The HDRkid Thread

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Re: They always have a scapegoat. was: Ride of...

Hey kid, please bring us new guys up to date. How are you making your predictions? Are you a person who can see the future? Are you someone who travels to the future? Do you have some time of device? What is the deal? Thanks, Reactor
Re: They always have a scapegoat. was: Ride of...


Some of the poorest people in the world are the happiest and some of the richest people in the world are the most miserable. I have found that people who have goals to work for in life are better off than those that have everything but have nothing left to achieve. It seems the need to work for something means something whether your rich or poor. Keep going. Reactor

Just like children. I know a lot of people/friends with families. Parents first start out to enjoy having children.... until they get older, they turn around and wishing not to have any children at all in the first place!!!!!

What is the WORLD coming to???...

Too many problems.....
Re: They always have a scapegoat. was: Ride of...

What about the Rockefeller Family??????

<font color="blue"> The self-righteous claims of the current generation of Rockefellers must be viewed in this context. They have kept silent since the 1989 Exxon-Valdez Alaskan oil spill, even as Exxon-Mobil has refused to pay court-ordered compensation to the nearly 33,000 Alaskans who won a lawsuit against Exxon in 1994 for the company’s “reckless” behavior. Nor have they uttered a word of protest following news that growing numbers of employed workers across the U.S. are lining up at food pantries due to the skyrocketing price of food and gasoline. As Bill Bolling, founder of the Atlanta Community Food Bank, told CNN, "People are giving up buying groceries so that they can pay rent and put gas in the car." [/COLOR]

See post @9.36 am /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Re: They always have a scapegoat. was: Ride of...

Just so folks in this thread are aware:

I asked Raul to split this thread where we started to go off-topic. (Yes, I admit that even I can take this OT...happens to all of us).

So, if you want to continue the political discussion, beginning with "who is happier, Dems or Repubs" then please go to the following thread in the OT forum:;Board=offtopic&amp;Number=54939&amp;page=0&amp;view=collapsed&amp;sb=5&amp;o=&amp;fpart=1

Re: They always have a scapegoat. was: Ride of...

And not only will the Kid be wrong when Obama wins the nomination, I am also making sure that the heat remains on the Kid for his price of gas predictions (i.e. not hitting $4/gal before the end of 2008).

We are now up to $3.61/gal national average for regular grade fuel. Here is a little web page where we can all keep track of it...and note the cyclical increases during the summer months from the past years...


Re: They always have a scapegoat. was: Ride of...

hdrkid, will the euro go up against the USA dollar or, will the euro go down against the USA dollar? Within the next two weeks. Also, about a short summory for us news guys as to what your doing here? Please. thanks, Reactor
Re: They always have a scapegoat. was: Ride of...

HDRKid, why was Rudy Giuliani so prominent in your visions of the elections, and not McCain?
Re: They always have a scapegoat. was: Ride of...

Hi Darby:
I plan to vote for McCain, not the Hillary/Obama team.
McCain came out in favor of doing something about the environment this helped convince me.
McCain favoured the gas tax holiday, O'bama is against it. McCain wants to help homeowners, O'bama says no more Wallfare - welfare for Wall street.
McCain favors the second amendment. Obama is against it.

"As the campaign moves forward, we will be portraying very stark differences." McCain said. "It's not an accident that he has, I think…the most liberal voting record in the United States Senate. I have one of the most conservative."

Hi Recall:
I followed your link and got this.

How true. This is not a good sign.
Mike Huckabee said that instead of spending stimulus checks we should use the money to rebuild infrastructure.

Hi TimeProf:
We have free will. I can tell you what happens on alternate timelines, but not what happens here. I can only predict based on what are likely possibilities based on what happened on timelines similar to ours.

Hi Reactor:
I agree, and I believe she would do an even better job than her husband, but we are a nation at war and the person with the most experience is McCain. Perhaps he knows somethings that I do not. Personally I think that the war now in Iraq and later iran was a mistake.

Hi Easdraagl:
Of the thirty jumps, Clinton was prez in 27, Rudy in 2, and Barack Hussein Obama in only 1. In that one he was a much nicer person and had Hillary as VP. He did not make any nasty comments about white people. In our timeline, Obama goes to a racist church that preaches hate and has helped divide our country even more.
Why did Rudy win in two lines? OK, he grabbed a lot of dems and independants. He was able to carry New York, Florida, Texas, and California.

