The HDRkid Thread

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Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

To Ruthless:
Most people will wait until it is too late.

To Kanigo:
I believe the most important thing is to get people out of the crowded cities. I talked to my neighbors to see if it would be OK to start putting trailers on my land to house people. They gave me the go ahead. I already have upgraded my power line to handle the load. Also have generators and plenty of supplies like food and fuel that they will need. One of my neighbors has seven trailers on his land, another has two.

The selection process will be through local churches to determine who gets housing, already they are supplying people with food and fuel. The idea is to create small communities away from large population centers that will be destroyed in the coming war.

Not sure if people living in a nice house in the suburbs want to move into the mountains and live a frugal existence. I am sure that nasty debunker types who made fun of me when things were good (now) will be the loudest complainers when things are bad, never fails. Those who do the least complain the loudest.

What I see in the future is people starving in the streets. The question is what do we do?

Last year, 426 black males ages 14-17 died in gun crimes — 40 percent more than in 2000; nearly 1,000 young black males used guns to kill someone in 2007 — 38 percent higher than in 2000.

Last time I checked you have to be 21 to get a gun. I predict in the future much more crime from juvenile gangstas. The police state will make guns illegal claiming that will stop crime and declare martial law. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif

<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION=""><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="pollname" VALUE="1230658049hdrkid">

Where to move
<input type="radio" name="option" value="1" />Stay in city
<input type="radio" name="option" value="2" />move to town
<input type="radio" name="option" value="3" />move to country
<input type="radio" name="option" value="4" />move to mountains
<input type="radio" name="option" value="5" />move underground
<INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=Submit VALUE="Submit vote" class="buttons"></form>
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

Regarding your last option...

<font color="red"> This “Elite” knows what’s coming, but it will not inform people. The analysis from the world’s political and military strategies has shown that vast chambers are built as well as huge prison camps.

That means that there is a strategy that major parts of the human population to be wipe out by the events that are coming. Also the actions of some ongoing programs in the background are indicating that a selective part of 1/6 of the human population will be taken to underground world.

If you fallow the same logic, many things becomes visible. There is a high probability that there exist completed lists of names that will be taken down immediately after they pronounce a Marshal Law. It has to do with genetic compatibility, slave and pleasure purposes, flesh and organ supply and who knows what else.

There are many in the highest military and political world, that are fond off that they gained a place in the underground world. Not to speak about the polluted rich people, businessmen, doctors, lawyers, pharmacists, and the rest of “scum”… believed or not – going down is huge mistake.

Everyone that will be taken down, even if it is by force or by free will, will have to go through Microchipping.

By the Microchip injection, you have ended your choice. Once the Microchip is in the body they can wirelessly control the subject, his health status, behaviour and eliminate him if they consider nessesary.

Even those on the Top of the political world who think that they are going to be saved, are also manipulated and they too will have to go through the process of Microchipping.

It comes to this: there is no bargain with the Dark Side. You always lose at the end! [/COLOR]
end quoted

:eek: :oops: /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

Couple things HDR.

We HAD "food banks" in the area. Many are closing.

I had turned my eye, after putting food away, and making a garden, to watch for the needy folk in my town, especially the single mothers.
I had my wife befriend them, intentionally.

Most can care for themselves, but the dynamics of their situation, isn't that they can't get food, or get a house to live in, They can.

PLEASE RAY-EXCUSE MY FRENCH---That these Proud women, with children can FUUUCK their way into somewhere to live, Trust me, they can.

I PREFER to allow them the choice, so that they can be SELF SUFFICIENT.

My concern was their "state of mind".

Simply knowing I was there, was enough, for them, most of them, anyway.

I had a girl named ,DANA, a few minutes ago, 2 kids, 17 and 10, Boyfreind, just went to Costa Rica.

Cry, when I said to her(edited for content)

People are scared, HDR.

There is nothing to be scared of, and there never was.


I need ONE FISH and a LOAF OF BREAD- to feed 50 people.

Sorry for the Biblical reference.


If things go bad, we can always throw the kids on the BBQ......Humabeef on the menu... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif

After that little RANT I just gave HDR, do you have anything to say for yourself?

I ALSO ask a second question, to you, "What is the point of making predictions, when everyone is prepared for the worst, already?"

A Larger Audience?
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

Hi Recall:
At one time I feared the microchip. However, the rapture should occur before the forced chipping. The reason is that people who take the mark cannot be part with God. That said in my travels to the future I have not see people microchipped. Perhaps that will happen here, but on most timelines we lose most of our technology after the war.

