortel would go under? 2000

I don't think you did...prove it with a link or accept you are making it up as you are going along

russia will attack america! John Titor alerted me and I did the remote viewing. RV NYC in 2017

Looking forward to discussing this prediction in 2018, I won't need a link as I will 'remember when and where I heard it first' /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif

especially about this hillary crap

If you look on some other threads you'll also see The Kid picking Gore as the winner.

*Splat* Toss enough spaghetti at a wall and some is bound to stick.

As to these "predictions":

"Including Hillary winning"


"Dow going down"


"Shortages of gasoline in the future (PEAK OIL IS REAL)"

Miss. In fact the market is glutted right now.

"Gas over $3, not 4, $3 on Dec 31. 2007"

Miss. The average US regular unleaded December 2007 price was $2.609. With state and local taxes added the average was $2.813. Somehow that number doesn't appear to be greater than $3.00 and less than $4.00.

Of course one could have (he did) shopped around to find a station with $3.00 gasoline and take a photo of the sign. Prices in one farm neighborhood doesn't a national average make.

But remember, this is the clown who, at least claims to have, gone out last fall and bought over 4,000 gallons of gasoline at the market peak of around $5.00/gal to get ready the really big price climb. Within a few weeks the value of his gasoline had fallen almost 70%.

I don't know, but if I was claiming to be a psychic time traveler and based on my personal crystal ball's visions of the future I invested almost $20,000 only to see the value of the investment disappear over night I might either get some Windex to clean the ball, buy new glasses to make sure that I'm seeing clearly or question whether I'm seeing anything at all.

"Shortages of food (NO FUEL = NO FOOD)"


"They will come true"

See above. Enough spaghetti (or time) and eventually one can pick a point in time where the vague prediction is true and claim "victory" because one had kept it vague by simply saying "in the future I see". The Future is described by a rather long line. It runs from t0 to + infinity.

And one has to wonder if the "I" key on the Kid's keyboard will continue to function or wear out in the near future. The Kid seems to be having a love affair with "I". Ever notice how many times The Kid refer's to him/herself in a single post? "I, I, I yi-yi". Yikes!

It's apparently not, as the commercial once suggested "all about the O". For The Kid it's all about the "I". And he shouts his/her message with the same conviction and consistency as Sen. John Y. Iselin.
yeah i agree, she's wrong basically about everything, i just thought it was funny how arrogant she was acting namely about her hilary garbage....

I still remember her kerry win of 04 she predicted on paranormalis....
Given the amount of sheer crap and bare-faced lies HDRKid posts, its hard to believe anyone here takes it seriously.

Hence 'Fan Fiction.'
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

<font color="red"> Man charged with threatening Obama on website [/COLOR]

<font color="red"> WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Authorities on Friday arrested a U.S. man on suspicion of threatening to kill President-elect Barack Obama based on statements he posted on a website about UFOs and aliens, the Justice Department said. [/COLOR]

more at:
Link to <a href="" target="_blank"> </a>
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

To Kanigo:
It trouble me that food banks are closing. There is plenty of food, no shortages, YET! Still our economic crisis and severe recession are just the beginning. It seems we are taking lessons from Zimbabwe and weimar germany on how to run a currency.

Back in 2005 when I predicted that a complete collapse of the financial system would take place there were howls of laughter from the debunkers. Darby said I was crazy and needed medication. Well, fast forward to 2009 and MSM is saying it and the debunkers claim it was obvious.

Your examples do not explain the US current situation.

I personally have more food than GOD, I can feed myself and my freinds for for almost 2 years.

this would include my family and friends, even if it included a bad winter.

I wish I could explain to you, the limit, of the distance we would go.....

We havent even gone the distance of consolidation.

The U.S. IS fine.

Now I could cut you down, HDR, but in fact, what has occurred is with, even your "arrangement". There are people that are ready. Solid, decent, honest people.

Even the "poor" folks.


You should really look ahead, besides the basic structure, of what should be "done".

And give better, "predictions",.

Besides just a side note of "get ready".

We are already, "ready".

your move....
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

My Time:
In 2000 I told a debunker that the biggest company in Canada (Nortel) would go under. He said "That's crazy, thats like GM going under!"
What do you think will happen when foreign countries, no longer accept the dollar and demand to be paid in euros?

