The HDRkid Thread

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Re: Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?

HDRKid: Hi Skeptic:
I used to think it was healthy to be a skeptic, but it is not. If I tell you the forest is on fire and you wait, by the time you see the warning signs it is too late. If a doctor tells you that you have cancer and you wait until sign appear for you to start feeling bad, by that time it is too late to operate. -o-

After everything that I've learned about you and the history of this thread, it doesn't surprise me in the least that you have problems differentiating between 'skepticism' and 'common sense' HDRKid.

Hearing of a forest fire or hearing a cancer diagnosis are situations that require common sense not skepticism. Of course, other factors may be involved. If it was YOU telling me there was a forest fire, my common sense would be tinged with skepticism. (You ever hear the story about the boy who cried wolf?) Your ability to get the facts right -about so many things- seems extremely out of whack. Far more so than usual. In fact I would go so far as to say that on a good day, you'd have trouble predicting a forest fire if you could see it with a telescope!

There are occasions, however, when its possible to apply both skepticism and common sense to a situation and come to the same conclusion.

For example...

1. Someone who claims they have prior knowledge of the future (and has a history of doing so with overwhelmingly unimpressive results) makes a very specific prediction.

This situation requires a healthy skepticism.

2. Said person once again fails completely in their prediction despite the fact that they gave themselves a 50/50 chance of getting it right.

Being skeptical in this situation requires common sense. Coming to the conclusion (as I have about you time and time and time again) that you are completely incapable of telling the future is commons sense. My dog can predict the future better than you. Both Rainman, myself and many others for example all predicted that Obama would get the Democratic nomination this year and were correct. You were wrong as indeed you were wrong the last major election when you predicted Kerry would get it. You yourself were so unsure of your powers of prediction that despite me asking a HUNDRED times you wouldn't put your money where your mouth was with regard to the Hillary prediction.

Your powers are so far from being amazing its genuinely...amazing.

What is even more amazing, of course, is your continuing ability to completely ignore these failings and brush them under the carpet.

A far better analogy than the one you used would be: If a habitual liar and thief kept asking you for a loan of money before running off with it would you apply skepticism or common sense to this person?

I would suggest both HDRKid.

So the question becomes 'Why is that you don't apply some healthy skepticism and common sense to yourself HDRkid?'

If you did I think you'll discover 'common sense' will make you reappraise your powers enormously.

Glad to help you out with your confusion. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?

Hi Kanigo2:
You probably jumped ahead a few years to WWIII. Please write down the details so you will not forget them. Quick question - was food & fuel rationed? The bus points in that direction.

Our economy is beginning to fall apart. Yesterday the Dow went under 11,000 for a bit. I predicted it would hit 11,000 and boundce off the resistance, but that eventually it would go under 10,000. Financial institution Indymac went under, the FDIC will spend billions. The run on the banks will be unfun, please remember that I tried to warn you. As early as 2004 I predicted that GM would go bankrupt. Last year GM lost 39 billion dollars, this is before $4/gal gas. In fact, in Jan 2007 gas was $1.87/gallon.

Expect more declines as the year moves ahead. The unREAL estate market was supposed to begin recovery in 2009. Guess what, by 2009 we are in full recession mode. Foreclosed homes are being auctioned off by banks desperate to shore up their balance sheets. Many banks are in trouble now, but they still feel they can avoid BANkruptcy when things turn around - they dont, expect a massive bailout of banks as they start to fall.

Hi Designer:
You said "Even timeline 1 V83 failed to come true."
Perhaps Hillary is not out of the game yet. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Hi Pamela:
I am not John Titor. Yes, I use HDR for Astral Time Travel , but what I see in the future does not make any sense. For example, in a jump to 2152 people still use gasoline for cars, rather than solar power electricity or hydrogen fuel cells like John Titor predicted.

Hi Doggie:
You are right, John Titor came in 2000 and stayed to 2001. He posted on this board as TT_0.

Hi Skeptic:
So called "common sense" is a killer, because you feel fine. By the time you realize there is a problem, it is too late.

Hi Darby:
Entropy is a lie.
Just like languages evolve and become more complex, so does nature.
You go from a bare volcanic island risen from the sea to a lush tropical forest.

There are animals called
Tardigrades or water bears
that can survive in space.


Tardigrades can survive

* temperatures as low as -200 °C (-328 °F) and as high as 151 °C (304 °F);
* freezing and/or thawing processes;
* changes in salinity;
* lack of oxygen;
* lack of water;
* levels of X-ray radiation 1000x the lethal human dose;
* some noxious chemicals;
* boiling alcohol;
* low pressure of a vacuum;
* high pressure (up to 6x the pressure of the deepest part of the ocean).

Getting back to WWIII. Here is a tour of what the US looks like after the war.
Re: Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?

