The HDRkid Thread

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Re: They always have a scapegoat. was: Ride of...

Hi Reactor:
Go to Firedocs and learn remote viewing. You can see the future. It is easy for debunkers to make fun, but it is better to learn RV.

Im not a fan of RV though I have done some reading about the USA gov and law enforcement checking it out. Right now I have my own little project going but I will leave that to my thread. I will say your rolling along pretty good over here. Stay with it. Reactor
Re: Average price of self-serve regular close to $4

40-60 minutes ? or more like 80-120 minutes?

In arkansas it varies from two hours to just a few minutes. Myself living in the city(Little Rock) my average time is 10 to 15 minutes. When I lived in Dalles texas it took me 45 minutes to drive to work. I use to live way out in the country(Outside of Russellville) in Arkansas and it took me 1 1/2 hours to drive to work to Little Rock. Years back I had to drive to LA, CA on business weekly and sometimes monthly and I had to wait in traffic with those people and it was a mess compared to little rock, Ar though it ranks in my book about the same as Dallas/Fortworth traffic. Being to Alanta, Ga and Chicago a few times too. Way too high a population density for my book. Chicago and Alanta is really bad too. Im going to call Chicago the worst, LA, second, Alanta and Dallas/fortworth 3rd. So to be more to the point compared with the rest of the country Little Rock, Ar is just a walk in the park. Reactor
Re: Average price of self-serve regular close to $4

Hey, I have a really novelle idea. Let's dig a hole and pump some crude out of it...right here in the USA.. Nah. That makes too damn much sense.

Darby your going to tell me im full of it and that is fine but there are somethings a president can and can not do in office. One of the things they can not do is get UFO information the other thing they can not do is unlock Energy reserves(At least not all of it.) the USA has set back for the future. When the world finally bits the big one the USA plans to still have its oil to fall back on. It is part of its long term war and survival plans. The average american won,t have access to it but the goverment will. There is a plan bigger than you and I for the USA goverment to still have oil when the rest of the world is out of it. And I know you say prove it I wish I could but I can,t with anything concrete not without breaking a whole bunch of laws and I can,t do that. Reactor
Weekly Gas Price Check

And this week when we check the numbers, we see the US average price for regular grade fuel is now at $3.94/gallon.

6 more pennies hdrkid, and you will have to admit my "RV" is more powerful than yours. And the DEM nominee will be decided soon thereafter.

Re: Weekly Gas Price Check

I am going on vacation for about a month so I will not be here as often. As for those of you that want proof that the US has plenty of oil. What if I told you we have over 3X that of Saudi Arabia?

"Spanning some 17,000 square miles across parts of Colorado, Utah and Wyoming, this underground lakebed holds at least 800 billion barrels of recoverable oil. That's triple the reserves of Saudi Arabia."

Hi Rain:
Actually the price of oil is now falling. Feds want to investigate speculators.

To Darby:
Even the strange predictions that made no sense are coming to pass. I wondered in early 2001 why the grocery shelves were empty in the future. This was before Colony Collapse Disorder killed all the bees. Now it all makes a bit more sense. I still do not understand why the cities are dark, since most electricity is powered via coal and the US has a 500 year supply of coal.

To Reactor:
Learn RV is like me telling you "Use binoculars" and that packs of big cats will attack you, but you are used to seeing little kittens and cannot visualize a pride of hungry lions.

In the future gangs of looters will set cities on fire and make your post apocalyptic movies look like fairy tales. It will be a terrible time. Seeing this via remote viewing WILL wake you up - total TEOTWAWKI.

Make your own fuel? We have the technology.

VW has a car that gets 235mpg

In fact, I feel that we could have had 200mpg cars back in the 50's, but oil execs suppressed tech.

GM had electric cars back in the 90's, but again oil execs killed the tech.
See who killed the electric car.

There is talk of nationalizing US oil companies.

High oil prices are cauing airlines to fall out of the air - here is the list.

What does the future look like?
Re: Weekly Gas Price Check

Hi Rain:
Actually the price of oil is now falling. Feds want to investigate speculators.

How deliciously non-responsive, and irrelevant of you, kid! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

None of this proves you are right, nor that I am wrong. In fact, it is just more of your same attempts to divert attention away from your wrongness. You do it all the time. In fact, not only is your little tidbit here irrelevant to my prediction, but it has not caused gas prices to turn around yet:

Current Average (Regular): $3.975/gallon

And this page is good because it tracks:

Highest Recorded Price:
Regular Unl. $3.975 6/2/2008

But you are also ignoring the fact that I have done you one better... not only did I predict that gas prices would hit $4/gallon this year, but I also predicted WHEN it would happen....right around the time the DEM nominee is settled! The fact is, I am a better predictor of the future than you and your goony "HDR RV device".

Re: Weekly Gas Price Check

To Darby:
Even the strange predictions that made no sense are coming to pass. I wondered in early 2001 why the grocery shelves were empty in the future. This was before Colony Collapse Disorder killed all the bees. Now it all makes a bit more sense. I still do not understand why the cities are dark, since most electricity is powered via coal and the US has a 500 year supply of coal.