Hi Skeptic:
This is my cup of tea.

Hi Recall:

"As the world holds its collective breath, worried that a global recession will become another Great Depression, Iceland is being seen as the canary in the coal mine,"

"Indeed, if Britain walked away from UK banks' $4.4 trillion of foreign liabilities – worth eight times Lehman Brothers – it would destroy the credibility of the City and take the whole world into deeper depression.
"The UK cannot go down that route because it would set off an asset price death spiral," said Marc Ostwald, a bond expert at Monument Securities. "The Western banking system is already on life support. That would turn it off altogether."

I predicted that Microsoft would have layoffs, the skeptics laughed.;sid=aZD9lJuxkzR0&amp;refer=home

Hi Mike:

Bird Flu is still killing people

All I possess I would gladly give to prevent WWIII, and yet it seems that it is cast in stone. Instead of spending our money to build schools and hospitals we spend it build war machines. To invade other countries and plunder their resources, our karmic debt must be paid. I do not shrink from the great tasks that are ahead, I welcome them, I welcome the great reward that awaits us. A world without war, without crime, and yes with liberty for all.

I have some ancient wisdom for you.

Proverbs 6:6-9 Go to the ant, O sluggard, Observe her ways and be wise, Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, Prepares her food in the summer And gathers her provision in the harvest. How long will you lie down, O sluggard? When will you arise from your sleep?

Æsop. (Sixth century B.C.) Fables - The Ant and the Grasshopper
IN a field one summer’s day a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart’s content. An Ant passed by, bearing along with great toil an ear of corn he was taking to the nest.
“Why not come and chat with me,” said the Grasshopper, “instead of toiling and moiling in that way?”
“I am helping to lay up food for the winter,” said the Ant, “and recommend you to do the same.”
“Why bother about winter?” said the Grasshopper; “we have got plenty of food at present.” But the Ant went on its way and continued its toil. When the winter came the Grasshopper had no food, and found itself dying of hunger, while it saw the ants distributing every day corn and grain from the stores they had collected in the summer. Then the Grasshopper knew:

Hi Darby:

John Titor was brave to time travel from 2036 to 1975. His mission did not include a pit stop on 1998 or 2000. Yet he came and warn us of what was coming. Do not believe authority figures.

Bernie Madoff is an example of an authority figure. He appeared nice even charming, this clever con man was an expert at projecting a likeable public persona. Yet a whistleblower by the name of Harry Markopolos warn people that Bernie was a crook, but instead of listening to him they giggled. Well, now they are crying; their money is gone.

"Harry Markopolos, 52, of Whitman, Massachusetts is a well respected Boston accountant who spent a decade trying to convince the Securities and Exchange Commission that Bernard Madoff was running a massive ponzi scheme. Markopolos failed to get the SEC to act and investors are now looking at a $50 billion loss."

Here is what happens when a debunker tries to forecast the weather.

When I predicted the collapse in 2005, I knew that the real estate market was a a house of cards ready to fall down due to being built on shaky foundations. I predicted that the banks were going to fall and fall they will.

TAKEN FROM;sid=aZs1pLsWbonk&amp;refer=home
"Bank of America Corp., the largest U.S. bank by assets, received a $138 billion emergency lifeline from the government to support its acquisition of Merrill Lynch &amp; Co. and prevent the global financial crisis from deepening."

Do not pay a high price for bad advice, learn remote viewing so you can see the future. At the cost of a pencil and a piece of paper you can map out where you are going. Lessons are free at firedocs.

Webbots predictions for 2009


Hi Kanigo:

Right now we are in deflation, but soon we will have hyperinflation. The US gov is printing a lot of money. Look at the Zimbabwe and the 100 trillion bank note.

I have identified the five problems that we face.

Improper resource allocation
Due to lack of food and fuel, riots will break out. The government will implode and the financial catastrophe will make things fall apart. Having large amounts of fuel &amp; food is important if you want to survive.

Failure to conserve current command structure
Without any direction people will not know what to do and as the chain of command breaks down all sorts of bad things will happen. In the future cops will not be paid and crime will increase. I saw cities on fire, malls looted, and roving gangs.

