The HDRkid Thread

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Re: Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?

Remember back in 2005 I told people to sell their houses and buy gold. Since that time houses have gone down in value and gold has gone up.

During the past run-up has gold gone up in value or has the price just gone up? It's not the same thing you know.

Over the past seven years has the increase in the price in gold actually added to the holders' buying power or has the price increase been a mirror image of the decrease in the price of the dollar thus maintaining the holder's buying power over the seven year period, i.e. has gold been a hedge against inflation over the period?
Re: Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?

The problem is as follows, psychic abilities are designed to help you survive in very adverse conditions. That is why it is easier to see a tiger in the shadows than a rabbit, as the brain will quickly notify you of danger. That is why psychics speak of coming catastrophes.

Don't you think that the reason that you see a tiger more easily in the shadows than a rabbit is that the tiger is about 1,000 times larger than a rabbit? Just a thought.

From Monty Python's "The Meaning of Life", Part III "Fighting Each Other"

During the 1st Zulu War (1879) in Glasgow Natal]

Ainsworth: Hello, Doctor, during the night, Ol' Perkins here got his leg bitten sort of ... off.

Dr. Livingstone: Oh, really? Well, let's take a look at this one leg of yours. [prods with the tip of his pipe] Yes, yes, yes, yes. Yes, yes. Yes, well, this is nothing to worry about.

Perkins: Oh, good.

Dr. Livingstone: Eh, there's a lot of it about — probably a virus. Keep warm, plenty of rest, and if you're playing any football try and favor the other leg.
. . .
Perkins: So, it'll, uh… it'll just grow back again, will it?

Dr. Livingstone: Ah… I think I'd… better come clean with you about this. It's, um… it's… not a virus, I'm afraid. You see, a virus is what we doctors call "very, very small". So small, it could not possibly have made off with the whole leg. What we're looking here for is, I think — and this is no more than an educated guess, I'd like to make that clear — is some multicellular life form with stripes, huge, razor-sharp teeth about eleven feet long, and of the genus felis horribilis — what we doctors, in fact, call a tiger.

Ainsworth, Pakenham-Walsh, Perkins: [in unison] A tiger?

[Outside, the British troops and the Zulus cease fighting.]
British Troops, Zulus: A tiger?

[As the Zulus flee, the British troops collapse to the ground. Back in the medical tent…]

Pakenham-Walsh: A tiger, in Africa?

Ainsworth: Hmm?

Pakenham-Walsh: A tiger, in Africa?!

Ainsworth: Ah, well, it- it has… probably escaped from a zoo.

Pakenham-Walsh: Doesn't sound very likely to me.

I plan to create a comic strip called "Deputy Debunker Darthby"

Very nice. Based on a real person. I'll, of course, expect my gold.
Re: Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?

Debunking the Kid is like shooting fish in a barrel. Of course, he just ignores when you point out his obvious flaws of logic and downright wrong statements. But that's the just the Kid for you. And he makes fun of debunkers!?!?

If the price goes up this winter you can say that the reason is heating oil.

So let me get this straight: If the price of oil goes up this winter, it is because of the price of oil? This (circular) argument seems to be what you are saying. More of the Kid's tactics exposed!

Correct me if I am wrong, but Saudi Arabia is maxed out;

I'm correcting you. You are wrong. Nowhere have they said they are maxed out. They are just doing what OPEC does best (and the very purpose for a cartel): Limiting output to where they want it to achieve the price they want. Look up the definition of a cartel.

Do the math, something does not add up.

You owe me a new keyboard, Kid, because I just sprayed milk all over it from busting out laughing. YOU telling ME to do the math!?!?! Sonny boy (little girl, whichever is appropriate for what is between your legs), how do you think I beat your gas price prediction for 2008? It was because I DID THE MATH and you did not!

Actually, the math here DOES add up. It is called demand. Lowering demand drives prices down. the demand this entire summer driving season has been somewhat lower BECAUSE of high oil prices. Furthermore, both Darby and myself predicted that oil prices would come down in the August/September timeframe... just because the math of prior years tells us this is a fact.

The Kid telling someone else to do the math...that is rich! Especially since he/she never relies on math, but rather on RVing. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif

This thread is really becoming a testament to be it, Kid. I hope you enjoy the image you cultivate.

Re: Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?

To rain:
Debunking the Kid is like shooting fish in a barrel.

Well, I predicted that russia would destroy america and now you see russia attacking georgia. Expect my prediction to come true. WWIII is just around the corner. Steven Gibbs called me last month to warn me about WWIII.

