The HDRkid Thread

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Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

To My_time:
Ask Darby, who was busy laughing at me in 2005 and telling me to take medication. This must seem like a nightmare to him. Well, things will get worse.

Why would I ask Darby?

You made the claim.

I asked YOU .

YOU have not answered.

I assume because you can't, because you made it up. Feel free to prove me wrong /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Thanks awfully /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

Just Wait for monday...

<font color="red"> Bombay [/COLOR]---------&gt; Mumbay -------&gt; <font color="blue"> Mabus[/COLOR]

Add Nostradamus...

Century 2, Quatrain 62
Mabus puis tost alors mourra viendra,
De gens &amp; bestes vne horrible deffaite,
Puis tout à coup la vengeance on verra,
Cent, main, soif, faim, quand courra la comette.

Then Google it on NEWS...

:eek: :eek: :eek:
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

Here is my_answer.
Today we are officially in a recession. Finally, big gov admit what I have been saying for months. Back in 2005 the was a forum that no longer exists where I used to post. I said that the real estate market would go down like a house of cards. Come 2006, Darthby said that it was a temporary dip and things would turn around in 2007. Well, here we are in 2008. Are things turning around? NO! We are going into a deep depression. Guess what banks are falling, so the answer is NO!

To Ruthless:
You said "quit the b.s. your giving me. all i want to know is, when the dow goes back to 12,000 will you admit you are a liar? answer this question and you wont hear a peep from me about anything else. ignore it and... you'll find out. "

When exactly do suppose the DOWN Jones Insultrial Average will go over 12,000? I predict it will first go under 5,000.

OK, so wanna DOWsize your portfolio?

To rain:
Alex Jones has been right on most of his predictions. Ron Paul is another one that told us years ago what was coming. But it is a lot easier to say "you crazy".

Today we are officially in a recession since 2007. The DOWN Jones Industrial Average is DOW almost 700 points and falling further in the future.
My advice is - Go for the gold,opinion,americans-are-piling-into-gold-as-national-debt-and-inflation-soar

Citigroup says gold will go to 2000

Just call me Goldfinger

Inflation will soar

To Skeptic:

Well, on a more humourours note, on mars an old 2X4, so home depot should open a store!

I predicted that the bank bailout would fail. Expect things to get much worse.
See what the future looks like.;feature=related

Unlike John Titor who predicted civil war I predicted financial armageddon and apocalypse dow. Yes, I said that oil would go up, my prediction were 80/b in 2006, 100/b in 2007 and 120 in 2008.
What really happened was 77.60 in 2006, 99.60 in 2007, and 147 in 2008. Still, there was no prediction for 2009. I said that we were going into a deep depression. My prediction of the future was of complete chaos.
Food and fuel will be rationed. Banks would fail. GM would go under. A catastrophic collapse of the US economy.

I predicted giggling idiots making fun of my predictions and later claiming that they were "obvious".

To Recall:
Mabus is interesting. I see in the future an event I call the "Wall of Fire".
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!


Here's the deal on making Internet doom and gloom predictions like certain businesses going out of business.

It starts with a theorum of cosmology and astronomy called the Copernican Principle. It basically states, if we generalize it, that we don't occupy a special place in the universe nor do we live during any special time during the life of the universe. In other words, the universe wasn't specifically arranged so that we could be living at a particular time and place to view some special set of events. Admittedly, that's a pretty wide generalization of the principle because it really said that the Earth isn't the center of a universe that evolves around it.

The generalizarion has been taken to include systems other than those on cosmic scales. In that smaller scale generalization it states that if you randomly observe any system, like a particular building or say a business you have a very high probability, approaching unity, of observing the system during the middle 50% of it's total lifetime. You randomly observe the system at some time between the point where it is 25% to 75% evolved toward it's disappearance from being observable.

The principle also assumes that you don't have to know any information about how the system works or the causes that result in its end of life. The end could be planned by people that you have no contact with, it could burn down, be destroyed by aliens with phasers...anything.