"So called "common sense" is a killer, because you feel fine. By the time you realize there is a problem, it is too late."

depending upon your level of common sense.
Re: Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?

So called "common sense" is a killer, because you feel fine. By the time you realize there is a problem, it is too late.

What utter nonsense and drivel is this?

At which point did you realize there was a problem with your last two election predictions?

Just for once HDRkid, a straight answer please

And can anyone tell me why this thread has not yet been moved to a 'known hoax' section? How much more proof is needed that HDRKid's claims of future knowledge are b/s?
Re: Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?

Yesterday the Dow went under 11,000 for a bit. I predicted it would hit 11,000 and boundce off the resistance, but that eventually it would go under 10,000.

You predicted no such thing. And the proof that you did NOT predict such a thing is that you will ignore this challenge to prove that you did predict this... just like you ignore every other call to show us where you predicted this crap.

Re: Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?


And can anyone tell me why this thread has not yet been moved to a 'known hoax' section? How much more proof is needed that HDRKid's claims of future knowledge are b/s?

I feel your pain. But the reason it has not been moved to a "known hoax" section is that we have no such section. Perhaps if you write to Raul requesting such it may help encourage him to build one into the forum?

As I mentioned to the Kid a few posts back, he is lucky this forum does not have the strict "No BS" rules of another forum I frequent. The Kid would have been banned long, long ago for lack of evidence and non-responsiveness to questions. These actions are not only the sign of a blatant BS artist, but they are terribly rude and misleading.

The best we can do is remain vigilant, and simply point out when he "invents" a prediction that he never made in the past (as I have just done above)... and to continually point out his failures and non-responsiveness. He already looks terribly silly. So the more he keeps it up the more silly he makes himself look. Especially when he calls entropy a lie, and then goes on to give an explanation that shows his ignorance of the point Darby made about how the law of entropy does NOT mean local decreases in entropy are not prohibited. HDRKID is a scientific buffoon, that is all.

Re: Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?

Hi Rain:
Yes, I did predict it would go under 10,000 before the end of 2009. Darby laughed at me and said a new record high today. I predected back in 2005 the collapse of the real estate market. I also predicted that people shouuld sell their SUV and get a scooter. Remember the nickname scooter?

But thats now all, I predicted that both food & fuel would be rationed and that the ration card were blue and red. This year for the first time in its history, Walmart rationed rice. It is coming!

Hi Skeptic:
Well, common sense tells you that if you walk on hot coals your feet will get burned. However, I have seen firewalkers step on live coals that were glowing red hot without getting burned. So much for common sense, why the simple laws of physics tell you it is impossible; Of course debunkers yell hoax and fraud, but the coals are quite real and HOT!

To Ruthless:
Here is what is possible when you stop listening to debunkers who talk about "common sense".

Time to go back to your test tubes men of science and come up with a new theory.
Re: Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?

Yes, I did predict it would go under 10,000 before the end of 2009. Darby laughed at me and said a new record high today.

No, you CLAIM you predicted it. But just like every other claimed prediction, when someone (usually Darby, sometimes myself) asks you to SHOW US WHERE YOU PREDICTED IT, you ignore the challenge. You cannot and will not support your claim with evidence. So, without evidence, no, you did not predict this. End of story.

Stop it. Just stop your silly nonsense.
Re: Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?

"Here is what is possible when you stop listening to debunkers who talk about "common sense."

that video was cool and all, but had little to do with common sense, besides the fact that he had enough common sense to stop when he did.

heres is one thing that happens when you have no common sense.
Re: Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?


I'm with SketpiSaurus. The Kid's story needs to be moved, once again, to an appropriate forum.

We've heard the entire story over and again ad nauseum. There hasn't been a single new idea that she's put forward for several years. She refuses to answer direct questions and constantly makes up self-serving stories as she goes along. She has no problem calling someone a liar when they post something that she doesn't agree with. But when she's caught fabricating a "fact" and asked to provide the link there's either stone silence or a non sequitur response.

The "(Name) laughed when I said..." ploy is getting awfully old. The "(Name) is a liar..." is getting equally old.

You don't have to open a new forum. Move her threads to Time Travel "Fan Fiction". No need to lock the threads. Let them run as long as they the fiction stack.

Just a thought.
Re: Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?

Rainman: The best we can do is remain vigilant, and simply point out when he "invents" a prediction that he never made in the past (as I have just done above)... and to continually point out his failures and non-responsiveness. He already looks terribly silly. So the more he keeps it up the more silly he makes himself look. Especially when he calls entropy a lie, and then goes on to give an explanation that shows his ignorance of the point Darby made about how the law of entropy does NOT mean local decreases in entropy are not prohibited. HDRKID is a scientific buffoon, that is all.

Well said Sir. What HDRKid knows about science he could clearly write on the back of a postage stamp.

Ruthless, Nice one! I laughed like a drain when I watched that.