My shelter is ready, I have stocked food. And you instead giggle. Time to wake up, time is short! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

To Darby:
You can claim now that russia destroying america was obvious. You do not have to wait until 2015. This invasion of georgia is a wake up call. Smart people are asking for my advice. I have told them to stock up on food & fuel. The world situation is going to take a turn for the worse.


Debunker Darthby
Re: Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?

You can claim now that russia destroying america was obvious

No - you can make the claim that Russia will destroy America was obvious...and you have. I'll yawn at your pontifications and keep on looking for the Tiger in Africa.

Re: Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?

I will even get in on that one HDR...

Nato and the EU look at russia in the sickest of ways.. There is no police action from russia they will accept.

It has not even been a generation and the old people still tell their children what it was like under soviet rule.

I will Garun-T-you there is no way in hell ANY of them will accept that again- and Russia would have to genocide all of Europe before they get it all.

There is no middle ground here- Poland will freak out. They would LOVE to just rule themselves for a little while before they are taken over again militarily.

You must be out of your Damn mind.

Economically stuff may get weird-- but Trust Me On this----Europe will not accept another aggressive stance out of Russia. No way in hell.
Re: Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?

Well, I predicted that russia would destroy america

So now you are taking credit for other people's work? No, you did not predict russia would destroy america... "John Titor" predicted that, and it was BS. You taking credit for his BS prediction makes you BS^2 (that's BS-squared for the you).

Smart people are asking for my advice.

Not only would that not make them smart, that would make them stupid^2 (because you are stupid^1).

You really are a shameless idiot, aren't you Kid? Your ignorance knows no bounds.
Re: Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?

Well, I predicted that russia would destroy america and now you see russia attacking georgia.

So where were you with your predictions on 4-JUL-2008? You came back from vacation on the 3rd.
Re: Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?

Hi Kanigo:
"Europe will not accept another aggressive stance out of Russia. No way in hell."
I wish that were so, but having lived in europe and using history as a guide you will find "This means peace in our time." as the standard euro response to aggression. Give the russian bear a little more territory and he will be satisfied. Well, we can ask the Indians about trading land for peace and how it worked out for them, as for Neville Chamberlain, he got to witness first hand how V2 rockets pounded London - peace indeed!

Hi rain:
Calling me names will not change the course of history. You are safe for now, but expect russia to continue its invasion plans. The only reason they dared to hit Georgia was because they thought that Obama would soon be president. They softa - jumped the gun!

Hi Darby:
I wish it were under better circumstances, but as you can see russians are not waiting, they are chomping at the bit to take territory. Perhaps you will yawn and go back to sleep, but the war is not over, it has just started. You can use WWII as a guide.

As "soviet" tanks approach the capital of georgia, russian troops are looting houses.

"Saakashvili, flanked by the leaders of Lithuania, Poland, Estonia and Latvia in a separate media briefing, said Russian tanks were attacking and "rampaging" through the Georgian town of Gori despite the cease-fire."

Well, I did warn all of you that vodka bear is russian hungry!

Will food be rationed in the future? YES!

East German Olympics star says steriods made a man out of him/her.

Obama is a maxist communist.

"One of the advantages that historians and authors have today is that they can draw on literally thousands of documents that the former USSR has released from the KGB's most secret vaults. These documents reveal the Soviet side of past global events that, for Western researchers, had previously been shrouded in mystery and subject to conjecture. The U.S., albeit at a slow pace and with considerable resistance in some cases, also continues to declassify formerly secret documents. DEFCON-2 authors Norman Polmar and John D. Gresham took full advantage of such sources to construct the most comprehensive history yet of the Kennedy-Khrushchev game of "brinksmanship" that could have ended civilization as we know it. One of the facts that the authors reveal is that we were MUCH closer to nuclear war than previously thought. "

This is what the future looks like. History has a way of repeating itself.

The lady I bought my shelter from built it in 1956; had the USA and USSR gone to war people would remark how wise she was, but because nothing happened they laugh, well, a few years later, 1962 to be exact, we came very close to total annihilation. In fact, for thirteen days in October, planet earth teetered on the edge of nuclear armageddon. We had luck that time, but come 2015 our luck runs out.

Using remote viewing I have seen in the future how our civilization is destroyed beyond repair, the once magnificent cities turned into metal skeletons in a brutal battle for world domination. The sky overhead black with dust from a nuclear winter, while the scattered remnants of our worlds armies continue to fight on. For the former Soviet disunion this is a fight to the death. They are attempting to recall the former glory of royal russia and wish to reconquer former territories like Alaska. You are now seeing the beginning of this process. It is said that the arctic will be icefree in five years. The russians are waiting until this singular event happens to launch a transpolar invasion of the United States.