So let's look at a couple of specifics:

Peak Oil. We've been drilling for oil for about 100 years. We don't know a thing about the oil industry. But we can say this:

At one extreme we're observing the 100 year old industry when it is only 25% "old". At the other extreme we're observing the industry when it's 75% "old". The remaing life of the oil industry is expected to be 33 yrs to 300 yrs.

GM: General Motors was founded exactly 100 years ago in 1908. See above for making a prediction.
33 yrs - 300 yrs.

"Some other company": This company is 25 years old. Apply the above and you have a life expectancy of 8 yrs to 75 yrs.

Now, shotgun dozens of predictions on multiple sites claiming doom and gloom destruction for specific businesses, people, things, countries, etc. Keep the exact date of the end of life absent. Just say, "I see in the future the destruction of..."

You will get some correct predictions. Why? Because when you work out the numbers for specific businesses and you see the long extreme of 100, 200 or 300 more years of life for the business you know that that's not likely. There's but a few dozen 200 year old businesses in the world among the many millions of businesses that have existed during the past two centuries. You know that you're very unlikely in the real world to be 100 to 300 years from the end of the business' life. The near extreme is much more likely.

What are the chances of getting at least one correct?

Let's say that you make three predictions. Each prediction only has a 50% chance of being correct.

Put it another way: you form a sniper team. Snipers only get one shot per target. But the talent pool is pretty bad. Your individual snipers only have a 50% of hitting a specific target. So you deploy three person sniper teams per event.

You now have a hostage situation. You deploy a team. When the weapons free signal comes down each sniper simultaneously fires at the target. Do they have a good chance of taking the target down?

The first sniper's probability covers 50% of the "hit" column. The second sniper's 50% covers 50% of the portion not covered by the first sniper. You're at 75%. The third sniper covers 50% of the remaining 25%...12.5%.

So, what is the probability of one of your snipers taking the target down: 87.5%.

What is the chance of getting at least one prediction right if you make three but only have a coin-flip 50-50 chance on each prediction? Same as the snipers - 87.5%. Not bad for a coin flip situation.

You gloat over the hit and ignore any references to the two misses (unless you're the sniper team and one or more of the misses actually hit the hostage. Kinda hard to ignore that, eh what?

Now go back to the shotgun approach of putting out dozen of such predictions on multiple sites. You'll get a few "right" eventually. Ignore the misses and gloat about the hits...even if the exact cause of the hit isn't what you predicted (who's going to quibble about the details anywyay /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif )
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

I see in the future an event I call the "Wall of Fire".

Then conecting the Dots:

A Russian warship will sail through the Panama Canal this week for the first time since World War II, the navy announced Wednesday, pushing ahead with a symbolic projection of Moscow's power in a traditional U.S. zone of influence.

<font color="red">

Dec 3 04:28 PM US/Eastern

To AP Link... :eek: :eek: :eek:
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

mr. hdrkid, it is my personal belief, any bringer of bad news should bring suggestions to review any problem in the world. any person can say anything but humbling oneself and searching for truth for the benefit of all beings ,i think, is the best way to truly understand.

as an example if you say food is a problem offer this

,water (also works on salt water)

, or investment (if you have trouble with your 401k)

Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

Now that HDRKID's primary source for "predictions" has been revealed, it is interesting to note just what happened when HDRKID went "off" Gerald Celente's "script" of predictions, and instead HDRKID threw in a couple guesses of his own.

For example: Celente never predicted Hillary Clinton, and Celente is much too brilliant to attempt to predict the price of a volatile commodity like gasoline. Those were both HDRKID's "window dressings" that he decided to add to Celente's predictions to "spice up his RV story." Of course, we can see that they did not only not "spice up" his story, they left egg on HDRKID's face.