Hi Ruthless:
The Bill &amp; Hill team did a great job of creating jobs and balancing the budget. I wish that she had another crack at the bat, but with the war in the middle east heating up, it seems that the best choice is McCain. I have not seen a single timeline where McCain was prez so I am taking a chance.

Hi Rain:
It may be that you will be right about gasoline going over $4/gal this year. I saw that happening in 2009. Also, I saw politicians trying to keep the price down in an election year, but on our line the gas tax holiday failed. Instead of help for the poor we have empty rhetoric from the cocky rooster Obama. Hens lay eggs, but roosters crow.

I predict that Clinton will win WV and Kentucky. Already Obama is working on his exit strategy, blaming his loss on racist white people.
Re: They always have a scapegoat. was: Ride of...

I predict that Clinton will win WV and Kentucky

That is real interesting. Didn,t all the experts predict the samething? And, was not the same prediction by the experts broadcast all over the news. I think this one was kinda handed to you on a silver platter Mr. Kid. Reactor
Re: They always have a scapegoat. was: Ride of...


I plan to vote for McCain, not the Hillary/Obama team.

Who gives a frack who you're going to vote for or why?

The issue is that you most definitely stated (over and over ad nauseum), and put your entire reputation on, was the time traveler "fact" that Hillary would get the Democratic Party nomination.

As I previously said, once the reality sets in you will try to "deftly" (clumsily in reality) make it appear that you actually called Obama as the nominee.

What happened with your "the debunkers will stop laughing" prediction for Hillary?

And, once again, what happened to Coke Blaq? Show me the post.
Re: They always have a scapegoat. was: Ride of...

Hi folks!

Been a while.

I lost interest in the remote viewing story for a while but that's largely because HDRKid's inconsistant, ever-changing stupidity gets wearing on even the most dedicated of observers. Anyway, just thought I'd pop in and see how his/her b/s was fairing here in what was once, at one point, THE FUTURE!

Well, as I - and Rainman - accurately predicted, with only the benefit of common sense...he/she is not doing too well.

The tone of this post may sound like I'm sailing close to the wind in terms of whats acceptable here, but you see the thing is, I can't stand Charlatans!! hATE THE F*****S! And don't care who knows it. HDRKid has accused Darby of being a liar on this thread and so I don't have any problems in calling a spade a spade.

As someone who tried very hard way back at the beginning of this thread to get HDRKid to properly commit to the Hillary for Prez prediction, I just wanted to give him/her one last chance to do so. Anyone who's followed this thread from the start can't help but notice how HDRKid has always squirmed out of putting any money where the mouth is. Well, pretty soon, the Democratic nomination will be decided once and for all and the possibility of Clinton getting knocked out on her behind (or not) becomes a real possibility. So whaddya say HDRKid?

Still staying true to your incredible time travel future knowledge? (even though picking a Presidential winner from the candidates hardly needs remote viewing knowledge) Or, like your prediction that Kerry would be Prez (and so MANY other completely WRONG insights you've offered into future events), is it time for you to start distancing yourself from your own smell??

Personally, I think that if Hillary fails to make the nomination a good case will have been made to move this thread finally - AT LAST! -to the Hoax section as, indeed, HDRKid's original Paranormal Network thread was moved.

Its time to put this crap to bed once and for all.

For a long time now, I've stated on numerous occasions here that I will accept and post HDRKid's time travelling claims as bona fide if Hillary wins if only he/she admits the claims are crap and fraudulant if he/she doesn't. All I've had for a year is a hunch, HDRKid supposedly has had the beneficial advantage of actual time travel and future knowledge.

I don't believe that HDRKid is mentally ill or drug addled. My belief is simply that HDRKid is a lying, fraudulant hoaxer. A pathetic (and incompetent) charlatan.

That being the case, I say final chance HDRKid, put up or shut up! Will your thread go to the Hoax section where it deserves to be or will you actually stand by your time travel prediction and then prove me wrong?

Its really easy. And whatsmore as far as I can see you STILL have a good chance of being right whether or not your lying! Seriously. How much courage do you need? What's one more tiny little piece of fraudulant bravado to someone like you?

Go on. Take up my challenge. I dare you.

Your going to look like a right ass if you don't.
Re: They always have a scapegoat. was: Ride of...

