Re: They always have a scapegoat. was: Ride of...
Hi Darby:
I plan to vote for McCain, not the Hillary/Obama team.
McCain came out in favor of doing something about the environment this helped convince me.
McCain favoured the gas tax holiday, O'bama is against it. McCain wants to help homeowners, O'bama says no more Wallfare - welfare for Wall street.
McCain favors the second amendment. Obama is against it.
"As the campaign moves forward, we will be portraying very stark differences." McCain said. "It's not an accident that he has, I think…the most liberal voting record in the United States Senate. I have one of the most conservative."
Hi Recall:
I followed your link and got this.
How true. This is not a good sign.
Mike Huckabee said that instead of spending stimulus checks we should use the money to rebuild infrastructure.
Hi TimeProf:
We have free will. I can tell you what happens on alternate timelines, but not what happens here. I can only predict based on what are likely possibilities based on what happened on timelines similar to ours.
Hi Reactor:
I agree, and I believe she would do an even better job than her husband, but we are a nation at war and the person with the most experience is McCain. Perhaps he knows somethings that I do not. Personally I think that the war now in Iraq and later iran was a mistake.
Hi Easdraagl:
Of the thirty jumps, Clinton was prez in 27, Rudy in 2, and Barack Hussein Obama in only 1. In that one he was a much nicer person and had Hillary as VP. He did not make any nasty comments about white people. In our timeline, Obama goes to a racist church that preaches hate and has helped divide our country even more.
Why did Rudy win in two lines? OK, he grabbed a lot of dems and independants. He was able to carry New York, Florida, Texas, and California.
Hi Ruthless:
The Bill & Hill team did a great job of creating jobs and balancing the budget. I wish that she had another crack at the bat, but with the war in the middle east heating up, it seems that the best choice is McCain. I have not seen a single timeline where McCain was prez so I am taking a chance.
Hi Rain:
It may be that you will be right about gasoline going over $4/gal this year. I saw that happening in 2009. Also, I saw politicians trying to keep the price down in an election year, but on our line the gas tax holiday failed. Instead of help for the poor we have empty rhetoric from the cocky rooster Obama. Hens lay eggs, but roosters crow.
I predict that Clinton will win WV and Kentucky. Already Obama is working on his exit strategy, blaming his loss on racist white people.