Gosh, and here we all thought that you were betting on Avian Flu. Then it was the John Belushi "Killer Bees Disease". Now its gasohol.

Toss enough spaghetti at the wall and some of it is bound (pun intended) to stick.
Re: Weekly Gas Price Check

HDRKid:I am going on vacation for about a month so I will not be here as often.

Of course, you've got to disappear, HDRKid!

I read this as just another one of your lies, I'm afraid. Its just too much of a conveniant coincidence that on the week Hillary finally gets kicked out of the nomination race, you have to take off. I don't blame you, really. Yet another one of your bullshit claims shown to be so much bad guesswork. Just like your Kerry for Prez prediction. Its laughable.

Rainman's right, he's MUCH better at predicting the future than you are. As is anyone who called Obama and not Clinton as the democratic candidate without the use of RV.

This whole thread needs to be moved to the hoax section and not a moment too soon.
Keeps nudging up...

With the 26th record high in 27 days, AAA says the national average pump price is 2.2 cents shy of $4 a gallon.

And today is the end of the primary season with the final state primaries... with all the media pretty much agreeing it is the end of the line for Hillary. Hell, even her husband is admitting as much. Of course, she is too much of a selfish, power-hungry BE-ACH to back down. So she will berate Bill as she has always done when he did something she didn't like.

Re: Weekly Gas Price Check

Of course, you've got to disappear, HDRKid!

I read this as just another one of your lies, I'm afraid. Its just too much of a conveniant coincidence that on the week Hillary finally gets kicked out of the nomination race, you have to take off.

Yes, indeed how timely. We see the cowardice of hdrkid now. He was asked about whether he would admit he was wrong and admit someone else was right awhile ago. And if you ask me, his answer was about as slippery and slimey as you could get. So now the kid doesn't want to stand-up and act like a man? Hardly surprises me.

In reality, my constant harassing about the gas price issue has mostly been to put a mirror to his tactics. I haven't been terribly serious, and more tongue-in-cheek. Although I do admit that I used math and science to come up with my predictions. But now it seems like the kid wishes to "be absent" and hope it has all blown over by the time he "gets back" so he does not have to admit he was wrong.

But the bigger issue, the one I was NOT just playing around about is Hillary. Today is the day folks! We now see in the news that Obama has secured enough superdelegates to just about push him over the top. And of course, ever thinking she is the sly political chameleon, Hillary is already floating trial balloons that she may "accept" the Veepship under Obama. What nerve! After all SHE has put HER party through? And if you ask me, Obama had better review the "Clinton body trail" before he even considers asking her to be the Veep! :eek:

The kid LOVES to wax in the glory of his "accurate" predictions...even those he never predicted since he can give no evidence for having made them! But oh how difficult it is to admit one is wrong. That is indicative of an ego that is out of control.

Re: Keeps nudging up...


I bought gasoline yesterday in Buellton at $4.21. Today it was $4.33.

On the other hand both the crude and gold markets have topped and are on a downslide. Since its top at ~$1,000/oz gold has lost almost 20%. It depends on where you look but Kitco's mark is at about $823. Crude, after topping at $132, has dropped to $123.

Government is the problem and the market is the solution. Get the government out of the way and the market wants to fix the price much lower than what we currently see.
Re: Keeps nudging up...

Hi Darby,

I bought gasoline yesterday in Buellton at $4.21. Today it was $4.33.

WOW! That is a pretty big spike for one day! Of course, I am adhering to hdrkid's post-facto (after his prediction..WAY after) specification that he "was talking about the US average for regular". That is the number I am quoting now. And it should probably hit $4 this week.

Government is the problem and the market is the solution. Get the government out of the way and the market wants to fix the price much lower than what we currently see.

Yes, but don't forget the tree-hugging lobbyists. What is interesting about a cross section of the DEM crowd is they attract the "US=bad for 'robbing' the oil from Arabs". Then you get the other contingent that "US=bad to even think about drilling on our land". A businessman just can't win with that nonsense! No wonder most businessmen are Republicans! They like to eat and make a profit too ya know!

Re: Keeps nudging up...

that brings up an interesting question. what makes a republican a republican? and what makes a democrat a democrat? is it just a title? or do you have to belive a certain way?
Re: Keeps nudging up...

that brings up an interesting question. what makes a republican a republican? and what makes a democrat a democrat? is it just a title? or do you have to belive a certain way?

