The HDRkid Thread

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Re: Wheat Rust!

I think you got it backwards
a 10K Potentiometer(variable resistor)
changes more in resistance less
accurate than a 50K POT which changes
less in resistance from closed circuit
in terms of turning the POT.

Closed to 10K Large change Lower resistance.
Larger range less accurate
Closed to 50K Small change. Higher resistance.
Smaller range more accurate

or closed --> 50K --> 25K --> 10K --> open

I could be wrong show us the circuit so we can see
if you are on the right track.
Re: Wheat Rust!

Your right I think. Show us the circuit. I got it backwards.
(end here) open <-- 50K <-- 25K <-- 10K <-- Closed circuit (start here)

It also depends on how you use it.
Its more accurate from closed circuit configuration.

Re: Wheat Rust!

Here is the problem I continue RVing the future and I continue to see Hillary in the Whitehouse. It makes no sense.

You're clutching at straws HDR. Don't make out that your prediction was that Hillary was just 'in the Whitehouse' You claimed you'd RVd her actually being sworn in.

Look, just take a deep breath...then say 'I - was - wrong.'

Its not difficult.
Re: Wheat Rust!

These are knobs! Hehehe.

He needs 2 10k. Not One

Only one capacitor though. 1uK . It other words its an oscillating circuit.

Better fun just playing with the tesla in the first place.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Invisibility screen UP!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
<font color="yellow"> (Man ,I hate to say this, I still see Hillary in the White House too, I am probably wrong though.) [/COLOR]
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Invisibility screen DOWN!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Re: Wheat Rust!


Today I paid $4.39/gal for gas. It was a total of $52.66 to fill up the tank and gas can, and you wonder why I predicted gas would stay under $4/gal.

No, I do not wonder any such thing. All I am wondering right now is when you are going to admit you were wrong and give up. BTW, weren't you in a rush to go somewhere???

However, in our timeline, Bush went hat in hand asking the Saudi princes to open the spigot a little wider without results, and Exxon is making record profits off super high prices. The gas tax holiday failed, and the investigations into price manipulation went nowhere.

You can thank your new DEM-controlled Congress for sitting on their butts and actively opposing any legislation that would open up US energy resources:

Some key points made in this editorial:

<font color="red"> She and the Democrats who now control the House have not only failed to offer the meaningful solutions they promised, but they have actually put forward policies that have the opposite effect. These include placing another 55 cents onto the price of gasoline though a higher gas tax to raising taxes on oil companies which would result in fewer jobs and still higher prices at the pump. [/COLOR]


<font color="red"> Pelosi has said, "certainly more supply lowers the price," but has opposed increasing the supply of American-made energy at every opportunity.

She and the Democrats continue to speak ill about gas prices yet do ill about energy supplies. They are unwilling to increase American energy supplies and have blocked proposal after proposal aimed at allowing more energy supplies to be extracted here at home, yet assert that OPEC should be sued for not increasing its exports. The logic escapes me.

Republicans have worked to increase energy availability by allowing energy exploration in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Surveys show up to a million barrels a day can be produced. Republicans have proposed expanding energy exploration and extraction on the Outer Continental Shelf. Reports indicate expansion could yield 86 billion barrels. Democrats have opposed both.


<font color="red"> Gasoline does not come from the ground; it comes from the refining process. Republicans have consistently proposed making it easier for the private sector to expand capacity at existing petroleum refineries. Democrats have consistently blocked all efforts to make it easier to expand production. In fact they have done everything to choke the supply. [/COLOR]

Plain and simple, the DEMs wish to control you by forcing the price you pay for energy to be out of sight. Isn't it interesting that the biggest spikes in oil and gas price at the pump have occurred since the DEMs took over Congress?

Also, instead of a dinky 50,000 watt Tesla coil to generate the zero vector I plan to manufacture a large one million watt Tesla coil.

Mmmmmmmm Hmmmmmmmm. Yeah. I am sure you will attract no attention at all when the power company sees a 1 MegaWatt power draw emanating from your location! :eek: /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif In fact, you might want to check the max power rating for your junction box and meter at your location. I'm pretty sure it is not rated for that level of power.

I believe that a more powerful light will allow me to see the where we are going.

Well, it will get you somewhere alright. However, unless you are actually planning to die, then I am not sure you will end up where/when you wish to be.

Re: Wheat Rust!

To Skeptic:
People like you are those who starve when the change comes.

It is almost a cliche, but I see over and over again in the future, the dark city with empty streets, abandoned suburbs that resemble a ghost town after the gold runs out, and deserted villages filled with derelict houses with overgrown lawns. You will find out why, soooon.....