Thank you for bringing me up to date on this thread when hdrkid would not. Im interested to see how it all works out. Reactor
Re: They always have a scapegoat. was: Ride of...

Hi Rain:
It may be that you will be right about gasoline going over $4/gal this year. I saw that happening in 2009.

The point is, your form of "RVing the future" (which is nothing of the sort, it is merely guessing) is not as good as mine. And I do not claim to be RVing the future. Rather, I claim to use mathematical and statistical projections. As of 5/12 we are now at $3.72 per gallon. I projected that we would bust $4/gal from that same chart I provided in my last post. It is quite simple to calculate the percentage rise during the summer driving months over a base price established in early FEB of each year. The last two yearly rises from the FEB base price have been 30% and 39%. Hence, I used that same average percentage rise (34.5%) from this year's FEB base price to project a peak of approximately $4.10/gal.

This is basically a lesson to all others as to how valuable your predictions are...not very. And at the same time I show people a more reliable way to "predict the future". Although as the stock brokers say: "Past performance is not an indicator of future results." :D

Re: They always have a scapegoat. was: Ride of...

Hi Reactor:
Go to Firedocs and learn remote viewing. You can see the future. It is easy for debunkers to make fun, but it is better to learn RV.

Hi Timeprof:
Money does not bring you happiness, but having children can, and tears too.

Hi Recall:
Food prices are going up because we are converting food into fuel.

Hi Skeptic:
You lost interest, but keep coming back to make nasty comments, yeah right.

Hi Rain:
Bush was in Saudi Arabia trying to get them to open the spigot a little wider.

Hi Darby:
IF, you did not care, you would not be here.

The United States is the top exporter of corn in the world, however in 2006 1/5 was used as fuel, in 2008 1/4 was fuel, and by 2009 a 1/3 will be used for fuel.

Obama formed a green team with liberals talking about lowering greenhouse gases and pollution by using biofuels. He forgot to tell people that more energy goes into making a gallon of ethanol than you get out. Ethanol is a net loss.

E85 was praised as a saviour. The Alternate Energy crowd loved it.

Obama preached to iowans about the wonders of ethanol. He said for $150/each all cars in america could be converted to E85; so that we could reduce american dependence on foreign oil by producing our fuel right here at home.;feature=related

It sounded too good to be true, but he won in iowa.;feature=user

Different state, different story.

Seeing that food prices were going thru the roof, Obama shifted gears,
His new message was that E85 is evil, corn is evil, and white people are evil.

Now Obama talks about little children being sacrificed to the corn god. How ethanol is bad for the environment. To fill your 25 gallon tank on your SUV with ethanol requires over 500 lbs. of corn, and this corn has enough calories to feed a child for a year. So when you fill up your tank with E85 a child in Africa starves to death.

In contrast John McCain said from day one that converting food into fuel was a disaster waiting to happen. It would hurt poor people by drving up the cost of corn as well as milk and eggs produced from corn. John McCain lost in iowa he was number three behind Mike Huckabee, and Mitt Romney.

I predict that Obama will lose in Kentucky. He constantly changes positions. McCain sticks to his story.
Re: They always have a scapegoat. was: Ride of...

Negative hrkid is back.

Really, did you not figure out that the farmers have so much corn in this Country that just sits in silos that using corn as fuel is really nothing at all, and if it were not for this Country, more people would be starving in Africa due to their internal politics.

Yes, this Country has that much corn.
Along with some other food, but do not expect farmers to go broke in a Capitalistic Society, where other people may also charge too much for anything -- in my opinion - like Microsoft - a monopoly made by people buying it and something about talking to the rest of this world, or something to that affect. It is like the IBM computer, until compatible computers came out, and even IBM admitted that they should not have let Microsoft due the OS for their computer a long time ago. Afterall I think he bought one of the early versions of CPM OS and changed it around, and ever since, people been feeding Microsoft all their money. Now of course, some people are loonie in this world and Country.


So, I suppose that you are going to add to it, just because you have not asked "where's the beef?" type question.
Re: They always have a scapegoat. was: Ride of...

HDRKid: I predict that Obama will lose in Kentucky. He constantly changes positions. McCain sticks to his story.

Only you don't stick to your story, do you, HDRKid? You've constantly changed positions, haven't you? I mean, if you really expect people to buy into your junk why do you remain as slippery as a snake when it comes to just sticking by what you've said?