I think it would be fair to say that one's beliefs about how society SHOULD work (in an ideal world) tend to drive which party they identify with. The reality is that the vast majority of the US electorate is actually "centrist" (meaning they see good aspects of each party and see things in each party they do not like). However, to help you explore the many potential answers to your excellent question, I offer the following. It is a joke, but I think you can see from it how Republicans view government's place, and how many Republicans view personal responsibility:

<font color="red"> A young woman was about to finish her first year of college. She considered herself to be a very liberal Democrat, but her father was a staunch Republican. One day she was challenging her father on his beliefs and his opposition to high taxes and welfare programs. He stopped her and asked how she was doing in school.She answered that she had a 4.0 GPA, but it was really tough. She had to study all the time and never had time to go out and party. She didn't have time for a boyfriend and didn't really have many college friends because of spending all her time studying. On top of that, the part-time job her father insisted she keep left absolutely no time for anything else. He asked, 'How is your friend Mary?' She replied that Mary was barely getting by. She had a 2.0 GPA, never studied, but was very popular on campus, didn't have a job, and went to all the parties. She was always complaining about not having any money, but didn't want to work. Why, she often didn't show up for classes because she was hung over. Dad then asked his daughter why she didn't go to the Dean's office and request that 1.0 be taken off her 4.0 and give it to her friend who only had a 2.0. That way they would both have a respectable 3.0 GPA. Then, she could also give her friend half the money she'd earned from her job so that her friend would no longer be broke. The daughter angrily fired back, 'That wouldn't be fair. I worked really hard for my grades and money, and Mary just loafs. Why should her laziness and irresponsibility be rewarded with half of what I've worked for?' The father slowly smiled and said, 'Welcome to the Republican Party'." [/COLOR]

In other words: There is a big difference between taking care of people who REALLY are in a (temporary) bad spot in their life, and taking care of people who simply do not wish to work to bring the fruits of liberty to their life. The Declaration of Independence speaks of "the pursuit of happiness." That means all are free to pursue it. That does not mean that the government (or anyone else) owes anyone said happiness.

Again, a good question ruthless! While I "consider" myself a Republican with respect to my beliefs about fiscal conservatism, there are aspects of the Repub party I do not agree with and believe the Dems have the right answer. One example? A woman's right to have an abortion.

Re: Keeps nudging up...

I think it's a nice dream that everybody in our society has role which he or she deserved. But we are still not on this level, and probably will not be in many millenias ahead. There are still lots of people that need help by others, because of many problems created by them or someone/something else in their lives.

After all, helping and cooperating with others is the right way how to maintain peace and prosperity.

Republican party, in the last 8 years of thinking most of themselves and big oil companies, showed how this type of decision-making can lead to wars, terrorism, food and oil crisis and many more problems which turn us down.
Re: Keeps nudging up...

Today's price check:

Nudged up to $3.983/gallon

Using hdrkid's own argument he gave us when he predicted $100/barrel oil before the end of 2007 (which it did not quite meet), one could safely say that my prediction has already come true... even if the price never goes up from the above...but it will. It is now less than 2 cents to meeting my prediction. Close enough, according to hdrkid (and we all know he is reading!). /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Congrats to Obama. Now let's see if Hillary will continue to act divisively towards her own party!
Re: Weekly Gas Price Check

I am still waiting for Rains projection to come true first.

Then the entire thread can be sunk, from its sheer wheight.

Almost there Rain!
Re: Keeps nudging up...

This is why I don't understand why HDRkid depends so much on Remote Viewing.

What's the point in spending all that time when its not even accurate?
or even close to being accurate?
The predictions brought forth are worthless. They are nothing you can even slightly depend on.
I don't even know why he/she continues to post here on this subject to tell you the truth.

HDR posts continuously on things he/she thinks they see but what service does that do for us?
Most of the things are negative and they never even happen. They can worry people for no reason
at all which is rather cruel. It makes me wonder why does he/she even post them here??

Do us a favor HDR and quit posting all of your negative dribble. You have to open your eyes and see
that you are not accurately viewing any kind of future we are going to have. You said most of your trips had Clinton being president. MOST of them...where does that leave everything else you saw?
Educated guesses are doing better than you are.

Nobody can accurately predict the future even a real time traveler can only know possibilities and probabilities. But you are not even close.

Not trying to be hurtful in any way but you have to see that what you are doing seems to be a waste of time for you. How can you deny it? Your track record speaks for itself. Get out of bed and live life in the present. I think you will be a lot happier.

A completely honest opinion.
Re: Keeps nudging up...

Hi Pamela,

What's the point in spending all that time when its not even accurate?
or even close to being accurate?
The predictions brought forth are worthless. They are nothing you can even slightly depend on.
I don't even know why he/she continues to post here on this subject to tell you the truth.

Attention. Plain and simple.

HDR posts continuously on things he/she thinks they see but what service does that do for us?
Most of the things are negative and they never even happen. They can worry people for no reason
at all which is rather cruel. It makes me wonder why does he/she even post them here??

The Kid only pretends to be concerned about others. The reality is that the Kid just wants attention. You only have to read his rants about how "all the debunkers were laughing when I predicted.... but they aren't laughing now" to see that he wants attention. Apparantly, he may have had an upbringing where he did not get enough attention from his parents... possibly a divorce in his early years. There are plenty of documented studies that show when this happens the child will grow up to be a continuous attention-seeker.

Educated guesses are doing better than you are.

Emphasis on the education part!!

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