Yeah, HDRKid, if Common Sense is so over rated how do you explain this...

Or what about this...?

Common sense would have come in mighty handy there I think.

Darby: You don't have to open a new forum. Move her threads to Time Travel "Fan Fiction". No need to lock the threads. Let them run as long as they the fiction stack.

Fan Fiction sounds about right. I'm not saying get rid of the HDR line, just the endless and (now well-established) b/s.
Re: Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?

Darby & Skepti:

You don't have to open a new forum. Move her threads to Time Travel "Fan Fiction". No need to lock the threads. Let them run as long as they the fiction stack.

Makes sense to me. Unfortunately, Raul only made me a MOD of the Time Travel Discussions forum, and I have no MOD power here in this claims forum. But I will pass this message on to Raul and see if he is willing to move it.

Thanks for the inputs, as always! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?

Hi Rain:
Why is is that you cannot accept that the HDR is real, astral time travel is real, and remote viewing is real?

You feel so threatened by time travel that you must attack a time travel forum. It is like an atheist going to a religious forum and saying people cannot talk about God. You do not dictate how this forum is run. All you do is attack threads that talk about time travel by using ridicule.

Already today I had my website hacked again, this is the true face of debunkers who become hysterical when some one has ideas different from their own.

Hi Skeptic:
I predicted the invasion of iran.

Re: Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?

I don't think it is that HDR....

I really think that this is the Time Travel Claims section of the forum.

It isn't the "I saw the future and I am coming in here to tell you about it forum"

If it was revised, there would probably be a lot more threads in the remote viewing section...Under fiction or disproved...would be the major consensus.

I literally moved a report of a Time traveler into another section, when I should have posted it in here.

But that is not anyone's call here.

I don't even want to attack your belief system and I don't want to stand here and call ya a nutjob,(I do think you have issues), but I don't think is is anywhere near necessary to step outside of civility to make a point.

To simply say that any of your theories or proposals or so far outside of scientific guidelines that it really becomes fiction, would be an UNDERSTATEMENT on Mr. Darby's part.

Non the less, If you don't hurt yourself or others, I see no reason like "science or physics" to get in your way or for anyone to hurt you for your ideas.I have learned things from you.

I just saw your webbie the other day , sorry to hear that it is down.
Re: Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?

"Why is is that you cannot accept that the HDR is real, astral time travel is real, and remote viewing is real?"

i want you to watch this.

then i want you to realize that these are the only people you are going to convince. these are the only people that will join your flock.
Re: Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?

Hi Rain:
Why is is that you cannot accept that the HDR is real, astral time travel is real, and remote viewing is real?

Quite simple: Because there is a severe lack of evidence. And your totally wrong "predictions" do more harm to your cause to show evidence than they do to support your bogus claims. You have no evidence. In fact, you have contrapositive evidence!

You feel so threatened by time travel that you must attack a time travel forum. It is like an atheist going to a religious forum and saying people cannot talk about God.

Wrong. I simply ask people for evidence. You have provided absolutely no evidence for your claims, but plenty of evidence to show that your gadget is NOT time travel, nor remote viewing. And when people (like you) continue to make bogus claims after being shown to be full of it, THAT is when I will invoke ridicule. You DESERVE ridicule because of your arrogance and inability to admit when you are wrong.

Re: Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?

One thing that doesn't make any sense to me is YOU started this thread.
If HDRkid bothers you that much why would you do that? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Thats crazy.
Re: Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?

To Ruthless:
Let me show you how common sense collapses. Is an electron a wave or a particle?

Maybe what I am explaining to you is that reality is far more mysterious than we can imagine.

To Rain:
You want 100% accuracy in prediction, exact numerical amounts in the stock market. The science of remote viewing is not that accurate yet. Think how accuracy has improved over the years in predicting weather, and still we cannot predict the exact location of a hurricane in the future.

Now imagine that we live back in the 1500's and people who try to predict the weather are burned at the stake for doing sorcery. Chemistry came from Alchemy. Medicine came from native healers.

To Darby:
Having an open mind is powerful. You come here to heckle time travellers, and yet your forum is dead. This is because you do not permit freedom in your forum.

You are like North Korea, this forum is like South Korea. Freedom is the way. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?

One thing that doesn't make any sense to me is YOU started this thread.
If HDRkid bothers you that much why would you do that?
Thats crazy.

With a little research, Pamela, you could answer your own question. I provided a very salient answer to your question at the end of another thread when I said I would start this thread. Instead of calling me crazy (it seems you are often the one criticizing me for lashing out at people without doing my "homework"), perhaps you might like to go find where I state my reason for starting this thread.

And it seems you continue to misunderstand my purpose in challenging the Kid. I do not wish to muzzle the Kid, only to get this person to admit when they are wrong, and admit that they are not "predicting" but rather guessing.

You, of all people, I would not have expected to lash out without doing some homework.

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