Speaking of technology, John Titor talked about wireless internet - this is coming true.

Back in 2000 when he made these predictions he got the usual STARcasm from the rich and powerful who claimed that there was not enough bandwidth. Well, they were wrong and he was right.

When your cash is turned into trash, you will remember I said "Go for the Gold." Yes, the dollar will drop. It has to. We are printing money like the old German weimar republic. Right now you need to get ready for inflation. Prices will go up - a lot. Using the HDR for astral time travel I saw in the future 2080 that few structures from now remain.

What do other people see? Here is a prediction for 2009.
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

I had a girl named ,DANA, a few minutes ago, 2 kids, 17 and 10, Boyfreind, just went to Costa Rica.

Cry, when I said to her(edited for content)

You are refering to Costa Rica Central America?

any way i send you a urgenT PM ... :eek: :eek: :eek:
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!


I am on it. I will send the messgae.

Gunna be hard for me in Florida, but somebody has to watch Titor/Haber. I will take the strike, to stay and be here in case.
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

When your cash is turned into trash, you will remember I said "Go for the Gold." Yes, the dollar will drop. It has to. We are printing money like the old German weimar republic. Right now you need to get ready for inflation. Prices will go up - a lot. Using the HDR for astral time travel I saw in the future 2080 that few structures from now remain.

I have to agree with the kid about this. The way the united states is going the us dollar will be like the confederate dollar. A collecters item and something to lit a fire with. China is already very worried about our currency because they own most of it. Anyway gold is not a bad bet.
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

Hi Recall:
Yes, the elites told me to leave the US because things are going to get real bad.

Hi Kanigo:
From what I have seen of women in the future using remote viewing, I can tell you that I feel bad for them. Think how you would feel if you get beat every day and there is no police or guv.

Hi reactor1967:
OK so we will have inflation in the future. The big problem I see is the confrontation with russia, and you see how russia now cut off all the gas to europe. Things will heat up in the future. Georgia gave us a taste of what is coming.

Hi Micheal Apathy:
I am not selling anything I do provide schematics so people can built it. What I like to do is confront debunkers who claim nothing is happening and yell "conspiracy theory" and hoax. Here is what is happening in USA. I lived in Ft Laud it is close to Miami. Things are going to get ugly.
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

Hi Micheal Apathy:
I am not selling anything I do provide schematics so people can built it. What I like to do is confront debunkers who claim nothing is happening and yell "conspiracy theory" and hoax. Here is what is happening in USA. I lived in Ft Laud it is close to Miami. Things are going to get ugly.

before or after hillary gets elected president?
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

As I accessed this thread I noticed that an ad box next to the TTI logo on top was advertising "Microchips for pets. Free shipping on orders over $99."

Last evening on the radio I heard a public service ad advising the listener not to "pass gas" where it could harm others: "Its still toxic waste--take it outside." Am I alone in thinking that antifarting public service messages are bizarre? Maybe I'm just getting old. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

Hi Packerbacker:
Scary stuff, first they microchip pets, later people...

Hi Recall:
Actually I saw a video on that site about a UFO hitting a wind turbine.

Hi Micheal_Apathy:
By giving you information about the future it becomes less likely to happen. It is as if I tell police that a bank will be robbed and they place 200 police outside in full uniform and it is not robbed. I did report that out of 30 timelines Hillary won in 27 and Obama won in only one. If I had told you about 911 it would not have happened.

High impact improbable, very rare events, like 911 exist on relatively few timelines, so they are hard to predict. This explains why so few remote viewers saw this event. When the first jet hit the twin towers a person said "The Pilot must be drunk!" occams razor says that the simplest explanation is the correct one. Back in Feb. 20, 1981 an Aerolineas Argentinas Boeing 707 had a near miss with tower two. This explanation of the drunk pilot as always turned out to be 'simply wrong'. In fact, the highly improbable event of a second jet hitting a tower left the world in awe.;sec=&amp;spon=&amp;pagewanted=14

Unlike the nattering nabobs that claimed it was a drunk pilot that hit the World Trade Center, psychic seers saw a world in trouble. It was this pearl harbor like event that would lead the world to WWIII. Actually an event on Feb. 26, 1993 should have alerted the world to the danger; it was on that day that the arabs planted a device inside a big yellow Ryder truck parked two stories beneath ground level. By some miracle the truck was parked in the wrong place, otherwise the tower would have fallen. Instead of seeing the danger, the skeptics laughed it off. Using occams razor they would simply ignore the truck and claim that such events are rare. In April 15, 1995 though another Ryder truck did cause damage in Oklahoma. However, by using remote viewing to find out what future challenges we might face I was confronted with shortages of food and fuel in the future. This is what I am now preparing for...

