Re: Wheat Rust!
Today I paid $4.39/gal for gas. It was a total of $52.66 to fill up the tank and gas can, and you wonder why I predicted gas would stay under $4/gal.
No, I do not wonder any such thing. All I am wondering right now is when you are going to admit you were wrong and give up. BTW, weren't you in a rush to go somewhere???
However, in our timeline, Bush went hat in hand asking the Saudi princes to open the spigot a little wider without results, and Exxon is making record profits off super high prices. The gas tax holiday failed, and the investigations into price manipulation went nowhere.
You can thank your new DEM-controlled Congress for sitting on their butts and actively opposing any legislation that would open up US energy resources:
Some key points made in this editorial:
<font color="red"> She and the Democrats who now control the House have not only failed to offer the meaningful solutions they promised, but they have actually put forward policies that have the opposite effect. These include placing another 55 cents onto the price of gasoline though a higher gas tax to raising taxes on oil companies which would result in fewer jobs and still higher prices at the pump. [/COLOR]
<font color="red"> Pelosi has said, "certainly more supply lowers the price," but has opposed increasing the supply of American-made energy at every opportunity.
She and the Democrats continue to speak ill about gas prices yet do ill about energy supplies. They are unwilling to increase American energy supplies and have blocked proposal after proposal aimed at allowing more energy supplies to be extracted here at home, yet assert that OPEC should be sued for not increasing its exports. The logic escapes me.
Republicans have worked to increase energy availability by allowing energy exploration in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Surveys show up to a million barrels a day can be produced. Republicans have proposed expanding energy exploration and extraction on the Outer Continental Shelf. Reports indicate expansion could yield 86 billion barrels. Democrats have opposed both.
<font color="red"> Gasoline does not come from the ground; it comes from the refining process. Republicans have consistently proposed making it easier for the private sector to expand capacity at existing petroleum refineries. Democrats have consistently blocked all efforts to make it easier to expand production. In fact they have done everything to choke the supply. [/COLOR]
Plain and simple, the DEMs wish to control you by forcing the price you pay for energy to be out of sight. Isn't it interesting that the biggest spikes in oil and gas price at the pump have occurred since the DEMs took over Congress?
Also, instead of a dinky 50,000 watt Tesla coil to generate the zero vector I plan to manufacture a large one million watt Tesla coil.
Mmmmmmmm Hmmmmmmmm. Yeah. I am sure you will attract no attention at all when the power company sees a 1 MegaWatt power draw emanating from your location! :eek: /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif In fact, you might want to check the max power rating for your junction box and meter at your location. I'm pretty sure it is not rated for that level of power.
I believe that a more powerful light will allow me to see the where we are going.
Well, it will get you somewhere alright. However, unless you are actually planning to die, then I am not sure you will end up where/when you wish to be.