For now, we have to do what we can to strongly support Georgia, start to get our own ship in order, and take seriously the messages sent by the bombings.

"This is for America. This is for NATO. This is for Bush."
Re: Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?


the war is not over, it has just started.

Oh, no it didn't. When did the war start (this time) in Georgia? Why did you miss making that prediction? It wasn't in the newspapers that day before, was it?

Re: Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?


Re: Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?

The lady I bought my shelter from built it in 1956; had the USA and USSR gone to war people would remark how wise she was, but because nothing happened they laugh, well, a few years later, 1962 to be exact, we came very close to total annihilation. In fact, for thirteen days in October, planet earth teetered on the edge of nuclear armageddon. We had luck that time, but come 2015 our luck runs out.

You're at it again with the tall tales. Just a couple of years ago you were saying that you and your dad were spending weekends out in the wilderness digging a hole and building your shelter. Now you're saying that you bought a 1950's era shelter from "a lady".

And would you please knock it off with the "they laughed" crap? You weren't around in the 1950's - or the 60's, 70's and part of the 80's.

No one laughed at the million or so people who built shelters any more than they laughed at the hundreds of communities that build community fall-out shelters. And something did happen. A few of us here actually lived through October of 1962. Several thousand more shelters were built thereafter. Again, no one laughed at anyone who built them. By 1962 we lived in Santa Barbara. All of us were keenly aware that Vandenburg AFB 35 miles to the north, Oxnard AFB, 35 miles south and NAS/Missle Test Center Pt. Mugu, also 35 miles south were each targeted with several 100+ kt devices and that Santa Barbara, a major military research and development center for F-4 "Phantom" avionics and missle guidance avionics was also likewise targeted. Not many shelteres were built here because shelter or not we weren't destined to survive. But no one was laughing at the few who did built shelters. My current home is less than a mile from ground-zero Goleta Research Park.

No one was laughing in the 1950's when I lived in Los Angeles County. Why weren't we laughing? We had weekly "duck-and-cover" nuclear air-raid drills in elementary school. (We only learned as adults that duck-and-cover meant that you were able to duck and cover your ass with kisses goodbye.) We weren't laughing as we drove around LA and saw that it was ringed with Nike Zeus anti-aircraft missles to shoot down the new Russian TU-95 "Bear" bomber.

So, again, stop with the "they laughed" unless you personally heard, rather than ass-u-med, someone laugh.
Re: Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?

Now that Poland has stepped up and signed on to a missle sheild , I will use that as leverage in my arguments.

First I will suggest to you HDR that that sole action implies an interpretation of exactly where Poland stands.

I have not even gotten into the small states around the Baltic sea and the level of enthusiasm they have over the subject.

Like I said- No way Uh-uh- never- nada- and I restate you are out of your Damn mind.

Any aggression out of Russia was too much and it will be interpreted as such by eastern Europe.

Jesus man- if I showed you the videos that Lithuanians make over the Russian civilians still living in the country you would turn your opinion the other way. The hatred runs SO DEEP that it makes the civil rights games played in the '60's in America look like an outing to the beach.

War? Nah this isn't war... this is two sissy's having a slap fight.

There is ONE THING THAT BOTHERS ME though out of the entire situation- is that Turkey is so quiet.
Re: Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?

Hi Kanigo:
Just today the russians did threaten poland. Yes, with nuclear force, it is as if all my predictions are comin' true!

Yes, even main stream media is now reporting that russia is saying they WILL target nuclear missles at the free nation of poland, and what will the US do? Please remember what the US did back in WWII when Hitler and Stalin invaded poland - nothing!

The US waited until Japan hit Pearl Harbor before they entered the war.

Hi Darby:
Let's get in our little time machine and go back to the 1920's. I tell you that the stock market will crash, the banks will fail, a terrible dust bowl will ruin crops, and horrible unemployment would cause people to lose their homes. But thats not all, there will follow a horrible world war where millions will die, food and fuel would be rationed and all this is caused by the Germans. Mind you in the 1920's Germany was a democracy.

You would of course make fun of my predictions, claim that I was crazy and that my predictions belong in the fiction section, that all I do is predict gloom and doom.

However, an intelligent individual would prepare themselves for what was coming and survive.

John Titor gave you 15 years of warning. Well, you have 1/2 that time now. If you want to sell your house and move to a safe place it is a lot more difficult now and soon you will see laws that prevent money being taken out of the country.

Back in 2005 I told you real estate would crash, that the dollar would be devalued, that banks would crash, that inflation would surge.

Russia might strike Poland over missle shield

Inflation at 17 year high

Ebikes take off
Re: Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?