External Control of Capital
US allows Red China and Arabs to control our banks. This creates a major problem as our economy crumbles. Allowing foreigners to control our money supply is more serious than many realize.

Lack of Integrity in Government
Seeing gov rod sell a senate seat makes people lose faith in laws. If the senators who write laws can buy a seat and not be elected it makes people wonder.

Incorrect Calculations
Being told that current unemployment is only 6.7% when we know it is over 20 makes people not trust elected officials. The games they play with numbers further undermines any belief that is left in government officials.

I think the train will jump the tracks.
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

Please ignore the post above, it is entirely made up. Normal service continues......
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

HDR, Everything that you spoke of to me can be resolved with one word.


We need new enforcement of current SEC regulation.

Not bread and circuses.

This is the reason Chris Cox quit the day Obama was inaugurated.---Leaving a woman named Shapiro in charge---That at least covers the market and trading...

I do not see-Hyperinflation later- I am seeing it now-
What I do see, are exorbitant taxes coming down the pike....and even a heavier hand of government enforcement on the populace.

These are my predictions..
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

Hi Mike:

Bird Flu is still killing people

All I possess I would gladly give to prevent WWIII, and yet it seems that it is cast in stone. Instead of spending our money to build schools and hospitals we spend it build war machines. To invade other countries and plunder their resources, our karmic debt must be paid. I do not shrink from the great tasks that are ahead, I welcome them, I welcome the great reward that awaits us. A world without war, without crime, and yes with liberty for all.

I have some ancient wisdom for you.

Proverbs 6:6-9 Go to the ant, O sluggard, Observe her ways and be wise, Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, Prepares her food in the summer And gathers her provision in the harvest. How long will you lie down, O sluggard? When will you arise from your sleep?

Æsop. (Sixth century B.C.) Fables - The Ant and the Grasshopper
IN a field one summer’s day a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart’s content. An Ant passed by, bearing along with great toil an ear of corn he was taking to the nest.
“Why not come and chat with me,” said the Grasshopper, “instead of toiling and moiling in that way?”
“I am helping to lay up food for the winter,” said the Ant, “and recommend you to do the same.”
“Why bother about winter?” said the Grasshopper; “we have got plenty of food at present.” But the Ant went on its way and continued its toil. When the winter came the Grasshopper had no food, and found itself dying of hunger, while it saw the ants distributing every day corn and grain from the stores they had collected in the summer. Then the Grasshopper knew:

i wish you'd flake off
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

To My Time:
The most important thing I can tell you is that, the future that I see can be changed. For example, Bush was planning an iranian invasion, well, it was stopped. We could now be fighting in Tehran.

Simply because I see something in the future, does not mean it has to happen. By sounding the alarm years before it happens, I give people time to change the future. If people had listen to me back in 2005, the stock market would have never soar to a high on October 9, 2007 over 14,000.

I told people back then to sell their house and stocks and buy gold. A few days ago gold was over $900/oz and it has held its value quite well. As people panic, they will go for the gold, I stand on my prediction of gold going to $2000/oz.

To Kanigo:
I am glad you have plenty of food &amp; fuel. You will need it in the future. Where I live the roads are so bad that you need a four wheel drive to get up here. I live on the top of a large hill which allows me to see for miles all around.

This makes it unlikely that anyone would come here. As the financial system collapses the already bad roads will become even worse. My guess is that it will be possible to survive.

Sadly, you will have to depend on yourself for power, fuel, food, safety, shelter, etc.

To Mike:
When you go to a grocery store and the shelves are empty you will remember that I warn you!

Truth 101;feature=related

2009 is massive, brace for impact! After the crash the financial fallout will mean that many firms will not survive. Get ready to live based on a local economy.

We will see more unemployment, this will cause home prices to fall even more, we are in severe recession now.;feature=related

Already homes sales are at the lowest level ever on record;sid=a8s4ZpoO6lMQ&amp;refer=home

Here is one of my favorite people, Max Keiser on BBC World News

Alex Jones talks about how we are going into total collapse
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!


Attempting to instill fear in others is one of the worst sins there is. For in doing so you are attempting to cause someone else to use their own mind against them. There is a message in the other forum that I just wrote that I think applies to you ever bit as much as it applies to Charlie:

A little note about self-importance...

Have a nice day,
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