The HDRkid Thread

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Re: Average price of self-serve regular close to $4

chicago is the only city that reached the 4-dollar mark thus far. new york hasn't,not really,check the link on this 26th page that was presented previously,with the graphic shown. may 19th - only city is chicago that pays 4 dollars.

It is here in Los Angeles as well. Perhaps not at an averaged level, but I am now paying $4.01 for regular in my neck of the woods...and I see it higher elsewhere.

But yeah,you are correct. As i said before,we pay almost 7 bucks per gallon and were lucky to earn a thousand bucks in this country. Food, energy and clothing prices are pretty high here. SO it amazes me that 4 dollars is such panic.

Understood and agreed. But have you ever been to the USA? This is the part that the average Euro does not understand...the vastness of our country. It is MUCH different than life in Europe. We live across much larger least out in the Southwest where I live. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

6.49402381 - the cheapest fuel
the average fuel - 6.68280355

exact numbers and it's growing here as well,soon enough it's going to be 7 dollars.

At them oment by the standard of your living were paying 26.7312142 dollars...up almost a dollar since my last input on the topic on april 28th.

Yes, Europe has always had higher fuel prices. But why? Well, part of it comes once you see how much is base cost for refining the fuel, and how much is taxes added on by your governments. In pretty much all forms of taxation, you Euros pay WAY more taxes to "big guvmint" than we do. In fact, taxes were one of the primary reasons we decided to make our break from Big Bad King George! :D

Re: They always have a scapegoat. was: Ride of...

I predict that Obama will lose in Kentucky.

Wow. Amazing. The problem is you could not have (and did not) predict this YEARS ago when you allegedly "RV'ed" Hillary winning the presidency. How much of an "hdrkid" prediction is it when all you have to do is read the polls and regurgitate them? BAH!

He constantly changes positions.

Just like you, kid! Amazing!
Re: Average price of self-serve regular close to $4

Understood and agreed. But have you ever been to the USA? This is the part that the average Euro does not understand...the vastness of our country. It is MUCH different than life in Europe. We live across much larger least out in the Southwest where I live.
also understood and agreed. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Youre correct yeah. So up here people usually drive to work in 20-30 minutes,with all the lights red and traffic jams(I hope it's what I meant,you know when cars stand in a queue due to traffic(im guessing gas is used as long as the engine is running right? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif)

What's the average time to get to work for you guys in california or the us i ngeneral ?

40-60 minutes ? or more like 80-120 minutes?
thnaks for the reply.
Re: Average price of self-serve regular close to $4

Yes, Europe has always had higher fuel prices. But why? Well, part of it comes once you see how much is base cost for refining the fuel, and how much is taxes added on by your governments. In pretty much all forms of taxation, you Euros pay WAY more taxes to "big guvmint" than we do. In fact, taxes were one of the primary reasons we decided to make our break from Big Bad King George!
I mentioned it before, we don't have euros. Since when is it such a generalization,that if oyul ivei n europe you have euros all of a sudden? Half of europe doesn't have them and won't in the comnig years. we have kroons,like sweden.
Re: Average price of self-serve regular close to $4

Hi Valeri,

What's the average time to get to work for you guys in california or the us i ngeneral ?

40-60 minutes ? or more like 80-120 minutes?

My commute is at least 45 minutes coming to work (VERY early to avoid traffic). However, when I go home it takes at least 1 hour, usually more like 70-90 minutes. I don't know what the average would be for California or the US. However, I know a LOT of people who commute MUCH farther than I do. Many live out in the desert (what we call the "Inland Empire") and drive toward the beach areas for work. These folks usually have commutes of at least 2 hours! :eek: Not fun.

Re: Average price of self-serve regular close to $4

That is a lot yeah, so in average you drive at least twice the time,and many probably 4 times the time comapred to us. our 30 minutes would be 60 minutes and 2 hours for many others. So jsut ot be safe I'll average that to 3 times as much as us.

some drive only 2 hours(like you mostly ,if we take 45 minutes and say 75 minutes back home) and some drive 4 hours comapred to our 1 hour.

So in average your 4 dollars is more like 12 dollars in practical use,since you drive much more. I'm guessing the outdoor activities you need a car to drive to are more far out as well.