I have continually hounded Da Kid on how bad his predictions on gas prices have been. In fact, he was still claiming right up to the election that gas prices were being held down artificially and they would soar post-election. Not only has that not happened, but check out this prediction for where the price of a barrel of oil is likely headed:,2933,462284,00.html

<font color="red"> "Crude oil prices may crash below $25 a barrel next year and gas prices could fall below $1 a gallon if the global recession spreads to China, an energy analyst and CEO said Thursday." [/COLOR]

Much to the dismay of OPEC! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif

You see, where Da Kid went off script for Celente also shows where Da Kid's weakness is in his theory of economics. He went with Celente's predictions for dire economic conditions. But in going off-script with high gas prices, he did not realize that dour economic conditions also result in depressed demand for energy. (Less stuff being made in factories, less energy needed to make them). Instead, Da Kid insisted on trying to get you to believe the "Peak Oil" theory. But in the bigger picture, he went off Celente's script, and that was his big mistake.

The reason it was a mistake is because Celente is a trend predictor. His predictions are based on clear analysis of current data and trends that strongly suggest future direction. I am sure if you asked Celente about gas and oil prices (and "Peak Oil"), he will tell you they are difficult to predict...which is why he does not predict them.

Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

I also made a prediction about oil, but I base it on the copper inventories.(Not Prices)

not to get too complicated, I said $37 oil, almost 3 months ago.

It may goto, 25, but the root mean square, will remain at $37.

Some of the bottom support here are:

The Saudis require 29 dollar oil, for infrastructure.

I reset the values for this market(before the bubble) to 10-12 years ago. Thus erasing the bubble.

If the dollar is debased, lets say into half, which is possible when the treasury bond bubble blows.

A low Commodity value will be easier, for the American Public to "stomach".

Which is why I said $37 oil, because overnight it will be $74, which is still acceptable.


The reason for the copper inventory as an indicator, is because, that is what is required to build a "new age" infrastructure, based upon electric vehicles and self sufficiency(which I cannot see happening).Solar, wind and the like.

But based upon previous "banking escapades" they will allow the inventories to reach a peak, purchase vast quantities at a low price, them defraud the entire financial system again, within 8-10 years.

Meh... what do I know... nothing, and its all speculation.
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

Hi Kanigo:
A friend wanted me to help him. His car fell in a ditch. Our road out in the boonies is poor. I tried to pull it out with my 4WD, but no success. He called a local farmer that has a giant tractor to get it out. In the process I fell and hit myself hard, I'm in a lot of pain now. Yes, oil price is going down, some say gas will go down to a dollar a gallon, but smart people know that we are running out. All our technology is oil dependent. Hope that we use this brief reprieve to work on wind power and solar. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Hi rain:
No spicing up, I saw long lines of people getting food. Hope this does not happen. I saw myself wait hours in line to get half a loaf of bread. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Hi satown:
You are right. I should focus on offering solutions. Most people are aware of the problem. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Hi recall:
Not wise to wake up the russian bear. He can be quite deadly. We should try to work something out rather than use confrontation. Not sure why the russians feel cornered and must strike back. If only we could find a new way. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Hi Darby:
You are quite wordy. It is with great sadness that I see the fall of Detroit. This was once the engine of america, now it reminds me of the ruins of rome. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

How, what was the name of this forum?

paranormal something..

i can't remember the name....

.... but i remember back on that forum, hdrloser predicted john kerry was gonna be president before he lost,

she also predicted civil war was gonna break out after the 2004 election ,

she predicted a meteor would hit the earth in 2007, and she predicted bird flu was gonna wipe out millions in 2008 among many other things that never happened.

and no hdrkid never predicted a financial meltdown, unless you count a meteor hitting earth in 2007 /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

hdrkid just owes everyone on these forums a huge apology for trying to pull a scam on us with her brain cell frying contraption.
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!


the hdrkid thread is in the fan fiction section.

We don't have a "proven hoax" forum. That's why we, as a group, asked the thread to be moved from Time Travel Claims to Fan Fiction. On the old "Paranormalis Network" BBS The Kid's thread was moved to their Proven Hoax forum back in 2005.