For example, you predicted Kerry would be Prez, didn't you? And we don't hear much about that anymore. Was there a problem in the RV space/time continuum when it came to that prediction? What went wrong?

Is there something fundamentally amiss with your RV skills that leaves you frightened to provide a guarantee for your predictions?

What's up with that, exactly? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

These aren't nasty comments, HDRKid. They are legitimate questions that you never ever answer. It just amazes me that you can post here with a straight face.
Re: They always have a scapegoat. was: Ride of...

Hi Darby:
IF, you did not care, you would not be here.

The United States is the top exporter of corn in the world, however in 2006 1/5 was used as fuel, in 2008 1/4 was fuel, and by 2009 a 1/3 will be used for fuel.

Obama formed a green team with liberals talking about lowering greenhouse gases and pollution by using biofuels. He forgot to tell people that more energy goes into making a gallon of ethanol than you get out. Ethanol is a net loss...[snip the rest of the OT response]


What does any of that "clumsily deft" (I'm a time traveler - I predicted it) avoid-the-question post have to do with responding to my question about what happened to your guaranteed-to-stop-the-debunkers-from-laughing-at-HDRKid prediction that Hillary would be the nominee?

I'm beginning to edge toward Skepti's thoughts...move your threads to a Hoax Story forum as has happened elsewhere.

I don't know for sure that it would be done - and wouldn't be especially disappointed if I wasn't - but do you want to make it a personal challenge for me? I'm willing to take up the gauntlet if that's your desire. I wouldn't pull for a TOS ban on you - just a movement of your threads to a brand new category...Hoax Time Travel Stories - or maybe just move them to Time Travel Fiction - a forum that already exists.

As I said before, you haven't missed on the Hillary prediction yet. It's still theoretically possible for her to get the nomination.

But I'm sticking with my prediction that once she doesn't get it you'll call many, me personally, a liar for suggesting that you ever stated that Hillary would get the nomination.

I'm also sticking with my prediction that you'll never show us the post where you made the prediction about Coke Blaq.
Re: They always have a scapegoat. was: Ride of...

i gave the kiddo the benefit of the doubt. people can go back and see that i tried everytime to do that until it got to the point where the kid didnt care if i believed him/her or not. kiddo offered to let robbie use the hdr, but not me. if i wouldve come on here and said after using hdr that it worked, that wouldve been a gigantic endorsement. alot of people respect me and know i dont lie, so what gives?

'cause kiddo knows that if i use it, im going to tell the truth, not play along and daydream. the truth is, it is not a hyper dimensional resonator. it is simply an electromagnet.

im still willing to try it out kiddo. might be one of your last chances to prove yourself to be truthful. but for some reason, i dont think your worried about who thinks you are truthful. some people have enough to believe. just know that if its not the truth, you will have to look in the mirror for misleading. its a hard thing to do when you look in the mirror and that hits you.
Average price of self-serve regular close to $4

I think the title of this new story says it all.

And debunkers like hdrkid laughed at me. Look at how those debunkers are crying today!
Just remember that I told everyone (especially the Kid) that the price would cross $4/gal right about the time the DEM nomination is settled. Are you keeping close watch? Here is a choice quote from the above story too that further reduces any wiggle room hdrkid may think he has:

These areas had the highest average gas prices in the survey. They were Chicago, $4.07 and Long Island, New York, $4.01.

"That is the first time in history we have ever had two metro areas over $4 a gallon," said Lundberg.

So if you infer correctly from this quote, RainmanTime has predicted history in the making. And all my debunkers said I didn't have a chance of being right. Who is laughing now, debunkers (hdrkid!)? :D

Re: Average price of self-serve regular close to $4

chicago is the only city that reached the 4-dollar mark thus far. new york hasn't,not really,check the link on this 26th page that was presented previously,with the graphic shown. may 19th - only city is chicago that pays 4 dollars.

But yeah,you are correct. As i said before,we pay almost 7 bucks per gallon and were lucky to earn a thousand bucks in this country. Food, energy and clothing prices are pretty high here. SO it amazes me that 4 dollars is such panic.

6.49402381 - the cheapest fuel
the average fuel - 6.68280355

exact numbers and it's growing here as well,soon enough it's going to be 7 dollars.

At them oment by the standard of your living were paying 26.7312142 dollars...up almost a dollar since my last input on the topic on april 28th.
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