Re: Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?
Hi RAin:
I saw your youtube video. All I can say is that I fell of the skateboard before I could skate, I feel off the bike before I could ride, amd nearly crashed a plane when learning to land. A few bumps and bruises are the price we pay for new skills -
and since you want evidence that the HDR is real, here is a photo of today's paper with my HDR on it.
Hi Ruthless:
I used to wonder how time travel could be true if there were no time travellers walking about. The answer is simple. This timeline is like the bad part of town - no tourists. We are full or crime, poverty, and pollution, soon radiation.
Speaking of common sense, back 350 years ago Galileo said that the earth moved around the sun, and yet we see a sun rise and fall. This movement is only an illusion, for it is the earth rotating, yet the ground seems stationary and solid, but undernearth is liquid lava.
Hi Pamela:
I am convinced that John Titor was who he said he was - a time travller from a worldline similar to our own. So similar that he saw the He/She president in 2008. I think that he came to help us. I wonder if something will prevent the olympics on our timeline. It never made sense to me that the olympics would be cancelled just because the US was having a civil war. I believe the 2012 event is an asteroid hitting earth. The ancient Mayan were excellent astronomers and could have calculated its path.
Hi Skeptic
1) There is absolutely no evidence provided by him/her whatsoever that suggests the above is real.
Take a look at the paper all four things have been predicted by ne.
A Stocks down 21% this year. I predicted that dow would go under 10,000 before end of 2009. Told people to sell stocks and buy gold.
B.Inflation up 9.2%. I predicted that high oil prices would drive inflation. Told people to sell SUV, get a scooter in 2005.
C. US dollar down 13.2% vs Euro this year. I predicted the decline in the dollar and told people to get their money out of USA.
D. Foreclosures up 53% this year. I predicted the mortgage meltdown back in 2005. Darby said I was crazy. Told people to sell their houses and buy gold.
2) On the contrary, the Kid has made plenty of claims and predictions that demonstrate a far, far greater liklihood that the above are not real.
Wrong, most of my prediction have come true. Soon you will see a few more come true.
3) The Kid has made only a few very specific predictions (accompanied by a smug and preachy style) all of which have proved completely FALSE.
The bulk have come true. Future predictions of banks failing are now coming true as we speak. Shortages of food and fuel will soon come true.
Even prediction that did not come true were close. For example I predicted oil over $80/b in 2006 it hit 78.80
I predicted oil over $100 in 2007 it hit 99.60,
4) When challenged on these predictive failures, the Kid consistantly and interminably ignores completely any attempt to address this enormous problem with his/her position. Her tactic in ignoring/avoiding this issue is a huge and inescapable black mark against HDRKId.
I admit that not all predictions came true, but most did and if I predict that 6,000 cities get nuked in the coming nuclear war and only 5,000 are hit will that change your mind about RV?
5) Despite the above, the Kid amazingly expresses surprise that people find his/her veracity questionable!
They will not be surprized when the US is nuked by russia, they will claim that it was obvious.
6) Despite claiming to grasp the scientific method, HDRKid clearly has little understanding of it, otherwise he/she would never have to post something that expresses surprise about why people don't believe these fictions he/she creates.
You will see what happens to science after the war. Scientist are blamed for WWIII.
7) He/she has called people liars for posting things that do not fit with his/her version of events but when his/her facts are shown to be entirely fictional and fraudulant, this problem also is continually ignored and/or brushed aside by a rapid change of subject.
A more accurate word is fool. Wakeup!
8) The Kid has time and time again been caught trying to bolster his/her case by making claim to predictive successes that are simply out and out lies. As Darby points out, one of HDRKid's favourite ploys is to write things like "(Name) laughed when I said..." and then make claim to having made a succesful prediction. This tactic is now as old as it is transparent.
I seriously doubt you will laugh when you see food is rationed. However, you will claim it was obvious, and that CNN has been warning us about the food shortage for months.
9) HDRKid makes constant claims that he/she is being persecuted by debunkers when all anyone here does is ask for some valid responses to valid questions. His/her inability to grasp why people are exasperated with this thread is a big indication that he/she is either being deliberately fraudulant or is somehow not in full possession of his/her own full faculties.
I disagree, but support your right to free speech. Sadly, soon we will be under martial law and not a lot of freedom.
10) If HDRKid were truly making succesful use of an HDR device to Astral Time Travel or Remote View, he/she would undoubtedly have had the upper hand throughout this entire thread. HDR's access to future knowledge would have made a mockery of everyone here. The reality, however is that HDRKid does not have knowledge of future events and has always been on the defensive, fighting a pathetically weak position by choosing to ignore the ENORMOUS problems with a poorly constructed story.
No evidence will ever convince a debunker. Even if I gave you lotto number you would claim that I rigged the machine.
11) He/she attempts to paint herseld as being persecuted by debunkers. Everyone on this thread who is skeptical of his/her claims are described as being simply incapable of seeing how ahead of our time he/she is; comparing himself/herself to the likes of the Wright Brothers or other pioneers from the past when in fact there is no evidence that he/she is anything of the sort.
I would say my web site being hacked is evidence somebody is unhappy.
12) My own estimation of HDRKid is that he/she's rather like your average Fair Show palm reader. Full of lies and nonsense, but happy in the knowlege that there will be enough gormless dweebs out there to buy into the b/s. In this regard, he/she's taking the same approach as Titor. The principle is that if you throw enough crap at a wall, some of its bound to stick.
How unoriginal. I said that I was like a side show freak, the sword swallower at the circus. The debunker claims that the sword is a fake rubber toy because common sense tells him that you cant swallow a sharp metal sword.
13) Anyone who dismisses 'Common Sense' the way HDRKid has is undoubtedly showing themselves to be built in the mold of the palm reader I just described. "Yeah, don't you trouble your head with common sense - when it comes to believeing what someone's writing on an internet discussion board, its over-rated
For thousands of years people believed that man could not fly. The scientists had all kinds of reasons. Take a science book 100 years old and most of the information is wrong. Expect the same to happen 100 years in the future. Time travel allows you to see centuries into the future.