Well,you pay more for a gallon than we do for a litre, but you still have a long way to 27 dollars(sorry,just a joke)

I hope you won't have to pay that much though...that would mean that you'd have 9$/1 gallon...americans would probably start going violent at that point right ?
Re: Average price of self-serve regular close to $

USA National Gas Temperature Map
Now you can see what gas prices are around the country at a glance. Areas are color coded according to their price for the average price for regular unleaded gasoline.

Cool map:

Gas Map ...

Re: Average price of self-serve regular close to $

Cool map, recall. good find!

And obviously we can now see that it is all "one big Republican plot" to get back at California since "we" didn't vote for Bush/Cheney! :D This can be the ONLY rational explanation for why CA has the highest prices on the map...all concentrated within our borders! :eek:

Re: Average price of self-serve regular close to $

Just a reply about the politics, then no more. Who said that the Democratic National Committe (whatever it is with the way it is going with them) will not give it to Hillary instead of Obama? With Michigan and Florida supposedly not counted because of being early, if Hillary can convince them that she has the popular vote and that it means something along with not being that far behind in Superdelegates votes then who knows what really the Democrats will do?

What they say and what it seems they do may be two different things?

And although McCain seems to be likeable and all of that stuff, let's get real. To me, all three political candidates are more radical then most people want to admit or think about. Some will think that is good, because it brings uncertainty ( kind of anarchy ) to an already tense world not willing to ease tensions, but to me, it will not be any kind of foundation this world can work with.
Besides China hoarding the US Dollar and N. Korea forging the U.S. Dollar, why do you think it went down in buying power -- put simply, this government is not going to allow them to get by with that - so make the Euro more attractive so they change over to that currency. Unfortunately, it does not seem to be doing this Country (the USA) any good either in the end. Live with it, someone says! Ya, right, live in a Cave, this world needs guidance not defiance and already a lot of citizens are just plain fed up already.
A person does not need a crystal ball to think about any of this all going on.
Where is my debunker now?

It is again time to take stock...

I have really only had one debunker...hdrkid. He made fun of me, and told me that because he had "RVed the future" that gas would not rise to $4/gal this year, and would remain below $4/gal until 2009. Well hdrkid is certainly not laughing now!

Not only is the average price of regular gas in the US now at $3.80 a gallon, and still climbing, but the OTHER aspect of my prediction is also coming true. Namely, that the gas price would break through the $4/gallon barrier right around the time the DEM nominee fight was over. Well, Obama now has the majority of the pledged delegates. He is already ignoring Hillary and leaving her behind to concentrate on the general election. Hillary is all but done. And all this is transpiring just as I "saw it" and "predicted it" long ago. Not only that, but even longer ago I "predicted" that hdrkid was wrong, his "RV the future" technique with his precious HDR was bogus, and that Hillary would NOT win the DEM nomination. Hdrkid is not laughing anymore. Hillary is done, and Obama will win the nomination as more alleged "Clinton loyalists" are bailing out on her. RainmanTime has spoken! :D

Re: Average price of self-serve regular close to $4

It is here in Los Angeles as well. Perhaps not at an averaged level, but I am now paying $4.01 for regular in my neck of the woods...and I see it higher elsewhere.


I drove from Solvang to San Diego last week. When I gassed up in Solvang the price ws $3.999. As I drove down US 101, I-5 and I-405 the price varied between $3.999 and $4.019. So the average price that I saw in Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles, Orange and San Diego Counties was $4.00.

The real problem isn't gasoline. Diesel #2 historically costs less than regular unleaded gasoline. The average price that I've seen for the past three months has been $1.00 more than unleaded regular. Right now it has topped $5.00.

Those references were to Southern California where Ray and I live. Typically Southern California pays $0.10 to $0.50 a gallon more than the average for the entire country.

The reason for the skyrocketing prices doesn't take a (sky) rocket scientist to figure out. First, we're almost forbidden by the Fruit-Loops in the USA to drill for any oil. Second, by law we're now forced to turn food commodoties into gasohol. Third, the Third World has suddenly discovered automobiles, democracy and capitolism. Fourth, OPEC is aware of all of the above.