Hi Darby:
Let's get in our little time machine and go back to the 1920's. I tell you that the stock market will crash, the banks will fail, a terrible dust bowl will ruin crops, and horrible unemployment would cause people to lose their homes. But thats not all, there will follow a horrible world war where millions will die, food and fuel would be rationed and all this is caused by the Germans. Mind you in the 1920's Germany was a democracy.

You would of course make fun of my predictions, claim that I was crazy and that my predictions belong in the fiction section, that all I do is predict gloom and doom.

However, an intelligent individual would prepare themselves for what was coming and survive.

John Titor gave you 15 years of warning. Well, you have 1/2 that time now. If you want to sell your house and move to a safe place it is a lot more difficult now and soon you will see laws that prevent money being taken out of the country.

Back in 2005 I told you real estate would crash, that the dollar would be devalued, that banks would crash, that inflation would surge.

And that answer has what to do with the fact that a couple of years ago you said that you and dad were out in the wilderness building a shelter and now you say that you bought the shelter from "a lady"?

What you (and apparently you alone) fail to see is that in your narcissistic attempts to gain some sort of credibility you're regularly caught in inconsistent statements about what you have done or said. In many cases you claim to have said something and no one can find the documentation. When asked to clarify by directing the person to your previously published statement you get defensive and change the subject...and never follow through.

If you want credibility and respect then act credibly and show some respect. At the very least stop acting like a petulent 12 year old. The pre-pubescent child act has long ago worn rather thin.

You didn't ask, but then you're pretty free with handing out advice, so I'll offer some for you: 1) Get off your butt, get out of the house and get a job. 2) Go back to school. A high school education is nice but its just a start. 3) Get a "significant other" in your life. Preferably someone who has never heard of HDR's and who could care less. Someone who has the ability to expand your myopic POV of the world. 4) Stop worrying about other peoples' lives. People generally have a pretty good handle on what they have. You don't, however. Projecting your "issues" on other people's affairs does nothing for them and only serves to exaccerbate and prolong your personal problems with the life that you've been given. That you happen to be unhappy doesn't justify the assumption that everyone else has to both know of your unhappiness and share in it with you. 5) Get some counselling - profesional counselling - that doesn't involve HDR's and Steven Gibbs. Living in daily fear of every Internet rumor that goes around the block is a short road to suicidal behavior - or worse. You're not there yet but you are at the passive-aggressive, obsessive-compulsive stage.
Re: Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?

The Ukraine signed up for the missle sheild also-- that makes almost a garun-T-d

Entry into Nato- Can you say with me--Fast Track. They meet in December- unless of course the situation changes.

Darby: TTer and RVer of Da Fyooocher

<font color="red"> Oh_._My_._GAWD! [/COLOR]

Darby is a better Time Traveler than John Titor (given the Titor predictions) and at the same time he is also a better Remote Viewer than HDRKid.
We now have evidence to back that up:

<font color="red"> Darby Said: [/COLOR] Peak Oil

Yes, there is a concept known as Peak Oil. We just saw it. The crude market peaked at ~$140 a barrel. By the end of September the price is going to hover around $117/barrel. By Thanksgiving the price is going to hover between $95-$100/barrel.

And today guess what the price of oil closed at? $114.59 per barrel. I don't think anyone can argue that a difference of of less than $3 from Darby's prediction equates to "hovering" in that range. In fact, we can calculate Darby's statistical error in his prediction from the numbers involved. It turns out to be precisely 2.103 percent. If you believe Titor and his claimed accuracy of timelines as "about 2%", then you have to validate Darby's prediction as within the range suggested by Titor.

"We" are keeping an "eye or two" on you, Mr. Darby!

We shall have to see how close your Thanksgiving price prediction comes out.

Re: Darby: TTer and RVer of Da Fyooocher

"We" are keeping an "eye or two" on you, Mr. Darby!
We shall have to see how close your Thanksgiving price prediction comes out.

Ye gots yer eye on me, eh maytee?
Re: Darby: TTer and RVer of Da Fyooocher

To Darby:
Due to a volcanic explosion in 1815, "The Year Without a Summer" took place in 1816. Crops failed all over the Northern Hemisphere. The most severe cold snap came in early June and killed the vegetable crop in New England ruining farmers. In Europe, food riots broke out in France and Switzerland and at least 200,000 died from hunger.

The nuclear war of 2015, 200 years later is similar, except even worse. The oceans freeze over and temperatures drop to -150 below. Howling 300mph winds ravage the devastated postnuke landscape. Remote viewers tell of a hypercatastrophe so great that only people in deep underground shelters were able to survive.
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