To Recall:
Yep, thats the ticket, I'm going to need a lot more power to punch a hole in the ether.

To Kanigo2:
Originally, he use mil spec 75K pots. I hope that my accuracy will improve with 10K pots.

To Rain:
The Titanic is sinking and you are saying "Seeeee, there are three lifeboats remaining, not two like you said, I am right and you are wrong." The problem is that I am on a lifeboat leaving the Titanic and you are still on board. GOODBYE!!!
Re: Wheat Rust!

re·cant (r-knt)
To make a formal retraction or disavowal of a previously held statement or belief.

Guess we won't be getting one of those again.The Hdrkid thread lives on.
Re: Wheat Rust!

To Rain:
The Titanic is sinking and you are saying "Seeeee, there are three lifeboats remaining, not two like you said, I am right and you are wrong." The problem is that I am on a lifeboat leaving the Titanic and you are still on board. GOODBYE!!!

That right there is a good example of the kid doing what he does best: Rather than have to admit he was wrong, he whips up a little (meaningless) drama to try to take the heat off him! What you are mssing is given the fact you were wrong about gas prices, and wrong about Hillary, it is just as easy to believe you are wrong about the Titanic sinking.

You have made statements in the past that you "buy into" the whole "Peak Oil" claptrap... as if there is only so much oil and that it can only come about through "thousands of years of natural action within the earth." Would you even admit that you made such statements that clearly showed you believe Peak Oil is real? Probably not after reading the following story, you won't!

Scientists find bugs that eat waste and excrete petrol!

<font color="red"> To be more precise: the genetic alteration of bugs – very, very small ones – so that when they feed on agricultural waste such as woodchips or wheat straw, they do something extraordinary. They excrete crude oil. [/COLOR]

Amazing how technology can actually solve problems!!
Re: Wheat Rust!

People like you are those who starve when the change comes.

It is almost a cliche, but I see over and over again in the future, the dark city with empty streets, abandoned suburbs that resemble a ghost town after the gold runs out, and deserted villages filled with derelict houses with overgrown lawns. You will find out why, soooon.....

The Titanic is sinking and you are saying "Seeeee, there are three lifeboats remaining, not two like you said, I am right and you are wrong."

Amidst all your completely wrong predictions, HDR, is a blind and misplaced assumption that everyone here sees the future through rosy spectacles. Well, here's some news for you...I doubt anyone here lives with the illusion that society and civilisation in general is immune to catastrophic change. Hell, I'm a person who is only too aware that things could fall apart over night. You're preaching to the converted there.

What you're definitely not doing and have never done, HDR, is predict when and how that's going to happen. I mean, throwing aside ALL of your lame and completely wrong predictions, all that's left is your constant banging on about oil prices. Well big deal! OBVIOUSLY oil would play a big part in any meltdown. This whole thread has been you trying to sell the idea that this is somehow news to people.

HRDR: The problem is that I am on a lifeboat leaving the Titanic and you are still on board. GOODBYE!!!

Is this really goodbye HDR? You've been saying that for some time and you've never given anyone any reason to believe anything you say should be taken seriously. Personally, I hope it is goodybe. But I've got a hunch you'll be back. And if you look back on this thread you'll see that my hunches should be given a lot more credance than your RVing - as they've proved to be a damn sight more accurate!!
Re: They always have a scapegoat. was: Ride of...

I have read most of the posts on this TT board with great interest. And yes, I've read the whole Titor maze as well, and although it was a great read, I keep wondering where the book and movie deal comes in.

Time travel holds unhealthy fascination for me. Lately I find myself grieving for my past like I'm standing over the grave of an old lover. I believe TT is possible, but I don't think a physical machine is ever going to do what the mind and soul can do naturally. I believe the essence of who we are travels sometimes in our sleep, but we're not evolved (trained) enough to control it, to guide it. Outside the shell of the physical body, there is no time. That is where our research will probably head.

Not sure what to make of the divergence theory, although it does seem to strongly mesh with what some spiritualists believe (aka the "Seth" series).

I have delurked to tell you this, RainmanTime: you are one of the posters whose common sense and commanding intellect stand out like a ruby in a bubble gum machine. The other is Darby. And that's saying something, because most of you are incredibly bright and interesting to read. Even the claimants are better than average storytellers, and some are exceptional. Some of them should stop wasting their time posting on message boards and publish a book.

That is all for now.


PS...Clinton (Bill) was not responsible on iota for the good times we had. He was just one lucky sonofabitch.
Re: They always have a scapegoat. was: Ride of...


I keep wondering where the book and movie deal comes in.

Funny you should ask.

Beyond the Titor threads you have Larry Haber who came on the Titor scene in the fall of 2003 with the John Titor Foundation (JTF), a Florida Limited Liability Company.