With hugely expanding demand and false supply shortages being forced on the world by OPEC and US-Euro "environmental" law there simply isn't enough gasoline to go around. The Western World is awash in oil but our law makers would rather we all go a begging to OPEC while their laws simultaneously enforce a form of population control by starving some folks, most of whom are "other than white", to death by turning their food into gasoline...all in the name of Global Warming. How quaint.

And do you know how at least two US Presidential candidates want to fix it? Drill for more oil? No. Expand our supply by some other means? Nope. They are going to tax the crap out of "Big Oil". Do corporations actually pay any tax? No, of course they don't, nor does any other company whether it is a mom and pop market or a multi-national corporation. Consumers pay taxes. Tax increases are, rightfully, passed along to the consumer. If a big company is hit with huge tax increases that it can't make up in prices increases who gets hurt? The employees (aka "they're also consumers") get hurt in the form of lay-offs. Investors get hurt. Who are the investors? Retirement funds are the biggest investors. Who are they? Uh...the employees (aka "also consumers").

And we just keep on voting the whackos into office. And that's the real Inconvenient Truth.

Hey, I have a really novelle idea. Let's dig a hole and pump some crude out of it...right here in the USA.. Nah. That makes too damn much sense.
Re: Average price of self-serve regular close to $4

yeah,I know that. thats jsut how it sucks. People have been slaves of a small group for I see it, I want it all to go to kingdom-kom...serves everyone right. Since people are generally stupid..the majority anyway.and i don't mean education. I mean spiritual wisdom etc.

People are so caught up in patriotism,race,gender,same-sex marriages,religion,nationality,education that if peopel can't get beside that..which means being wise,then I say stupid as humanity is,we don't deserve to exist and should go like over 99% of previous species. Humans are too primitive and violent and stupid and too fanatical. No control over their own emotions even,which is really sad.

World population will soon reach 7 billion and what..not enoguh food,water etc and yet...peopel just keep multiplying..serves them right that China has a one-child law. ANd my opinion is,that genocide,if things continue as they 2050 there will be 10 billion people,genocide is a must if we want to save humanity as a whole. collateral damage. This planet cant and won't sustain 10 billion,let alone can't even sustain 5 billion. 200 years ago there was like 400-500 million people living in the world.that was nice.

And you knwo what, nobodys innocent, if little children die,then the ones who die don't suffer anyway,they are cool. The oens who suffer are the ones alive,I have no compassion for humanity as a whole..for osem individuals yes,as a whole nope. When [censored] hits the fan,I'll be laughing and smiling all the way. Peopel are too stupid to realize that they are being [censored] by the red/white and blue dick jammin up their ass and nobody seems to notice,nobody seesm to care. I have no pity for ignorant people who want to stay ignorant. And that's around 90 percent of people I'd say.

Somebody who wants to stay ignorant freely should perrish. Don't blame others,blame yourself. Everyone of us makes the world.If each and everyone of 6 billion would decide to stop this [censored],we would. But no,some are too greedy and most are too ignorant and comfy.
I have been dissapointed in this world for a long time now,and I'm only 18.
Re: Average price of self-serve regular close to $4

"Hey, I have a really novelle idea. Let's dig a hole and pump some crude out of it...right here in the USA.. Nah. That makes too damn much sense."

how 'bout solar powered cars? maybe even magnetism powered ones?
Re: Patent # 1.759.354

No, The Supress Tech, came back:
The Charles Nelson Pogue Device Patent # 1.759.354,
-THE original blueprints for a device that could have revolutionised the motor car have been discovered in the secret compartment of a tool box.
A carburettor that would allow a car to travel 200 miles on a gallon of fuel caused oil stocks to crash when it was announced by its Canadian inventor Charles Nelson Pogue in the 1930s.-
end quoted from:

Re: Patent # 1.759.354

that also said that with that carberator you go from 0 to 30 mph in about 10 minutes.

heres a better idea that doesent use oil: make a battery powered car. then put solar panels on top of your garage, then wire the panels to some batteries in your garage to charge the car when theres no sunlight. viola! free gas that we will never run out of.

yes, the oil industry would be crippled, but is that really such a bad thing.
Re: Patent # 1.759.354

Just a reply. Besides - China is doing this, but I doubt if they have 4 years of paperwork and another 4 years it will take them to do this because although like an oil refinery, they probably do not have what was already on the News here about this paperwork jungle and environmental gibberish that has been passed already in the USA and that is:

Building coal liquifaction plants. In there was an article about the Air Force here considering what it would cost to build these plants - in China - $3 billion dollars -- here $5 billion dollars. 30% of it would be jet fuel used for the Air Force for National Defense - and I think one plant can make when it gets going - 10 million barrels of oil a day - so 7 million barrels made from this plant could be various forms of gasoline made. That is coal combined somehow with hydrogen that when done forms oil and then that makes gasoline.