PNN was offline for a couple of years but Brent has recently brought it back. I've asked him to bring back the old HDRKid thread on a new "Proven Hoax" forum there. Time will tell, but Brent wasn't opposed to it. He just has to find it in the old archive.
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

paranormalis /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif thats it

I'd like to add, I also miss the time travel portal
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

To Ruthless:
You said "quit the b.s. your giving me. all i want to know is, when the dow goes back to 12,000 will you admit you are a liar? answer this question and you wont hear a peep from me about anything else. ignore it and... you'll find out. "

When exactly do suppose the DOWN Jones Insultrial Average will go over 12,000? I predict it will first go under 5,000.

OK, so wanna DOWsize your portfolio?

so, the dow is back to 9,000. only 3k away. better prepare your resignation speech...
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

When exactly do suppose the DOWN Jones Insultrial Average will go over 12,000? I predict it will first go under 5,000.

OK, so wanna DOWsize your portfolio?


The problem is, of course, that it isn't supposed to be a "prediction" from The Kid. It is supposed to be a clear cut statement of what will actually be from the perspective of an erstwhile time traveler-psychic-RV'er-HDR'er-whatever-er-your-guess-is-as-good-as-anyone-elses-er. The Kid openly admits that s/he frequently catches Future CNN on the tube.

That s/he him/herself classified it as a "prediction" is all you really need to know. The Kid doesn't know anything more about the future that you know.

Yeah, yeah. I know. Someone, and who would that be?, is going to say, "Oh, you laugh now. But back in Ought-5 I predicted Noah's Ark would carry Daffy Duck Flu to the Lower Slobovian penninsula. And look. My dad's best friend's sister's next door neighbor knows someone who heard that this guy caught a cold last week."


I swear, ruthless, we don't need a Proven Hoax forum. We need an "Everyone on this Bus is a Bozo" forum.
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

Hi Ruthless:
Yes, the dow will go down. The reason is that as more and more people lose their jobs, wives, houses, etc, sales will go down. As earnings decline prices decline. Take a look at a GM chart.

I said back in 2005 that GM would go under. I told Darby that real estate prices would go down. There are people who believe we have hit bottom. Well, if you believe that Bernie Madoff might have an investment for you. Those who believed him got BERNEID!

Bernie Madoff was the former Chairman of NASDAQ a powerful authority figure. I do not trust authority figures. Last year Ben Bernake head of the Fed said that the banks were OK, debunkers laughed at me, then the banks began to fail and we got a 750 billion dollar bank bailout.

Eventually, the US runs out of money.

Hi Darby:
There is still food in the grocery store, and there is still fuel at the filling station. However, in the future we will face shortages. I have seen using remote viewing long lines for food. Lines that go on for miles.

Back in 2005 I predicted that GM would go under. What happened well, from Jan 2006 GM stock was 20 it went to 40 in Oct 2007. The debunkers were laughing and investing in GM. Now, the stock is under four dollars a share. Yes, the stock market could stage a false rally, but the direction is down.

Many investors were wiped out. They still think that if they wait long enough, GM will eventually recover. It will not. It will go under as I predicted.

I have good news and bad news. The good news is that commodity prices are down. The bad news is that the US economy is in shambles. I have good news, GM is hiring, the bad news is - they are hiring bankruptcy lawyers.

Few saw what I saw. For example Billionaire Kirk Kerkorian bought shares of Ford in April of 2008 for $8.50 and later sold many of them for $2.43 in October, and now he plans to sell the remaining 133,500,000 shares he still has.

Not like he sees a bottom eh? I see dark days ahead, a future that is dim and grim.
Re: Almost TIME to Wrap It Up in a Bow!

The child prodigy returns.

To enlighten us with another thrilling adventure,of remote viewing.

we can call this episode, "The last in line."

Please continue, HDR, I patiently await any new predictions.
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