They did publish "the book", A time traveler’s tale : the story of John Titor (copyright John Titor Foundation, 10-27-2003). You can get a copy on Amazon today for $199 as a collectible. The JTF also put together a promo CD to shop radio syndication networks for a radio drama about Titor; a movie is supposed to have gone into production about two years ago but nothing seems to have come of it and a comic book promo was also in production to shop around for publishers - also about two years ago.

Lawrence "Larry" Haber is a well known (in the movie insustry) entertainment attorney who puts together production companies for film makers. Larry is the sole listed managing member, as well as the registered agent and attoney for the John Titor Foundation.
Re: They always have a scapegoat. was: Ride of...

Ahhh. Interesting. $199 for a book. Gonads. Must be dipped in gold....or is that commodity, too, useless in 2036?

*sigh* My father always told me to follow the money trail to learn the truth about something.

The sad fact is, a lot of people will buy that book, regardless of the stench of the Haber attorney. I don't know how some people sleep at night. Next he'll be on Oprah, I suppose, who will wholeheartedly recommend the book to her mindless female minions. She has developed an uncanny talent as of late for sticking her Gucci'd foot in her coiffed mouth.

This is worse than the woman who wrote a "non-fiction" account of her miserable childhood that turned out to be fiction. This scares people, manipulates them and creates cultlike worship. Bleh.

Nice to meet you, Darby. *extends paw*

Re: They always have a scapegoat. was: Ride of...

"I have delurked to tell you this, RainmanTime: you are one of the posters whose common sense and commanding intellect stand out like a ruby in a bubble gum machine. The other is Darby."

they do tend to make an impression. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Welcome out of the shadows, Hannah.

I have delurked to tell you this, RainmanTime: you are one of the posters whose common sense and commanding intellect stand out like a ruby in a bubble gum machine. The other is Darby. And that's saying something, because most of you are incredibly bright and interesting to read. Even the claimants are better than average storytellers, and some are exceptional.

Awww, shucks...thanks! :oops: Darby is the real brain around here. I just talk more than he does! And I do admit that being an educator causes me to spend more time trying to teach people, some of whom just do not want to learn. But you are right, we have a pretty bright crowd around here, even some of the ones I don't always agree with. I just wish (like Darby) that some of those claimants who do show a high intellect would spend a bit more time working on the depth of their stories. It would help make them last longer and be more entertaining! But of course it won't stop me from pointing out the problems with their stories!

PS...Clinton (Bill) was not responsible on iota for the good times we had. He was just one lucky sonofabitch.

Yep. The whole Y2K "scare" was going to drive the tech sector no matter who sat in the Oval Office, and the internet economy was forming right along side it.

Thanks again and welcome aboard!
Re: Welcome

Thank you for the warm welcome, RainmanTime. I meant every word.

I really do enjoy your posts. You're also a good, even-handed moderator. I've moderated a forum for many years, and I know it's not easy. It's probably the worst non-paying job in the world.

I am sorry to see this forum so quiet; so many intelligent people here, and a lot of quirky characters, too. I'd love to read some new predictions---but hopefully---sans painful grammar and spelling errors.

I hope to post when I can, and get to know the regulars.

Re: Welcome

"I just wish (like Darby) that some of those claimants who do show a high intellect would spend a bit more time working on the depth of their stories."

i agree. for some reason, most hoaxers get in way over their heads here. they just arent prepared for the questions we ask.
Re: Welcome

Start your thread with,"I am from the future", or "I predict..".
Is a better way to get peoples attention in here, Hannah.

Is it official? Is HDRkid through? Can the kid build and tune his megawatt Tesla coil to get him back on the right time line? Will he discovery the decimal equivalent of the time line we are on now? Is it 1.69? Will he be forced to extract Zero-point energy from the ether? Will he be investigated by the police for a "marijuana grow room" for his excessive use of power(credit to RTM) only to have to explain that he is a Remote Viewing the future?

Tune in next time, for "I predict the future, with HDRkid!"


Welcome, Hannah.

The problem isn't that they make predictions or that they have traveled time in their stories. It is a specific class of story that will start the de-bunk train "a-rolling".

Making near term prediction or traveling FROM the (near) future and making claims of future events will get ya in problems here.

*Traveling from the past or Making predictions 400 years from now is OK.*
De-bunking stories is a pastime to some people.To some others it is caustic and eats at their soul.

The whole bible is about trying to find a meaning to predictions of the future.

It is all relative to how much "The story" is going to effect the listener.

Here, have a cookie, by the time you finish it, you will realize you don't believe in any of this fate cr@p.
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