In fact if what I heard over the radio on the talk show is true, this type of technology came out as far back as WWII, because even Hitler was making some form of artificial gasoline for his Reich as far back as that War. And others came out with it as far back as the 1940's, I guess.

So the 500-1000 year supply of coal in this Country could make a lot of gasoline if the plants were made. Well, according to the article that was thought to be make-able by 2016. I say if all the red tape was not involved, they probably could really do it in a year or two or three, if really wanting to. I doubt really if the government really wants to - being the way both political parties really are. (??)

That means that 10 plants of coal liquifaction plants would give off probabl about 70 million barrels of oil a day. Someone else mentioned that the world uses something like 88 million barrels of oil a day, with of course the demand going up because of China and such as mentioned up in a previous post.

Even if not that many plants were made enough could be made to really make a difference. Of course, the government probably will not, because they just don't want gasoline cars on the road anymore, and want to push onwards to something else and something less environmentally concerning.

But already London with city buses have been using hydrogen as fuel although it costs something like 4 million pounds (currency) to do that with the conversion and changing over and costs concerned I think over a year -- as reported one day on the BBC News.

So all of this with the coal is not rocket science, and has been around that long, as far back as WWII.
Re: Patent # 1.759.354

And do not get anyone started on lawyers and their infatuation with theirselves perhaps in this Country and their profession.
Re: Patent # 1.759.354

Hi Ruthless:
Actually solar powered cars exist today in labs. Sadly they are not in production. Now, why is this? The debunkers at GM laughed at hybrids back in 1997 when Toyota came out with the Prius. Well, Friday GM stock sank to a 26 year low and last year GM lost 39 billion dollars. That's what happens when debunkers run a company. Back in 1997 GM was flying high making Gigantor SUVs and megavans, nothing mini about them. Toyota engineers had the foresight to make hybrids when oil was $12/b to prepare for the day when it would hit $300/b.

Hi Recall:
Sadly oil companies are more powerful today, than they were back then. In fact, the most profitable company is Exxon-Mobil. They like the record profits. "With that kind of money; you can buy the Supreme Court" - Tony Montana.

Hi Timenot:
Yes coal -> gas was done back in the 40's by Nazi Germany of all places. We should explore all options.

Hi Valeri:
Get the skills now that will allow you to survive in a post nuke world.

BTW, guess Clinton let the cat outta the bag?

Home price index posts largest drop in history

Buffett sees "long, deep" U.S. recession

Get rid of SUV, get a scooter

World Economy in Trouble

Hi Skeptic:
Back in 2005 when I told people to sell their big expensive house and get a small energy efficient one, Darby laughed. He asked what I was smoking when I said the real estate market would collapse.
When I told people to sell their big SUV and get a scooter, he named me scooter.

Well, now that gas is nearly $4/gal look at one green machine.

The KYBELE Cyber Scooter is max retro dude.

Hi Rain:
Right now any casino in Vegas will take your money if you bet on Hillary. Back in 2001 when I told people to get gold the debunkers laughed. I predict that gold will hit 2000 soon and oil 200.

I remember a street preacher the other day who said "MLK was Moses and Obama is Jesus." I said "Very prophetic!"

Hi Darby
In 2005 when I said that people should sell their SUV and get a scooter the debunkers laughed at my prediction of oil going over $80/b in 2006, $100/b in 2007, and $120/b in 2008. Well, I cam close, oil went up to 78.80 in 2006, up to 99.60 in 2007. However, people now forgewt that the debunkers said that peak oil was a hoax.

I did warn you that soon there would be no food in the grocery store and no fuel at the filling station. I use remote viewing to see that the cities in the future were dark and no cars on the road.