Tom Clancy wrote a book called "Debt of Honor," where a passenger jet smashes into the Whitehouse. Well, some say that the arabs planned for the 4th jet to hit the house. Actually, when Richard Nixon was president a man tried to hijack a jet and crash it into the Whitehouse, thankfully he was not successful. Debunkers love to laugh at my warnings, but their laughter shall turn into tears soon. What I see for 2009 is massive.
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

Hi Micheal_Apathy:
By giving you information about the future it becomes less likely to happen. It is as if I tell police that a bank will be robbed and they place 200 police outside in full uniform and it is not robbed. I did report that out of 30 timelines Hillary won in 27 and Obama won in only one. If I had told you about 911 it would not have happened.

If you admit everything you say isn't going to happen, why do you keep posting? You just debunked yourself.

Debunkers love to laugh at my warnings, but their laughter shall turn into tears soon. What I see for 2009 is massive.

Well whatever you do, don't tell us about it, or it won't happen... or i guess that means you want us in tears, either way , keep it to yourself.
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

Try here HDRkid... Just on Time Tomorrow...12th

Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

To anyone here....

To Hamas, Israeli conflict is the Casey Anthony, of the middle East.

down a small dirt road, with small people doing small things.

Someone died.whipty friggin do.....


Noone cares, on a scale of measure, more people died in Detroit, last year.

When Hamas and the Isrealis care about my country, I will care about theirs.

Until then, HDR, leave this 125 strip of land with NO resources, out of any conversation that we ever have.

I have seen more people show up at a white supremacy rally in Orlando.......................

I know, because I went.
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

To Mike:
If you admit everything you say isn't going to happen, why do you keep posting?
This is because you have freedon o choice. You choose your path. I can only tell you what I saw on timelines similar to our own.

To Kanigo:
Yes, Orlando, land of Disney World. Using remote viewing I have seen the following cities destroyed in the future Orlando, Tampa, Jax, Miami, Pensacola, etc, and that's just for Florida.

People say it be OK to be different, just not too different. In my case, I am a very ordinary person. However, aware of things that most do not notice. Personally, I would rather prefer a shining bright and beautiful future, but instead I see that dark days are ahead for us.

At some level debunkers believe that expectation generates reality and that "life is simply a state of mind." In other words that I can create a situation simply by wishing for it using energy drawn from the untapped reservoir of some quantum vacuum. Well, that is not the case. In fact, we are not magically protected from adversity. If anything I repeat over and over again it is that we must prepare for what is coming.

To My_Time:
That will soon change.

To Recall:


Here are some links for you.......

By his count, if unemployment were still tallied the way it was in the 1930s, today's jobless rate would be closer to 16.5 percent -- more than double the stated rate. "I expect that unemployment in the current downturn, which will be particularly deep and protracted, eventually will rival, if not top, the 25 percent seen in the Great Depression," Williams said.

IF we avoid WWIII, we still have major issues.

Here is what John Titor was talking about.

This is what Chicago looked like in the 30's during the Great Depression. Obama, get ready for the "good old days.",0,5754970.photogallery

Housing bubble

Wall Street Liars

Hospitals closing because patients cannot pay bills.

FED says economy will get worse.

Everything must be based on the strong foundation of the rock of truth not on a false foundation of the sand of lies. The principals of remote viewing were developed by our very own CIA, not some shelf-stacker at Tescos. And yet this remote searching of future events is by sinister extension lumped with conspiracy theory. In time RV will overturn the conventional view that the future cannot be held known. As the Moneyyards of New York empty out the big banks will fall.

Children of latter days shall act most strange much to the bafflement of their elders. I feel properly entitled to the distant promise of that better time. Yet using remote viewing we see so much that is odd. Peering thru a window at the possibles and it is onward for the little go.

In the future I see an abandoned dark city with its empty lanes and hollows and all is a ghostly quiet. Gone are the muddled magistrates and the town hall is empty except for rats and assorted vermin. A sad state of affairs in our own home quarter when horse &amp; coach replace the modern motorcar. Well, some may say that these development may yet benefit humanity, but at least gone is the intrusive surveillance of the former police state.

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