Peak oil is not a hoax, it is real, you are seeing the beginning of the end. Peak oil is here!

John Titor said "Get a bicycle", but he also warn people not to trust the government and that the AFE would hold people without trial.

To justify holding him, the government claimed a broad interpretation of the president's wartime powers, one that goes beyond warrantless wiretapping or monitoring banking transactions. Government lawyers told federal judges that the president can send the military into any U.S. neighborhood, capture a citizen and hold him in prison without charge, indefinitely.

There is little middle ground between the two sides in al-Marri's case, which is before a federal appeals court in Virginia. The government says the president needs this power to keep the nation safe. Al-Marri's lawyers say that as long as the president can detain anyone he wants, nobody is safe.

<a href="" title="Don't Be an Idiot" alt="Don't Be an Idiot"><img src="" width=125 height=125 border=0/></a>
Re: Patent # 1.759.354

Back in 2005 when I told people to sell their big expensive house and get a small energy efficient one, Darby laughed. He asked what I was smoking when I said the real estate market would collapse. said what in 2005? And I reacted how? Show me the post, please.

It wasn't here, because you didn't have any posts here in 2005. And it wasn't on your personal HRDKid site or your HDRKid Blog during 2005 either.

You didn't start talking about the housing crunch until December of 2006.

So, just for the record, what site where I was a member (thus able to respond bu laughing) did you post that on on 2005? (Tic, tic, tic...the clock is running and will run forever because you won't respond to the question. Once again proving that I'm a time traveler because I can predict the future with virtually 100% accuracy.))

I think that "gl100" summed your stories up quite nicely one fine February day in 2007 on Paranormalis qhen responding to this post:

hdrkid is back


Welcome one and all.
hdrkid is back.
It's been awhile.

This is the hdrkid
going to the past and seeing palaces and kings
going to the future and seeing unbelievable things.

It's flying cars
It's men on Mars
It's people traveling to the stars.

BTW Zippy, before you get started, let me just go on record as predicting the following:

The kid will refer to certain individuals who logically point out the fallacies in his/her predictions as…wait for it… it comes….DEBUNKERS!!!! The list of these individuals includes, but is not limited to, the following: Me, Starlord, Zeo, Harte, Brent, all scientists, all researchers, all educated people, all logical people, most people over the age of 12, all rational adults, all detractors real or imagined, of the Wright Brothers and Jaques Costeau, doctors at the World Health Organization, The fine folks at Volkswagen and Carlos Santana. I add Mr. Santana because anyone that can play guitar like that is definitely not an idiot. This list is valid across all timelines, worldliness, realities, and dimensions. If I omitted your name, take heart. Zippy here can see the future so I'm sure he's already seen your posts calling him/her a moron.

These accusations will, at some point, be made along with a ridiculous reference regarding some misunderstood, historical event. For example, “debunkers thought the Wright brothers were nothing more than bicycle builders that were just dreaming. They said, ‘You’ll never get that contraption to fly, it is to heavy!” At times, odd and strange analogies will be included such as "debunkers are like the banker that won't give you an umbrella when it rains."

He/She and the other world wide HDR users, which I’m sure are, if not legion, then certainly 2 or 3 other morons, will at some point be compared to heroic inventors of the past such as, but not limited to, Tesla, The Wright Brothers, Jacques Costeau and of course, that Kansas pig farmer made good, Steven Gibbs.

When not blathering on about shiny, happy people who live in domed houses by frozen oceans and grow their own produce to the melodic strains of pop max reggaeton, the main ominous prophecies from Nostradumbass will include, but not be limited to: Iran, the draft, Hillary, bird flu, gas prices, gold prices, oil prices, the color of his/her house and various ridiculous statements about, his/her hilltop shelter, Texas oilmen, scientists and those mean, awful, Godless debunkers. Oh and Coke Blak. Or is it Coke Blaq? I forget.

Zippy will vehemently deny, decry, denounce and generally poo poo any accusations regarding his/her “incredible” prophetic skills being derived from CNN, MSN, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, the internet, Google, any and all major daily, weekly and monthly periodicals. In short, he/she does not get any of his predictions from any media outlet on this planet or in the surrounding tri-planet area.

Seems that I'm not the only "debunker" that's called you on the Coke Blaq fantasy.
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